Sunday 9th of March 2025

when democracy becomes fascist......


 Despite its faults, West is best

Differences of opinion aren’t the end of democracy; they are its foundation, writes Parnell Palme McGuinness.

The countries broadly defined as the ‘‘West’’ were at their most united and confident during the Cold War, when the boundaries between democracy and its main rival were marked by the physical restraint of populations within the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).

Vladimir Putin, in his voluptuous nostalgia for the Soviet empire, has gifted the West a glimpse of those glory days. During the NATO summit last week, formerly neutral countries Sweden and Finland renewed their application to become part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, the alliance of countries originally formed in 1949 to stand guard over freedom and repel any threats from Stalin’s authoritarian-communist bloc.


BY Parnell Palme McGuinness


They were granted membership, to their great relief, while Ukraine has been promised membership in future. Liberal democracy this week burned again as a light on the hill – an aspiration for countries that want to remain free and provide their citizens the opportunity to pursue happiness.

But liberal democracies no longer see themselves the way aspirants see them. A free media rightly keeps us alive to all the faults of the West, while the faults of the alternative are distant or abstract and largely historical. It is one of the enduring ironies of the liberal democratic tradition that its greatest strength is that it empowers citizens to examine and criticise the liberal democratic tradition – and, for that reason, the faith in liberal democracy can wane and weaken.

There is plenty to criticise. Free societies are entrepreneurial in finding new ways to fail. According to the 2023 Democracy Perception Index, the populations of democratic countries are sceptical of their governments and often critical of how well they are allowing democracy to function. Only 58 per cent of people in free countries agree their country is democratic.

The US was once the global beacon of liberal democracy, but parts of it now look more like a Third World country than a triumph of the free market and the rule of law. Racial and financial inequality have been compounded by a democratic marketplace of lousy solutions. Disadvantage, poor mental health management, drug addiction and homelessness have created pockets of squalor – a humiliation for a wealthy nation.

In France, the boulevards are burning after police murdered a 17-year-old of North-African origin. In Australia, children are stealing food out of other kids’ schoolbags as inflation hits vulnerable households. The German quasi-ponzi-pension system is teetering on the edge of collapse.

In the face of such shame, can we celebrate the fact that journalists highlighting these troubles are not silenced or imprisoned? Is it appropriate to point out that autocracies disappear these weeping social sores in unpalatable ways?

Thriving global corporations, big-tech companies, including the social media giants, are both a success and a rightful source of anxiety. Meta hasn’t ended up with more information than the KGB through espionage but because we eagerly uploaded our lives to its platforms. Big corporations have too much power because we keep buying their products. Some people worry that the ‘‘platform economies’’ created by big tech are a threat to the nation state. They work brilliantly for white-collar globalists, but what of the rest? Both the benefits and the downsides of these companies are attributable to liberal democracy.

In 2016, Western faith in liberal democracy dipped. Almost a quarter of respondents to the Lowy Institute’s annual poll said that, in some circumstances, nondemocratic government might be preferable.

In other anglophone countries, voters took a punt on disruption. Donald Trump became US president while Britain voted to leave the European Union. Britain now suffers from ‘‘bregret’’ post-Brexit regret, while the US wrestles with whether it might democratically re-elect a former president who has undermined trust in the democratic system. As the wonderfully curmudgeonly columnist H.L. Mencken famously said, ‘‘Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.’’

Democracy has never meant social harmony. In fact, sometimes it seems to lead to the reverse. The countries of the West are consumed by culture wars. The battle is vicious between competing visions of equality, which emphasises opportunity, or equity, which seeks to put everyone on the same level. Who gets to define themselves as a woman is under bitter dispute. For a while, at least, Vladimir Putin’s discriminatory attitude to LGBTQ+ people was celebrated by some culture warriors as a sign that Russia must be strong. How wrong that has turned out to be, as Russia is forced to hire mercenaries to replace the citizens who fled conscription.

Despite all our flaws, the flow of people continues to be from less-free countries to those with greater freedom. Migrants don’t get on unsafe boats to get to China. The Ukraine war, which made Sweden and Finland’s desire to become NATO members more urgent, is being waged because Ukraine wants to be part of the free world, not part of an autocratic neo-USSR.

