Friday 18th of October 2024

GLOBAL WARMING is real and anthropogenic.....

As a lot of indices tell us that GLOBAL WARMING is real and anthropogenic, there are still a lot of doubters out there contesting the theory. Lately, as some people laugh it off, some clever erudite idiots have introduced the idea that global warming is not happening but is a conspiracy started by the Rockefellers in order to impose their will on the entire world. With such, the Rockefellers’s philanthropy isn’t altruistic but is a plot to foster the long established will of the American Empire to own all of the world… Sure....


Canadian Journalist Elizabeth Nikson digs deeply into Jacob Nordangard’s epic book, Rockefeller: Controlling the Game.  Every scurrilous, freedom-sapping organization in America has been founded or funded by Rockefeller money. In 1973, with the founding of the Trilateral Commission, their plan kicked into high gear to capture all the resources of the world.


We cannot deny that the Rockefellers had something to do with promoting the concept of global warming. 


At 9:30 am on March 12, 1963, in Room 1-B of Manhattan’s Rockefeller Institute, six experts gathered to discuss the implications of a newly identified atmospheric phenomenon: the rising level of carbon dioxide (CO2) caused by the burning of fossil fuels.

Hosted by the Conservation Foundation, a philanthropic organization, this small but vitally important symposium would help to bring a practically unknown area of scientific inquiry to national awareness.

“Man is altering the balance of a relatively stable system by his pollution of the atmosphere with smoke, fumes and particles from… fossil fuelsand by “the increasing quantities of carbon dioxide an industrial society releases to the atmospherewrote the foundation’s president, Samuel H. Ordway, Jr., in the foreword to the group’s 1962 Annual Report. Concerned by potential climatic consequences, the foundation had proposed a conference on the “Carbon Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere” — an informal symposium that would allow a selected panel of experts to clarify their thinking and crystallize their ideas for “future scientific research” on the topic.



But as we mentioned many times on this site, the concept of global warming had been studied since Fourier and crystallised by the studies of Swante Arrhenius in 1896-7. 


In 1824, Joseph Fourier calculated that an Earth-sized planet, at our distance from the Sun, ought to be much colder. He suggested something in the atmosphere must be acting like an insulating blanket. In 1856, Eunice Foote discovered that blanket, showing that carbon dioxide and water vapor in Earth's atmosphere trap escaping infrared (heat) radiation.

In the 1860s, physicist John Tyndall recognized Earth's natural greenhouse effect and suggested that slight changes in the atmospheric composition could bring about climatic variations. In 1896, a seminal paper by Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius first predicted that changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels could substantially alter the surface temperature through the greenhouse effect.

In 1938, Guy Callendar connected carbon dioxide increases in Earth’s atmosphere to global warming. In 1941, Milutin Milankovic linked ice ages to Earth’s orbital characteristics. Gilbert Plass formulated the Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climate Change in 1956.


Thus before going on with a proper assessment of the Rockefellers’ quite considerable influence on tackling the subject we need to assess the prognosis and indices:




Svante Arrhenius — 




The Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climatic Change


First published: May 1956

The most recent calculations of the infra-red flux in the region of the 15 micron CO2 band show that the average surface temperature of the earth increases 3.6° C if the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is doubled and decreases 3.8° C if the CO2 amount is halved, provided that no other factors change which influence the radiation balance. Variations in CO2 amount of this magnitude must have occurred during geological history; the resulting temperature changes were sufficiently large to influence the climate. The CO2 balance is discussed. The CO2 equilibrium between atmosphere and oceans is calculated with and without CaCO3 equilibrium, assuming that the average temperature changes with the CO2 concentration by the amount predicted by the CO2 theory. When the total CO2 is reduced below a critical value, it is found that the climate continuously oscillates between a glacial and an inter-glacial stage with a period of tens of thousands of years; there is no possible stable state for the climate. Simple explanations are provided by the CO2 theory for the increased precipitation at the onset of a glacial period, the time lag of millions of years between periods of mountain building and the ensuing glaciation, and the severe glaciation at the end of the Carboniferous. The extra CO2 released into the atmosphere by industrial processes and other human activities may have caused the temperature rise during the present century. In contrast with other theories of climate, the CO2 theory predicts that this warming trend will continue, at least for several centuries.




