Friday 18th of October 2024


A few days after the Hamas breakout from Gaza last October 7, I raised the question of how far Israel might be permitted to advance along the road to moral turpitude. After almost a year now, there is no doubt that the answer is: a very long way indeed. 

With few exceptions Western countries, led by the USA and vigorously supported by the Australian Government, rushed to bolster the brutal Israeli retaliation on Gaza from the very beginning, with an inexhaustible supply of both weapons and rhetorical diplomatic cover. By now well over 50,000 tons of war materiel have been delivered to Israel in the past 12 months. Of course the Palestinians have received nothing.


Gaza one year on: lessons for Australia    By Mike Callanan


A signal result is that both the so-called “rules-based international order” and the hubristic Western assumption of a superior moral authority have now been shredded and lie in tatters.

Similarly, the two-state solution has been finally exposed as a hollow fiction. Netanyahu has explicitly stated there will be no Palestinian state, and has subsequently faced wide condemnation after showing a map of Israel that excluded the occupied West Bank in a televised news briefing on Monday September 2. He repeated this performance at the UN later in the month. His response to the ICJ ruling was that “the Jewish nation cannot be an occupier in its own land.”

The Knesset has passed a resolution confirming the same position on two states. As long ago as January, far-right finance minister Smotrich said, in comments reported by Haaretz, “My life’s mission is to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state.”

The sham Western diplomatic cover for Israel’s monstrous retaliation has been shattered by both the World Court ruling of July 19 and the Zionists’ very own disavowals. There is no Israeli intention to even countenance a Palestinian state. Unlike their Western apologists, they don’t even offer a pretence. None of this has made any difference to the Australian Government’s position, which is to cling to the discredited two-state solution in order to avoid taking a clear stand against the ongoing horror.

The two-state solution was always a cynical deception by which Western governments, including Australia, have allowed themselves to be serially deceived by Zionist strategists, who have assumed the divine historical right to create one single Jewish state, a Greater Israel, “from the river to the sea”, at the expense of Palestinian lives, rights, freedoms, land, property, aspirations, and indeed the very existence of the Palestinian nation.

Western hypocrisy now stands unmasked through its venal complicity in the commission of a heinous genocide in Gaza. There is no atrocity the IDF can commit that will merit an unequivocal rebuke, or even a response beyond the feeble expression of “concern” from the US or its “partners”, who are now deeply mired in these egregious crimes against humanity, and flagrant transgressions of international law.

The Australian Government has deployed ab initio a pitiless and relentless presumption of guilt against the Palestinians and, conversely, one of innocence in favour of Israel. This was clearly demonstrated when Israel, without evidence, accused UNRWA workers of participating in the October 7 attacks. The Australian Government and over a dozen other Western donor countries immediately cut funding to that vital Palestinian refugee organisation. The funding was only restored almost two months later, well after it became clear that Israel was not going to provide any proof of UNRWA’s alleged complicity. It has become increasingly obvious that Israel habitually lies and deceives, as a matter of course, to conceal its crimes and advance its illegal colonial project.

When Israel assassinates its enemies in neighbouring states and indiscriminately kills and mutilates thousands of Lebanese citizens, the likes of Blinken and Wong bizarrely urge restraint on Iran and Hezbollah, while refusing to condemn the initial cause: Israel’s savage violations of international law. Again, the presumption is always in favour of Israel. After the synchronised explosions of the booby-trapped communications devices in Lebanon, killing scores and severely wounding thousands, the US cautioned Hezbollah and Lebanon against escalating the conflict. Israel, the prime suspect, wasn’t even mentioned.

Over this past year, and entirely consistent with its previous behaviour spanning decades, the Zionist state has indiscriminately murdered tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children, snubbed its nose at dozens of UN resolutions, defied the ICJ and international law, mocked the requirement of proportionality in its retaliation, and suborned compliant Western governments with powerful lobbying and deceitful propaganda, deploying both political donations and the dregs of a fast-diminishing stock of moral capital, into abetting the ruthless extermination of the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. Australian support remains undiminished, and our international reputation is becoming increasingly tarnished, including in our neighbouring Muslim majority states, particularly Indonesia, containing the fourth largest national population on earth.

As foreshadowed by several Israeli government ministers, the reprisals in response to Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 7 rapidly intensified into a full-blown genocide, as essential supplies of food and fuel were denied, schools and hospitals systematically obliterated, and large residential blocks intentionally and completely destroyed on the pretext of targeting Hamas fighters; medical supplies have been blocked, in defiance of international law, with diseases spreading unchecked throughout the defenceless population. The Lancet, not a publication given to much exaggeration, months ago estimated that upwards of 186,000 Palestinians may have perished in Israel’s ruthless and massively disproportionate response. That grim estimate can be extrapolated to well over 200,000 by now.

