Wednesday 12th of March 2025

the least imperfect and most republican of constitutions.......

Donald Trump is not a Republican, although he was supported by the Republican Party. He defines himself as a Jacksonian and has made numerous references to former President Andrew Jackson (1829-1837). To understand him and judge his actions, it is necessary to know those of his predecessor.
In the history of the United States, General Jackson tried to transform his country from a monarchy without nobility into a true democracy and to replace wars with trade.


Donald Trump, an Andrew Jackson 2.0?
by Thierry Meyssan


Almost all commentators do not understand what the re-elected President of the United States, Donald Trump, is doing because they wrongly interpret his actions through the prism of Republican or woke ideologies. However, Trump, who has successively frequented the Democratic Party, the Tea Party, and today the Republican Party, claims to be a follower of a fourth ideology: Jacksonianism. During his first term, he decorated the Oval Office with a portrait of his predecessor Andrew Jackson.


Andrew Jackson, whose family had almost all died as a result of the wars against the English, was a lawyer. In this capacity, he wrote the Tennessee Constitution (1796). It was considered to give too much power to the Legislature and not enough to the Executive (the governor), and it did not establish a Supreme Court. However, it was hailed as "the least imperfect and most republican of constitutions" by the President of the United States, Thomas Jefferson.

Section 1 of Article III gives the right to vote to all free men (white and black), 21 years of age or older, who own freehold property or have resided in the county for six months. There is also a provision giving men serving in the militia the right to elect their officers. The Bill of Rights contained in it states that agnostics and atheists have the same rights as believers. These last three provisions were a direct blow to the puritans of the East Coast.

During the war between France and the United Kingdom in 1812, Paris and London imposed a naval blockade. It was to force the Russian Empire to respect it that Napoleon attacked Russia and because Her Majesty’s Prime Minister confiscated 900 American ships that were trying to trade with France that Washington once again went to war against its former colonizer.

During this "second war of independence", Andrew Jackson, who had become a general, distinguished himself as much by his military as by his diplomatic skills. He managed to maneuver Creek Indians, especially Cherokees. This war was useless because it ended with a treaty that established a return to pre-war conditions, but General Jackson won the first military victory in the history of the United States.

Andrew Jackson later retired to Florida, where he was elected governor. He had two British spies executed, although this was not explicitly within his power, which his opponents called an assassination. He ran for president of the United States in 1824 and won a majority of the popular vote and a majority of electors (designated by the governors), but, following a sleight of hand (a post-election agreement by the two other candidates), he was not considered elected. The electoral college (i.e. the representatives of the governors) nominated John Quincy Adams (as in 2020, it nominated Joe Biden against Donald Trump). Furious, he created the current Democratic Party to rally his supporters. The reality of the election stolen by the corrupt political class served as an electoral theme for Andrew Jackson (as for Donald Trump).

He was elected by a landslide in 1828, when many states had adopted the consultative vote to indicate to their governors the electors they should choose (Reminder: the United States Constitution does not indicate that the president must be elected by universal suffrage, direct or indirect, but by the representatives of the governors. In the words of the "founding fathers", it was especially not a question of establishing a democracy). He was therefore the first president elected, not by, but with the support of universal suffrage. In his inaugural address, he pledged to push the Indians back to the West. His popular base came to cheer him at the White House, but his supporters were so numerous to crowd that they devastated it and forced him to flee through a window.

Jackson had married young Rachel who believed she was divorced, but in reality the act had not been registered. His opponents made a scandal of it, accusing him of living with a married woman. In fact, Rachel died before his second term. He therefore entrusted the role of "first lady" to his niece Emily who married her cousin, Andrew Jackson Donelson, who was his private secretary.

When he formed his administration, Andrew Jackson dismissed corrupt officials. Unable to replace them, he ultimately appointed his relatives and friends. Jackson appointed one of his friends, John Eaton, Secretary of War. For reasons of convenience, he was staying at the White House during the absence of the president. The anti-Jacksonians then spread the rumor of a scandalous life of the Eaton couple.

These sex scandals, all invented by his puritan opponents, caused Jackson to separate from his vice president, who thought like the East Coast elite.