The greatest insult the West could deliver these hopeful people is to allow the weaknesses that spring from liberalism to trigger the collapse of the whole liberal democratic project. If there is ever a Christmas truce in the culture wars and a pause in the partisan battle, this is the reflection for which it should be used. The ‘‘other side’’ isn’t evil; it is vital. Differences of opinion aren’t the end of democracy; they are its foundation. There is incredible strength in a system that can criticise itself.

The NATO summit gave us a moment to remember what we’re doing right. We’ll be a better partner to the vulnerable if we don’t lose sight of it. As Winston Churchill said, democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.


Parnell Palme McGuinness is managing director strategy and policy at award-winning campaigns firm Agenda C. She has done work for the Liberal Party.


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democratic dumpster....


BY Robert Hunziker


It’s official, according to a speech by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, the United States is jumping off the neoliberal globalization bandwagon (a root cause of domestic extremism) and it couldn’t come soon enough as institutions of government are sucking up more and more angry exhaust fumes from constituents, as well as encountering a world trade map with China bullying its way across the world of commerce via its massive Belt and Road Initiative encircling the globe, kicking sand into Uncle Sam’s face.

Neoliberalism is an economic philosophy of capitalism that promotes freedom of markets, very little government regulation, no price controls, low trade barriers, low-low taxes, and most importantly, reducing the role of government via austerity measures and privatization of state assets. Government social programs, like food stamps, are detested like the plague. Neoliberal-minded President Ronald Reagan famously said: “Government isn’t the solution to the problem; government is the problem.”

Neoliberalism in harmony with globalization has dictated American policy for several decades, thanks to Reagan. However, that’s about to change as US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan announced changes for America’s role in the world in a very significant recent speech: Remarks by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Renewing American Economic Leadership at the Brookings InstitutionThe White HouseApril 27, 2023.”

As a backgrounder to that speech, over the past few decades America sent high-paying union jobs offshore to find the lowest common denominator wages (globalization) but it really started in earnest with Clint0n’s NAFTA deal. Back in the day Ross Perot nailed it: “You implement that NAFTA, the Mexican trade agreement, where they pay people a dollar an hour, have no health care, no retirement, no pollution controls,’ Perot said during the second presidential debate in October 1992, ‘and you’re going to hear a giant sucking sound of jobs being pulled out of this country.” (Source: Ross Perot was Ridiculed as Alarmist in 1992 but his warning turned out to be Prescient, Salon, July 21, 2019)

America’s $15-20-35/hour union jobs that spun-off into the wilderness of NAFTA originated from today’s red states. NAFTA and expansive globalization (SE Asia & China) undercut union wages, crushing a vibrant middle class that was content to work 40-hours per week for wages that supported family, school, vacations, and a good retirement. Today, former union members are red-faced, angry, frustrated, searching for a voice to avenge decades of misery at the hands of elites that crushed middle class livelihoods. Trump’s early campaign promises beckoned interest: “The three most dangerous voices in America, academic elites, political elites, and media elites” captured the heart and soul of displaced Americans by voicing one word, “Elites.”

The Biden administration knows this. His 2021 speech to a joint session of Congress countered Trump: “Trickle-down economics has never worked. It’s time to grow the economy from the bottom up and the middle out.” The table had been set for Biden’s trickle-down speech by four decades of neoliberal/globalization hanky-panky resulted in the biggest money gusher of all time but only for a select few (“the elites”). Meanwhile, the failure to adhere to the original promise of the American equality of opportunity dream is epitomized by billionaires taking joy rides into outer space.

Now, after years of abuse of the blue-collar relationship, it’s finally dawned on America’s politicos that decades of neoliberalism and globalization hollowed-out the great American industrial machine whilst breaking the spirit of working people, decimating the all-important middle core of society. It’s difficult to keep a capitalistic democracy in balance when both ends of the economic spectrum are so heavily weighted, massive golden wealth on the right shooting up into outer space versus the skimping of 42 million SNAP cards barely-getting-by in survival mode on the left, with a weakened, deeply sagging middle. This clash of classes automatically breeds frustration, anger, and hatred: “Hang Pence” easily rolled off the lips of American extremist on January 6th.