With few exceptions the governments, opposition parties, mainstream media and political elites in the West have acquiesced, or even openly celebrated, this relentless slaughter. Netanyahu received dozens of standing ovations, bringing both houses down when he addressed the US Congress.

Western cheer squads for Israel occasionally express a muted “concern” when a particularly gruesome act of barbarism is perpetrated, especially if it involves Western humanitarian workers. In response, the Israeli military might announces a placatory investigation by the IDF, but the macabre carnival of death continues apace, unchallenged and unchecked by Israel’s febrile supporters.

As elsewhere, in Australia Albanese, Wong, Marles, Dutton, Birmingham, and indeed the vast majority of Labor and Coalition MPs have disingenuously parroted Israel’s “right to defend itself” for the past year, repeating their feckless lip service to the “two state solution” while studiously avoiding the crucial recognition of one of those states: Palestine. This brazen hypocrisy, breathtaking in its mendacity, reveals the Australian political establishment’s racist indifference to the plight of the Palestinians in their ongoing struggle for national liberation. It also clearly reveals Australia’s abrogation of its legal responsibilities under international law.

Israel’s “right to defend itself” is a “right” that Israel specifically does not have, as the ICJ declared on July 19 and the UN General Assembly overwhelmingly (124-14) confirmed on September 18, because Israel is permanently violating the rights of the Palestinians through its prolonged occupation, apartheid rule and ethnic cleansing. In a warning to all countries, including Australia, the ICJ found that each and every State and international organisation has a positive obligation not to render aid or assistance which would maintain Israel’s illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Australia shamelessly abstained from the UNGA vote demanding an end to Israel’s illegal occupation. In her stale apologia for this reckless abstention FM Wong continues to use the purported two-state solution as cover for her Government’s abject refusal to condemn the massacres of the genocidal Zionist regime.

The Australian Government has done nothing to assist the implementation of the ICJ findings. It refuses to suspend trade in military equipment, sanction Israel, expel any diplomatic staff, or recall our own people from Tel Aviv. It is thus aiding and abetting the commission of the mass slaughter of a defenceless people. The majority of the victims, up to 70% it bears repeating, are unarmed innocents: women and children.

Off the battlefield and back in Israel, recently IDF military police arrested nine soldiers for allegedly “mistreating” a Palestinian prisoner by raping him with a baton at Sde Teiman Prison. The arrests provoked a riot by outraged Israeli citizens, who were joined by Knesset lawmakers, some of whom declared that the accused were heroes not criminals.

Far-right Israeli lawmaker Limor Son Har-Melech threatened at a subsequent rally that any prosecutors of Israeli soldiers for alleged crimes during its war against Gaza would be “charged and prosecuted as the lowest of traitors”.

According to a report released by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), between October 7, 2023 and July 31, at least 53 Palestinian prisoners died in Israeli custody. In June, a shocking investigation by the New York Times uncovered harrowing conditions endured by the approximately 10,000 Palestinians detained by Israel, approximately one third of whom are detained without having been charged. In other words they are hostages, though never described as such in the Western media.

Horrific accounts of rape were reported by the NYT investigation into the Sde Teiman detention facility. Khaled Mahajneh, the first lawyer who the military permitted to visit Sde Teiman, corroborated the NYT report uncovering rape, declaring, “The situation there is more horrific than anything we’ve heard about Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo.”

Published originally in the Hebrew newspaper Mekomit, the accounts paint a grim picture of systematic abuse, savage beatings, torture, sexual assault and other inhumane treatment of Palestinian detainees.

The Israeli human rights organisation B’Tselem concluded in an August report that Israeli prisons and detention facilities, “in which every inmate is intentionally condemned to severe, relentless pain and suffering, operate as de-facto torture camps.”

None of these atrocities have dented the popular enthusiasm within Israel for the prosecution of the genocide. The Israeli military operates not only with full impunity, but also the backing of a large segment of Israeli society when carrying out abuses against Palestinians held under their detention.

According to an Israeli Institute for National Security Studies poll, 65% of Jewish Israelis oppose criminal prosecution for the gang rape suspects, and 47% of Jewish Israelis answered that “Israel does not need to abide by international law and maintain moral values in the war.” Polling consistently demonstrates that less than five per cent of Jewish Israelis think the IDF has “gone too far” or “used excessive force” since October 7.

