Wednesday 15th of January 2025

animal pharm .....

animal pharm .....

The ugly side of science — the one we fought Adolph Hitler, amongst his other nasties, to stop his radical medical experiments — was defended by scientists but thankfully exposed by a revolted reporter. Even long aware of the crap that's going on behind the sterilised doors, I nearly spewed too...  

This time, under a highly unethical cover of progress and "we do it because it can be done", experiments are done on large pools of animals, not only using drugs and altered foods but also using gene technology and a very severe selective breeding in which the resulting freaks, normally rejected in the natural environment by their inability to survive, are forced to breed-on and thrive. Yes, 99.9 per cent of the resulting monsters would never be able to survive unless looked after by humans with expensive means of technology and stainless pipes... 

Thus the new rabbits glow in the dark.  

I suppose this is for hunters to see them and shoot straight without having to use the million candles strong lights... Saves on electricity... Sure. 

Thus the new chickens have no feathers — and, as the proud scientist who achieved this feat of optimized ugliness  tells us "which animal would want feathers in 40 degree heat?" As if she was doing a good deed for the poor birds!!!... Outrageous. Feathers insulate against cold and HEAT. A bare chicken skin exposed to the sun would burn faster than a Universal studio in Hollywood. But then these chicken are not to be left alone in the wild: they would die. They are thus caged slaves of human greed, under the neon lights of scientific imbecility. But then the scientists are working at improving the freaks so they can survive in the wild... Sure, the chooks wouldn't fly but they sure would scare the hell out of the foxes... 

And to mention the new massive over-muscled bull, cows and their brood... Despite being milked for his sperm in a rubber vagina, the bull looked like he was suffering from "massive" depression, permanently. His thus exploited gene deficiency did not stop his muscle to grow beyond the size of a Mack truck and were still growing... A look-alike Schwarzenegger beefsteak on four legs, the joints and bones of which may or may not be able to carry the bulk.  

This only to mention a few of the freaks, not of nature, but of the human mind gone mad in the rarefied atmosphere of laboratories!!! 

Caring Or Cruel? Inside The Primate Laboratory 

Sure, selective breeding done by humans over millennium has changed the nature of a few plants, and the husbandry of animals for food and entertainment has changed these too, but there is a great leap from a cliff face, between breeding an orange carrot for the House of Orange and creating beasts with deficient genes or altered genes via the insertion of genes segment from other species.  

The breeding and upkeep of racing horses for example is somewhat borderline, as the horses often suffer stomach ulcers and other ailments due to the rich feed which is designed to minimize weight in favor of strength and speed. Sure we do that to ourselves with supplement of this and that — proteins and vitamins that have led to the creation of the new basketballer tall subspecies— but at least we have the choice not to do it should we wish. Although our choice for proper organic food is unfortunately limited too by "Marketing" forces designed to sell the stuff that has been calibrated, bulked, modified, homogenized, added too and preservatived ... 

Sure some genetic work can be used to arrest disease in humans, but the dependence from this is mostly limited to singular individuals, not entire breeding stocks... yet... Pity the day when procreation — plus sex selection — is done mainly by test-tubing...  

As humanity destroys more and more rainforests, as humanity is hell-bent of burning more and more coal despite claiming the contrary, as humans destroy other species habitats faster than a veloce bullet train, we're loosing our senses... We're blinded by greed, without proper costing of our impact anywhere else but our backyard. 

Yes, Doktor Frankenshitt is planning more flavored turds for our tables — his work all for profit rather than for the enlightened understanding of life mechanisms.  We "improve" the beauty of nature's accidental improvements (or endways) on localized scales by producing freaks on continental scales — or even planetary destructive proportion.

Unfortunately, the manipulative result on animals is more visible than the GM on plants, but the same distortion is afforded to what it seem is going to be the staple food of the future... as if we, the general public, had no choice in the matter. We get our pat on the head and our tablets for our arteries so we can watch the world pass by from our rocking chair, while dying slowly. 

King Kong is coming, leaping from the pages of comic books into the realm of mad scientists that have just discovered how to play with Lego.  

Mind you, there is other sides to the "natural" gene shifts ... 

Norms & Deviations: Who's To Say? 

But as far as deliberately creating freaks, we may accidentally (or purposefully gleefully for some illuminated idiots) destroy or modify the entire slab of "nature", probably ending up in our "surprising" demise. 

