Saturday 11th of January 2025

spies versus intelligence versus lies versus the truth....


It should be a given that Ukraine has spies within the Russian intelligence agency FSB and that Russia has spies within the SBU, the Ukrainian intelligence agency.


In time of conflict, these spies can become double agent, or be used as double agents, until their usefulness becomes problematic.


This is where J C Masterman, the head of the English DOUBLE-CROSS SYSTEM, saw trouble in his exposition of the dangers in dealing with manipulating false information that would land on the lap of the enemies.


As he explained, success and failure were often dangerously close. He had six reasons the whole operation of his D-C S hung in the balance until D-Day…


The number five (5) is the most compelling in explaining that his system could have collapsed just before D-Day… In the light of a SBU officer “committing suicide” in Ukraine, we could not not speculate that he would have found out to be a double agent and thus eliminated… Here is Masterman:


5. A more subtle danger, and one which threatened to destroy all our plans, lay in the tendency of Abwehr officials to desert the sinking ship. Shrewd observers among the Germans decided early on which side victory would ulti­mately lie and made their plans accordingly. Some, such as Junior, who was brought over to us in November 1943 after earlier attempts to join us, had always been anti-Nazi; others tried to come for purely selfish motives. At the begin­ning of 1944 this was excessively dangerous for us. If such an Abwehr agent changed sides and joined the British, he would quite certainly tell us of all the German agents he knew operating in England, and these would in fact be our own controlled agents. Unfortunately the Germans would know that the traitor could and would give away all this information, and consequently they would expect the arrest of Garbo, Tricycle, Brutus, Tate, and the rest. If the agents continued to work as if nothing had happened the Germans would assume that they were under our control. In short, the German turncoat, trying to assist us, would in fact destroy our entire system. In this case again we just and only just survived long enough, but it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that a few more months of delay in invasion would have ended our activities.




Colonel Dmitry Bakaev, the deputy head of the special communications department of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), has apparently killed himself at his workplace in Kiev.

The news was first reported on Monday by Ukrainian media outlet, which cited sources within the security agency.

“The incident happened on August 25. Dmitry Bakaev … was found in his office with a gunshot wound to the head. The SBU officer shot himself with a Makarov pistol; it was his service weapon,” the source stated.

The outlet also circulated a suicide note left behind by Bakaev to SBU boss Vassily Malyuk. The late colonel blamed his death on his superiors, claiming he had been systematically mistreated and had had his “human dignity” repeatedly violated.

According to the source, several SBU officers have already been questioned about the allegations raised by Bakaev.

Later in the day, the incident was also acknowledged by the service itself, which claimed it was investigating Bakaev’s death, but refrained from calling it a suicide.

“The circumstances of the death of the SBU officer are being investigated as part of criminal proceedings, conducted by investigators of the National Police. The Security Service of Ukraine expresses sincere condolences to the family and friends of the deceased employee,” the agency told in a statement, pledging to provide “maximum assistance” to the investigators working on the case.



the spy psyche.....


Summer (Goesta Caroli — Swedish) was landed by parachute on 6 September 1940, with instructions to report on the area Oxford-Northampton- Birmingham, with particular reference to air raid damage in Birmingham itself. He was arrested within a few hours of his landing, and thereafter his story falls into two parts: what actually happened to him, and what the Germans believed to have occurred. From the German point of view Summer, who had injured himself slightly on landing, spent the ten days after his arrival hiding in the open between Oxford and Buckingham. Then, as the weather was bad, he proposed to find shelter for himself by posing as a refugee. The Germans vetoed this idea and instead instructed Snow (Arthur Owens — Welsh) by wireless to make contact with Summer and arrange for his accommodation.

In 17 September 1940, Snow despatched Biscuit (Sam McCarthy — British), who met Summer by arrangement at High Wycombe railway station. He then notionally took Summer with him to Lon­don, put him up in his flat and took steps to see that the seaman’s papers which he had brought with him were put into order. The Germans were told via Snow’s transmitter that Summer had fallen ill as a result of his time in the open and was being nursed by Biscuit. By 27 September 1940, the Germans were told that Summer had recovered, and that as his papers were now in order he was ready to set out once more on his own. They gave instructions that he should be told to work the area London-Colchester-Southend. By 23 October 1940 he was able to announce on his own transmitter that he had succeeded in establishing himself in lodgings to the south of Cambridge. There, as far as the Germans knew, he remained until the following January.

There was no further contact between him and Snow’s organisation except that he had Biscuit’s address for use if necessary and once received a payment of £200 from him. At the end of January 1941, Summer’s transmitter went suddenly off the air, and the Germans were told through Snow that Biscuit had received a letter from him to the effect that he was under suspicion by the police and had taken advantage of his seaman’s papers to cut and run. He had left his wireless set in the cloakroom at Cambridge station, whence on the Germans’ instructions it was later retrieved by Biscuit.


