Sunday 12th of January 2025

happy easter and comfortable serfdom whatever....

The comfortable serfdom concept is sold to us as the GREAT RESET. It is an extension of globalism-plus (AMERICAN mercantile ESTABLISHMENT controlling the world)…. The WEF and all the capitalist systems such as the World Bank and the IMF have been planning for a government-less corporate-led control of populations, in which all comfort will be supplied in a limited format of choices. No more annoying elections. 


This is a lovely bourgeois serfdom, with control of the value of our input — versus our needs and our wants being top-managed by the establishment on its mono-cycle. 

We rule the world like Britannia ruled the waves…

To some extend this would not be much different from the democratic system we have come to believe we live under, except we still have the antiquated mechanism of “electing” the leaders. This NEW formula would be more civilised. No more arguing about the price of fish, as everything is already pre-set and allocated by the corporation(s). 

Hey, no matter who is in power, you’re going to get SUBMARINES that glow in the dark… 

This is for Australia. 

In America (USA) the problem — if it is a problem — is far worse. So what is this new bedangle?

Simply said it is corporato-communism, in which the social entity is divided in two camps: the dogs and the sheep. From time to time the sheep are fleeced, and/or slaughtered without much trace except some vague vanishing memories (amusing artistic continuum). 

Euthanasia is encouraged once the retirement villages have milked the most amount of non-money possible from the old folks. Exchange is now going to be digitised, so clams cannot be used as value transfers. 


Meanwhile, the sheep are allowed to graze the grass, or eat the surplus grain from the adjacent automated crop machine. If you think this seems to be a bit Orwellian, it is — but this is the new reality, the GREAT RESET.

Whether we live or die becomes irrelevant to the system as long as there is sufficient personnel at any one time to do the tasks required to maintain the corporate masters in higher comforts — like little gods of glorious privileges and private jets.


All is well in the best of the worlds….. We, the little people (the sheep) enjoy this because we don’t have to think anymore. Questioning becomes an offence.

OUR main decision would be to decide who is sheep and who is dog….. Elections? Nupe… Hereditary entitlement? Money? No… The CORPORATIONS DECIDE. Sure.





Without knowing what he’s doing, enters Trump with the CHAOTIC DESIRE to put an end to this incoming beautiful world as described above…

The Donald is not shy about it… He claims he’s anti-establishment and he’s going to clean up the swamp. The establishment freaks out

America divides into the intelligent people who want to be sheep in the system led by Hillary — and the dumb people (the deplorables) who prefer guns and freedom.

The establishment panics some more…

Trump is the establishment worse nightmare. He gives a voice to the dumb people. Twitter is censored!!!


The establishment has no choice but to make sure Trump does not become president. 

The media goes to work. The media is the propaganda arm of the establishment, even the Murdoch media that supports Trump, but is it enough?

Murdoch plays a double game, despite Trump not knowing what he’s doing… On the other side, Hillary, the golden-haired girl of the establishment, is a warmonger. The propaganda media and the establishment love her… But there is a considerable amount of political nuances to look after, as not to appear CONSPIRATORIAL.


The next war is likely to go nuclear. This is 2016. Hillary is eager to kick someone, anyone in the nuts — and start World War Three for the establishment… (Gaddafi being dead, the next one on the list is PUTIN… All these despots, including Putin, remind her of HER cheating husband… BUT she’s a Democrat. That’s enough to make Murdoch go Trump.


MEANWHILE, the establishment works on two front (3 or 4 or 10 or 137.5 secret ops really), but two major ones… 





First the establishment needs to frame Trump for being involved with Putin. It’s a classic. It should be easy… Any president who is making deals with Russia is a traitor. JFK was possibly shot because of this despite a lot of red herrings and false clues about his assassination….


Second, make sure the public is aware of the presidential candidate being a traitor, and has no redeeming features of any kind. Trump is a crook. The MSM Blackens Trump to look worse than a chimney sweep. As well, Trump plays the buffoon to “capture the dumb ones” and he’s easy to caricature considering he’s often a caricature of himself, appearing like an amateur stand up comedian rather than a PRESIDENTIAL no-hoper.