It seems we've got nothing better to do with our stylistic time but to degrade the planet... No wonder we don't see many aliens out here... They'd think we're unbelievable greedy nuts... Should aliens come, no wonder they'd like to wipe us all out, as purported in many stupid Hollywoodian movies...  

But be prepared, we might create our own aliens to do the job.. And they might not be that big: just the size of super-virulent viruses escaped from mad labs...

pushing FrankensScheiße

Brown pushes EU to allow more modified animal feeds

By Andrew Grice, Political Editor in Brussels
Friday, 20 June 2008

Gordon Brown is calling on the European Union to relax its rules on importing genetically modified animal feed in a further sign of the Government's willingness to embrace the controversial technology. Mr Brown believes GM crops are vital to the attempt to cut spiralling food prices.

His proposal comes the day after The Independent revealed that the Environment minister, Phil Woolas, has held private talks with the biotechnology industry about relaxing Britain's policy on the use of GM crops.

The Prime Minister also signalled that he is happy to see a public debate over whether GM crops should be grown commercially in Britain to reduce global prices by boosting production. His spokesman said last night: "His view is that we must be guided by the scientific evidence."

Ministers who support GM crops believe there are no convincing arguments against them. They want to turn the tables on environmental groups who campaigned successfully against widespread GM production in Britain during the last government review in 2004. Although there is no ban, the ministers want the rules changed in light of the food crisis, as no GM crops are currently being grown commercially in this country...

 See toon at top...


Natural England warns Brown of dangers in promoting GM crops

By Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor
Monday, 23 June 2008

Gordon Brown and the Government are today given a blunt warming about their new enthusiasm for genetically-modified crops and food by the head of the Government's own countryside and wildlife agency.

In a letter to The Independent, Sir Martin Doughty, the chairman of Natural England, cautions against "rushing headlong to embrace GM crops as the solution to rising food prices". He says they can cause harm to wildlife, and there is little evidence that the present generation of biotechnology crops will help in reconciling surging global food demand with protecting the environment. His letter is a direct shot across the Government's bows, and a response to its reopening of the GM debate last week, with ministers from Mr Brown down indicating that the time has come for Britain and Europe to relax GM restrictions in the face of the new concern about world food supplies and prices.

Natural England's predecessor body, English Nature – of which Sir Martin was also chair – which first raised the alarm about the damage the available suite of GM crops, mainly engineered to be tolerant of powerful weedkillers, could do to wildlife on British farmland. That concern led to the official farm-scale evaluations of GM beet, oilseed rape and maize, which reported in 2003 that the weedkillers used with the first two were far more damaging to wildlife than conventional herbicides.


Gus: poisoning the earth: a growing passtime for Dr FrankeinsScheiße...  see toon at top.

things are improving

Organic food sales leap despite drought: report

By Environment reporter Sarah Clarke [ABC]

A new report has found that organic produce growers have experienced an 80 per cent growth in farm-gate sales over the last four years, despite the widespread drought.

The report, released by the Biological Farmers of Australia, also reveals that Australia now accounts for the largest amount of organic farmland in the world.

The report on the state of the organic market says it is now worth around $230 million a year and there are 2,750 certified growers in Australia.

The report found that as most farmers battle with drought and low sales, the organic market is showing significant growth.

Andrew Monk of the Biological Farmers of Australia says growth is up significantly.


Lets hope our slave masters will see that no GM crops enter the food-chain or contaminate this magnificent result... Let it grow... naturally. And buy buy buy organic food.

trans fat ban in California

July 26, 2008 California Is First State to Ban Trans Fats By JENNIFER STEINHAUER

LOS ANGELES — California became the first state in the nation to place a ban on trans fats in restaurants and retail baked goods Friday when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill to phase out their use over the next few years. Under the new law, the artificial fats must be excised from restaurants beginning in 2010, and from all retail baked goods by 2011.

New York City passed a regulation banning the fats in 2006, and the law became fully effective on July 1. Philadelphia, Stamford, Conn., and Montgomery County, Md., have passed similar laws.

“California is a leader in promoting health and nutrition, and I am pleased to continue that tradition by being the first state in the nation to phase out trans fats,” Mr. Schwarzenegger said. “Consuming trans fat is linked to coronary heart disease, and today we are taking a strong step toward creating a healthier future for California.”