The true story was very different

After his capture Summer was accommodated at Camp 020, but later released under our control so that he might operate his transmitter. Later it was necessary to return him for a short while to Camp 020, as it had become clear from his conversation that he had not told the truth about his previous career in England. Subsequently (after a vain attempt at suicide) he was released again and installed with a guard at a house near Hinxton. Here he remained until the end of January 1941, when he made an ill-advised attempt to escape. Per­haps we had been lulled into a premature state of confidence, for he was left one day with only one guard in the house. Summer, though protesting that “it hurts me more than it hurts you,” attacked this guard, practically strangled him, bound him, and then mounted a motor-bicycle left by one of the other guards and, with a canoe lashed to the cycle, set out for the Broads, apparently intending to at­tempt the sea passage to Europe. Fortunately the motor­cycle, being government property, was not very efficiently maintained; it broke down, and Summer was apprehended at Ely after some anxious hours in which we had been compelled to warn the appropriate authorities over half England to set a watch for the fugitive.

His escape, had it succeeded, would indeed have wrecked all our schemes, but as things were no harm was done — not even to the strangled guard, who was the richer for a stimulating experience (and a good story) at the expense of some small temporary inconvenience. We, for our part, learned one lesson of primary importance which we took greatly to heart. It was this: A double agent is a tricky customer, and needs the most careful supervision, not only on the material but also on the psychological side. His every mood has to be watched, and his every reaction to succeeding events studied. For this reason we always afterwards insisted that a case officer should be personally responsible for each agent, with his hand as it were on the pulse of his patient from morning until night, and with an eye on every turn and twist of his patient’s mind. In retro­spect it is clear that no agent of the “converted” type could possibly survive for long unless he was studied and dealt with in this way. Without such attention he would infallibly destroy his own case in a black mood of despair or in a belated effort to restore his own self-esteem. For double agents are not as ordinary men are. As Aristotle remarked, by implication, the qualities of the good man and the good double agent are not identical in the imperfect state. Only unremitting care and some psychological finesse could coax a converted parachutist along safe lines and into a better way of thinking.

Tate (Harry Williamson — Danish), who landed by parachute in September 1940, is a shining example of the success of these principles.









the female trap....

British spies warned UK Foreign Secretary James Cleverly and his team to be on the lookout for attractive women who could seduce and blackmail them during his delegation's visit to China, the Daily Mail reported on Wednesday. 

Cleverly arrived in Beijing on Wednesday for talks with Chinese Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi and Vice President Han Zhen. The British Foreign Office confirmed Cleverly would raise “malign cyber activity” during the talks, following claims two weeks earlier that Chinese and Russian “hackers” had breached its security systems. 

According to the Daily Mail, Cleverly’s entourage received several weeks of security training before the trip. They were told to leave their own smartphones and laptops at home, and to treat every hotel and meeting room as bugged.

“Civil servants should expect their accommodation to be wired for sound and video. Your hotel room is not a private space,” a government source told the newspaper. 

The team were also told to beware of what the Daily Mail called “glamorous women,” who could ply them with attention, before stealing from, or blackmailing them. 

There is no evidence that Cleverly or his entourage were subjected to such tactics, and due to the clandestine nature of espionage, states rarely admit to surveilling foreign officials. For example, Washington’s wiretapping of former German chancellor Angela Merkel remained a secret until it was revealed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, and the US’ buggingof South Korean government communications was not known until it was mentioned in leaked Pentagon documents earlier this year. 

A Foreign Office spokesman told the Daily Mail that “extensive security measures” are typical for such high-level foreign trips.

British authorities have claimed for years that China uses so-called ‘honey trapping’ to extract information from gullible Western men. In a 2009 document, the UK’s domestic intelligence agency, MI5, warned banks and businesses that female Chinese intelligence operatives were known to seek out “long-term relationships” with Western targets, and to “exploit vulnerabilities such as sexual relationships... to pressurize individuals to cooperate with them.”

China has repeatedly denied such claims. When FBI Director Christopher Wray and MI5 Director Ken McCallum warned last year that Beijing was still actively targeting Western businesses, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian accused the two Western spy chiefs of “creating imaginary enemies” and “trying to project their own disgraceful acts onto China.”




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smarty pants....

The US Office of the Director of National Intelligence has announced it will support the development of a ground-breaking garment incorporating various digital technologies.

The program, called ‘The Smart Electrically Powered and Networked Textile Systems’ (SMART ePANTS), will be overseen by the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) – the agency’s arm that specializes in high risk-high-reward research endeavors, according to the statement released last month.

US officials say the effort is aimed at creating textiles that feel and function like any other piece of ready-to-wear clothing but will also be able to record audio, video, and geolocation data. The ultimate goal is for the technology to “assist personnel and first responders in dangerous, high-stress environments, such as crime scenes and arms control inspections without impeding their ability to swiftly and safely operate.”







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