ON THE FIRST ISSUE, the Democrat branch of the establishment creates documents (fake) that would implicate Trump BEFORE THE ELECTIONS. They spy on him and they SPY on his military advisor, etc… THEY dig for corruption in his affairs, etc. It’s a set up.


Unfortunately, WIKILEAKS releases TRUE information about the democrats (the info comes from the DNC directly) and Hillary… and the media takes it on because the Obama government does not have much choice but to deal/deny this issue which shows the truth… all while trying to dilute the importance of the revelations.


Bugger, TRUMP GETS ELECTED because 

  1. Hillary does not cajole to a few electorate colleges
  2. She calls the Trump voters “deplorables”….
  3. Rupert Murdoch supports Trumps to the max.
  4. Many swinging voters have seen Obama as a failure.
  5. WIKILEAKS. The Democrats hate Wikileaks….


Straight away, the Democrats get the MUELLER inquiry to implicate Trump with Russia. They make it last as long as possible while releasing some damning observation from the fake (Steele) dossier, as truth. 

The Mueller inquiry finds NOTHING, but still over two years, a SMELLY dark cloud and innuendos float above Trump persona in the media. Democrats hate Trump, because he “stole the elections”…. Thus comes the first “impeachment”…. Unsuccessful. Mind you it does not matter. The process is psychologically managed for getting reaction from the good people into hating Trump, like WE HATE TRUMP!!! HE’S AN IMBECILE!!!!


The establishment manages to get rid of TRUMP’s military advisor, Flynn, for something that could be seen politically corrupt, but isn’t. By whatever means, the boffins of the establishment eventually get their man, John Bolton, a rabid warmonger to become TRUMP’s main advisor on military matters: WARS, MORE WARS! 

Meanwhyile, that silly TRUMP wants to end all eternal US wars forever and bring the troops HOME! Sacrilegious! Behind the scene, some republicans, such as Rand Paul, advise Trump about PEACE, after John Bolton is sacked. The establishment shits in its pants!




Trump is indiscreet in demanding some information about the crookery of Joe Biden in Ukraine, from the Ukrainian president himself — because the CIA does not want to tell him anything. This inquiry becomes the subject of impeachment number two. One cannot demand damaging information on one’s opponent in a US presidential election apparently, though the Democrats did their utmost to do the same in 2016.


IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBT, Joe Biden and co is (are) corrupt. But the propaganda media of the establishment makes sure the TRUE information contained on HUNTER Biden laptop about such corruption was hushed up and declared to be “Russian disinformation” by 50 former “intelligence” officers. SUCCESS! Biden — the old demented smiling/crying devious forgetful aviator-sunglasses wearing goldfish — gets elected. He’s pastry in the hands of the establishment…


For about 100 years, the world RUSSIA has generated an automated repulsion in the American public at large. This has been like the Pavlov dog salivating at the sound of a bell (RUSSIA!) — except the reaction is an automated angry rage in all the good people: we hate the Russians! Why? Many excuses, reasons, polished turds have been used BY THE ESTABLISHMENT SINCE THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION IN 1917 — but in short the Russians don’t want us as masters, while we want (the establishment) to be their masters. See the HEARTLAND. TELL ANY BOURGEOIS THAT AMERICA WANTS TO CONQUER RUSSIA AND THEY WILL DISMISS THIS AS RUBBISH. IT’S THE TRUTH! THE US ESTABLISHMENT HAS BEEN WORKING HARD TO DESTROY RUSSIA SINCE 1917/1919… to the point of the American establishment (the rich American industrialists) helped Germany to re-arm itself between WW1 and WW2 (to fight the Russians), while the surface politics was sort of NEUTRAL and Anglo-ish.


Of course these aspects of underhanded manipulations are never explicit. Germany and Russia made a pact of non-aggression, but it is most likely that the American establishment encouraged Hitler to break this agreement (no proof but plenty of OBVIOUS conjectures) — as we’ve seen many agreements such as the MINSK agreements being flaunted by the Western signatory (Merkel, Hollande and Poroshenko) UNDER THE AMERICAN ESTABLISHMENT INFLUENCE.