Global Temperature Is Rising

The planet's average surface temperature has risen about 2 degrees Fahrenheit (1 degrees Celsius) since the late 19th century, a change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and other human activities.4 Most of the warming occurred in the past 40 years, with the seven most recent years being the warmest. The years 2016 and 2020 are tied for the warmest year on record.


The Oceans Are Getting Warmer

The ocean has absorbed much of this increased heat, with the top 100 meters (about 328 feet) of ocean showing warming of 0.67 degrees Fahrenheit (0.33 degrees Celsius) since 1969.6 Earth stores 90% of the extra energy in the ocean.


The Ice Sheets Are Shrinking

The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have decreased in mass. Data from NASA's Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment show Greenland lost an average of 279 billion tons of ice per year between 1993 and 2019, while Antarctica lost about 148 billion tons of ice per year.


Glaciers Are Retreating

Glaciers are retreating almost everywhere around the world — including in the Alps, Himalayas, Andes, Rockies, Alaska, and Africa.


Snow Cover Is Decreasing

Satellite observations reveal that the amount of spring snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere has decreased over the past five decades and the snow is melting earlier.


Sea Level Is Rising

Global sea level rose about 8 inches (20 centimeters) in the last century. The rate in the last two decades, however, is nearly double that of the last century and accelerating slightly every year.


Arctic Sea Ice Is Declining

Both the extent and thickness of Arctic sea ice has declined rapidly over the last several decades.


Ocean Acidification Is Increasing

Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the acidity of surface ocean waters has increased by about 30%. This increase is due to humans emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and hence more being absorbed into the ocean. The ocean has absorbed between 20% and 30% of total anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions in recent decades (7.2 to 10.8 billion metric tons per year).


Extreme Events Are Increasing in Frequency

The number of record high temperature events in the United States has been increasing, while the number of record low temperature events has been decreasing, since 1950. The U.S. has also witnessed increasing numbers of intense rainfall events.



During the last few years, increasing extreme climatic events have devastated many places — the latest event being HURRICANE BERYL…


Tropical Storm Beryl made landfall in south-east Texas on Monday with howling winds and torrential rains, causing the deaths of at least three people, closing oil ports, and knocking out power to more than 2.5 million homes and businesses.

Before making landfall in Texas, the storm had already carved a path through the Caribbean as a category 5 hurricane, where it killed 11 people. It continued on to Mexico’s Yucatán peninsula as a category 2, temporarily dropped in intensity to a tropical storm but again strengthened to a hurricane over the weekend.



getting hot on the surface of the planet....



Early Example of Corporate Greenwashing

The location chosen for the conference was New York’s Rockefeller Institute established in 1901 by John D. Rockefeller, the founder of Standard Oil (now ExxonMobil). The Rockefeller Foundation, which maintained a close association with the Rockefeller Institute, was a prominent sponsor of the Conservation Foundation, as was the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, giving a combined total of $35,000 (worth almost $350,000 today) to the conservation group in 1962, the year in which the conference was organized.

According to the Conservation Foundation’s “Summary of Receipts” for that year, Laurance S. Rockefeller (the financier, philanthropist, and conservationist who was a grandson of John D. Rockefeller) made substantial donationsThree major oil companies also contributed smaller amounts — $2,500 from Standard Oil of New Jersey (ExxonMobil); $1,000 from Standard Oil of California (Chevron); and $1,000 from the Richfield Oil Corporation (BP).

