Monday 24th of February 2025

IAEA Report on Iran's 3000 centrifuges.

I would like to address all the critics of US policy that jeered at the notion that Iran could have a nuclear weapon in one year. Well, the IAEA who has up until now defended Iran and issued propoganda to the effect of Iran needing at least 10 years to have the technology, has just done an about face. Seems they will have that capability in one year. America and Australia fought side by side in WWII against a similar ideological threat. Iran's President has publicly stated that Israel needs to be wiped off the map despite attempts to water down and change the meaning of his statements. I did not vote for George Bush. I do not agree with his policy in Iraq for the sole reason that Iraqi's do not appreciate democracy and watch our soldiers die with indifference. I would ask, however, if anyone thinks Iran wants nuclear weapons for peaceful reasons?? It is one thing to be naiive, another to allow this lapse in thinking to endanger society as a whole. I believe the Bali bombings were Islamic in origin. This same thinking where mass murder serves their insane beliefs must be stopped. We will all suffer if an attack is made on Iran, we will all suffer far more if Iran is allowed to make and use a nuclear device. Their belief in Islamic law will not end at their borders. NO nation on Earth has a clean history including Australia. Both our countries abused and murdered the indiginous people. At least our Indians have casinos and independant governments to some extent. I just read a blog here where the writer expressed his contempt for US policy while ignoring the stated aims of Iran's insane ruling party. Americans do not want to control other countries, that is sheer fallacy. We are as free as you can be, far more so than most of the civilised world. We have many faults but World Domination is not one of them. Ask yourself if you would rather live in Washington DC or Tehran. What country does more for the impoverished of the World?? The figures are out there for all to see. We are a benevolent society with more people from more nations than anywhere on this Planet. The day one of the naysayers on this site can prove Iran is doing more to spread Peace and equality for women, then let him or her lay down the facts. I am sick of people bashing America for trying to pull Stone Age thinking into the light. One very important fact to consider, ALL of you owe your very freedom and existence to America's military might. Our nuclear subs keep you safe no matter what you may claim. Deterrence is the veil that covers you on a daily basis. Without it you would not live as you do. I cannot speak for most Americans but we love Australia and respect her people's opinions and culture. If no one confronts the growing nightmare in Iran THEN WHO WILL????  

Poker faced...

"If no one confronts the growing nightmare in Iran THEN WHO WILL????"

Good question. I could answer flippantly "all the Christian fanatics who believe in the devil and the end of days for all at once..." But the problem is more complex. We can deal with it, simply... and bomb the shit out of Iran for what it's doing. Sure. But that would achieve no peace. Sabre-rattling does not achieve good communications. Kicking people in the arse does not achieve good communications — except for a few brats, who learn then to become cunning theiving bullies... Sure, you can make people submit but eventually some cannon will break loose. The US and NATO stand has only strengthened the will of Russia for example. Co-operation still exists on a few fronts but placing US bases (radars, pull the other leg) in Eastern Europe is obviously rekindling the cold war (boy, do we have to go through that again and blame the Ruskies while we do the deeds?) which took mighty efforts to defuse — but never did because the West tried to go into Russia, plunder and weaken the place, under the pretence of "liberalisation". Con trick. It worked for a while but Putin came along and saw the stint promoted by gangsters... Had Putin not stopped the rot, Russia's economy would be worth ziltch by now. The People of Russia saw it too (they may be conned, but they feel more "secure" and more happy that way) and despite the West claiming corruption in the process of the just finished Russian elections, there was no more crap there than in the elections of G W Bush in 2000, in the US.

No matter what we do or say we have reaction to what is being done. Perceived as intended, sometimes not, but people in high places are not nuts, they know what they are doing and the effect of what they are doing — Bush included (sometimes I wonder), although he appears dummydoo.

And by the way, for some of us, there might be less chance of being murdered in Tehran than in Washington.

And sure, "NO nation on Earth has a clean history including Australia. Both our countries abused and murdered the indigenous people". Totally agree. And these problems are complex as everyone is vying for the soul of the poor bastards, in order to get a ticket to heaven or keep oneself in a job dispensing welfare. Is there better ways to deal with things? I hope so and I know so. And strangely enough, "stakes in the ground" or ideas that I have expressed in the past (30 years ago or more) are now being tooted as new and used...

There is a lot of convergence too. Threaten someone and they'll develop ways to threaten you. Help someone and there is a good chance they'll help you, even if you don't agree on all aspects of life. Eventually, trying to bring "middle age societies into the modern world" is commendable but it involves a certain amount of patronising which brings resentment and rejection, — especially when the education is done with sticks and bullets, or when we support ruthless despots in some countries to foster our "supremacy". We need to be smarter with less weaponry in our trousers. We do not need to confront... we need to cooperate. Could we be conned? sure but if we are smart enough we actually can have a proper dialogue and solutions without having to play poker with guns above or under the table... Much aid to poor countries is done under the umbrella of "religious" education while foreign governments are using their muscle to create instant systems that are often unworkable in the local conditions but allows the foreign governments to control and plunder under the guise of help. That I have seen. Colonialism i have seen and participated in, so I know how it works. We do this to ourselves too but we've got enough leeway to survive. In places where survival is thin, we tend to magnify the possibilities of conflict.

Poker face with guns? A bit too wild west, but that's the good ol' US of A way of doing things... Not mine.