"Paranoid" Putin sees through this fog with an annoying clarity! We HAVE TO DESTROY PUTIN!!!! HE KNOWS TOO MUCH!!! The ICC announce PUTIN IS A CRIMINAL FOR SAVING 8,000 CHILDREN FROM DEATH IN THE DONBASS! IMAGINE! 

The Western bourgeois hate PUTIN so much, they think he should face the music in this (kangaroo) court…. Unlike Blair, Bush and our little Howard-shit for going to war under FALSE PRETENCES and killing a million people or so…



So now, the US/NATO plan has been LEAKED (?!).


But it seems the leak is too good to be true


Here’s why the leaked ‘secret plan’ for a Ukrainian military offensive doesn't add up

The release looks like an attempt to distract Russia's attention from what's really going on


On Friday, photos appeared of a document allegedly containing details on a planned imminent Ukrainian offensive on territories controlled by Russia. The ‘leak’ coincided with suggestions that the NATO Defender 2023 exercises – planned for the end of this month – could be a cover for an operation to supply and support Ukrainian units. However, upon closer examination, doubts arise concerning the document’s authenticity.


When did it appear?

The supposed secret plans to support an offensive by Kiev's forces hit the internet the day before Anthony Blinken made a statement on the subject. The US Secretary of State said the operation will begin “within a few weeks.” 


What information does it contain?

There hasn't been a leak of this nature since Moscow's military campaign in Ukraine began, over 13 months ago. It is noteworthy that the published plans contain not only a schedule for supplying Ukrainian units with NATO weapons and ammunition, but also information about the structure of the brigades and battalions allegedly preparing for the offensive.

The document, dated March 1, says Kiev's brigades need 253 tanks, more than 380 infantry fighting vehicles and APCs, 480 vehicles, 147 artillery pieces, and 571 HMMWV armored vehicles to carry out the offensive.


Which information is most suspect?  

The probable locations of Russian units, indicated on the combat map in red, appear to have been collected from open sources. Several pro-Kiev resources that track military operations contain almost identical information.

Also, the ratios of killed and wounded for the Ukrainian and Russian Armed Forces which initially appeared in these ‘secret plans’ have since been changed. When first posted, the losses for the Ukrainian side were underestimated at about 16,500 –17,000 people. Then (probably to be more realistic), they increased almost fivefold, up to 65,000 – 75,000. At the same time, the numbers given for Russia's purported losses of vehicles and equipment coincide with data published by Kiev's Ministry of Defense.


What else is wrong with the published AFU offensive plans?

The blatant falsification of data on the readiness of Ukrainian military formations catches the eye. The document states that, of the nine supposedly to be trained up to US and NATO standards by March 31 and April 30, five of Kiev's brigades have had zero training: these are the 82nd Airborne, the 32nd, 117th, and 118th Territorial Defense, as well as the 21st separate mechanized.

Even if only two or three companies in these brigades were trained, and self-preparation wasn't completed, their level of training couldn’t be zero. At the same time, the highest percentage of readiness was recorded only in the 47th mechanized(40%) and the 46th airborne assault (60%).


What’s the upshot?

The plan also gives perplexing figures for military equipment.

For example, out of 109 M2 Bradley BMPs sent to armed forces, for some reason only 99 are to participate in the offensive. Moreover, the vehicles are not distributed among the brigades and only assigned to one formation – Kiev's 47th mechanized brigade, which doesn't have heavy tanks.

Rather than Soviet T-72s or T-64BVs, this grouping has only Slovak T-55Ss with 105mm guns, which are difficult to use in a large-scale offensive.

The small, but important, errors and inaccuracies in the calculations of equipment, the adjusted accounting of losses, as well as the presence of units with ‘zero’ readiness, indicate that this document, which was issued as a ‘secret plan,’ was probably prepared and distributed not by the military but by a group of civilians, probably pro-Kiev analysts.

The purpose of this planted misinformation may be to underreport the actual number of combat-ready Ukrainian units to be deployed for the offensive or to distract attention from other events related to the real operation.