The bill, which would end the use of oils, margarine and shortening containing trans fats to prepare foods in restaurants, bakeries, delicatessens, cafeterias and other businesses classified as “food facilities,” was written by Democratic Assemblyman Tony Mendoza, who represents an area in southern California with a large number of fast food restaurants.


Good one Arnold. 


The MMR hoax...

The actual scientific content of stories was brushed over and replaced with didactic statements from authority figures on either side of the debate, which contributed to a pervasive sense that scientific advice is somehow arbitrary, and predicated upon a social role - the "expert" - rather than on empirical evidence.

Any member of the public would have had very good reason to believe that MMR caused autism, because the media distorted the scientific evidence, reporting selectively on the evidence suggesting that MMR was risky, and repeatedly ignoring the evidence to the contrary. In the case of the PCR data, the genetic fingerprinting information on whether vaccine-strain measles virus could be found in tissue samples of children with autism and bowel problems, this bias was, until a few months ago, quite simply absolute. You will remember from earlier that Wakefield co-authored two scientific papers - known as the "Kawashima paper" and the "O'Leary paper" - claiming to have found such evidence, and received blanket media coverage for them. But you may never even have heard of the papers showing these to be probable false positives.


Gus: we, bloggers, often have to sieve through the media's own mistakes or hype, before we can make our own opinionated mistakes. This is why we also rely on our own experiences, our own bumblings through life to recognise when things have gone arse up and adjust our opinion accordingly towards a better understanding of things. And we still could be wrong... There are so many undercurrents and mini-conspiracies — as well as the biggies — that what could appear a strait stick is actually a bent spoon... The ultimate cop-out in this game is basically having no opinion at all and to enjoy the sunshine, straight. On the other side we could have been lucky and met a lot of good people, experts in their own fields, who gave us better tools to understand many complexities. On top of this, our own intuition, knowledge and imagination can help us smell a dead rat or a live one... 

On the subject of vaccination, there has been some controversy from a long time and I remember one of my best friend not being immunised despite smallpox ravaging Europe.

Since 1796, the first officially recorded "vaccine" — it was used by the Turks, the Indians and the Chinese since ancient times, in empirical ways —  vaccination has made leaps and bounds in eradicating many common deadly diseases.

But as far as I can remember, at no stage were there any mention of associated bowel and down syndromes, apart from time to time someone would have skin rashes for a few days. With TB, sometimes the vaccination would not create the desire reaction and we would remain "negative"... Rarely would someone's death be attributed to the vaccination.

On the other hand there are harmful readily sold products that are used daily that could also trigger some irritations or ill-feelings, or death. Some cleaners are known poison, yet we vaporise them in order to "kill" germs anywhere, most of which germs are harmless or even beneficial. Most insecticides are decimating life at a rate of knots beyond our realisation. Some "germicides' do nothing more than make us avoid "natural" immunisation by stopping contact with benign diseases. Some preservatives in foodstuff and drinks give us headaches but then we have an array of pills and potions to take. (I remember a meal on a Pan Am flight to Tel Aviv, where the awful food was served with an array of pills, from antacid to headache tablets...)

Vaccination has saved a lot of lives, the quality of which depends of what we do after that... including believing in the WMD hoax... That one took the cake, and will be hard to surpass in centuries to come.

We do our best to pick out the truth... No, not the truth... pick out reality as closely as possible...

meanwhile, in the shrinking poisoned world

World's common birds 'declining'
By Mark Kinver
Science and environment reporter, BBC News

The populations of the world's common birds are declining as a result of continued habitat loss, a global assessment has warned.

The survey by BirdLife International found that 45% of Europe's common birds had seen numbers fall, as had more than 80% of Australia's wading species.

The study's authors said governments were failing to fund their promises to halt biodiversity loss by 2010.

The findings will be presented at the group's World Conference in Argentina.

The State of the World's Birds 2008 report, the first update since 2004, found that common species - ones considered to be familiar in people's everyday lives - were declining in all parts of the world.

In Europe, an analysis of 124 species over a 26-year period revealed that 56 species had declined in 20 countries.

Farmland birds were worst affected, with the number of European turtle-doves (Streptopelia turtur) falling by 79%.


Gus: unsurprising... With all the insecticides — for domestic use and industrial strength on farmlands — sprayed as if they were holy waters, with the destruction of habitats and the destruction of forests, with cropping mono-cultures that have plant seeds laced with herbicides and other poisons, we're simply poisoning the earth. The common birds ARE part of the earth...

Shame shame shame...