Saturday 11th of January 2025

ring ring, hello democracy, have the psychos won?

Presently, democracy is in turmoil. 

I do not have to paint you a picture, because you know. But I will…

The left has abandoned its traditional purpose of helping people equally, now to become somewhat fascist with confused freedoms of being whatever progressive nutcases — say: it’s okay to genderise our kids because we have acquired hormonal knowledge and skilled surgeons for removing bits — while fostering the old enemy: the Military — because despite its nefarious dangerous construct, the Military has become highly acceptable due to its embrace of rainbow colours — and we fear the Chinese. Brother. We have just ordered new old C130s… Nothing new...

The “Western” left is now run by the nazi psychopaths of the Pentagon — people who would have been deemed war criminals like Dr Joseph Mengele, or Goering, people working for a blinded Hitlerian social fake democracy — people who wants you to have more than respect for all, but, by control of the wormed woodworks, they want you to become an undefined submissive creature-blob — an object to prods, nips and tucks, and sex changed with a feather in your you-know-what. What for? Simple. The key word is submissive, like ignorant peasants were submissive to the Church, in whatever formats it defined itself in whatever country it modified itself, from the Catholics to the Arabic Muslims. 

And the enemy is of course, the others, the Russians (or the Chinese)… This goes back to the Mongols in Europe, and in China as well. In the last fifty years, China has lost its fear of god, the fear we had taught them through the Opium Wars and such missionary mission. After a bloody Long March, the Chinese have settled back in the world of godless Confucius, with improved capitalism that relatively serves the poor. We hate them.

In the Western world, as we were also losing our fear of god, the psychos who would have become divine kings and emperors in less democratic times, had to find a new mechanism to control us, the people, a mechanism from the Great Reset to the elimination of cash — all under the illusion of equality and democratic Freedom. We have become slaves of freedoms, as we have to perform like monkeys grinding the organ of technocracy — and are being entertained like cats fighting our own reflection in a mirror. 

But we needed energy and raw material. So we plundered Africa and divided other weaker lands — and we still let the multinationals plunder Australia, because they, the corporations are the true rulers of our “democracy”. They dictate the policies of governments. They have the power to dismiss governments through powerful foghorns and discreet blackmail and compromised sexual behaviour of pollies.

The corporations and empire builders have wanted to place their hands on the bounties of the Heartland (Russia and China) for sometime now (since 1917) — like Cecil Rhodes raped Africa. So whatever left or right political party rules the surface, the submarine of the hegemonic corporations, continue the conquests in the name of bringing their brand of fascist democratic consumption, through wars to unify the world under our Unilateral choice. Unilateralism is not a choice. But the corporations know best. The ruling corporations know best… They invent the future via a multitude of controlled mechanisms from DARPA to the WEF, and exclusive clubs controlled by the Rockefellers and such. Our media are their voices like Sunday sermons, but reaching us daily, hourly, or by the minute, through the ritual of “news” or the news on our pocket phones/tablets. 

Philosophical constructs have vanished through the arsehole of transient consumerism. Sciences, which should be free from favours, have been diverted towards becoming instruments of profits.

Patriotism, Popularism and Nationalism are waived in various virtuous leftist or righteous loads, which of course might be good for us, but terrible when used by our enemies. 

We don’t exist without enemies. This seems to be the longest tradition of the Human species — under the auspices of improvements — possibly to the exception of Aboriginal people who saw nature as a teacher rather than be lured by our fearing imagination and desire to fight other people, over a piece of sacred land. We robbed them, of course.

Left or Right, Democrats or Republicans, Labor or “Liberals” (Aussie conservatives), Autocrats or Kingdom-come, we view the others, those who don’t speak Anglo/Saxon, as potential rivals to our hegemonic desire to own the planet. We are made to think we can rule like King Solomon and always solve little piddly conflicts in “Otherlands”, but we are more likely going to mess it up, and destroy our own virtues, like a Genghis Khan on a rampage — loot and destroy for profit. We know the story of the two fellows fighting over an oyster… a third party comes along, open the oysters, eat the animal and give the shell bits equally to the warring parties… We are that bleedin’ devious. 

