Monday 24th of February 2025

la bella bishop .....

la bella bishop .....

Belated applause for a stand up comic... 

I laugh sometimes at the SUPERB hypocritical aplomb of the Liberal Party's personnel....  

For years its grand-priests did not do much about much, except, with brilliant con-artistry, batter women into the kitchen, drive workers into the ground, lumber businesses with GST, deliver smelly policies in regard to refugee and Aborigines, declare wars on a whim — while gloating like French geese about to be overfed, plus acting like scarecrows in fields o' golden beans. 

The mind boggles on how we survived the bullshit onslaught for more than 11 years. 

This morning hearing, on Radio national, La WondaWoman, La Bella Bishop, claiming that the Labor Party has 'done nothing' since being elected, I laughed my head off, thinking: my poor woman!... Great delivery, total bullshit. Ahahahahahah...  

And in regard to the oldies, your party did NOTHING/BUGGERALL towards the pensioners while in office... despite having a 'huge' financial boom (illusionary as it was), that your Party claimed to be responsible for, while it was the Chinese demand for resources and some super dangerous greed that were driving it at top banana speed.

Yes Ms Bishop, in my view, all your Party did was to bring super-inflationary polices like baby - and first home buyer - bonuses while blowing up the cost of education twenty times, propping the cost of daily fare at least twice and that of housing thrice — all beyond ordinary folks' reach. You got lucky the Reserve bank does not include some items in its inflation calculations. 

The poor fell between the cracks. 

Outrageous greed was the name of the Howard game. Impossible 'aspirational' dreams were dangled like fake carrots on a line or like a tempting wallet on a string, while workers were being driven into real 'aspirational' slavery... On top of that, deviously calculated 'aspirational' easy credit was tying them down to the grindstone for about three lifetime or forever, whichever came first. And still NOTHING for the pensioners...

Sure Rudd and Swan can say nothing more than 'they could not live on the pension'. So would Minchin, Heffernam, yourself and the zillion other greedy politicians of all colours...   

And while Paul Keating would have brought the Super to 15 per cent as it should have been, Costello sat on his hands on this one, and delivered tax cuts to the rich... 

Eventually he had to give some ballast, bringing late tax incentive on the Super, which the rich savoured as they could amass away ten times as fast as before, while the workers could still save nothing...  

One could see the whole Howardian/Colstellonian package about to blow up. And if it had not blown up, it's because it did 'implode' slowly after the elections — slowly dismantled by a careful Labor, when the world economy also went ass up, as predicted by your humble servant (did not have to be clever — a dog full of flees could see it coming).  

And there is still some shrapnel about...   

Due to years of world greed and 'unsustainable growth' — aka Howardian mirage —  the world economy has thrown tantrums, that have not calmed down despite the numerous rescue packages that your buddy Bushit had to throw like lifelines to a drowning penguin. So far nearly HALF A TRILLION dollars of what I call counterfeit Fed US banknotes, the ink of which is still wet, is rotting many economies around the world, including Australia's...  

The price of petrol went through the roof at the hands of profiteers, the subprime housing loans went belly up while the shonks who sold them are now basking in the hurricane prone Bahamas sunny shores. Other massive con-tricks surfaced, some are still submerged... 

So the Labor party did nothing? Unlike the Howardian fear tactics that was designed to scare the populace into submission, the Labor party does things piano va sano, without frightening people... Sure we've been frightened when we've seen New South Wales Labor shoot itself badly in the belly, the Western Australian Labor fall into the trap of smugness, but, in general, the Libs are still in a worse shape than an upturned rotten dinghy without rowlocks. The same people are still paddling under it.  

Signing Kyoto, saying sorry to the stolen generations, reducing the unfortunate impact of the 'intervention' in some Aboriginal communities, tweaking back some of the outrageous policies of Howard on refugees, etc... and more responsible management that is less spruiked than during the tooted fake Howard years, are a few of the Rudd government quiet achievements. Sure Labor can do better — like, may be, give pensioners a 15 bux bonus a week and Bob's your-pear-cut-in-half. In order to minimise the inflationary impact of this generous act, the government should reduce the tax cut for the rich to recoup the money spent on the pensioners! That would shut the Libs up in a rut. 

Despite hyperventilating about it, your party was doing NOTHING, NOTHING towards arresting global warming as there are creationists and global warming sceptics amongst your important non-luminaries —scientifically bypassed god botherers, yet savvy political animals when it comes to selling glorious furphies... Ahahahahahah...

So, you had to 'SAVE' your illustrious leader from that woman!... I must say I was laughing my head off so much and have done so all this time till I could master a steady pen to draw a cartoon reflecting the moment...  Ahahahahah... that moment took the cream-cake of illustriousness! I must apologise: the toon is not as funny as your depicted heroics! Ahahahahah... 

Says one of the dung beetles: 'DEPUTY Opposition Leader Julie Bishop says she was forced to stand between a “menacing” Belinda Neal and Liberal leader Brendan Nelson on a flight from Canberra to Sydney... 

As if Nelson could not fend for himself!!!!! A mouse or a weakling, as a leader?... Pull the other leg!!! As fierce as Belinda Neal can appear, she may have more moral fibre than there is in your entire Party! More balls than Nelson? Sure, Ahahahahahahah.... Ahahahahah.. that's very funny.... 

