Monday 1st of July 2024

charlie hebdo: french voters have weak intestines for macron's chaos........

Paris | Marine Le Pen says French President Emmanuel Macron’s accusations that the agendas of the far-right National Rally and leftist alliance could lead to “civil war” indicate that he knows he is going to lose the upcoming legislative vote that begins on Sunday.

“He always campaigned saying ‘it’s me or chaos’,” Ms Le Pen said on RTL radio on Tuesday. “It’s a very weak argument that shows that he thinks he’s lost this election.”

Mr Macron on Monday said that the way the far-right and far-left blocs pit people against each other could lead to a dangerous domestic situation.

The far-right National Rally’s plan to deal with crime and insecurity “refers to people of a religion or an origin – it divides, and it leads to civil war”, Mr Macron said in an interview with a Generation Do It Yourself podcast. The far-left France Unbowed, which is part of a hastily cobbled alliance, was also peddling sectarian politics that would provoke similar hostilities, he said.

The increasingly strident comments from Mr Macron’s camp reflect a last-ditch attempt to woo voters as his centrist party trails the National Rally and the leftist New Popular Front in the polls with less than a week before the first round of voting.


la deception....

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

Half of French 18-25-year-olds in a recent poll supported instituting a military draft in France to force themselves to join the army in order to become sent to Ukraine to help U.S.-and-allied billionaires win their war against Russia in Ukraine so that those billionaires will ultimately take control over Russia, the world’s largest and most natural-resources rich country.

Of course, those youths aren’t aware that this is what the war in Ukraine is actually about — they’ve instead been deceived to think that it’s an imperial war started by Putin in 2022, rather than an imperial war started by Obama in 2014 when Obama’s Administration engineered a very bloody coup which removed the democratically elected neutralist President there and replaced him with a rabidly anti-Russian U.S.-selected leader who immediately started an ethnic-cleansing campaign to get rid of enough of the former President’s voters so that when future elections would he held in Ukraine, only rabidly anti-Russian rulers would be elected, and that this ethnic-cleansing campaign to solidify Obama’s coup started the war in Ukraine — Putin did not. The goal of Obama (and of the billionaires who had funded his political campaigns) was to get Ukraine into NATO so that America could place a nuclear missile there only 317 miles, or five minutes of missile-flying time, away from The Kremlin — checkmate against Russia. Those French youths don’t know anything about any of that, because their nation’s ‘news’-media hide it from them.

Their nation’s ‘news’-media had similarly hidden from their parents the unassailable fact that in 2003 when the U.S. invaded and destroyed (that video had been quickly removed by youtubeIraq, it was 100% on the basis of lies to the American people (just as the U.S.-and-allied war in Ukraine against Russia is), and that America is no democracy but instead a profoundly corrupt country whose Government is controlled by its billionaires, who are determined to extend their empire throughout the entire world. And these youngsters also don’t know that France’s billionaires, like the billionaires in all other U.S. colonies, are part of the American international gang and are likewise determined to take over Russia for the American empire.

Mainstream media (and some of the non-mainstream media too) are funded by billionaires, and those are propaganda-media not authentically journalistic. Having endless amounts of funding means that when the public are polled, the results show opinions that are overwhelmingly shaped by the few people who are billionaires. This makes democracy impossible. Obviously, therefore, the rights of all of the super-rich need to be cut way back in order for democracy to be able to exist, at all. Any attempt to do that would cause massive amounts of propaganda saying that it would be discrimination against the super-rich. But it’s necessary in order to prevent the super-rich from preventing democracy. Furthermore: any common criminal has his rights cut way back by the Government, but produces far less harm to society than a billionaire produces — to prevent democracy is a crime so vast that it dwarfs all of the crimes that are committed by all of the ordinary criminals put together. So, all of that propaganda will be just as false as the other propaganda that billionaires fund. With vast personal wealth, there needs to come vast personal obligations, and any billionaire who opposes those obligations is an enemy of the public and deserves to be treated as such — in spades. Otherwise, justice will never be possible; democracy will never be possible.

Until I recently used the title “The Power of Propaganda” to refer to the findings from this poll in France, all of the findings from a Google-search of that phrase were about WW2, and almost all of those were about Nazi propaganda. The few that weren’t, described propaganda from America’s Government during WW2. However, that media-image, presenting this phrase as not having relevance to the Cold War and extending right up to now, is entirely false; and — since the power of propaganda explains why most French youths want their Government to force them to fight and maybe die in Ukraine for a war that’s actually by the U.S.-and-allied billionaires to capture Russia to add it to their empire — this phrase has crucial relevance to any dictatorship, even today. This American dictatorship is a collective dictatorship, it’s an aristocracy instead of a monarchy, but it’s really no better than a one-person dictatorship, such as Napoleon and Hitler wanted to impose.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.