Friday 7th of March 2025

the works of the great one-eyed cyclops .....

why would they hate us .....

A raid into Syria on Sunday was carried out by American Special Operations forces who killed an Iraqi militant responsible for running weapons, money and foreign fighters across the border into Iraq, American officials said Monday. 

The helicopter-borne attack into Syria was by far the boldest by American commandos in the five years since the United States invaded Iraq and began to condemn Syria’s role in stoking the Iraqi insurgency. 

The timing was startling, not least because American officials praised Syria in recent months for its efforts to halt traffic across the border. 

But in justifying the attack, American officials said the Bush administration was determined to operate under an expansive definition of self-defense that provided a rationale for strikes on militant targets in sovereign nations without those countries’ consent. 

Officials Say US Killed An Iraqi In Raid In Syria

usual tally of children as "collateral damage."

Surging Into Syria: American Incursion Opens New Front in Quagmire     
Taking a page from the new bipartisan strategy now being employed in Afghanistan -- waging cross-border military raids into sovereign countries in order to protect a failing military occupation in a neighboring country -- the United States has apparently launched its first known incursion into Syria: the usual assault from on high with the usual tally of children as "collateral damage."

read more of Chris Floyd...