A newly discovered internal document authored by Standard Oil of New Jersey (ExxonMobil) in 1966 suggests that its donation was made for PR purposes in an early example of corporate greenwashing. The document, found in the ExxonMobil Historical Collection in Austin, Texas, reveals that one of the company’s PR objectives “as approved by the Board in 1962” was “to work for a climate of opinion at home and abroad that will encourage fair opportunity for its operations.”



We [ROCKEFELLERS] believe humanity’s potential for progress is limitless, but that progress is too seldom shared by all.

Since 1913, The Rockefeller Foundation has pursued our mission to promote the well-being of humanity around the world by breaking down the barriers that limit who can be healthy, empowered, nourished, well off, secure, and free. To do so, the Foundation and its partners have made big bets that bettered the lives of billions of people and transformed the world’s public health, agriculture, and renewable energy systems.

Today, the climate crisis threatens people around the world as well as progress itself. For the first time in several generations, we face a future where the headwinds to people’s well-being grow stronger by the day—where the next generation could be worse off than its predecessor.

The world has the innovations and ideas to make tomorrow better than today. A transformation is underway in wealthier countries that proves it is possible to reverse the climate crisis while advancing human opportunity. But so far that transformation is both incomplete and inequitable—special interests and structural barriers are keeping everyone from benefiting.

We believe humanity deserves better and can do better. By accelerating—and ensuring everyone can participate—in the transformations that are underway in our energy, food, health and finance systems, the Foundation can help start a new era of progress that ensures everyone has the opportunity to be healthy, empowered, nourished, secure, and free.










Media accreditation for COP 29 is open

The sessions will be held from 11 to 22 November 2024 at the Baku Olympic Stadium located at Heydar Aliyev, 323, Baku, Azerbaijan.

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In short:

Five people have reportedly died after a searing heat wave gripped large parts of the United States.

High temperatures in Oregon are suspected to have caused four deaths in the Portland area and one at Death Valley, California.

What's next?

Temperatures are expected to continue breaking records in the Pacific Northwest region into this week.

Five people have reportedly died after a searing heat wave gripped large parts of the United States, tying or breaking previous heat records in dozens of locations across the country's West and Pacific Northwest regions.

High temperatures in Oregon are suspected to have caused four deaths in the Portland area, officials told the Associated Press.

Multnomah County's medical examiner is investigating Oregon's suspected heat-related deaths recorded on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, local time.

According to an email sent by county officials, three deaths involved people over the age of 60. They were 64, 75 and 84 years old.

Heat was also suspected in the death of a 33-year-old man taken to a Portland hospital.

Portland broke daily record temperatures on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and is on track to do so again on Monday with a forecast high of 38.9 degrees Celsius, National Weather Service (NWS) meteorologist Hannah Chandler-Cooley said. 

More hot weather is expected through to Tuesday evening.

"We are looking at the potential for breaking more records," she said.

News of the Portland deaths came after a motorcyclist was recorded as having died from heat in California.

A high temperature of 53.3C was recorded on Saturday and Sunday at the state's Death Valley National Park, where a visiting motorcyclist died on Saturday from heat exposure. 

Another person was hospitalised, officials say.

They were among six motorcyclists riding through the Badwater Basin area in scorching weather, the park said in a statement. 

The other four were treated at the scene. 

Emergency medical helicopters were unable to respond because the aircraft cannot fly safely over 48.8C, officials say.

Heat illness and injury are cumulative and can build over the course of a day or days, officials warn. 

In San Jose, California, a homeless man died last week from apparent heat-related causes, Mayor Matt Mahan said on X.

More extreme highs are expected, including a a high of around 52.7C in Death Valley on Monday and possibly 54.4C about midweek.

Death Valley is the largest US national park outside Alaska, and is considered one of the most extreme environments in the world. 

The hottest temperature ever officially recorded on Earth was 56.67C in July 1913 in Death Valley — though some experts dispute the measurement and say the real record was 54.4C, recorded there in July 2021.

Park superintendent Mike Reynolds cautioned visitors in a statement that "high heat like this can pose real threats to your health".