Excessive violence, a hallmark of Israeli policy for decades, has been further “refined” using AI targeting systems. According to Israeli military sources, the IDF initially decided that for every junior Hamas member, 15 or 20 civilians could be permissibly targeted and killed. If the Hamas member was a senior commander, the IDF on several occasions reportedly authorised the killing of over 100 civilians to fulfil its objective. In June this year the Israeli military killed at least 276 people and injured over 698, according to Palestinian health officials, during a mission to rescue hostages in the Nuseirat refugee camp inside Gaza. American officials confirmed that US intelligence assisted the IDF in this especially brutal massacre.

These facts and figures should be deeply disturbing for all Australians, but particularly those politicians who have allowed themselves to be duped by the Israeli propaganda machine to run an unrelenting rhetorical cover for the apocalyptic vengeance being wrought by Israel.

The Zionist regime has recently assassinated several leaders of the Palestinian resistance in Beirut and Tehran, as well as Iranian military personnel in Damascus, an egregious violation of both international law and the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the targeted countries. What’s more, Ismail Haniyeh, killed in Tehran, was Hamas’ lead negotiator in the ongoing talks on a hostage release and ceasefire. It’s clear that if one is seriously trying to reach an agreement one shouldn’t murder the other side’s top negotiator.

It has now become obvious that Netanyahu, under political siege, has no interest in ending the slaughter, and may even consider the hostages expendable, consistent with the ruthless implementation of the Hannibal Protocol on October 7, still underreported in the Western media.

The other military protocol never mentioned in the Western media is the Dahiya Doctrine, named after the suburb in Beirut levelled by the IDF in the Lebanese civil war in 2006, a policy which was explained by the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel as a form of “asymmetrical combat against an enemy that is not a regular army and is embedded within a civilian population; its objective is to avoid a protracted guerilla war. According to this approach Israel has to employ tremendous force disproportionate to the magnitude of the enemy’s actions.”

Israeli security analyst Gabi Siboni further explains that in an outbreak of hostilities with Hezbollah, “the IDF will need to act immediately, decisively, and with force that is disproportionate to the enemy’s actions and the threat it poses. Such a response aims at inflicting damage and meting out punishment to an extent that will demand long and expensive reconstruction processes. In such cases, Israel again will not be able to limit its response to actions whose severity is seemingly proportionate. It will have to respond disproportionately.”

In short, Israeli military doctrine unequivocally promotes a shameless violation of international law. The disproportionate responses are not accidental or mistaken, nor due to a breakdown in communication, or the actions of rogue officers or soldiers. It is a standard, routine, evil practice.

In other words, the doctrine of proportionality inherent in the laws of armed conflict simply does not exist for Israel. Like its US armourer, Israel considers itself an exceptional state which is not bound by the rules which apply to the rest of the international community.

The same impetus has propelled the assassinations in sovereign states and the recent indiscriminate booby-trapped pager terrorist attacks by Israel, which have served as a prelude to the opening of a front in Lebanon and significantly increased the possibility of a wider conflict, not only between Israel and Hezbollah, but also involving Iran and the United States. Some analysts have even suggested that Russia and China may become involved. Of course, Israel possesses nuclear weapons. It’s widely believed that Iran could make a small number at short notice. The region stands on a knife edge.

To return to the question posed above, Israel’s progressive decline over decades into a form of barbarism acceptable to the West has been enabled by the kind of blanket, uncritical support typified by the US and Australia. Many hope for a Harris presidency next year. While maybe preferable to the alternative, either way there will be no lessening of US support for Israel and its ongoing ruthless program of Palestinian expropriation and extermination.

Israel knows it can commit war crimes with impunity. In late August it launched its largest assault on the West Bank since 2002, some 800 Palestinians now having been killed there since October 7 by the IDF and illegal Zionist settlers armed by the state. Since that time more than 3,000 Palestinians have been displaced due to IDF demolitions of their homes. During the same period, the United Nations recorded 1,250 attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians.

Fatuous declarations that Israel has a “right to defend itself”, and that “we will always stand by Israel”, are thus shamelessly inadequate responses to a legally declared “plausible genocide”. Israel’s “right to defend itself” has now become a right to commit genocide.

These contrived Zionist fictions have always deserved to be flung into the dustbin of history; now they have been, by the International Court of Justice, by the disavowals of the Israeli parliament and ministers, and by the pitiless savagery of the armed forces of the Zionist regime.

