Monday 17th of February 2025

a sick joke .....

a sick joke .....

At the NATO Summit in Bucharest this week, our Kevin found time to catch-up with an "old friend".  

At the start of the session on Afghanistan, Kevin saluted the world’s greatest terrorist, war criminal, thief & draft dodger, establishing his own credentials as the US replacement for little rattus as as regional ‘deputy sheriff’. 

Kevin had been practicing for his big moment since meeting the great dictator in Washington earlier in the week.  

In full fawning mode, our Kevin told his pre-buffed & polished audience of US imperialist lackeys:  ‘My view of the United States’ role in international affairs in the future is simple – I believe the United States is an overwhelming force for good in the world (the little fella neglected to mention for whom). 

The US has used its political, military and economic power to provide the strategic ballast necessary to underpin the post-war global order (it's called hegemony Kevin .... empire burlesque .... imperialism). 

The US vision for a post-World War Two international order began with the Atlantic Charter when Churchill and Roosevelt agreed that a new order should emerge from the ashes of war, based on the dual principles of political freedom and economic cooperation (the rules of the game Kevin: we win, you lose). 

The first pillar of our foreign policy is our alliance with the United States (lay down with dogs Kevin & you're sure to wind-up with fleas). 

I am committed to deepening our strategic engagement with the United States. (all the way with the USA Kevin)’ 

Australia-US Alliance & Emerging Challenges In The Asia-Pacific Region 

thank god we're finally pursuing an independent foreign policy agenda ....


thanks Kevin: rattus will be laughing ….. a sick joke alright – played on us.