Saturday 11th of January 2025

your blood on their knife....

The US is indisputably the most tyrannical regime on earth. Only the US is instigating wars around the world, circling the planet with hundreds of foreign military bases, starving populations with massive unilateral sanctions and blockades, and working to destroy any nation which disobeys it. No other government has spent the 21st century killing people by the millions in wars of aggression; only the US has. Continually trying to destroy anyone in the world who doesn’t obey your dictates is as tyrannical as it gets.

If you point this out you’ll get people telling you that if it wasn’t the US doing those things it would be someone else, but that’s ridiculous. There has never once been a unipolar planetary hegemon at any time in human history until three decades ago. People look at this freakish historical aberration and talk about it as though it’s some immutable quality inscribed in adamantine upon human DNA strands.



In our cozy little space, most of us won’t see the confronting twists of mind. We are ants in an ant nest and perform our ant-ics without questioning the purpose of the ant DNA. We have soldiers with bigger clawed-head to defend our centric family from accidental encounters with other ants nets… Sometimes, a new species of ants overtakes the space. The fire-ants. We won’t survive unless we fight.



The “American” unipolar planetary hegemony was devised a long time ago by the “white” people through various stratagems of Empire building and colonialism. It could appear that this history was accidental, but the intent was planned. The spirit of conquest and control has always been deliberate. We accept it as necessary.

The American war of independence or the “American Revolution”, 1776, was a conflict instigated by rich people against the hegemonic rulers in England, like ants nests divide. The English were trying to plunder their own kind.

The Monroe Doctrine, created in 1823 to control Latin America, was instigated forty years before the American Civil War, in which the ideals were dividing once more, including the right to own slaves — but this was not the only issue…

The Mexican war to prize some territories from the Latinos followed. 

By 1905, the Anglo/Saxon species devised the ultimate conquest of the entire planet under the geopolitical concept developed by McKinder — on the footsteps of Cecil Rhodes “who had conquered Africa”… More wars were inevitable under this growing beast, an alliance of the once fleeting enemies, England and America of common ancestry and language. 

We had to conquer all. We are the exceptional group of superior inventors of ways to win. We have the biggest army and ships. We win more medals at the Olympics. Yet, there were obstacles, oppositions to this American invasion. 

Some were ingrained traditions and different languages of Europe and those of the more-or-less empty Heartland (centra Asia — Russia and China). The Mackinder theory went that once the hegemony controlled the Island/continents and the seas, whoever also acquired the Heartland, controlled the entire world. This is the modern game being played….


In order to make this conquest palatable, systemic propaganda of many subtle levels had to be devise. We cannot go to war on detectable whims. We had to invent righteousness like a police baton, and ways to make other nations accept being “invaded” without realising they were pawns in the modern game. Propaganda had been used since “time immemorial” by the Jews and the derivative Christians. By the seventh century, the Arabs had developed their own propaganda, in order to conquer other lands — including Spain for around 800 years… 


History tells us that since Roman times, governments have been run by a clique of psychopaths and sociopaths, including kings, queens and emperors fighting/allying for supremacy. Same caper in the Asian nations. Rules of behaviour and submission had to be enforced on the masses, as if coming from superior beings, such as gods. We learned this from sacred text and swallowed the spiel from the pulpits.

This was the centrepiece of the spiritual manipulation that lasted until the revival of atheism in the seventeenth century — the godless way to be. New control devices had to be invented.

In England, this “freed” evolution of purpose centred on mercantile activities, or structured GREED, while in most of Europe, it became an “Enlightenment” of philosophy that tried to motivate the classes away from the top to bottom impost of the Church. Presently, GREED is winning.

Extra forms of psychological controls had to be devised though. In America, the core belief in god was sustained by an explosion of religious Christianity interpretation clusters — all feeding the American love of freedom, including that to own a gun and to pray, culminating on Capitol Hill.

Eventually, the American Empire invented Hollywood with the help of the masters of propaganda: the Jews. Now, one could think that Hollywood was used for “entertainment”, which it was, but Hollywood was also a format of information that rewrote history in a favourable light for the “White” people. The cowboys and Indians movies being a brilliant whitewash of massacres. 

Of course there is propaganda within propaganda — contrary currents of beliefs that weave like blood vessels towards the heart: the nation. The Empire. the dream World. We have to free the world from their own philosophical decrepitude and replace it with the American freedom of GREED where one can become whatever one wants to be — an influencer on how to shape one’s arse or a singer with a microphone. One can also become an army foot-soldier with ideals of defending the nation, by invading other nations…



The present clique of Western (American) psychos in charge of the system are often referred to as the neocons. Some of them rule from behind the scene, but most of the figureheads are — or have become — sociopath…



Joe Biden, now senile, walks as if his shoes were turd-squashers in a minefield. He has been told to lift his feet to avoid sand bags.

