Wednesday 8th of January 2025

real terrorists .....

real terrorists .....

‘When we have settled the land, all the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged cockroaches in a bottle.’

– Israeli Army Chief of Staff Raphael Eitan, 1983

Israel’s official excuses for extinguishing over 1,300 Palestinian lives—half of them civilian and one-third of them children— are oft-repeated by its apologists: Hamas’ rocket fire made the invasion unavoidable, and its tactics made civilian casualties inevitable.

Do these positions dovetail with—or decapitate—history? Are they logical? Are they moral? Or are they smokescreens, designed to disguise troublesome facts about both Israel’s strategy and its very origins?

The reality behind the rockets

Israel’s first argument about Hamas’ rockets fails on several levels.

It neatly—and falsely—posits Hamas as the attacker and Israel as the defender. The only problem with this pleasant fiction is that Israel has been expelling, occupying, and imprisoning Palestinians long before Hamas even came into existence.

As Israeli journalist Amira Hass wrote in January, “Gaza is not a military power that attacked its tiny, peace-loving neighbor, Israel. Gaza is a territory that Israel occupied in 1967, along with the West Bank. Its residents are part of the Palestinian people, which lost its land and its homeland in 1948.”

But how did it “lose” its homeland? After unearthing their country’s declassified archives, honest Israeli scholars have pointed to an Israeli campaign of rape, murder, and ethnic cleansing that entered full swing in 1947. Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, said to a colleague shortly after Israel’s expulsion of 750,000 Palestinians, “They only see one thing: we have come here and stolen their country. Why should they accept that?”

torture, rape, killings...

From Fisk, The Independent

I think, however, there is yet one more point. The rules of war – the Geneva Conventions and all the other post-Second World War laws – were meant to prevent another Holocaust. They were specifically designed to ensure that no one should ever again face the destruction of Mrs Greenman and her child. They were surely not made only for one race of people. And it is these rules which Israel so disgracefully flouted in Gaza. It's a bit like the refrain from Lord Blair of Kut al-Amara and a whole host of other apparatchiks when the torture at Abu Ghraib was revealed. Well, yes, they told us, it was bad – but not as bad as Saddam Hussein's regime.

And of course, this argument leads to perdition.


meanwhile some dirty secrets surface from the sands of the region...

Israel learns of a hidden shame in its early years
Soldiers raped and killed Bedouin girl in the Negev
Chris McGreal in Jerusalem, Tuesday 4 November 2003

For 54 years the fate of a young Bedouin girl who disappeared in the Negev desert was relegated to rumour and a single entry in the diary of David Ben-Gurion, the prime minister of the fledgling Israeli state.
"It was decided and carried out: they washed her, cut her hair, raped her and killed her," he wrote.

After that the case became one of the state's earliest secrets, and no more than hearsay passed between soldiers.

Now the Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz has used previously classified army documents to reveal the full story of what Mr Ben-Gurion called a "horrific atrocity".

In August 1949, an army unit stationed at Nirim in the Negev shot an Arab man and captured a Bedouin girl with him. Her name and age remain unknown, but she was probably in her mid-teens.

In the following hours she was taken from the hut and forced to shower naked in full view of the soldiers. Three of the men then raped her.

After the Sabbath meal the platoon commander, identified by Ha'aretz as a man called Moshe who had served in the British army during the second world war, proposed a vote on what should be done with her.

One option was to put her to work in the outpost's kitchen.

Most of the 20 or so soldiers present voted for the alternative by chanting: "We want to fuck". The commander organised a rota for groups of his men to gang rape the girl over the next three days. Moshe and one of his sergeants went first, leaving the girl unconscious. Next morning, she complicated matters by protesting about her treatment. Moshe told one of his sergeants to kill her. 

Isolated case of savagery?


Meanwhile in the Israeli army, three years ago...

Israel shocked by alleged rape of young girl on army base
By: Associated Press  
Published: May 2, 2006  
It's being described as the worst sexual abuse scandal in the army's history. As many as 35 Israeli soldiers are suspected of statutory rape of an 11-year-old girl who lived with her family on an air force base in southern Israel.

Defense lawyers say the girl, now in counseling, lied to the soldiers about her age, claiming she was older, and that the sex was consensual. Regardless, legal experts said the soldiers could still be prosecuted for statutory rape.

