Tuesday 11th of February 2025

me too .....


me too ..... 

vaile pounces on latham broadside 

Federal Nationals leader Mark Vaile has seized on Mark Latham's broadside against Labor's election strategy, saying it proves that the Opposition is "completely poll-driven". 

Writing in today's Australian Financial Review, former Labor leader Mr Latham says he expects a Labor Government "to be even more timid, more conservative" than its already unveiled policies would suggest. 

Vaile Pounces On Latham Broadside 

and …. 

howard pounces on latham broadside 

Prime Minister John Howard has seized on Mark Latham's broadside against Labor's election strategy, saying it bolsters his claim that Labor will change its policies if elected. 

Writing in today's Australian Financial Review, former Labor leader Mr Latham says he expects a Labor Government "to be even more timid, more conservative" than its already unveiled policies would suggest. 

Howard Pounces On Latham Broadside


Rudd pounces on Howard handover plans

Federal Labor leader Kevin Rudd has latched on to Prime Minister John Howard's comments today about when he would hand over leadership to Peter Costello.

Mr Howard said the handover would be in 18 months to two years, in the first indication of a specific time frame for his retirement.


Gus: yes the PM and his troops of Brutuses are still at it... And Costello reminds us of a 100 years of whatever... There are rumours of a Liberal spill after the election whichever way it goes... There are rumours the PM would say; "sorry... (well not quite sorry but a word that sounds like an ambiguous "sorry" with elastic bands attached), I am getting tired... so here it is, the Costello bizo... Yes, my promise of staying was batteries-not-included with a non-core engine, etc... and I did not expect  to be in need of a brain transplant" — So here come the same old annoying faces, including that of Abbott, Tony for the ladies, who has been a most shifty and delinquent character in that government. His calling of a sick man, victim of asbestosis, by whatever nasty way should have prompted the PM to sack him forthwith, even after apologies accepted... But Mr Rattus needs all his messy grubby troops to carry on the Ghengis Khan style warpath of "growth" — the slash and burn.. and rape of the soul with hand-outs the size of inflated dildohs, (as mentioned on this site a few month ago, "growth"... like a cancer...). Yes, growth, unchecked and unbalanced, as if massive greed and climate change were biting the bottom of your pants... Ugly!

Throw John Howard and his mob of ugly liars out. OUT!