The lessons for Australia from the Gaza conflict could not be more clear. Increasingly bound to the USA militarily, economically and culturally, on the international stage we are hamstrung, unable to formulate and express an independent and principled stance in our foreign affairs. We constantly conform to American expectations and requirements in our foreign policy and defence ‘posturing’, a ludicrously apt term under the circumstances. Marles and Wong have even recently made “undisclosed political commitments” to the Americans. Such is the current state of our slavish obedience to the USA.

Australian sovereignty is now in calamitous decline, as we encourage the rapid growth of US military bases on our soil. It is crucially important to understand that we have absolutely zero control over what happens on those bases, or indeed what is fired off from them. These innovations, including the transit and possibly storage of nuclear weapons, create a profusion of targets for any foreign military attacks, including nuclear attacks, as we transform our country into a willing “partner” for an unprovoked US aggression against China.

Cheerfully relinquishing our sovereignty, disingenuous and hypocritical in our foreign policy, and obsequious in our vassalage, we are bereft of an authentically independent voice by which we might assert a principled position on the world stage, advocating for the peaceful resolution of conflict, in favour of demilitarisation, and against the proliferation of nuclear weapons.

The Gazan conflict has thrown our uncritical support of Israel and disregard for international law into stark relief. Through our subservience to the US we have become increasingly vulnerable to the uncertainties inherent in the erratic, irresponsible and reckless behaviour of a great power in decline.

It’s way past time we came of age and stood on our own two feet. Our future as an independent nation will most certainly depend on it.





Australian air bases assisted with US strike on Houthi weapon stores

Exclusive by defence correspondent Andrew Greene and chief digital political correspondent Jacob Greber


Air bases in Australia have helped with this week's United States air strike on underground Houthi weapons stores in Yemen, an attack that has been seen as a warning to Iran.

The Department of Defence confirmed Australia provided support for US strikes on October 17, targeting the Houthi facilities "through access and overflight for US aircraft in northern Australia".

"Australia is committed to supporting the US, and key partners, in disrupting Houthi capabilities used to threaten global trade and the lives of mariners in the Red Sea, a vital international waterway," a defence spokesperson said.

The ABC understands air-to-air refuelling aircraft were part of the mission, although the defence department has declined to confirm.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said early on Friday morning (AEDT) that President Joe Biden ordered the strikes to "further degrade the Houthis' capability" to destabilise the region and protect US forces in "one of the world's most critical waterways".

While the US did not mention Iran, American media noted that the B-2 is the only plane capable of hitting deeply buried Iranian nuclear facilities.

"This was a unique demonstration of the United States' ability to target facilities that our adversaries seek to keep out of reach, no matter how deeply buried underground, hardened or fortified," Mr Austin said.

"The employment of US Air Force B-2 Spirit long-range stealth bombers demonstrate US global strike capabilities to take action against these targets when necessary, anytime, anywhere."

The US has been battling Iran-backed Houthis since shortly after the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel over a year ago.

US Central Command issued a separate statement that it "conducted multiple, precision airstrikes" on storage facilities in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen, that had "various advanced conventional weapons used to target US and international military and civilian vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden".

US forces "targeted the Houthis' hardened underground facilities housing missiles, weapons components, and other munitions," it said.

An Australian official said the "support is consistent with our long-standing alliance commitment and close cooperation, demonstrating the interoperability of our militaries".

"Australia will continue to work with partners to deter actions that undermine global and regional security and stability."

Darwin MP Luke Gosling, who is also the federal government's special envoy for defence, told the ABC that Australia works "incredibly closely with the US Air Force" in the north.

"We obviously are part of a global effort to make sure that terrorists are not able to interdict free trade, are not able also to threaten the lives of Australians or indeed Australia's interest around the world," he said. 

"So of course we work with our allies and our partners to achieve that aim."

Mr Gosling said there are "no deliberate messages being sent from Australia, other than we are in lock-step with our allies in order to uphold a rules-based order upon which Australia's security and prosperity is so dependent".

Strike was a 'direct message of power'

Justin Bassi, executive director of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, said the operation was unprecedented in scale, means and what it targeted.

Overshadowed by global attention falling on the killing of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, Mr Bassi said the raid is "possibly the major international story" of the past 24 hours.

"A direct message of power and deterrence to not only the Houthis, but Iran, it took a B-2 to be able to destroy these underground facilities in Yemen containing sophisticated weaponry supplied by Iran," he said. 

