Wednesday 1st of January 2025

stop the genocide....

On March 17, the International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine (ICSGP) held its first Global Call to Action as a webinar simultaneously translated into five languages. The goals of the meeting were to share ways that groups are working to build public support for an end to Israel’s genocidal acts, provide humanitarian aid to Palestinians and amplify the global anti-colonial, anti-imperial movement.


International Coalition to Stop Genocide in Palestine, Popular Resistance.
March 20, 2024
Organize!, Slider


The ICSGP convened in late December, 2023 to push for Israel to be held accountable under the Genocide Convention for its acts in Palestine. Around the same time as the coalition formed, South Africa filed a case against Israel in the International Court of Justice (World Court). ICSGP members worked to build formal international support for the case via Declarations of Intervention submitted to the court and to mobilize social movements around the world to stop the genocide.

The initial letter released by the ICSGP was signed by 2,000 organizations from over 120 countries. Member organizations regularly hold events in support of Palestinian liberation and against the Israeli occupation and genocide.

Following the announcement of the withholding of financial support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and given the blockade of aid to Gaza at the Rafah border crossing, resulting in the intentional starvation of people in Gaza, the coalition began global days of fasting to raise funds for Palestinian-led groups that are providing direct aid to Gazans. The next one will be on April 13, 2024. Currently, organizations are signing onto a letter denouncing the use of starvation as a tool of genocide. Sign the letter here (organizations only please).

The speakers were:

Ajamu Baraka of Black Alliance for Peace moderated the meeting.

Azhar Sakoor is an attorney and serves as Executive with the Palestine Solidarity Alliance Youth League in South Africa.

Marcy Winograd co-hosts with Medea BenjamIn CODEPINK Congress, a bimonthly program on  US foreign policy. In addition, she co-produces CODEPINK Radio, a podcast aired on most Pacifica stations, and oversees CODEPINK’s campaign to support South Africa’s case at the World Court.

Pawel Wargan is a researcher and organizer. He serves as the Coordinator of the Secretariat at the Progressive International. (preferred)

Lamis Deek is a Palestinian born and internationally practicing attorney based in New York whose work includes, civil, commercial, sanctions, compliance, national security, political, private and human rights law on the trials, appeals and transactional levels. In her advocacy she co-convened the Global Legal Alliance for Palestine, and founded the the Palestinian Assembly for Liberation Law Commission: On War crimes, justice, reparations and return.

Fuad Abu Saifa, an expert in agriculture and environmental issues, serves as the Director of the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC), where he strongly supports Palestinian farmers’ rights. As a board member of La Via Campesina, he promotes the welfare of peasants worldwide and is the founder of the Indigenous Seed Bank in Palestine, highlighting his commitment to sustainability and biodiversity. He has initiated several development initiatives in Area “C” aimed at enhancing Palestinian resilience. His active participation in international alliances further underscores his impactful efforts in sustainable development and the advocacy for human rights.

Watch the meeting









Chris Hedges: Israel’s Trojan Horse


Piers allow things to come in. They allow things to go out. And Israel, which has no intention of halting its murderous siege of Gaza, including its policy of enforced starvation, appears to have found a solution to its problem of where to expel the 2.3 million Palestinians. 

If the Arab world will not take them, as Secretary of State Antony Blinken proposed during his first round of visits after Oct. 7, the Palestinians will be cast adrift on ships. 

It worked in Beirut in 1982 when some eight and a half thousand Palestine Liberation Organization members were sent by sea to Tunisia and another two and a half thousand ended up in other Arab states. Israel expects that the same forced deportation by sea will work in Gaza.

Israel, for this reason, supports the “temporary pier” the Biden administration is building, to ostensibly deliver food and aid to Gaza – food and aid whose “distribution” will be overseen by the Israeli military.  

“You need drivers that don’t exist, trucks that don’t exist feeding into a distribution system that doesn’t exist,” Jeremy Konyndyk, a former senior aid official in the Biden administration, and now president of the Refugees International aid advocacy group told The Guardian.  

[See: “Netanyahu Suggests New US-Built Port Could Help Deport Palestinians,” Middle East Eye]  

This “maritime corridor” is Israel’s Trojan Horse, a subterfuge to expel Palestinians. The small shipments of seaborne aid, like the food packets that have been air dropped, will not alleviate the looming famine. They are not meant to.






IDF's murders....

One eyewitness said that “Jewish terrorists in IDF uniforms repeatedly took hostages into the hospital’s morgue area, that gunshots were then heard, and that the soldiers left without the abductees”




Mar 21, 2024


The Israeli military’s raid of Gaza’s largest hospital stretched into its fourth consecutive day on Thursday as humanitarian aid groups, United Nations officials, and human rights organizations voiced alarm over the impact on patients, healthcare workers, and displaced people trapped inside the besieged facility.

The multi-day raid that began earlier this week marks the second time Israeli forces have stormed the hospital since the Hamas-led attack on southern Israel on October 7. In November, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) raided al-Shifa after claiming—without evidence—that Hamas used the hospital as a command center.

The IDF says it has killed more than 140 people it described as “terrorists” in the latest raid, but eyewitnesses told the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor that IDF soldiers “have carried out unlawful killings and executions against displaced Palestinian civilians” inside al-Shifa.






twists and turns....


BY Seth Ferris Does “Genocide Joe” Care about the Plight of Palestinians and Jews?