Are the Chinese, or the Russians going to conquer us? Possibly, but realistically not, not by war, but by peace and better economic models that we deride because their profit-making isn’t promoting the rich as much as our system which rely on plunder and printing illusions of deficital cash — rather than sharing with mutual benefits.  We hate equality while touting it as our purpose.

The right, traditionally despotic in conservatism of supportive of Godly Freedom and financial excesses has had to come to the middle of the road, nearly Keynesian for profit, being dragged there by the progressive excesses of the left — and helped by the left that is printing money to the sky without limits — to pay for renovations that are crumbling under corruption, even before being scalfolded.

And this is the choice on offer. A corrupt lefty old decrepit Joe Biden versus a weakling Republican whoever he/she is — as long as they follow the Pentagon instruction booklet: wars at various cost, including make mega profits from supplying weapons to proxy wars designed to conquer the Heartland (Russia and China). Unless Donald Trump, who is nor left, nor right but extremely gifted as a loony bowling ball for the rightwing with a left hook, manages to untangle himself from the corrupt American Department of Justice webs of many corrupted deceit. put another indictment on the barbie, mate....

How can one ignore the ENORMOUS bad faith of present politics? Julian Assange is still in a UK prison, for Christmas sake! How can one ignore the fact that Joe Biden after years of lying and deceptively wavering through the minefields of American politics is now obviously senile, beyond repair, but in charge of the cocaine House? How did he manage to become President, when we KNEW he was crooked and was the father of the Patriot Act designed to spy on us all?. Obviously some crookery somewhere which we cannot mention because.

The main question isn’t how did we get here, but has democracy ever been pure of spirit since its evolution from the cinders of corrupt European royal houses? The old East-India company has morphed into Google, Meta, Apple, Microsoft, Exxon, the list is long but finite. And Twitter has chosen a more enlightening but still compromised pathway, under X Musk, who is still helping the little Nazi Zelensky, with his Elon array of satellites now paid for profit by the Pentagon.

Has better communications between people exposed the tricksters and the con-artists who in the past would not have been exposed, but glorified as worthy leaders, despite their hidden human foibles and corruption, because we know, don’t we, that power corrupts?

Power to the people? How do we improve a wonky system beyond the hype of voting for sociopathic morons in cyclical deceptive rights of choice?

The traditions have vanished, probably due to god having left this debauched humanity, now vying for selfies and self-gratification. A humanity more and more being controlled by digitisation of amusements. And the hoax of little green aliens... Please!

Vote for this or that party? We’ve got to. We’re Aussies. It’s our civic duty, then we can go back to sleep or fiddle with our smartphones to find “entertainment”. Politics are not entertainment, though the political news are managed like a pack of clowns advertised on a poster. Sure, there are issues… But these soon fade like hope in a tragic rescue mission.

We are still in democratic infancy. Too many of our government decisions are made against what we voted for. And this is true of one side or the other — the left or the right. Lucky, we have our Sir Humphreys in the public service. The basic system works. Sort of. We get our pension and our tax exemptions for having kids, until the laws are changed.

The image at top is from 1923…! Pocket-phones dreaming in 1923… Do our smartphones make democracy smart? Who pays attention to political discourse on a smartphone? No-one. Vote for me! Picture. End of story. No spiel. 

Long live DEMOCRACY. Long live the REPUBLIC, which we haven’t got yet, because the media make sure we love the Royal Bums. We are told “what to replace the so-lovely royals with?” Are we so infantile? So caught up in traditional poo? Can’t we work something better, without loosing our nappies?

Meanwhile, most animals stay clear of our human follies, except pets and pigeons….


So what are the corporations?……….. Ring, ring...


Uncle Gus.

Rabid cartoonist since 1951 and atheist since the dawn of time....

sunday sermons....





FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!@!#@!%%$@#@???!!!!!!

exposing propaganda.....

How Did They Ever Let This Air On TV?


In 1998 Saturday Night Live aired a cartoon titled "Conspiracy Theory Rock" penned by "Triumph the Insult Comic Dog" writer and comedian Robert Smigel as a parody of the educational Saturday morning "Schoolhouse Rock" cartoons. The animated segment pointed out how corrupt our media system has become with just a few corporations controlling virtually all the news we see and hear. The cartoon aired just once and was subsequently dropped from all later re-airings on NBC.




FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!@!#@!%%$@#@???!!!!!!