This article was first published by ‘Military Chronicle’ Telegram channel




The American one-China policy, ambiguous for many years is being transformed NOW into TWO china POLICY: Taiwan and China. We are preparing to go into WW3 to defend a CHINESE country, Taiwan, with a population smaller than Australia, against its original owners, CHINA

This has nothing to do with Taiwan, which could be obliterated in day-one of such conflict, but with the notion that AMERICA still WANTS TO CONQUER THE HEARTLAND: RUSSIA AND CHINA — TO CONTROL THE ENTIRE PLANET.

We, in Aussieland, always in for a fight in order to add more names of dead heroes to our war monuments, are getting involved with NUKE-subs… IDIOCY of the greatest magnitude…. We are moronic. Our government is seriously mad. Our media is despicable, but our little bourgeois sentiments feel that we need to be with the world BIG bully….


MEANWHILE: The American establishment is still trying to prevent TRUMP from getting the presidency, because TRUMP, dumb or not, IS ANTI-ESTABLISHMENT. But there is a twist. In the likely event that TRUMP evades FELONY charges, the back stop position is such:



"The Democrats want Trump to be the Republican nominee because President Biden's stewardship of the federal government has been so poor. The only way, this is what the Democrats believe, I'm not a Democrat, but I happen to agree with them, the only way President Biden can get reelected is if he runs against Trump. And then the issues in the campaign will not be President Biden's stewardship of the government. It will be Trump's character, Trump's personality and Trump's criminality. And on those issues with the full American electorate, not just the Republican Party, which is a minority party here, but the full American electorate, on those issues Trump will lose.”








the dollar wars....

by Oleg Nesterenko


The first of the three underlying supporting pillars of the war in Ukraine is the continued global dominance of the US monetary system.

This domination is based on several elements, the main ones being the extraterritoriality of American law, American Treasury bonds and the Petrodollar.

It is totally impossible neither to know nor to understand the real reasons not only for the war in Ukraine, but for almost all of the wars orchestrated or carried out directly by the United States of America, without a precise vision of the elements mentioned. . So let's see them in detail.

 The dollar and the extraterritoriality of American law as a weapon of economic warfare

The concept of the extraterritoriality of American law is the application of American law outside the borders of the United States, which allows American judges to initiate legal proceedings for facts which take place in any place in the world.

The main element that is used as a pretext for initiating proceedings is the fact of the use of the US dollar in transactions.

Thus, the legal mechanisms of the extraterritoriality of American law provide American companies with a major competitive advantage that is totally illegal, according to international business law, but legal according to American law.

Because the extraterritoriality of the law obliges foreign companies using the American dollar in their transactions to conform to American standards, to submit to the surveillance and control of the American state – which makes “legalized” espionage possible. of their know-how and to carry out actions to hinder the development of competitors of American companies.

In prosecution proceedings by the US Department of Justice, foreign companies are subject to the obligation of regularizing their situation by accepting surveillance for several years in a row, within the framework of a "program of conformity”.

In addition, by artificially putting foreign companies, which interest American groups, in danger of paying very large fines – we put them in a position not to be hostile to American takeovers, in order to avoid them.

In order to establish its global domination, countless lawsuits are launched without any real basis, the real purpose of which is access to information from competitors and economic interference.

 US Treasuries and Petrodollars

In accounting there is a term like bad debts.

US Treasury bills are bonds that are bought and redeemed in US dollars and are, in fact, bad debts.


Today, the debt of the American state has exceeded 31 billion USD and continues to grow daily to the tune of several billions a day. This figure greatly exceeds that of the annual GDP of the USA and makes almost all of the bonds issued by the US Treasury securities of more than doubtful solvency and value, as they are reimbursable by the national currency, of which for the majority issued it is not there is nothing behind. Nothing tangible.
Its solvency is guaranteed only by the monetary issue and the confidence granted to the American dollar which is based not on its real value, but on the military domination of the world by the USA.

 And Russia with Ukraine in all this?