Only now can we see that there may be more justification than just political mudslinging for Joe Biden being called “Genocide Joe.” Nonetheless, the US is starting to charge its tune over Gaza and the plight of the Palestinians, not out of altruist reasons, or from realizing that Israel has gone too far in getting “its pound of flesh from over the heart”, but instead from basic political pragmatism. This phrase has come to symbolize an insistence on receiving repayment or justice, even if it results in extreme or unreasonable consequences.


Price of murdering innocent civilians

I can see supporting innocent victims of Gaza is right, but certainly not Hamas. Hamas is the evil organization that started the most recent round of violence on 7th October 2023; however, they were created and financially supported in part by Israel [BIBI NETANYAHU] in order to undermine the PLO, and by brutally murdering innocent civilians, have ensured there would never be a two-state solution, and that there would be justification of massive ethic clearing, both of which play into the hands of the extremist Israeli government.

Rasha Mubarak, a Palestinian-American organizer, has condemned Israel’s plans to reduce Gaza’s population and [forced] “voluntary migration” out of the territory, which is [effectively] a push for ethnic cleansing.

“It’s not really voluntary when you’re bombing homes and starving the entire population,” Mubarak told Al Jazeera. “People are either being murdered by the state-sanctioned violence and the bombing or being starved.”

Was it Hamas that started it all on October 7 or an Israeli group pretending to be Hamas that started the mess?  One thing is clear, and it does not a take a conspiracy theorist to come to the conclusion, that the sudden and deadly attack on Israel gave the “green light” for all that has happened in retaliation in the wake of the initial killing and kidnapping spree.


Two wrongs don’t make a right!

October 7 to Israel is like what 9/11 is to Americans, and these days can be used to justify far worse crimes in retaliation.  But in the meantime, Biden’s plan to “help”, presented as if lending a helping hand, portrayed as if an act from the bottom of his heart, but is, in fact, really a heartless act as it does not consider any real solution, just a stop gap measure, like a band-aid for an amputated arm.

Joe Biden, in his recent State of the Union address, said he wants to alleviate the desperate humanitarian situation in Gaza. The American president said he is “directing the US military to lead an emergency mission to establish a temporary pier in the Mediterranean on the Gaza coast that can receive large ships carrying food, water, medicine and temporary shelters”.

But for all practical purposes, it is too little, and a day late and millions of dollars short, as it will take several weeks to be implemented. In addition, it will provide too little relief and too late. It sounds good; however, one phone call could get immediately aid into Gaza via Israel and Egypt without the need to wait for the provision of a temporary pier.

Biden knows that all he has to say is “Just stop it, and if not, we will stop all financial and military aid, and if you think we sanctioned other countries, we can make life in Israel hell on earth!”  But he has not got the balls to say that, and his own political and financial support would be cut off, and not only that – his own family jewels.


Rabid Rabbi!

Benjamin Netanyahu and his minions would have to promise to allow for more access routes and not ambush those collecting the aid, not to mention stopping the killing of women and children. But even now, a “rabid rabbi” has called for the IDF not to spare one living thing, not a single soul, in the orgy of revenge that the IDF is inflicting on the population of Gaza.

Eliyahu Mali, an Israeli rabbi, has urged for the killing of women and children in the Gaza Strip as he considers it a justified response under the teachings of Halakha, or Jewish law.

He claims that the Torah does not allow you to let every soul live. “The terrorists of today are the children of the past.” Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, head of a Jewish religious school in Jaffa, urged his IDF students during a lesson he recently gave to kill all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, including infants, children, women, and the elderly.

He said openly what many are thinking, even those in high posts within the government, who are pushing for the cleansing of Gaza, and even the West Bank; I suppose, eventually, Israeli proper of Israeli Palestinians.  Much of the collective mindset that prevails in Israeli society, and worldwide Judaism, is a direct result of political Zionism in its ugliest form.

Israel as a whole has run amok with how it indoctrinates its people – starting from childhood, through to service in the IDF, and this is where fractures lines appear as the meaning of being Jewish and Zionist are actually contradictory ideologies.

This shakes the very moral foundation and pulls at the roots of Israeli society. Israel is a settler based colonial state whose existence depends on the elimination of the Palestinians. Hence, Israel is a deeply militarized society whose citizens are raised in an environment of historical revisionism and indoctrination that whitewashes Israel’s crimes while cultivating a deep-seated racism and ethnic hatred against Palestinians.

The Chris Hedges Report recently hosted a frank conversation on the distortions of history and reality in the foundations of Israeli identity, and how this is, in fact, bringing abouta negative reaction throughout the world, and fueling anti-Israeli and anti-Semetic feelings that are unprecedented since the time of the Holocaust.

It is not as if what is happening in Gaza is the first time that Israel has participated in mass murder, as one only needs to reflect on the Nakba, the massacres of Palestinians in 1948 and 1956– and these are what set the stage for what is happening now—and it is a matter of either you leave or die!

Religion and Zionism have fused in a toxic way that challenges the meaning of Judaism for many and has the potential to fatally erode support for the State of Israel, especially in the generation that was not raised on such movies as “the Exodus”.

“Religious Nationalism is to religion was what National Socialism was to socialism. That is the codification that allowed for Israel to be created in the first place.  Our situation will deteriorate to that of a second Vietnam, to a war in constant escalation without prospect of ultimate resolution” explained one Jewish thinker, Yeshayahu Leibowitz (1903-1994) who warned of what a corrupt rabbinic culture would bring forth on the State of Israel.

If he only knew how right he was, with the hate speech of some Rabbis rivalling that of the Nazis, and how that can bring forth more hate and destruction of the Jewish people.

As recent graffiti in a German metro put it, “The ultimate irony is to become what you once hated” [SEE IMAGE AT TOP].