In October 2022, Four Corners revealed that the US Air Force would build a "squadron operations facility" at RAAF Tindal air base, south of Darwin.

Two US B-2 bombers landed at Amberley Air Force Base near Brisbane in August, according to a post on X from an account calling itself the Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri. 

Whiteman is where the US Air Force bases its fleet of B-2 bombers, which is believed to number 19 operational warplanes, according to the New York Times.

The newspaper reported on Friday that the B-2 is the only warplane that can carry the largest class of specially built bombs that can punch through soil, rock or concrete before detonating.

It is not known whether the bombs, known as GBU-57 Massive Ordnance Penetrators or MOPs, were used in the mission.




Israel’s Motto Is “We Can Have Peace Tomorrow If We Just Kill A Few More People Today”

But it’s always today. Tomorrow never comes.

Caitlin Johnstone

Israel’s permanent national security doctrine is basically “We can have peace tomorrow if we just kill a few more people today.”

But it’s always today. Tomorrow never comes.

Israel never succeeds in killing its way to peace, because that’s not actually a thing.

You can’t murder, oppress and tyrannize people into obedience. You can kill off the people who oppose you, but in doing so you just create more people who oppose you. You can scorch the earth killing off every member of Hamas and Hezbollah, but in so doing you just ensure the birth of more Hamases and Hezbollahs.

The only way to murder a population into submission is to kill everyone. To turn the entire middle east into a barren wasteland of death and destruction, so there’s nobody left living to oppose you. That’s the only way “kill today to have peace tomorrow” can work.

And in fairness it did work for other western settler-colonialist projects. In North America and Australia the white man just killed and killed and killed and killed until the opposition was exterminated and the few who remained were broken.

But the indigenous population of historic Palestine is different, in that it doesn’t stand alone. They are surrounded by ancient civilizations who have a longstanding relationship with them, and a kinship of religion and culture. Any move to exterminate the indigenous population like other western settler-colonialist projects have done draws hostilities from surrounding nations, as we are seeing today.

So in order for Israel to kill its way into peace, it needs to not just kill off the Palestinians but kill everyone in the surrounding region who would oppose its doing so. And the Israelis know this, which is why you hear some far right Zionists talking about the need for a “Greater Israel” whose territory extends far beyond Israel’s current borders.

So Israel will always exist in a continuous state of war until it either (A) ceases to exist in its present tyrannical iteration or (B) kills or breaks all its enemies throughout west Asia. That’s the only way the dust can ever settle on the killing.

And that’s why Israel cannot continue to exist in its present iteration. It was a very, very bad idea, just like all the many other very, very bad ideas throughout history, like slavery.

In order for the killing to end, the murderous settler-colonialist project known as Israel must end. This is a big task, but so was freeing the slaves. The only alternative is to plunge further and further down along this trajectory toward more and more killing, drawing in more and more powerful military forces and exponentially expanding the death toll in the process.

A massive war between Israel’s powerful western allies against Iran and its partners in the region would kill millions upon millions of people and devastate the world economy. But that’s precisely the trajectory that western support for Israel’s killing campaigns has us on.

I find this an untenable prospect. It would be much less devastating to dismantle the apartheid state of Israel and make arrangements for the west to absorb anyone who wishes to flee from a state where everyone would have equal rights. It would be difficult, it would be inconvenient, but it would be much, much easier and more ethical than helping Israel continue enacting its “kill today to have peace tomorrow” doctrine.

Nobody has ever presented an argument for why Israel should continue to exist in its present iteration that is both logically and morally defensible. It’s just a crazy, stupid thing we are doing, the same as all the other crazy, stupid things we’ve done throughout history. One day this will be seen clearly by everyone.


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Netanyahu’s Likud Organizes Event Promoting Israel’s Post-War Resettlement Of Gaza




Since October 7th, 2023, Israel’s war that initially began as a response to attacks led by Hamas has mutated into a larger conflict that has brought the same carnage to Lebanon and increased hostilities with Iran. As the stability of the region continues to deteriorate with mass civilian casualties at the hands of the IDF becoming all but a daily occurrence, questions have arisen about what the true endgame of the Netanyahu regime is. While Israel’s wartime government has maintained its position that the war in Gaza is aimed at vanquishing the specter of terrorism by destroying Hamas, the ulterior motives driving the conflict have begun to seep through the cracks of the foundation of that argument. The revelation that Netanyahu’s party, Likud, is coordinating a conference titled ‘Preparing To Settle Gaza’ conveys the true endgame of Israel’s ruling elite

Likud has circulated invitations to a conference held by the Nachala movement that is scheduled for next week. Nachala is a radical organization that was created  too advocate for the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank. The organization traces its origins back to 2006 after it was created by the Rabbi Moshe Levinger, a prominent leader of the Gush Emunim Settlement Movement, and fellow pro-settlement advocate Hana Porat. In recent years, Nachala has relied on the funding network of the Kabbalistic Hasidic Jewish sect Chabad Lubavitch to advance its aims. In 2002, Nachala was able to harness Chabad’s vast resources to raise $5 million shekels in just 3 days to fund the building of more illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank.