National security advisor Jake Sullivan was quick to itemize key categories of the old Washington Consensus that need to be addressed: (1) globalization and privatization have failed America; those are hallmarks of neoliberalism (2) challenges from China (3) challenges from climate change and inequality, as lowly job opportunities, the leftovers from neoliberalism-globalization’s search for the lowest common denominator, breeds contempt.

More specifically: (1) the neoliberal trajectory has left a hollowed-out industrial base (2) public investment has declined because of too much emphasis on de-regulation, privatization, and trade liberalization, which defines the post-Reagan Republican mantra (3) widespread faith in “the magic of the markets” dogma to achieving success, growth, and prosperity totally backfired with too much emphasis on the “financial sector” at the expense of a “real economy” that has solid job-producing industries such as semi-conductor manufacturing and infrastructure development, two big Biden proposals.

According to an astutely worded interpretation of Sullivan’s remarks: “The US national security establishment now argues that ‘trickle down economics’ has been a disaster that has led to ‘corporate concentration’ and ‘active measures to undermine the labor movement that initially built the American middle class.” (Source: Anuradha Chenoy, US Merges its Economics and Foreign Policy, Defend Democracy Press, May 14, 2023)

Washington Consensus-2 has not yet been thoroughly vetted or analyzed or countered by either side of the aisle, which will be difficult because it’s equivalent to rolling back time to the good ole Fifties and Sixties when unions shone, and the middle class flexed its muscles and unions impacted politics. That’s gone. Replaced by dark money billionaires pulling the strings of today’s politicians, and judges, in favor of disassembling America’s social welfare state and weakening unions as much as possible. It’s fascinating that the Federal Reserve fights inflation, in large part, based upon employment weakness or strength and rate of pay, too rapid of increases (good for labor) causes the Fed to wince and tighten credit conditions to slow down or abort high wages (bad for labor).

The White House is a strong proponent of changing America’s character to better represent its glorious past of the Fifties/Sixties strong middle-class values. After all, the country already knows via first-hand experience that farming-out good, solid American jobs to cheaper manufacturing in SE Asia and China handed over, on a golden platter, a cat’s bird seat for China in world markets whilst building its own middle class worker bees at the expense of decimation of workers in America, far removed from a distant American past of the Fifties and Sixties when real wages doubled, and blue-collar families were proud. Biden wants that once again.

Implicit within this new directive for revival of America, it’s likely that Biden and Sullivan have their fingers tightly crossed, hoping it’ll stem the outrageous infectious anger pitting Americans against Americans in an ugly throwback reminiscent of the dark shadows of Jim Crowism. It’s difficult to ignore the noose that swayed in the breeze on the capitol grounds on January 6th with its stern message and serving as an imprimatur for radical public violence. Ever since, all hell broke loose.

Robert Hunziker is a journalist from Los Angeles











despotic democracy....


World peace is the greatest threat to the United States


by ishkabibble


Many intelligent people seem to be baffled when it comes to explaining exactly why all American figures behave the way they do, tell the lies they tell, and why "the United States" cannot accept the defeat in Ukraine. I'll try to explain why, first by referring to two rather famous videos – one by Tucker Carlson, the other by Mitch McConnell.


Yellen and McConnell's words are universal. All Western leaders and central bankers are saying exactly the same thing, which would be an amazing coincidence in a world of independent sovereign nations, but as this unanimity makes clear, that is no longer the case, if at all. than it ever was.

With such universal acclaim for this pledge of allegiance to the flag of Ukraine, you would think that the “journalists” interviewing these people would ask the obvious question “what if the Russians defeat Ukraine?” But this most obvious and important question is deliberately almost never asked, and when it is seldom asked, the near-certain answer of “the end of the rules-based international order” is never asked for. be further developed – for example, “and how would our lives be different after the end of the rules-based international order?”