In 1830, Andrew Jackson passed the Indian Removal Act. It was about sharing the territory of North America by placing the Indians west of the Mississippi. 70 treaties were signed for $68 million in compensation. Jackson then opposed the legendary David Crockett (representative of Tennessee). About fifty tribes were displaced, including the Cherokees who also signed a peace treaty. The tribe appealed twice to the Supreme Court to clarify its meaning. The exodus of the Cherokees (the episode of the "Valley of Tears") was particularly hard, a quarter of them died during the displacement. However, this genocide did not take place under Jackson, but under the presidency of his successor. Today, the Cherokees, who, unlike the other Indians, did not question these treaties, are the only tribe that is prosperous.

Andrew Jackson, like George Washington and many others, was a slave owner. Two centuries later, the woke movement presents him as a slave owner and a slaughterer of Indians, an adversary of minorities. In reality, he had adopted as a son an Indian baby, orphaned by war, whom he named Lyncoya. He was therefore accused, by his contemporaries, of corrupting civilization by introducing an Indian to the governorship of Florida, then to the White House.

He approved of the "Monroe Doctrine" which meant, at that time, that the European powers abstained from colonizing the Americas while the United States forbade itself from intervening in Europe. This principle was only twisted half a century later to allow the United States to colonize Latin America without European rivalry.

In 1832, he vetoed a law extending a private/public Central Bank of the United States (initially created by Alexander Hamilton). Similarly, in 1836, he vetoed the creation of the Federal Reserve (today’s Fed). In the meantime, he made sure to repay all of the country’s public debt. This is the one and only time in their history that the United States was not in debt (the public debt is now $34.5 trillion, or 122.3% of GDP) [ACTUALLY IT HAS RECENTLY HIT $36 TRILLION].

His opposition to the central bank crystallized the conflict between the elites and the farmers. He believed that this bank had monopolistic powers and played a role in political life, implying that it corrupted parliamentarians so that they would vote against the interests of the people. Andrew Jackson managed to broaden the electoral base in many states so that at the end of his mandates, seven times more citizens could participate in the electoral consultations. His re-election, in 1833, was triumphant: 55% of the popular vote against 37% and 219 electors against 49 for his rival (Reminder: in the United States the president is not chosen by electors. The popular vote indicates to the governors the color of the electors that he asks him to choose. It is only these electors who designate the president). His opponents accused him of populism.

Then came the dispute over customs duties, which would turn into a civil war 25 years later (which, contrary to official history, has nothing to do with the abolition of slavery that both sides practiced). South Carolina decided not to apply federal customs tariffs (sectionalism). Andrew Jackson, presenting the danger of a civil war, condemned these actions as well as the idea of secession. He threatened to kill those who took this path. The president managed to restore calm and preserve the unity of the nation by successfully proposing a middle position between that of the southerners (free trade) and that of the northerners (protectionists).

Andrew Jackson always defended the central power against the governors, not out of a centralizing principle, but out of distrust of local elites. He tried to prevent civil war by appealing to the people. In his view, the interests of peasants and early workers coincided, while those of large landowners and captains of industry diverged. In this conflict, the central bank played the main role by speculating internationally and making the US economy dependent on fluctuations in foreign markets. It was therefore he who concluded tariff agreements with the United Kingdom, Russia and the Ottoman Empire. He designed a vast network of means of communication across Latin America to export US products to the Far East. He negotiated with the European powers for indemnities for the Napoleonic Wars. He was intractable with the French king, Louis Philippe. He failed, however, to buy Texas from Mexico, probably because he surrounded himself with bad diplomats. Although the expression is later, Andrew Jackson began to think of the "manifest destiny of the United States" ("To extend ourselves over the whole continent which Providence has allotted us for the free development of our millions of inhabitants who multiply every year"). However, it was only after him that this concept justified the extension of "the perfect form of government" throughout the world.

Jackson’s puritan opponents presented him as an atheist fighting against the Churches, as a manipulator of the populace against the educated elites.


The example of General Jackson has become a doctrine under the leadership of the President’s private secretary, Andrew Jackson Donelson. It is organized around two strong ideas: 
• From a tactical point of view: move the conflicts opposing the federated states to the federal power towards the division opposing the people to the puritanical elites of the East Coast. 
• From a strategic point of view: substitute trade for war. Tactics For example, during his first term, President Trump pushed the Supreme Court to refer the issue of abortion to the responsibility of each federated state. This led to his woke opponents, including Kamala Harris, wrongly accusing him of banning abortion, even though it is legal in 38 states.


