Friday 18th of October 2024

blatant manifestations of neo-nazism françaises.....

Ukrainian Soldiers Flaunting Neo-Nazi Symbols Welcomed for Training in France - Report

Ukrainian Army units have brandished a wide variety of extremist and fascist symbols, pro-Nazi chants, and Hitler salutes from the start of the conflict. However, none of these blatant manifestations of neo-Nazism have stopped the Kiev regime's Western patrons from welcoming Ukrainian soldiers with open arms at their military training camps.

Ukrainian soldiers flaunting Nazi symbols went through intensive training under supervision of French instructors at a military camp in southern Creuse in 2023, Mediapart revealed.

Leaked images show Ukrainian soldiers wielding French weapons at the La Courtine camp last fall while conspicuously sporting a wide variety of Nazi insignia. One of the men had an SS symbol* tattooed on his face, the dossier obtained by the French investigative media outlet showed.





 By Andrey Sushentsov, program director of the Valdai Club Europe is fading away and becoming a ‘lost continent’The centre of the world’s gravity is shifting, and the ‘old world’ is losing its relevance 

Europe remains an important strategic focus for Russia, but it’s no longer the main topic of discussion. Today, many see it as a “lost continent,” where the Western half has stopped acting based on its own interests and finds it difficult to even define them. States are increasingly losing their autonomy and succumbing to pressure from the US.

The growing presence of NATO on Russia’s western borders worries our country. There are signs of the US-led bloc’s transition from hibernation to preparations for a major military confrontation in Europe. The path of increasing escalation and pressure on Russia is a dead end: Moscow takes the NATO threat seriously and has the means to deal with it. The militarization of the Baltic states, the strengthening of the bloc’s influence in the Black Sea and near the Russian border will increase the number of episodes in which our interests collide and keep us in constant tension.

Russia has no aggressive plans against the Baltics – this is a threat invented by Washington and Brussels. However, if NATO chooses the path of escalating tensions, Moscow will not shy away from this challenge. I believe that this path is a fool’s errand for Western Europe – it becomes a hostage to the American desire to isolate the EU’s main economies from Russia.

Escalation creates a series of phobias, removes any impetus for economic cooperation and ultimately ties Western European states to the US economy, making them much less competitive.

As a result, the Americans are “cannibalizing” the Western Europeans under the noble guise of protecting the European continent from an imaginary Russian threat. I believe that those in Western Europe should not be blind to this artificial inflation of tensions by the US – they must act in their own interests.

Russia has now turned its attention to other regions of the world and is developing its historic relations with the countries of Asia and Africa with great vigor. To some extent, Western Europe is turning away from Russia and Russia is turning away from Western Europe.

I accept that this, like many things in history, is a spiral. And in time there will be a process of return. But it is obvious that today Western Europe is for Russia not a region that is very important or offers many opportunities. On the contrary, what we hear from there nowadays are the most bellicose statements, but not backed up by much political resolve. While Russia continues to perceive Western European actions against our country as a threat, the focus of Moscow’s attention is shifting to other parts of the world.

At the same time, the US remains the most active – in a destructive sense – force in international relations, constantly working to create ad hoc coalitions to use against its opponents. Now it’s acting more and more feverishly, realizing that time is not on its side.

Instead of this nonsense, it would be wise for Washington to accept that objective demographic, economic and social processes are making Asia the world’s main center of gravity in the new century, and to work to ensure that the conditions for stability and development are maintained. The actions of the Americans, unfortunately, show the opposite: they are exacerbating the perception of their own decline, which would be less acute if they behaved more constructively.

The shift of the center of gravity from the Atlantic region to East and South Asia is an objective process. Moscow and Washington are only indirectly involved in it, but the growing influence of the countries of this region cannot be denied or stopped. In this context, relations between Russia and China are remarkable – although there have been crises between our countries in the past, Russian-Chinese relations are now at their peak and are one of the fundamental pillars of a new balanced international order. 

