Saturday 11th of January 2025

the deceitful species of war forever.....

Homo erectus branched into a few species. Homo neanderthalensis and homo sapiens being the most well known. Yet, it seems that, apart from a few isolated pockets, homo sapiens has vanished from the earthly landscapes. Homo sapiens has been overcome by the new evolving species, homo Bellator and his cousin homo Pugnatus (also known as h. fistfightus), while the homo Ovispastorus is still relegated to the poems of John Milton — especially Lycidas — where all hopes are destroyed, because we all die, including the sheep.


Doctor Johnson was annoyed with Milton’s allegories that displayed less knowledge beyond a crying shepherd who has lost his companion…


The famous Aussie song still harps on it…


Once a jolly swagman camped by a billabong
Under the shade of a coolibah tree,
And he sang as he watched and waited till his "Billy" boiled,
"You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me."

Waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda,
You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me,
And he sang as he watched and waited till his "Billy" boiled,
"You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me."

Down came a jumbuck to drink at that billabong,
Up jumped the swagman and grabbed him with glee,
And he sang as he shoved that jumbuck in his tucker bag,
"You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me."


Up rode the squatter, mounted on his thoroughbred.
Down came the troopers, one, two, and three.
"Whose is that jumbuck you've got in your tucker bag?
You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me."


Up jumped the swagman and sprang into the billabong.
"You'll never catch me alive!" said he
And his ghost may be heard as you pass by that billabong:
"You'll come a-waltzing Matilda, with me.”


Doctor Johnson was right. WE’RE ALL MAD. 

We trample the ideologies via the Tenth Eclogue of Virgil:


O Arethusa, help me once again
To string some verses for my Gallus' ear,
Fit for Lycoris fair herself to read.


The junipers' deep shadow worketh harm;
The evening star shines forth—now go, my goats,
Ye may return, full fed, towards your home.




Crap. Enough about homo Ovispastorus


Back to our Homo Bellator, which grew and grew as a blend of homo mutus sapiens and homo completely ebriosus, after the Noah floods. Now the head of the homo Bellator species resides in the White House, Washington, DC…

Homo Bellator does not have any brains, unlike the jellyfish of the deep. Unfortunatelly, Homo Bellator has extended its tentacles and has acquired the sub-name aeternum. Homo bellator aeternum is the warrior of the forever wars… We know. 






of genders....




tenth eclogue....


In Eclogue 10 Gallus, the elegiac poet and soldier, friend of Vergil, is in a parallel position. Gallus is represented as having a disabling passion (indigno amore) for Lycoris, who has gone off "through snows and rough camps" with another man. Again, the nymphs are absent.


