Friday 14th of March 2025

harvest sunday .....


harvest sunday ..... 

The Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, Cardinal Pell, said yesterday there was nothing immoral about commercialism as he opened the first official World Youth Day venue: a merchandise tent in Hyde Park. 

The "WYD on Hyde" tent features caps, scarves, "I love Jesus" T-shirts, a Receive The Power CD set, stainless-steel dog tags, sticker packs and much more. 

Cardinal Pell did the honours at the opening ceremony, which included performances by Tempus, an introduction by Mike Willesee and the launch of the new Vatican-approved book This Is The Mass. 

"There's nothing immoral with a little commercialism," Cardinal Pell said. "Our way of life is built on commercialism, on trade, on industry and on finance. People have got a right to make a living. 

It's No Sin If You Try To Cash In: Pell

fakes and faith

'Fake' priest exposed at Vatican

A man posing as a priest has been caught trying to hear confessions in St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, a judge in the city-state has said.

Judge Gianluigi Marrone said in an interview with the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano the man had clerical robes and documents.

Judge Marrone did not say when the incident took place.

He said the man was tried by a Vatican tribunal but would not reveal the verdict or any punishment.


It takes a long time of brainwashing to become a priest: Erosion of natural curiosity in favor of sheer beliefs of a set of defined dogmatic mysteries via the history of the Church and bible tunnel-analysis. I have had many friends in my life and some were priests. Some defrocked themselves, some took their calling late and some, after having seen real life, never made pass the seminary.

For punishment to this "fake" priest, I would suggest a dozen volley of Hail Mary or may be an encouragement to join the mill, since the ranks of the priesthood are thinning out. Fake priest or real one, what matters is conviction. And I have seen "real" priests whose conviction had vanished, yet they were going through the motion, because that was the only thing they knew...

Meanwhile in the land that god forsook, presidents and president hopefools, make their best effort in breaking all the divine commandments, especially the one most ignored: that shall not kill (war included)...:


Under God

Love and Other Faith-Based Initiatives

Al Gore (D-Baptist) called it a "carefully tailored partnership," as if church and state should just wear matching uniforms. George W. Bush (R-Methodist) turned it into a "faith-based initiative." Love and other faith-based initiatives, sponsored by the Department of Homeland Eternity.

Now, Barack Obama (D-United Church of Christ) is referring to it as an "all-hands-on-deck approach."