Since Putin came to power, the Russian Federation has begun the gradual process of separating US Treasury bonds. Since 2014, the start of the conflict instigated by the USA in Ukraine by the coup, Russia has gotten rid of almost all of the American debt. If in 2010 Russia was one of the ten largest holders of US Treasury bonds, with more than 176 billion USD, in 2015 it only held about 90 billion, i.e. its total mass practically halved in 5 years. Today, Russia only holds 2 billion of this debt, which is a paltry amount.

In tandem with Russia, China likewise is gradually getting rid of this dangerous debtor. If in 2015 it held bonds on the other side of the Atlantic for more than 1270 billion USD, today it is at the lower height of 970 billion, that is to say a decrease of ¼ in 7 years. Today, the amount of US debt held by China is at a 12-year low.

Along with getting rid of US treasury bonds, the Russian Federation initiated the gradual process of freeing the world from the petrodollar system.

A vicious spiral is triggered: the shaking of the petrodollar system would deal a significant blow to the US Treasury bond market. Indeed, the fall in demand for the dollar on the international scene will automatically trigger a devaluation of the currency and, in fact, the fall in demand for Treasury bills which will mechanically lead to an increase in their interest rate, by simply making it impossible to finance the US public debt at the level we know today.

Critics of the assumption that the fall of the dollar against many currencies will cause very significant damage to the American economy claim that a weaker dollar will lead to a significant increase in American exports, benefit American manufacturers and, in fact, reduce the US trade deficit.

If they are absolutely right about the beneficial effect of the devaluation of the dollar vis-à-vis American exports – they are absolutely wrong about the inevitably devastating final effect on the American economy, because they do not take disregard the major element:

The USA is a country that has been on the road to deindustrialization for decades and the positive effect on exports will be relatively negligible in the face of the gigantic trade deficit. The deficit which has already reached in 2021 the record level in the history of the United States and that with a devaluation of the dollar, and therefore the increase in the cost of imports at all levels, will have a destructive effect.

Thus, settling the account of the two culprits of the situation – Russia and China – is therefore the key element in the survival strategy of the United States of America.


With the collapse, in 1971, of the Bretton Woods agreements which had lasted since 1944, the world's dependence on the American dollar began to decline very dangerously for the United States economy and they had to find a another way to increase the demand for the national currency.

And it was in 1979 that the “petrodollar” was born within the framework of the American-Saudi agreement on economic cooperation: “oil against dollars”. As part of this agreement, Saudi Arabia has taken on obligations to sell its oil to the rest of the world only in US dollars, as well as to reinvest its excess reserves in dollars in US Treasury bonds and US companies.
In return, the United States took on military obligations to guarantee the security of Saudi Arabia.

Subsequently, this "oil against dollars" agreement was extended to other OPEC countries and this is, moreover, without any counterpart on the part of the Americans, and led to an exponential emission of the greenback . Gradually, the US dollar became the reference currency for other commodities and, therefore, the world's reserve currency – which gave the United States unrivaled supremacy and exorbitant privileges.

Today, we observe a strategic rupture between the USA and Saudi Arabia which is due to several major factors. We can cite a very significant reduction in crude oil imports by the USA, of which Arabia was the largest supplier; the withdrawal of American support for Saudi Arabia in the Yemen war and the intention of American President Joe Biden to save the nuclear agreement with the Shiite mullahs of Iran – sworn enemy of the Sunni Saudis.

The Kingdom experienced this triple "betrayal" of the Americans very badly. The great disagreement between the two countries came to a climax with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, when the Saudi power was faced with an existential choice: to continue to evolve in the sawing of the USA or to join the camp of their major adversaries who are China and Russia. The second solution was chosen.

Faced with America, which has neglected the strategic interests of the Saudis, China, on the contrary, has only increased its cooperation with Saudi Arabia. And this bilateral relationship is not limited to the fossil fuel sector, but extends greatly in the field of infrastructure, trade and investment. Not only are major Chinese investments in Arabia constantly growing and China is now buying up almost a quarter of the Kingdom's world oil exports, but, in return, the Kingdom's Sovereign Fund plans to start making significant investments in Chinese companies in strategic sectors.

At the same time, a military cooperation agreement between the Saudi Kingdom and the Russian Federation was signed in August 2021.

As between Russia and China, Saudi Arabia has taken the path of de-dollarization of trade and investment in its relations with the Chinese.