For example, during his first term, President Trump pushed the Supreme Court to refer the issue of abortion to the responsibility of each federated state. As a result, his woke opponents, including Kamala Harris, wrongly accused him of having banned abortion when it is authorized in 38 states.

Andrew Jackson tried to reform the electoral system in order to give the right to vote to all males, regardless of their skin color. He only succeeded in imposing universal suffrage for the election of senators. Donald Trump intends to extend universal suffrage to the election of the president by eliminating the electoral college designated by the governors.

Let us remember that the Constitution was designed by large landowners who wanted to found a monarchy without nobility and especially not a democracy. In their minds, and in the text they wrote, there was not supposed to be universal suffrage. Contrary to what we think, the debate on the 2020 election refers first to the ambiguity of the text of this constitution and not to the counting of the votes cast. The massive re-election of Donald Trump has proven that the reality of the popular vote has nothing to do with the impressions of the ruling class.

Trump, like Jackson, has consistently relied on the popular vote. Both have designed “populist” election campaigns, meaning, in their case, that they respond to people’s expectations rather than endorse the solutions they imagine. Trump has relied on Steve Bannon’s Cambridge Analytica techniques: scanning social media to analyze what people think, then targeting specific profiles with messages designed for them. In contrast, his opponents have relied on Cass Sunstein’s behavioral and cognitive techniques.

A quick note on crowd reactions. Andrew Jackson’s supporters who came to cheer him devastated the White House, not because they wanted to destroy it, but because there were too many of them. Similarly, Donald Trump’s supporters damaged the Congress buildings, not because they wanted to destroy them, but because there were too many of them. There was never an attempted coup as their opponents claim, but rather a mismanagement of the crowd by the police as Joshua Philipp (The Real Story of January 6) has shown.


Andrew Jackson wanted to end the Indian wars by compensating and deporting the tribes, with the mixed success that we have seen. It is to be feared that Donald Trump will approach the Israeli-Palestinian question in the same way by compensating the Palestinians and forcibly displacing them to the Sinai. However, this would be to put on the same level the “manifest destiny of the United States” and the expansionism of the “religious Zionists”. This risk exists, but for the moment, there is no evidence that this will be the case.

Andrew Jackson expanded U.S. trade around the world, negotiating bilateral (not multilateral) deals. Donald Trump, a businessman, has withdrawn from multilateral trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). While his predecessors were about setting standards with their economic partners and then imposing them on China, Trump has no use for international standards as long as the U.S. can penetrate markets.

Thierry Meyssan
Roger Lagassé




“It’s hard to do cartoons without hope…”

         Gus Leonisky

hamlet trump....

A New York judge has delayed indefinitely the sentencing of US President-elect Donald Trump, allowing his lawyers to file a motion to dismiss the “hush money” case altogether.

Trump was convicted in June by a Manhattan jury on 34 counts of “falsifying business records” related to the 2016 presidential election. Prosecutor Alvin Bragg alleged that Trump’s payments to his lawyer amounted to the crime of defrauding American voters.

On Friday, Judge Juan Merchan announced that the November 26 sentencing hearing “is adjourned” indefinitely.

Merchan also allowed Trump’s defense to file a motion to dismiss the case, due by December 2. Bragg’s office has until December 9 to file their counter-motion, and no reply briefs will be accepted after that, according to court documents posted online.

Trump’s attorneys initially asked until December 20 to file their motion and sought a decision on presidential immunity, citing the US Supreme Court ruling from July. Merchan has said he would make that ruling after reviewing both motions.

Bragg’s case revolved around $130,000 that Trump paid to his then-lawyer Michael Cohen, which purportedly went to pay off adult film actress Stormy Daniels so she would keep quiet about an alleged affair with Trump. This, according to the prosecutors, “influenced” the 2016 presidential election, in which Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Trump was charged for each of the 11 invoices, 12 vouchers and 11 checks made out to Cohen. It was the first time in US history a former president has been criminally charged and convicted.