the Tenth Eclogue


O Arethusa, help me once again
To string some verses for my Gallus' ear,
Fit for Lycoris fair herself to read.
To Gallus mine, who would refuse such songs?
So may the bitter stream that Doris pours
Mingle not with thy wave as thou dost flow
Into the flood that loves fair Sicily!
We may begin to tell of Gallus' loves,
Our flat-nosed she-goats nibbling hard the while
The tender plants. To deaf ears sing we not,
The forest echoes all our tuneful lays.
What glades did ye frequent, ye Naiads young
While Gallus pined in chains of cruel Love?
Ye lingered not upon Parnassus' slopes
Nor yet on Pindas did your steps delay
Whilst e'en the laurels wept, to see him lie
So sad, beneath the cliff, where the cold stones
Of stern Lycæus seemed to share his grief
His sheep surround him, staring at his woe.
Divinest poet, do not scorn thy flock!
Remember that the fair Adonis fed
His sheep on the rich lawns by river's bank.
Now comes the shepherd, and the neat-herds slow,
Menalcas too, all wet with harvesting
Plentiful acorns, in the wintry woods.
All ask of Gallus, why he madly loves?
Apollo bids him know, Lycoris now
Follows a new love through the snowy waste.
Behold, Silvanus, with his rustic crown,
Waving a sceptre made of lilies tall
And giant fennel-blooms. Then comes great Pan,
The god of Arcady, whom we have seen
"Rosy with juice of elder-berrics ripe.
"Where will this end?" he cries, "Love careth not
"For such as these, and cruel Love is not
"O'ercome by tears. The grasses cannot drink
"Too deeply of the softly-trickling rills,
"Nor will the bees quit cytisus in bloom,
"Nor browsing goats the green leaves of the Spring."
"Then sadly he replies—"Yet of all these
"Ye soon will sing. Arcadians skilled in song
"Unto your mountains when ye shall return.
"Ah, if one day your pipes should tell my loves,
"Softly my bones might rest beneath the sod.
"Would I had dwelt with you, to tend your flocks
"Or dress your vines! Yea, some fair maid might then
"'Neath bending willows my repose have shared.
"Phyllis perchance, or whom my fancy chose.
"Even Amyntas, though of swarthy hue.
"But what of that? are not sweet violets dark
"And hyacinths deep blue? She would have sung
"And Phyllis plucked sweet-scented Melilot,
"Lycoris, see what fountains cool are here,
"What downy meads, and woodlands that entice
"Lovers to spend their swiftly-passing hours!
"Now, far from me, alas, thou dost remain.
"Lured by mad passion, 'midst the War-God's hosts
"Surrounded by fierce foes, with weapons grim.
"Scarce can I deem it true that thou hast gone
"Far from thy country to the Alpine snows,
"And dwell'st 'mid frosts as cruel as thyself!
"Ah, may the rough ice spare thy tender feet—
"May the keen frost not harm thee! But for me
"I must depart, and learn to sing my verse
"To the Sicilian's shepherd's pipe, and must
"Sternly resolve to suffer, in the woods
"Where roam the wild beasts; there my love I'll carve
"On trees, that as they grow, increase its mark.
"Sometimes I will pursue the savage boar,
"Or, with a troop of nymphs, climb Mœnalus—
"Parthenian glades I'll traverse, with my dogs
"However bleak the winds! Already there
"I seem to be! 'Mid rocks and echoing groves—
"And pleased, in fancy send the Cretan shaft
"From Parthian bow. Ah! if such joys could heal
"Love's lasting madness, or if gods could learn
"To pity all the bitter griefs of men!
"Not Dryads even give me now delight
"Nor can, as once, sweet songs my heart refresh,
"Nor shady forests please. We cannot hope
"To change Love by our toil—not though we drink
"From icy Hebrus, or endure hard days
"Thro' drenching winters or Sithonian snows,
"Nor yet, if when the scorching sun has dried
"The bark on the tall elms, we drive our sheep
"On Æthiopian plains—our toil is vain.
"Love conquers all things—let us yield to love."
Pierian goddesses, this shall suffice,
Your poet sate, and wove the while he sang
A basket of the slender mallow-shoots.
You will prize Gallus all the more for this—
Gallus, my love for whom grows day by day,
As the green sprouts of Alders in the spring!
Now let us rise; for singers it is ill
To linger in the shade—to the young corn
The junipers' deep shadow worketh harm;
The evening star shines forth—now go, my goats,
Ye may return, full fed, towards your home.

      VIRGIL (written between 42 and 37 bce)






homo populus....


BY Veniamin Popov


The Western nations are currently concentrating their efforts on preserving their dwindling supremacy by primarily retaliating against the actions of their biggest rivals, Russia and China.

At the same time, they are eager to push for a new model of world order in which they could be in control. The idea of population control and the establishment of a “world government” are strongly promoted by them in this regard.

The world’s demographics are changing: Europe is shrinking, China is shrinking, and India, a much younger country, is overtaking them as the world’s most populous power.

Surprisingly, population growth rates are slowing down. For instance, Kenya’s fertility rate has drastically decreased over the past 50 years; women had just over three children last year compared to an average of eight 50 years ago.

Fertility rates in sub-Saharan Africa are falling even more quickly than the UN had predicted. The number of working-age individuals in South Korea and Italy, two of the world’s oldest countries, is expected to shrink by 13 million and 10 million, respectively, by 2050.

In this situation, developing states are aggressively pressing for the redistribution of global income, the supply of additional resources for the needs of economic transformation, and the avoidance of unilateral acts that would obstruct global trade flows. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi made a notable statement to this effect at the 5th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting of the African Union.

The suspicions raised in the countries of the Global South are “related to plans to exterminate people through biological warfare and Western attempts to colonize the rest of the world as a prelude to bringing it under the control of a wealthy elite.” The Egyptian media, Al-Ahram in particular, reported this on June 6, 2023.

According to a study published in the international journal “Ekoloji” titled Environmental strategies polarization in sustainable development of biosphere and man: myth or reality of golden billion concept?, this theory is based on the growing scarcity of resources in developed countries and the growing needs of the ruling elites and is associated with ideas of a new world order dominated by the West.

This hypothesis is mostly based on statements made by people such as Bill Gates, an American businessman and Microsoft founder. Last January, USA Today daily newspaper reported that Gates is involved in a plot to depopulate the Earth. This conclusion is based on a 2011 article in an Irish newspaper, titled Depopulation by Forced Vaccination: The Zero Carbon Solution! The article quoted Gates as saying that the world’s population is “headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.”