The reason is the same: average Americans and Europeans have been unable to accept the utter horror of the "fuel" that the United States and its vassals have been using since the day Nixon shut down the gold-borrowed window. "money" printed out of thin air; for one purpose – to pay their governments for their perpetual wars of robbery and conquest.

To continue to function, the United States must continue to sell over a trillion dollars worth of Treasury bonds, year after year, into eternity. If you don't believe me, take a look at the Treasury website.

Excerpt from this site:

«In fiscal year 2022, the federal government spent $6,27 trillion and collected $4,90 trillion in revenue, resulting in a deficit. The amount by which expenditure exceeds revenue, or $1,38 trillion in 2022, is called the deficit.».

«To fill a deficit, the federal government borrows money by selling treasury bonds, bills and other securities».

Again, almost all of that $1,38 trillion in borrowing goes to fund America's perpetual wars. Investors in US Treasury bonds should know that they are financing perpetual wars… right? (Yes, big investors know that!)

Because he never says it, it seems to me that Carlson doesn't understand how it is fiscally possible that "the United States" can continue to behave as it does, and, therefore, he is assumed not to understand why Yellen said what she said and McConnell and Graham etc. say what they say. For example, he doesn't seem to understand how Yellen could NOT commit financially to US residents in need, while still being willing to give "Ukraine" unconditional support, literally forever. I wonder if Carlson's behavior is a deliberate attempt to “look away” from the obvious, or is he really that stupid? I think that's the first assumption, that this is indeed deliberate behavior.

What should be obvious to everyone now, especially Americans, is that the United States has a war economy in which the military-industrial complex (MIC) and the wars of plunder and regime change are funded by investors around the world who buy US “Treasury” bonds (what a misnomer!). Doesn't this horrible fact deserve to be repeated a little more often than… ever.

Here is the inconvenient truth that Yellen and all the other American VIPs will never say in public. If the US, NATO and the EU lose their war on Russia, NOBODY is going to continue to buy US Treasury paper which, since Nixon closed the gold window, has not been “ supported” only by a CMI which failed to defeat and subjugate Russia! This means that the only investors in US Treasury paper will likely be idiots and the Federal Reserve. Other domestic and foreign investors will instantly start investing in Russian, Chinese, Iranian, etc. “Investment Opportunities”. (The question is exactly what “money” they will use to make these investments).

This is also the reason why interest on US Treasuries must remain high, and only increase, until the US war is won. The high interest rate has nothing to do with “fighting inflation”. The amount of US Treasuries that must be sold is now so large that it cannot be sold at an interest rate close to zero. The fact that the US CMI has not yet defeated and subjugated Russia is the most important factor for the "bond market" to demand ever-higher rates of return on ever-increasing US Treasuries" risky”. In other words, in the end, "the United States" might not defeat and subjugate Russia, which is exactly why the United States and its vassals must hysterically engage more and more "hard" to defeat and subjugate Russia, and part of that "hard" is to raise bond interest rates.

Otherwise, why would Yellen say that the US Treasury will support Ukraine (which is only possible by continuing to borrow money from "investors" at a high rate of return for those investors) as long as will it take to defeat Russia?

Otherwise, why would Mitch McConnell declare that America's number one goal is to defeat Russia?

Otherwise, why would Nuland and everyone else in the US government say the same thing?

The irony is that if we ask this question – why? – to pro-Russians, their response is almost always something like “these people are psychopaths who hate Russia above all else”. And if you then ask “why do they hate Russia so much?”, most often you get a long historical diatribe that ends with “you see, that's why they hate Russia”. The real answer is much simpler, as I described above.

To keep running (and for all of these CMI companies to stay in business, for their investors to receive dividends, and for millions of people to be directly or indirectly employed by the CMI), the United States must continue to sell for more a trillion (and soon more and more trillions) worth of Treasury bonds, year after year, until the end of time… And to justify these borrowings, the United States needs perpetual enemies like the Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, etc. to conquer.

World peace means the end of everything whatever name you want to give to what is happening in the United States. Therefore, world peace is the greatest threat to “the United States” and therefore making peace with Russia and China will never be allowed by the powers that be in Washington or its vassal states. Again, it's a matter of "business", not hate (said the gangster to his victim). Nothing personal.