Joke aside, Joe has been the consummate sociopath, who will deny anything contrary to the hegemony of his crooked behaviour. He has been practicing deceit for over 60 years in the footsteps of many American deceivers such as the Dulles brothers and Margaret Albright… They have their good point as well, sometimes, despite being mostly genocidal.


One could stop for a minute and think about the difficulties of having to maintain cohesion between millions of people with different aspirations and political ideals — and this is why, the neocons (the sociopaths) straddle (infect) all political parties, regardless of creed. There is only one creed for all: profit by being top dog. Salute. We love money… GREED rules.


The hegemony of the USA has its roots in Europe, like a child of the Roman Empire that grew between the French, the German and the Russian all defending their spaces, with one idea in mind: acquire more land from the others psychos. More land means more power. This involved making deals that were, in general, unsavoury and included marriages between the psychos of the ruling class. They needed fodder to go to war, AND THEY STILL DO. UKRAINE is a fodder farm — the people of which believe in illusions of owning everything that was stolen from others and/or being given to them by default — or accident of history. Ukrainians could live in a much better space if they forgot the lying dreams of becoming a LGBTiA+, Natoified and Europeanised surface via their fascist ideals —  ideals they disguise as democratic on behalf of the American Empire. It is a silly dream that meandered through various ebbs and flow of history, now full of nazi popularism and is now pumped up by a lying comedic puppetnocchio, Zelensky.


In general, four per cent of males are sociopaths/psychopaths.

Only one per cent of females are sociopaths/psychopaths.

Victoria Nuland in one of them. Overall, these stats should be frightening, because, due to the characteristics of this careless step-on-everyone-else affliction, sociopaths tend to become in charge of the tribes, while the psychopaths become the tools of creating fear amongst the people, via sadism and unchartered irresponsibility — while both are not exclusively separated in their modus operandi…


Sociopaths/psychopaths use three main tools of power: ruthlessness, symbolism and beliefs (lies/propaganda) to rally the troops (the peasants, the workers) and make the bourgeois pay for the decided aggression, which is always disguised as defence


Someone like Albo is not a natural psychopath, but by joining the American psyche, he has become a part-time sociopath who has to defend the indefensible: the incessant aggression from the American Empire — anywhere, anytime.…



As we have long mentioned (since 2005) on this site and as Caitlin Johnstone writes, the most aggressive of Empires is the American Empire. The Russians and the Chinese are in “defensive mode” fighting against the hegemony of the dollar apart from other offensive wedges from the American Empire. The dollar (GREED symbol) is a tool of invasion and was invented as a measuring stick of the American decided Word Order.

Symbolism? One of the most striking powerful symbol is the army salute. The uniform, the head-dress (caps, hats) while the decoration of soldiers are shows of recognition of service in the submission to sociopathic power. These symbols demand obedience, discipline and self-sacrifice which is accepted by the majority of combatants because of the absorption of the glorious propaganda.  

Flags and colours are thus part of this capture of spirit, including courage — in which one has nine chance out of ten to get killed… 


What is indisputable, is that we all have the ability to become sociopathic — and to follow order to be sociopathic. Our leaders know this and they demand that we use this characteristic to become competitive rather than cooperative. 

Competition demands that we win — often at all cost, in order to be top dog, which means we care less and less about others, who in the process often become “enemies”… or dropouts on pavement, like turds.

We play loud music and we don’t care about the neighbours. 

In many ways, corporations are at the forefront of this sociopathic game… in which we participate by buying the necessary energy supplies, the luxuries and the information PROPAGANDIST channels…




Gus Leonisky

Cartoonist since 1951.

Rabid atheist since time immemorial.

Anti-American Imperialism

Peace promoter.



rules of victimisation.....

Breaking news: Pentagon releases the ten rules of the Rules Based International Order (RBIO) as seen by the United States of America.

The rules based-order

  1. The USA rules the world.
  2. The USA makes all rules including these rules.
  3. No one can know what the rules are, only that they exist.
  4. No one is allowed to ask what the rules are.
  5. The USA will be in charge of the flexibility provided by the rules’ non-existent nature.
  6. Non-western countries must be regularly castigated for not following the rules.
  7. Western countries must be regularly praised for following the rules.
  8. Alternative rules of governance which work successfully (cf. China, Singapore) must always be derided as “authoritarianism”.
  9. Unfair global dominance by the 13% western minority (cf. totalitarianism) must always be referred to as “democracy”.
  10. These rules over-ride all other rules, including fundamental justice and the laws of nature.

Thank you and goodnight.

With love,

The Pentagon