“This was a rigged, disgraceful trial,” Trump told reporters in June, after the verdict was announced. “The real verdict will be on November 5, by the people. And we will keep fighting, and we’ll fight till the end and we’ll win.”

Trump went on to win 312 electoral college votes, all seven “swing states” and the popular vote, to defeat sitting Vice President Kamala Harris, who ran for the White House on behalf of the Democrats.

Prosecutors have refused to drop the case but asked Merchan to delay any further proceedings until the end of Trump’s second term, in January 2029. Trump’s lawyers have agreed that continuing the case during his presidency would create “unconstitutional impediments” to governance and asked for it to be dismissed.

“This is now the longest performance of Hamlet in history, as Judge Merchan continues to debate whether to be or not to be a sentencing judge in the Trump case,” constitutional law scholar Jonathan Turley wrote on X earlier this week, commenting on Merchan’s behavior.






“It’s hard to do cartoons without hope…”

         Gus Leonisky

donald 2.0....


Trump 2.0: Harbinger of a New Elite?   BY 


I voted for Trump and would do it again. We escaped permanent rule by the left, so this website won’t be considered a criminal enterprise for at least four years. And it’s quite clear that Trump 2.o will be very different from Trump 1.o with his horrible, self-defeating appointments and the constant harassing and obstruction by his DOJ, the national security agencies, the Pentagon, and the Democrats (impeachments, investigations, lawfare). Trump has obviously learned something from his mistakes and is now targeting the prime culprit: the federal bureaucracy—the deep state that is in large part responsible for his ineffectual first term and has continued to pursue him since he left office.

It’s going to be different.

Somehow disruption doesn’t begin to cover it. Upheaval might be closer. Revolution maybe. In less than two weeks since being elected again, Donald J. Trump has embarked on a new campaign to shatter the institutions of Washington as no incoming president has in his lifetime. here

Trump’s appointments make it clear that he intends to be a transformative president—a president that future historians will record as a watershed figure between an old and a new America. Of course, he may not fulfill his intentions—there will be many roadblocks, not the least from the remaining stuffed-shirt Republicans who want their world to return to the GOP of Jeb Bush and Bill Kristol.

So far his appointments that have caused the most angst in the legacy media and among liberals are RFK Jr. (Health and Human Services), Matt Gaetz (Justice), Pete Hegseth (Defense), and Tulsi Gabbard (Director of National Intelligence). Each would be a thorn in the side of the Establishment. Each could be expected to lop off the most odious people within their purview. Make no mistake, heads will roll, and we would be far better off for it.

I very much hope they all get confirmed. This includes RFK Jr. who would be a great Secretary of Health and Human Services. He does not oppose vaccines (“I’m not going to take away anyone’s vaccines”) but makes a strong case that the RNA vaccines for covid have been a disaster—the school lockdowns, a result of teacher union lobbying, were a disaster for children, the least likely group to be negatively impacted by the virus. No more mandates. And whatever you think of his opinions on vaccines, his opinions on processed foods, food additives, and pesticides in foods are of critical importance in starting to make America healthy again. And he will end the revolving door between the federal regulators and the companies they regulate. It’s no surprise that the previous Secretary of HHS was a Latino identity-politics appointee with no experience at all in these areas.

Babylon Bee: Fattest, Sickest Country On Earth Concerned New Health Secretary Might Do Something Different


U.S. — Citizens in the most obese, unhealthy country on the face of the planet have expressed concern that new Health Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. might try to do a few things differently.

With seventy-five percent of the adult population now overweight or obese, government officials expressed deep reservations about doing anything differently whatsoever. Thousands of employees within Health and Human Services have even threatened to quit if the new Secretary tries to get the country to change direction in some way.

“RFK Jr. is a nut and his ideas are crazy,” said FDA employee Sharon Wilmington, as she slapped a “Heart Healthy” sticker on a box of Froot Loops. “We obviously have this thing under control.”

Gaetz and Hegseth are being criticized because of charges of sexual improprieties. I get it, and there may be something to the charges. But I really don’t care. The point is that they will clean house in two areas desperately in need of overhaul. Selecting Matt Gaetz as Attorney General is a giant middle finger to the Justice Department. “None of the [other candidate] attorneys had what Trump wants, and they didn’t talk like Gaetz,” a Trump adviser told the Bulwark. “Everyone else looked at AG as if they were applying for a judicial appointment. They talked about their vaunted legal theories and constitutional bullshit. Gaetz was the only one who said, ‘yeah, I’ll go over there and start cuttin’ fuckin’ heads.’”