The joint and synchronized actions of Russia, China and the OPEC countries on the path of gradual de-dollarization have gained momentum with the outbreak of the war in Ukraine which has blown the masks and will have, at term, an almost inevitable avalanche effect vis-à-vis American monetary dominance, because the central banks of many countries are encouraged to rethink the logic of the accumulation of reserves, as well as the merits of investing in US Treasury bonds.

 Declaration of war

The war on the territory of Ukraine against Russia and the imminent future war which is brewing in the Asia Pacific against China are nothing but a part of the reaction of the USA which considers the action of the Russia and China against the world domination of the American currency as a real declaration of war.

And the United States is perfectly right to take this statement more than seriously, because the massive resale of American treasury bonds coupled with the gradual destitution of the petrodollar system by powers such as Russia and China is nothing other than the beginning of the end of the American economy, as we know it since the end of the Second World War – beginning of the end of the United States, as we know it today.

Countries that have dared in the past to endanger global domination by the US monetary system have paid a drastic price for their audacity.

Except that the Russian Federation, as well as the People's Republic of China, are military powers that cannot, under any circumstances, be attacked directly – which is worth suicide. Only proxy wars and hybrid wars can be waged against Russian power and Chinese power.

Today we are in the “Russian phase”, tomorrow we will be in the “Chinese phase”.

It is important to note that the war in Ukraine is by no means the first, but the third major US dollar war, not to mention two “cold” US currency wars.

What are these wars, apart from the one we know today?

They are the war in Iraq and the war in Libya. And the two “cold” dollar wars are the wars against Iran and against Venezuela.

 The First Great Dollar War

Speaking of the first dollar war, which is the war in Iraq, we must put aside the famous vial of imaginary anthrax that the American Secretary of State Colin Powell brandished at the UN on February 5, 2003, in order to to destroy the country and to massacre the Iraqi people, and to recall the facts. Facts that are far removed from American fantasy.

In October 2000, Iraqi President Saddam Hussein made a statement that he no longer wanted to sell his oil against US dollars, but only against euros.

Such a declaration was worth signing his death warrant.

According to extensive research by the American Civil Liberties Union and the American Journalism Independence Fund, between 2001 and 2003 the US government made 935 false statements about Iraq, 260 of them directly by George W. Bush. And among the 260 declarations of the premeditated lie of the American president, 232 were on the presence in Iraq of non-existent weapons of mass destruction.

The vial of Colin Powell, after 254 false statements by the latter of the same subject, was only the culmination of a long and laborious preparation of national and international public opinion for an imminent outbreak of the extermination of the Iraqi threat posed to the American currency.

And, when in February 2003, Saddam Hussein carried out his "threat" by selling more than 3 billion barrels of crude oil for the amount of 26 billion euros - a month later, the United States invasion and total destruction of Iraq, the tragic consequences of which are well known with the destruction of the entire infrastructure of the country and so many deaths among the civilian population.

Even to this day, the US firmly asserts that this war has absolutely nothing to do with Iraq's desire to free itself from the petrodollar system. Given the total judicial impunity of crimes against humanity committed by successive United States governments, they do not even bother to cover them up with stories that are even remotely credible in the eyes of the community. international.

The facts are well known and we could stop there. But, to make the process of “defending” US interests even clearer, including the current war in Ukraine, let's also talk about the penultimate – second big dollar war which is the war in Libya.

 The Second Great Dollar War

Six years have passed since the Iraqi threat was wiped out – a new existential threat to the US dollar has emerged in the person of the one who refused to learn the lesson of Saddam Hossein's tragic fate: Muammar Gadafi.

In 2009, then as President of the African Union, Muammar Gadafi proposed to the States of the African continent a real monetary revolution which had every chance of succeeding in changing the destiny of the continent and which was welcomed with great enthusiasm: to withdraw from the dominance of the US dollar by creating an African monetary union in which exports of oil and other African natural resources are paid for mainly by the gold dinar – a new currency to be created and which would be based on financial assets and gold reserves of the continent's sovereign wealth funds.

