Wednesday 12th of March 2025

the democracy scam .....

the democracy scam .....

The truth is that the campaigns of both Barack Obama and John McCain are being inundated with cash from more or less exactly the same gorgons of the corporate scene.  

From Wall Street to the Big Oil powerhouses to the military-industrial complex, America's fat-cat business leaders know that the Animal House-style party of the last eight years that made almost all of them rich with bonuses, government contracts and bubble profits is about to come to an end, and someone is going to have to pay to clean up the mess.  

They want that someone to be you, not them, and they've spared no expense to make sure both presidential candidates will be there to bail them out next year. 

They're succeeding. Both would-be presidents have already sold us out. They've taken the money and run - completing the cyclical transformation of the American political narrative from one of monopolistic Republican iniquity to an even more depressing tale about the overweening power of corporate money and the essentially fictitious nature of our two-party system. 

In layman's terms, we've gone from being screwed to being fucked. Who knows -- maybe Barack Obama will surprise us if he wins the election. But if you look at the money, it doesn't look good. 

Big Business Is Making Sure It Wins the Presidency

copyrights and censorship

This morning, listening to the ABC music FM, I was astounded by the announcement when the 9:00 AM news bulletin was due. It went something like:

"Due to the copyrighted Olympic content, this news bulletin will be replaced with some lovely mewzic..."

Sure the music was a nice piece by Percy Grainger played by a young fellow from the Sydney Piano Competition, but the world could have been on fire, the "Olympicus Moneyus" took censorship of a news bulletin to new heights. Ugly Auntie!... As if only Olympic stuff mattered... Blip the results if you must, or replace the guff with the first few bars of "Waltzing Matilda", but do not can history in the making, for a few "medalled" results that will not change the shape of the globe.

Uh????... Auntie can't stream "Waltzing Matilda", because the copyright is owned by Americans outside Australia...? Bugger...