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Opposition to the Telegram encrypted messaging platform is driven by the West’s desire to surveil online activity and suppress criticism of its foreign policy, according to ex-CIA analyst Larry Johnson. The analyst made the claim during an interview with Sputnik after news broke that Telegram founder Pavel Durov had been arrested by French authorities after his private jet landed at an airport outside Paris. “I think the charges are all implausible, false,” said the co-founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. “They're charging him reportedly with terrorism. And with fraud. So this clearly smacks of a trumped up political case.” “They're going to charge him with terrorism because he has refused to censor certain groups, people that support Hamas are allowed to communicate freely on Telegram. Telegram is one of the few channels that actually allows information that's critical of Western policy to go on. I think that's really at the root of this.” Durov reportedly faces a number of charges relating to Telegram’s lack of moderation, which authorities claim implicates him in the sharing of content related to terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, and money laundering. “It's possible that he's being turned into a bargaining chip. But the question is, who's going to bargain for him? He walked away from Russia,” he noted, recalling that the tech entrepreneur left the country in 2014. “The fact of the matter is he left Russia and accepted French citizenship, and has chosen to reside in the [United] Arab Emirates. So he's not high on the priority list of Russian intelligence to get him back by any stretch. He's of no use to Russia in that regard.”
“I think the Westerners – the French in particular – have made a mistake in grabbing him because they think that this is going to somehow create leverage or create an issue with Russia.” Previously Durov claimed during an interview with journalist Tucker Carlson that the FBI had attempted to encourage one of Telegram’s engineers to create a backdoor in the application for the use of Western intelligence agencies.
The platform has become known as a home for political dissidents in the West, who are able to publish content that is discouraged or disallowed on other online platforms. “There was a time when [Durov] was considered friendly with [French President Emmanuel] Macron,” Johnson recalled. “But that's clearly come and gone because this kind of arrest would not have happened without Macron's knowledge and approval.” Johnson claimed that criticism of the US-backed proxy war in Ukraine and Israel’s military operation in Gaza on Telegram particularly chafed Western authorities. The social media app TikTok was similarly attacked by US legislators earlier this year when legislation was passed to ban the app after this fall’s presidential election. The pro-Israel lobby has been implicated in the passage of the bill, with Anti-Defamation League executive Jonathan Greenblatt lamenting the popularity of pro-Palestine content on the platform. Zionist settlers have sought to colonize Palestine and displace its indigenous population since the founding of Israel in 1948. “I think the major issue with respect to the West is the coverage that [Telegram] provides about what's going on in Ukraine and the coverage he allows with respect to the Israeli genocide against Palestinians in the Middle East and in Gaza and the West Bank,” Johnson claimed. “I think particularly the last issue has rankled the Israelis quite a bit. And they've been looking to shut him down. The French reportedly have been looking to shut Telegram down. So we'll see.” Johnson claimed US contributors to Russian media outlets such as Sputnik and RT could continue to face intimidation after FBI raids on the homes of Scott Ritter and Dimitri Simes this month. “They've already gone after Dimitri Simes,” Johnson noted. “Dimitri is an American who became a naturalized American [citizen] in the 1970s because he was a dissident against the Soviet Union, against the Communist Party. And now the very country that he fled to for freedom and protection has turned on him and has unleashed our version of the secret police on him.”
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Telegram abides by EU laws and its founder, Pavel Durov, “has nothing to hide,” the company said after Durov was arrested in Paris. Telegram said that it is “awaiting a prompt resolution”of the situation.
Durov was taken into custody at Paris-Le Bourget Airport on Saturday, immediately after arriving from Azerbaijan by private jet. According to French media, prosecutors in Paris plan to charge the 39-year-old with complicity in drug trafficking, pedophilia offenses, and fraud, arguing that Telegram’s insufficient content moderation, its strong encryption tools, and its alleged lack of cooperation with police allow criminals to flourish on the app.
Telegram dismissed these arguments on Sunday, stating that the company follows EU laws and that its content-moderation policies are “within industry standards.”
“Pavel Durov has nothing to hide and travels frequently in Europe,” the statement continued, calling it “absurd to claim that a platform or its owner are responsible for abuse of that platform.”
Almost a billion users globally use Telegram as means of communication and as a source of vital information,” the company concluded. “We’re awaiting a prompt resolution of this situation.”
Telegram is headquartered in Dubai, although the company appointed a Belgian legal representative earlier this year to manage its compliance with EU law. Telegram has also complied with the bloc’s anti-Russian sanctions by blocking access to Russian news outlets, including RT.
However, Durov has consistently refused to hand over user data to law enforcement agencies, or to install so-called ‘backdoors’ so that these agencies can surveil conversations on the app. Speaking to RT on Sunday, Durov’s former spokesman suggested that French authorities could have made the arrest on behalf of the US, after Durov publicly accused American intelligence agencies of pressuring him into giving them access to Telegram user data.