To drive the point even more, I am not the first to affirm all this. VIP George F. Kennan explained it a few years before the end of the USSR:

«If the Soviet Union were to sink under the waters of the ocean tomorrow, the American military-industrial establishment would have to continue, virtually unchanged, until another adversary could be invented. Anything else would be an unacceptable shock to the US economy.».

If you don't believe me, let yourself be convinced by the words of VIP Kennan.

This means that Russia was ASSIGNED to the role of “enemy” literally the day the USSR ended and literally nothing Russia can say or do will release it from that assignment.

This means that world peace is a far greater threat today than perpetual wars to America's war-based economy!

This explains exactly why the US government VIPs say what they say about the need to send weapons and absolutely anything else to Ukraine in order to defeat Russia.

This explains exactly why Zelensky cannot, and will not be allowed to negotiate a peaceful settlement with Russia (unless he turns against the United States, which is in my opinion the wish of Russia and the why he is still alive as a Western acclaimed hero).

This explains exactly why Minsk II could not be attended by Poroshenko or Zelensky, and exactly why none of the signatories to this agreement (and the UN resolution that makes it international law) forced "Ukraine to respect its commitment to this law.

This explains exactly why the law, international or otherwise, no longer matters to “the United States” (the microscopic percentage of the American population that is actually “the United States”)…because respect for the law can lead to peace!

In summary, Russia WILL NOT BE ALLOWED to make any deal with the United States and its asslicking vassals that results in a peaceful world.

Unfortunately, when what must inevitably happen under the current economic "arrangement" does eventually happen, the millions or billions of humans who temporarily survive the nuclear holocaust will endure a "way of life" infinitely worse than that of a well-thought-out economic arrangement that could replace the current one before the warheads begin to fall. Survivors of the next nuclear war won't sit around watching the value of their wallets via the Internet, eating out and planning their next vacation destination. They will desperately try to acquire their next meal and find a way to get through the next winter without freezing to death.

source: A Son of the New American Revolution




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enough is enough — bring him home......



BY Anna Kudinova


In recent months, the USA has stepped up efforts to discredit the New Development Bank (NDB), which, in addition to the five BRICS countries, includes Egypt, Bangladesh, and the UAE, while about 20 other countries are candidates to join. The reason for this activity on the part of Washington is simple and clear. The Americans want to slow down the process of forming an alternative global financial infrastructure.

China is working to shift its commerce away from the dollar and has absolutely no intention of stopping. It is obvious that the White House is not in danger from this process for now. To date, the Celestial Empire has been able to convert less than 20 percent of its foreign trade balance to renminbi and (to a lesser extent) to other currencies. Ten years ago, however, the US dollar dominated the field 100 percent. Now there’s an alternative.

The PRC started quietly selling down its holdings of US debt at the same time, bringing them to their lowest point in years. In absolute numbers, this is not yet critical for the USA, but the main thing, after all, is the continuation of a trend that Washington has not yet succeeded in reversing.

In this context, Moscow’s efforts to dedollarize international trade have also come at a bad time for Washington. The process has started and is gradually gaining momentum.

Americans may undoubtedly be at ease for the time being. The dollar’s share of global trade is high – about 90 percent. In such a case, the USA will not start experiencing problems until it falls to 75 percent or less. There is still time, and Washington is not inclined to waste it.

The White House intends to take significant action to alter the situation in its favor and to slow down, if not totally stop, Beijing’s internationalization of the renminbi and Moscow’s encouragement of giving up the dollar and transition to payment in local currencies. In this sense, the BRICS NDB has come under fire of dishonest criticism from Washington as the cornerstone of the rising independent financial infrastructure.

The NDB was attacked using time-tested methods, including articles critical of the BRICS bank in the most influential media outlets in the world, controlled by Washington. The Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and other publications began to give one after another materials about the problems of the NDB and its alleged pre-bankruptcy state. The “scary stories” include the probable fall of NDB collaborating states under Chinese control, the NDB’s “toxicity” as a result of its connections with Russia, and the unavoidable application of secondary sanctions against third parties as a result.