Yes, Belinda Neal is no shrinking violet and appear to call a spade a spade when she is not happy... and there are unfortunate situations that can be capitalised upon by your mob...  

'If the Labor Party has paid for that counselling then I suggest they ask for a refund,'. Ah Ms Bishop! The facile glib!!!. Sooooooo cute but sooooooo disingenuous! 

I've got tears in my eyes! Laughing too much!

Still...  You know what? May be we should make sure the Libs stay in opposition for a very long long time so you can deliver plenty more of such entertaining fluff forever. Ahahahahah...

In government there is work to do.... 

And congrats to the Greens in the council elections...

rumours. stop press...

Rumours from the man in the street is that Nelson got the gong again but a few faces are about to disappear from the front bench, including Abbott. Minchin is about to get the position of Treasury... So advances the stakes of La Bella Bishop, one of Nicks proteges...

rumours press

Turnbull won the gig...


Turnbull victorious in leadership spill

Malcolm Turnbull has seized the Liberal leadership from Brendan Nelson after winning this morning's party room ballot by 45 votes to 41.

Julie Bishop was unopposed and will remain as deputy leader.

Dr Nelson called the spill late yesterday in a move designed to surprise Mr Turnbull, who had been on holiday in Italy last week.

Dr Nelson has held the leadership since last November, when he won the job in a vote against Mr Turnbull by 45 votes to 42.

Dr Nelson's supporters say they are disappointed but will now back Mr Turnbull, who now becomes the third Liberal leader in less than a year.

Liberal Senate leader Nick Minchin says he will support Mr Turnbull as leader, even though he voted for Dr Nelson.

Senator Minchin says Dr Nelson was not given enough time to prove his leadership abilities.

"I thought he deserved to have more time to try to establish his credentials and his authority as leader, but I respect the majority will of the party," he said.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has congratulated Mr Turnbull and says he looks forward to working with him on national challenges, especially Australia's move towards a republic.


The man in the street got it wrong the first time and rang back within ten minutes after his first rumoured dispatch, to apologise.... See above. No sweat. With his ears and nose to the ground, so close to the dirt, he can sometimes misinterpret trends and trails, although 99 per cent of the time, he's spot on. With such a close contest, there must have been some disinformation, some misinformation and some undercurrents that made him call it wrong first time round... 

Turnbull will attract different sets of flies. At least he can be looked upon as a small "L" liberal. A progressive liberal who is not afraid of back-flips, flip-flops and who is in favour of the Republic, even if his modelling is rusty and had been rejected by the populace. Turnbull will need some strong allies to navigate the leadership minefield with the Liberal leaky canoe. But he will rise to the task, although the world's economic climate is very stormy.

There are so many punches the banking system can take, without more collateral damage — us and our life savings. All this financial collapse is entirely due to the "liberal" free reign given to the finance sector... Greed was on steroid and addicted to gambling. Still is... Let see how a former finance man can explain the climate, without blaming Labor... If he does, he cooks his goose.

His best chance is to help Labor through the rough patches. Rudd is not afraid of consensus and cooperation. That would be a win-win for the country.

But despite the financial hurt, there is still plenty of slosh around... Damien Hirst, artist, made millions today by selling some works...  Weird. On the other side of the equation, HP announced that it will retrench 24,600 IT employees in the next 3 years starting from today... While the big insurance group A.I.G. in the US is begging for 70 billion dollar cheap loan from the Fed Bank...

And the storm damage by Ike, not factored in yet...

The speed at which all this turmoil is moving is flabbergasting. Lucky, the general public has a strong back and will carry the can for the ruthless, the con artists and the betting houses. That's the way the system is built. Can we say the same of the planet's environment? We need more green policies from the Libs and Labor. We need more social spirit from them too. See what the future brings...

a crummy affair...

In regard to the toon at top, one has to feel for Belinda Neal.

Last night ACA ( A Crummy Affair "exclusive"), on Channel 9, milked a story showing all the bias in the world by "letting us know" that the "whistleblower" on the "Iguanagate" storm-in-a-tea-cup was running as an "independent" against the sitting member Belinda Neal... Of course the juicy gist of the reportage — although not so spelled out — was that Neal was oh-so-wrong and the "whistleblower" was oh-so-right... Say that I feel (do I know something?) the "whistleblower" could be as reliable as a couple of planks against a tidal wave, on her retractions of her affidavit by saying she was forced to "change" it. By watching the childish announcement of this "whistleblower's candidature" on ACA exclusive, one hopes most people would feel Belinda Neal was the best formidable woman to vote for... And she certainly is.

Talk of media gutter sewer garbage reporting... Leave that to the satirist, please.

preselection demise...

But before the elections, Belinda Neal had to fight a preselection contest within her own party...

Federal Labor MP Belinda Neal has lost a preselection contest for the seat of Robertson on the New South Wales central coast.

Ms Neal's fate was decided yesterday in a ballot of 177 Labor members at the Country Women's Association hall in Woy Woy.

She was being challenged by Deborah O'Neill, a Newcastle university lecturer, who beat her 98 to 67 with four informal votes.