Hegseth will likely be the same. The system needs a massive shake-up, and they’ll do it. Interests over principles is foreign to a lot of White people, but Democrats who act all principled on this issue looked the other way or made excuses for the obvious corruption that pervaded the Biden family during its time in power. They colluded in Hunter laptop scandal and now they are counting votes in Pennsylvania ruled invalid by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court (“Ellis-Marseglia said that “precedent by a court doesn’t matter anymore in this country” because “people violate laws anytime they want”). Unfortunately for the Dems, the court reiterated its ruling.

Tulsi Gabbard horrifies the left because she is steadfastly against wars that are not in U.S. interests. Amazingly for a major public figure, she is on the Quiet Skies s ecret terrorist watch list which means she has been subjected to added security checks at airports. It’s very reassuring to see that Gabbard is slated to be in the administration as Director of National Intelligence. She is very much against the Ukraine war, as are J.D. Vance, Tucker Carlson (who, even though he has no official position in Trump 2.0, certainly has influence), and proposed National Security Advisor Michael Waltz, and Secretary of State Marco Rubio (“Trump’s Foreign Policy Picks Are All America First“). So fears that Trump 2.0 would see the re-ascendency of neocon-minded war hawks are overblown to say the least. It’s hard to believe that anyone ever seriously mentioned Mike Pompeo as possible Secretary of Defense.

But yes, Trump 2.0 will be very pro-Israel, as seen by the appointments of Evangelical Protestant Mike (“There’s no such thing as a Palestinian”) Huckabee as Ambassador to Israel, Zionist Steve Witkoff as Special Envoy to the Middle East, Marco Rubio, a strong supporter of Israel, who objected to linking the foreign aid bill to aid for Ukraine, as Secretary of State, and Elise Stefanik, who earned her stripes by her aggressive questioning of Ivy League presidents’ responses to pro-Palestinian protests, as UN Ambassador. In my opinion, these appointments are a testament to the power of Jews in the U.S.; similar policies will occur regardless of whether the Dems or GOP are in power, although it’s reasonable to think that Trump 2.o will be even more pro-Israel than Biden-Harris in word if not in deed. Prepare for the Jewish resettlement of Gaza. Israel is the only country in the world that can engage in ethnic cleansing with impunity.

One has to believe, as I do, that policy toward Israel does not indicate a general pro-war stance in Trump 2.o. The worry is that Israel will be aggressive to the point that Iran and perhaps Turkey, which has severed all ties with Israel, would join up with other Middle Eastern countries to wage all-out war against Israel. That would certainly drag the U.S. into the war, and doing so may very well be Israel’s strategy: the thinking would be that genocide, oppression, and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians along with aggressive military encroachments against Israel’s neighbors would ultimately lead to a war that the U.S. could not stay out of. Already we have seen the U.S. military defending Israel against retaliatory attacks by Iran. But I very much doubt that Trump could be persuaded to start a war with Iran—the war that the Lobby has wanted for years.

Trump 2.0 will be multiethnic because that’s the way it has to be in contemporary America. But it won’t be obsessed with identity politics the way the previous administration has been.

But the interesting question is whether this portends a sea change in American elites—the rise of an elite that could replace the current liberal-left, substantially Jewish elite that has dominated American politics and discourse for the last 60 years and is still very powerful. But if the election showed anything, it’s that the mass media, a major stronghold of the liberal-left elite, has lost much of its power. The New York Timespublished a daily blizzard of articles lambasting Trump in the runup to the election, and the NYT’s influence percolates through the entire liberal-left media landscape. To no avail. Trust in the media is at an all-time low, while social media continues its rise, including Elon Musk’s X which is leaning much more conservative than in pre-Musk days. (Reading comments on Kamala Harris’s posts on X was a real treat. She was slaughtered.) With his wealth and influence over X, Musk is a huge asset for the forces in opposition to the liberal-left consensus. And frankly, I think he loves being in the limelight and basking in the adulation that high-level political involvement brings.