As early as the mid-1990s, Russia and China formulated a common vision of the world of the future. It was enshrined in the 1997 ‘Declaration on a Multipolar World and the Formation of a New International Order’. And since then, the Russian-Chinese understanding of how the world should be has evolved: on the basis of non-interference, respect for sovereignty, mutual interests, and the recognition that cooperation between countries is possible regardless of the nature of their government. This basis for cooperation has stood the test of time and many international crises in recent decades, and is taking our relations to an even higher level.


This article was first published by Valdai Discussion Club, translated and edited by the RT team.





Shock images coming out of Ukrainian cities have shown recruiters and police attempting to detain mobilization-age men at an array of public venues - from clubs and concert halls to malls, restaurants, gyms, gas stations and even a wedding. Veteran Ukraine expert Alexander Dudchak tells Sputnik what this new round of thuggish behavior means.

Ukrainian, Russian and Western mainstream and social media are actively discussing videos of large scale raids in Kiev, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Lvov, Khmelnytskyi, Krivoy Rog, Vinnitsa and other major Ukrainian cities of men in military fatigues, some wearing balaclavas or bandanas covering their faces, surrounding draft-age men and checking their documents.

On some occasions, crowds of angry bystanders seem to get the upper hand against the people-snatchers, forcing recruiters and cops to vacate premises to shouts of "Shame! Shame!" Elsewhere, men aren't so lucky, with automatic rifle-armed cops clad in black scuffling with detainees and stuffing them into waiting vans.

“Their problems are traditional: they don’t have enough personnel. They’re grabbing everyone, even those with an official exemption from service – which isn’t always possible to prove,” Institute of CIS Countries senior researcher Alexander Dudchak told Sputnik, commenting on the dramatic images.

The thuggish methods on display are par for the course, but the scale of the raids seems to be a first, particularly when it comes to major cities, says Dudchak, who is also an expert with ‘Another Ukraine’ – a political and social movement consisting of Ukrainian politicians, journalists and others seeking an end to the NATO-fueled Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The circle of men eligible for avoiding the draft is actually quite small, and has been written into law, potentially making draft-age men an endangered species in Ukraine if the conflict continues.

"Every lawmaker has the right to reserve two people from the draft, and representatives of big business, as 'respected investors', also have the opportunity not to participate in the war." Then there are "employees of non-governmental organizations, international funds," Dudchak said.

Desperate times may be calling for desperate measures, and the mobilization raids seem to be a sign of mounting problems on the battlefield, according to the observer, who pointed to the Russian military’s recent push to drive Ukrainian forces out of Kursk region, and advances in Donetsk and Kharkov.

“Of course, we should not rejoice too early, because despite their serious failures, including places where some units are leaving the front line altogether, with such measures [mass raids and forced mobilization, ed.] they will be able to gather a crowd and hold the defense for some time. I can’t say for how long, but now they will have the opportunity to ‘solve’ their current problems at the expense of the crowd they recruit in this way,” Dudchak said.

More broadly, Dudchak expects an overall shift in Kiev’s tactics, saying both the Zelensky regime’s rhetoric and practice will shift “from attempts to organize a counteroffensive to blind defense. It’s quite possible that this will suit them, and the West, well – holding on to what they have and freezing the front line.”

Asked whether the current wave of forced mobilization may be Kiev's way of trying to put the conflict into hibernation mode, in light of the signals coming from Kiev of potential talks with Moscow, Dudchak expressed concerns that the latter may be a new attempt to "pull the wool over Russia's eyes," to agree a temporary freeze in hostilities that would inevitably resume at a latter date.

The Ukraine crisis today - described by many observers as a proxy war between NATO and Russia using Ukraine as a pawn, began as a civil war in the Donbass in the spring of 2014, which Moscow spent years trying to mediate using the so-called Minsk peace accords - which proposed a return of Ukrainian control over the rebellious Donetsk and Lugansk regions in exchange for their broad constitutional autonomy within Ukraine. Kiev dragged its feet on the Minsk deal for over seven years, and in 2022, Ukraine's former president, the ex-chancellor of Germany and the former president of France each admitted that Minsk was a ploy designed to give Kiev an opportunity to rearm in preparation for a conflict against Russia.