However, all this is just a fever dream of the Anglo-Saxons, nothing more. No matter how hard they try, the process of dedollarization of the global economy has already begun and will not be stopped. The only question is when and how quickly it will become an avalanche.

The NDB has a very high international credit rating of AA from S&P and Fitch Ratings. The bank has approved more than 80 projects in its member countries. It plays an active role in combating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, helping developing countries to address socially significant challenges.

At the same time, the New Development Bank has yet to establish itself among the world’s financial institutions. However, it is apparent that the global need for alternative financial institutions remains significant. This means that the law of supply and demand will be satisfied, and the NDB will grow in weight and position in relation to the BRICS’ impact on the global arena.

There can be no other option, no matter how much someone in Washington might want it.






book bans....

Megyn Kelly and Chris Rufo Call Out Former President Obama Speaking Out About "Book Bans"


Megyn Kelly is joined by Christopher Rufo, author of “America's Cultural Revolution,” to discuss Obama’s public letter to librarians about "book bans," the actual reality of the issue, how The American Library Association has been ideologically hijacked, and more.



How Politicians Like Nancy Pelosi Get Into Office...Then Get Really Rich, with Matt Lewis


Megyn Kelly is joined by Matt Lewis, author of “Filthy Rich Politicians,” to discuss how politicians are interested in growing their finances and “cashing in,” how Congress is not made up of working-class people anymore, the exact ways Nancy Pelosi has made millions while in office, how this is a bipartisan issue, and more.






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stealing elections.....


THIS IS WILD!! | LEAKED FOOTAGE Of Obama Admitting What Trump Said Is True


THIS IS WILD!! | LEAKED FOOTAGE Of Obama Admitting What Trump Said Is TrueR





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racist joe....

Left-wing Americans startled by Joe Biden’s racist quotes





strategic bullshit works in bamboozling a complacent media….


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Messages found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop have revealed a 2010 conversation in which then-US Vice President Joe Biden’s son accused then-President Barack Obama of plagiarizing his father’s speeches. Joe Biden responded by slamming his boss for having “no grace.”

The September 2010 exchange of emails, first reported by Fox News on Wednesday, started with Hunter Biden suggesting to his father that Obama had stolen his words in a speech the previous day at a union event in Wisconsin. After citing some of the lines from Obama’s speech, Hunter Biden said, “I’m surprised he didn’t finish with the long walk up a short flight of stairs,” alluding to phrasing that Joe Biden used while campaigning unsuccessfully for president in 2008. “Pretty amazing.”

The message was sent to Joe Biden’s personal email address, which was reportedly one of many that he used to communicate with family members. The then-VP responded to his son’s plagiarism accusation by saying of Obama, “No grace.”

Ironically, Biden’s first failed run for president ended in disgrace in 1987, when he was caught plagiarizing lines from the speeches of other politicians, including the late Robert F. Kennedy. He was also forced to admit that he had plagiarized parts of a paper he submitted as a law school student, and media outlets reported that he lied on the campaign trail about his academic record and his involvement in the 1960s civil rights movement.

Biden and Obama had a strained relationship before and during their eight years in the White House, according to a biography released last year. Author Gabriel Debenedetti’s book detailed how Obama considered Biden “condescending” and was frustrated by how he “rambled” in his speeches. 

In fact, the then-president considered replacing Biden with Hillary Clinton when he ran for re-election in 2012. He reluctantly endorsed Biden for president in 2020, despite thinking his candidacy could be “unthinkably painful,” Debenedetti wrote.

READ MORE: Biden is Obama's 'front man' – Tulsi Gabbard

Biden infamously described Obama in a 2007 magazine interview as the “first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.” He bristled at being given little influence on the president’s decision-making, according to the book, and he “rolled his eyes behind Obama’s back,” considering him humorless and aloof.

Obama was reportedly troubled by Biden’s frequent speaking gaffes, which he believed gave ammunition to political enemies, and he was angered when Biden prematurely revealed that he and the president would support gay marriage. Biden was “personally stung” when Obama supported Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for president in 2016.

READ MORE: Tucker Carlson interviews man who claims had sex with Obama