This new coalition will not be anti-Jewish, but neither will it be run by Jews to anywhere near the extent that the previous elite has been. Religious Jews and some Jewish billionaires have supported Trump, while the general Jewish community likely voted between 71–79 percent for Harris. Results depended greatly on whether religious Jews were polled (~40% for Trump among religious Jews vs. ~25% Trump support among of non-religious Jews—non-religious Jews are over 90 percent of the Jewish population):

A poll conducted by the Democratic firm GBAO Strategies, sponsored by the partisan organization J Street and widely touted by the Jewish Democratic Council of America [JDCA]—which used the same pollster for an October poll that reported a similar outcome—brought the reassuring news that only 25% of Jewish voters in Pennsylvania went for Trump, comparable to the reported 26% of Jews that voted for him nationally. Granted, that represents a 5-point improvement from what the firm found in a similar study amid the 2020 vote, although in the view of Halie Soifer, CEO of the JDCA, “increasing one’s share of the Jewish vote by 5% when the margin of error is 3.5% is not meaningful.”

… “The biggest problem Democrats have with Jewish voters is there aren’t more of them, because if there were there’d be very different outcomes,” Jim Gerstein, lead pollster for GBAO, said in a Nov. 13 conference call organized by JDCA. “They’re not a swing constituency, and they’re certainly not a Republican constituency,” Gerstein added later in the event. “You have to look at the Jewish population as a core Democratic base constituency.”

So, not much evidence of change, although the Tablet article notes that precinct-by-precinct totals indicate a general shift toward Trump. According to the JDCA poll, the main issues for Jews who voted against Trump were that they see Trump as a threat to democracy and to abortion access, typical left-liberal concerns (although they would love an authoritarian leftist government). Trump has said that Jews who vote for Harris “need to have their head examined,” so it wouldn’t be too surprising to see Trump harbor some resentment against liberal-left Jewish power and try to do something about it. As indicated above, I think at bottom most Jews see Israel as doing fine with either party in power, so they gravitate to what I regard as the anti-White coalition represented by the Democrat mainstream.

As of August 14 according to Forbes, of 26 billionaire donors to Trump (not including Musk who donated at least $119 million), 22 are not Jewish, while 4, including Bernard Marcus (who recently died) are Jewish, with only one in the top ten (Miriam Adelson [$100 million]). This may well underestimate total Jewish giving to Trump, but it does imply that there is plenty of non-Jewish money supporting Trump—enough to make a Trump-like candidate in our pay-to-play democracy viable even without Jewish support. Harris received over $1 billion in campaign contributions, over 2.5 times the amount Trump received. Money talks but can’t overcome terrible policies and a terrible candidate, especially when that candidate is supported by a media that is vastly less influential than in previous decades.

The most powerful positions in the Biden cabinet related to the issues of most interest to White advocates have been held by Jews—Homeland Security (Mayorkas), Justice (Garland), State (Blinken), and Chief of Staff (Klain, Zientz). This is critical because Biden is and has been a complete non-entity with no ability or desire to reign in his nominal subordinates. So we have mass immigration, mass injustice, and a very expensive (and likely futile) war.

Thus far, Howard Lutnick is the only Jew proposed for a cabinet position (Secretary of Commerce) in Trump 2.0. Thankfully, Jared Kushner is noticeably missing from any proposed positions in Trump 2.0.

Also of interest to White advocates, Tom Homan, who is to be in charge of the deportations, is not Jewish. Jewish immigration patriot Stephen Miller will be homeland security advisor and deputy chief of staff in Trump 2.o. Thus Jews in line with Trump’s overall agenda are welcome. But the point is that Trump 2.0 will have a much less Jewish look and be much less in sync with the mainstream liberal-left Jewish community on policies of interest to White advocates than the Biden-Harris administration.

This portends well for the future. Trump’s policies, particularly his mass deportation plan, will be extremely contentious and will likely result in massive civil disobedience and violence in the big cities. But media coverage of the disorder will certainly be further indication to Trump voters and to White Americans in general that White America is under siege.

However, the money and the media are in place for a sea change in American political culture in the direction of White interests. Let’s hope it happens.

from The Occidental Observer






“It’s hard to do cartoons without hope…”

         Gus Leonisky