While Nachala has focused its efforts on the West Bank since its inception, the group has exploited the attacks of October 7th to expand its agenda. The resettlement of the Gaza Strip has become ingrained in the settlement movement’s platform, coalescing with the mutual aim of Israel’s far-right ruling coalition led by Likud and Netanyahu. Nachala reflected how Netanyahu’s government has sanctioned their efforts with remarks regarding the forthcoming conference, stating “the return to settlement in Gaza is no longer just an idea but a process that is already in advanced stages, with government and public support.”

Israel Social Equality Minister May Golan, Knesset Ministers Tally Gotliv, Osher Shkalim, and Hanoch Milwidsky have confirmed they will be attending the Nachala conference along with 6 other members of Likud that the invitation has listed as participants. Nachala also announced that Jewish supremacist ministers Itamar Ben-Gvir and Bezalel Smotrich are also expected to be in attendance. In total, nearly one-third of the lawmakers in Netanyahu’s party will be participating in the event.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has been one of the most outspoken members of advocates of a vision for expanded Israeli settlement of Palestinian territories. Smotrich is himself an illegal settler of the West Bank living in the settlement of Kedumim, which was built in violation of international law. In March 2023, Smotrich spoke at a conference in Paris held to memorialize right-wing Likud activist and Jewish Agency board member Jacques Kupfer, who passed away in 2021. At the conference, Smotrich was pictured speaking at a podium displaying a map of Greater Israel. His speech was marked by claims that the Palestinian people are merely an invention of the Arab world along with other rhetoric expressing his Jewish supremacist views.

Smotrich’s participation in the conference promoting a vision for expanded settlements caused a diplomatic crisis with neighboring Jordan, whose territory was annexed into the borders displayed by the map of Greater Israel he stood behind while giving his speech. Although Israeli officials were able to ease tensions with Jordan, Smotrich continued to amplify his extremist rhetoric aimed at realizing the vision for Greater Israel. In a documentary released earlier this October, Smotrich advocated for the Zionist goal of conquering parts of Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia. He called for vast territories of those nations to be assimilated into Israel and placed under the rule of a Jewish state, erasing the cultures that annexing such territories would displace. “I want a Jewish state….It is a country run according to the values of the Jewish people.” he said. Smotrich succinctly summarized that radical religious beliefs were fueling that mission, alluding to scripture guiding the vision for Great Israel when he stated “It is written that the future of Jerusalem is to expand to Damascus.”


The conference being held by Nachala exemplifies the growing momentum of the movement promoting Israel’s ultimate endgame of purging Palestinians from the Gaza Strip so that it can be resettled by the Jewish state. Nachala had previously held a similar conference in January. During the last conference, the aims of supporters to displace Palestinians was in full view. One banner prominently displayed the message “Only a transfer [of Palestinians from Gaza] will bring peace.” Although Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke out against the event held in January to subdue backlash against it, his message appears to be little more than one designed to achieve better optics. The obvious disingenuousness of his message is evident as the forthcoming conference includes a larger contingent of members from Likud.

Despite the obvious contradiction of supporting a vision for a Great Israel, the Netanyahu regime continues to publicly hold the position that Israel has no intention of establishing settlements in the Gaza Strip once the war with Hamas comes to an end. The Israeli Prime Minister even reiterated that commitment in Washington DC in July when he spoke to an utterly sycophantic Congress that stood to applaud Netanyahu over 57 times during a speech that only lasted one hour. Yet the message the prime minister has made to the international community rings hollow as the Netanyahu government has continued to normalize rhetoric domestically in Israel advocating for the expansion of illegal settlements into Palestinian territories. Likud sanctioning Nachala’s latest event aimed at organizing those future illegal settlements in Gaza illustrates how the response to October 7th has become less to do with defeating Hamas and more to do with using the war as a political vehicle to advance an ulterior motive aimed at achieving the vision for Greater Israel. 

Reprinted from BlueApples.