The case marks a new low for the military, once Israel's most revered institution, tarnished in recent years by incidents of financial corruption and sexual misconduct. 



the gaza holocaust .....

The horrendous mortality and morbidity statistics revealed by the paper "The Wounds of Gaza", just published in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet are truly shocking – 1,350 killed (60% children) and 5,450 severely wounded (40% children) in reprisals for zero (0) Israeli deaths from Gaza rockets in the preceding year.

This demands International Criminal Court and intra-national prosecutions and Sanctions and Boycotts against Apartheid Israel by all decent Australians and indeed all decent people around the world.

meanwhile, the Zionist carpetbaggers continue illegal activities …..

Israel has taken control of a large chunk of land near a prominent West Bank settlement, paving the way for the possible construction of 2,500 settlement homes, officials said Monday, in a new challenge to Mideast peacemaking. Successive Israeli governments have broken promises to the United States to halt settlement expansion, defined by Washington as an obstacle to peace.

Ongoing expansion is likely to create friction not only with the Palestinians, but with President Barack Obama, whose Mideast envoy, George Mitchell, has long pushed for a settlement freeze. Obama has said he'd get involved quickly in Mideast peace efforts...

Just learing.

The Gaza HolocaustIn my research of ancient Israel, I found this:Canaanite Culture
September 21, 2003
We know from the Bible and from experience that God is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. The Bible tells us that again and again.A question I’ve been asked is, “How could a good God command the Israelites to slaughter every man, woman, child, and even animal in the cities of the Canaanite nations? Is this the same God that listed ‘Thou shalt not kill?’ in the 10 Commandments?” In Deuteronomy, God gives these instructions to Israel:In the cities of the nations the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes. Completely destroy them — the Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites — as the LORD your God has commanded you.

Source:, ©Susan C. Anthony and she rightly informs us that the relevant Commandment in the Jewish Bible is "Thou shall not murder" not "Thou shall not kill".



Why is it so?

The more I learn about the history of Ancient Israel and the highs and lows of its most devout believers, I become very concerned.May I say that our history has tried to teach us that "The only thing necessary for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing".It certainly does appear that the teachings of the Zionists of ancient Israel began with King David's capture of Jebus which he made his capital and called it Jerusalem.  It is recorded that he also blended with a cult from Mount Zion? These extremists seem to be the origin of the "born to rule" attitude of the new Israel.Pro Zionists argue that Islam came after but that is using religion as an excuse for the many murders and massacres for which the Zionists are alleged to have committed over centuries. It seems to me that Gaza has opened a Pandora's Box and this can only be to the disadvantage of the Zionists.The Arabs since the beginning of time are human beings who have historically remained peaceful until invaded by others and should be so credited by all civilised people in the world.There is no doubt that the Palestine lands have been stolen from them and this intention has been admitted by leaders of new Israel, even before they unilaterally declared they were a state.It seriously concerns me that, if the free people of the western world accept the behaviour of this technically illegal "State", we are condoning a virtual copy of the most offensive use of power since the Nazi era.  Remember “Peace in our Time”?Whatever the nasty politics are behind the scenes, the attitude of so-called democratic regimes like the Bush administration, to the slaughter of a people in Gaza and other Palestine societies will invariably create a Holocaust of its own.I don't understand the logic in ignoring the lessons of history, unless, the powers that be want it so.NE OUBLIE. 


Truth will out. "In every Muslim country surveyed, overwhelming or near unanimous majorities expressed negative views toward Jews. The figure reached 99 percent in Jordan, 98 percent in Egypt and 94 percent in Pakistan. Twenty-eight percent of Jordanians and 22 percent of Egyptians volunteered that "Jews" were to blame for bad relations between Muslims and the West, although Jews were not mentioned in the question."The survey, was done on the population of those countries, but does that mean they are all Muslims? Or is that a race? And in any case - how surprising? Why would the Jews be unpopular in the Middle East when they have considered themselves as different since the the beginning of their religion - or is that a race?For some unknown reason to me, new Israel classifies itself as "western" and is so considered by the Arab nations of the middle east.Bearing in mind that the history of the nomadic tribes of the Arabian Desert who evolved into the Jews of today, I find that fascinating.

The east is east and the west is west and never the twain shall meet?