Friday 14th of March 2025

beware a bushit bearing gifts ....

beware a bushit bearing gifts .....

from the Washington Post .... 

President Bush on Monday launched a rare round of intensive personal diplomacy with Saudi King Abdullah aimed at winning support for a variety of American objectives such as rebuilding Iraq, pressuring Iran, fighting al-Qaeda and backing the US-brokered peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

Bush and Abdullah embraced warmly at the bottom of the steps leading from Air Force One after the plane touched down here for the president's first visit to the kingdom - and his first face-to-face meeting with Abdullah in three years.

Bush came bearing a big gift: his administration formally notified Congress on Monday that it plans to seek approval for the sale to Saudi Arabia of $120 million in precision-guided bombs as part of an overall arms package worth roughly $20 billion. Congress has 30 days to try to block the sales, but administration officials appeared confident they have the votes to proceed with the deal ...

Under Abdullah, the Saudis have also pursued a foreign policy more independent of the United States than they had in the past, irking the White House by brokering an ultimately unsuccessful deal between the Fatah and Hamas factions in the Palestinian territories and testing to see whether some kind of accommodation could be reached with Iran.  

Abdullah shocked US officials last year when he described the American military presence in Iraq as an 'illegitimate foreign occupation.'...

While publicly polite, the Saudi king and other leading figures also see the incumbent U.S. president as a disappointment - certainly compared with his father, George H.W. Bush, who was lionized here for his handling of the Persian Gulf War.  

By contrast, former officials and others close to the royal family say, Saudi royals believe Bush has handled issues such as Iran, Iraq and Middle East peace ineptly. 

Personal Approach Marks Bush's First Saudi Visit

why do they hate him .....

Why is it that George W. Bush gets only a 12 percent favorability rating in Saudi Arabia?  

Even Osama bin Laden and Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad scored higher in a poll last month by the non-partisan Terror Free Tomorrow group, which counts both Republican Sen. John McCain and Democrat former Rep. Lee Hamilton on its advisory board. What ingrates those Saudis are. Didn't the Bush family save them twice from Saddam Hussein? 

What more can this president do to curry favor with the Saudis? He forgave them for nurturing the Wahhabism that spawned al-Qaida, and he never embarrasses them with the fact that bin Laden and 15 of the 19 hijackers who attacked America on 9/11 were born and raised in the kingdom.  

Nor did Bush let the inconvenient fact that the Saudi government had backed the Taliban until 9/11 intrude on his cozy relations with the royal family. That warmth, displayed at ranching cookouts in both countries, has now been reinforced by $20 billion in U.S. arms sales to the Saudis and their Persian Gulf allies, officially announced by Bush on Monday. 

At first, the Bush administration feared that some pro-Israel members of Congress might be able to derail the arms sale deal, but they solved that one by offering Israel $30 billion in new weapons.

That's a good deal for the Israelis and for U.S. arms manufacturers, although not for U.S. taxpayers stuck with the tab. 

Why The Saudis Hate Bush

wicked wacko sowdi war versus west