The temperatures aren't expected to soar as high as they did during a heat wave in the Pacific Northwest in 2021 which killed an estimated 600 people across Oregon, Washington and western Canada. 

However, the extended duration of the heat wave could be problematic because many homes in the region lack air conditioning. 

Round-the-clock hot weather keeps people from cooling off sufficiently at night, and it's worse in urban areas where concrete and pavement store heat.



fossil fuel investing....


Report Names Institutions Behind $4.3 Trillion in Climate-Wrecking Investments

"Investors need to draw a red line on fossil fuel expansion and they need to do it now," said an author of the report, which cites Vanguard and BlackRock as the largest institutional investors in fossil fuel companies.




Institutional investors including the Vanguard Group and BlackRock collectively own $4.3 trillion in the stocks and bonds of fossil fuel companies, according to a report released Tuesday by Urgewald, a nonprofit based in Germany. 

Urgewald and partner nonprofits tracked investments into nearly 3,000 companies in the coal, oil, and gas sectors for Investing in Climate Chaos 2024, a report that follows on similar research they published last year. 

The $4.3 trillion in financing jeopardizes the quick phaseout of fossil fuels that's necessary to avoid unmanageable climate breakdown, the report says. 

"If institutional investors continue backing companies that are still expanding their coal, oil, and gas operations, it will be impossible to phase out fossil fuels in time," Katrin Ganswindt, Urgewald's head of financial research, said in the report. "Investors need to draw a red line on fossil fuel expansion and they need to do it now."

Urgewald looked at the holdings of more than 7,500 institutional investors worldwide including "pension funds, insurance companies, asset managers, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds, endowment funds, and asset management arms of commercial banks" as of May 2024. 

The true investment total may be higher than $4.3 trillion, given the lack of transparency in bond markets; the report authors estimated that they only included 20-30% of actual bond holding in fossil fuel companies. 

Of the $4.3 trillion, more than half was invested by U.S.-based companies. In fact, $1.1 trillion was held by just four companies: Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, and Capital Group—dubbed "the filthy four" by Urgewald—each of which had more than $160 billion in fossil fuel investment holdings. 

Alec Connon, co-director of Stop the Money Pipeline, said the outsized role of the U.S. was the result of poor governance. 

"This mirrors the complete lack of action by U.S. regulators to effectively monitor and address the climate and transition risks of large institutional investors," Connon said in the report. "This inaction lays the ground for the next economic crisis and puts the world on a fast track towards climate chaos."

Nearly $4 trillion of the $4.3 trillion in holdings went to companies that are actively developing new fossil fuel projects, not just tapping existing projects, though the report doesn't specify how much actually went toward new development; many companies do both.

In any case, it's clear that new development abounds: Companies have increased capital expenditure on oil and gas exploration by more than 30% since 2021. ExxonMobil, among the biggest beneficiaries of the institutional investing documented in the report, alone spends $1.4 billion annually searching for new reserves in 37 countries, the publication says.

All of this is in spite of pledges to "transition away" from fossil fuels, as countries agreed to do at the United Nations climate summit in Dubai in December. Environmental campaigners are trying to use those pledges, loophole-ridden as they may be, to pressure institutional investors and regulators to take action. 

"The question is, will institutional investors continue snapping up bonds of companies like Saudi Aramco, ExxonMobil, or TotalEnergies whose business model relies on heating up the planet?" the report's authors asked. "Or will pension funds, insurers, and asset managers realize that these investments will produce more heatwaves, more catastrophic floods, more climate disasters?"

Urgewald is one of the NGOs that produces the annual Banking on Climate Chaos report, the latest publication of which found that big banks shoveled nearly $7 trillion into fossil fuel companies in the eight years after the Paris agreement was signed in 2015. That report, released in May, showed that major banks including JPMorgan Chase and Citigroup together financed fossil fuel companies to the tune of $705 billion in 2023, the hottest year on record.