(Incidentally, the Gates’ Foundation is officially called Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health).

British journalist Gideon Rachman published an article on the Financial Times website last October titled When Conspiracy Theorists Run Countries, which claims that conspiracy theorists have left the streets and are now even heads of state. The author uses Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni as an illustration of someone who subscribes to the “Great Replacement” theory, which argues that immigration is being promoted in an effort to undermine Christian culture in Europe. This “great” replacement’s objective is to reduce Europeans to “slaves” and customers who lack both gender and national identity.

It is perhaps appropriate to cite the words of the Russian President Vladimir Putin at the forum “Strong Ideas for New Times” that the “Golden Billion” seeks to dominate all others and impose its rules: based on the illusion of exclusivity, this theory divides people into first-rate and second-rate and is therefore inherently racist and neo-colonial. Its underlying multinational, supposedly liberal philosophy is resembling tyranny more and more, stifling free historical creativity. Since the West has historically prospered by plundering the resources of the peoples of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, it is unfit to serve as a model for human life in the future. In addition, a lot of observers believe that the elites of Western nations are currently pushing homosexuality to reduce the number of people on the planet due to concerns about the Earth’s resources.

There are valid reasons to consider the “Golden Billion” theory, according to Canadian politician of Egyptian origin, Ghada Melek. She made reference to a monument built in the US state of Georgia in 1980. This monument contained 10 new commandments engraved on granite slabs and translated into several languages. One of the commandments called for reducing the world’s population to 500 million people.

The World Economic Forum is actively pursuing the hypothesis that our planet won’t be able to support the existing population. Health issues and climate change are now exploited as scare tactics to persuade people to adopt such notions.

Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of JFK, said that COVID-19 targeted ethnicity and was intended to attack “Caucasians and Blacks.” According to Oxford University study, published in Israel’s Jerusalem Post on July 15, “Almost 20 percent of adults in England believe that Jews created the coronavirus for financial gain.”

Few people today recall the Club of Rome’s anniversary report from late 2017, entitled Capitalism, Myopia, Population, and the Destruction of the Planet. It contained a harsh critique of capitalism, a rejection of financial speculation, a rejection of materialism and a simplistic understanding of the world, and a call for an alternative economy, a new enlightenment, and a unified, harmonious planetary civilization.

Along with new constructive generalizations, the report clearly draws the conclusion that population growth must be stopped.

Professor Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, wrote a paper titled The Great Reset in 2020 to elaborate on these concepts. It is full of warnings that humanity will soon confront serious issues like environmental crises, the loss of natural resources, and climatic catastrophes. Effective global leadership is necessary to meet these challenges. Simply put, it calls for the construction of a single world state and a world government. A group of elites, no more than 1% of humanity, will make up this government. The remaining 99% of the population will be under the supervision of the world government via a number of global enterprises. The “Subordinates,” who make up the majority of the population, will be interned in a computerized concentration camp. The biggest multinational corporations will take on more social responsibilities; they’ll get involved in society and work for everyone’s benefit.

In his newly disclosed recommendations for the future of the UN, António Guterres also favors entrusting the management of international affairs to the largest and wealthiest transnational corporations.

Guterres presents his General Assembly report Our Common Agenda, giving more influence and power to the corporate actors who are to blame for driving us to the brink of environmental and social catastrophe rather than increasing access to the UN system for the community of people affected by today’s crises. His proposals would make companies more influential in global leadership.

As a result, it has been proposed that the creation of corporate-led bodies will diminish the influence of national governments at the UN, take over more decision-making, and control everything – from the oceans to the financial markets.

The argument is substantiated in detail that nation-states and governments alone cannot solve the main issues of global management and other players need to be involved.

On August 3 of this year, American researcher Harris Gleckman released a piece on the Al Jazeera website outlining how the states of the Global South, represented at the UN by the Group of 77, oppose this risky new mission to amend the UN mandate.

Western states will stop at nothing to maintain the dominance of the “Golden Billion.” They use the position of UN Secretary General to strengthen their position while claiming to be reforming the organization. This is done in order to prevent a shift in the global power structure in favor of the Global South, or non-Western nations.

Since it is clear that the West will not change its stance, developing countries must step up their efforts to protect their national interests.


Veniamin Popov, Director of the “Center for Partnership of Civilizations” in MGIMO (U) MFA of Russia, Candidate of Historical Sciences, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.