Following the example of Arab OPEC countries having their own sovereign oil funds, other African oil producing countries, starting with the oil and gas giants Angola and Nigeria, have launched processes for the creation of their own national funds made up of revenue from oil exports. In all, 28 African oil and gas producing nations were involved in the project.

Gadafi, however, made a strategic miscalculation that not only “buried” the gold dinar, but also cost him his life.

He underestimated the fact that it was totally excluded that this project would be realized, on the one hand, for the American state and, on the other hand, for the "deep state" of Wall Street and the City. from London.

Because, not only did it put the American currency in existential danger, but, in addition, it deprived the New York and City banks of the usual brushing of trillions of dollars from the exports of raw materials from the African continent. The United Kingdom was therefore in perfect symbiosis with the United States in its desire to destroy the power that authored the threat.

As soon as the decision was made by "allies" on the neutralization of the new threat - they did not care about the funny timing to be a coincidence in the eyes of observers: more than 40 years of inaction against Gadafi, who came to power in 1969, and, as soon as he exposes to the African Union the project of this monetary revolution – a new civil war orchestrated by the USA starts immediately.

Already having in the background the criminal invasion and destruction of Iraq based on gross premeditated lies that the American state proliferated at the UN in 2003 via Colin Powell on the so-called weapons of mass destruction held by Saddam Hussein, the United States could no longer afford to reuse the same technique and was forced to diversify the implementation of the invasion, so as not to put itself, once again, in the position of war criminals .

Either, when this new "Arab Spring" has reached the point of being crushed by the power of the Libyan state - the Americans, remaining in the shadows, use the satellite and vassal countries - France, the Kingdom United and Lebanon – to unearth from oblivion a 1973 UN Security Council resolution against Libya – more than 35 years old – to attack and destroy the country.

The achievement was made in violation even of their own newly adopted resolution: instead of the establishment of a no-fly zone over Libya provided for in the resolution, it was the direct bombardments of military objectives on the ground that occurred. These bombings were totally unlawful and in total violation of international law, because those who voted for the adaptation of the resolution did so being reassured by the authors that the objective of the action is only the establishment of a no-fly zone protecting civilians and not the defeat of Gaddafi or the destruction of his army.

That is to say that the USA, under the guise of its satellite countries, directly lied to the UN, once again, in order to have less of a legal basis to start hostilities and to following what was planned in advance: to annihilate the new threat to the American dollar.

That the US and no one else were the real perpetrators of the destruction of Libya in 2011 was an open secret.

And, from the publication by Wikileaks of the April 2, 2011 correspondence between former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her adviser Sid Blumenthal on the subject, the "secret" came out of the shadows: Clinton was the he key element of the Western conspiracy against Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and, more specifically, against the new pan-African currency – a direct threat to the US dollar.

Blumenthal writes to Clinton: According to sensitive information available from this source, Gaddafi's government holds 143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver… This gold was accumulated before the current of rebellion and was intended to be used to establish a pan-African currency based on the Libyan gold dinar ».

As I mentioned before, no war ever has a single reason to be started. In the case of the war against Gaddafi it was the same: one of the additional key reasons was the personal interest of Hillary Rodham Clinton to play the role of "iron lady" in the American political environment, in view of the future elections. presidential. This was like saying to his political party: “Look: I was able to crush a whole country. So do not doubt that I am well able to lead the electoral fight”. In April 2015 she announced her candidacy for the presidency and, in July 2016, she was officially nominated as the candidate of the Democratic Party.

In the second great dollar war, it was not only the future of Libya, but the future of the entire African continent that was placed on the table of sacrifice for the well-being of the American economy.

All those who try to endanger the American monetary system – must disappear, if they are not strong enough to resist.

Nevertheless, if it is a powerful country that is involved and that we are not able to crush it directly, such as Iraq and Libya, it is indirect multimodal large-scale attacks that are developed and launched, always remaining in the shadows, portraying the attacked as the aggressor, with the aim of weakening the adversary to the point that he abandons his plans for the "destitution" of the dollar and is forced to concentrate on solving newly emerging problems.

After the end of the war in Ukraine – the third great war of the American dollar, it is inevitably the fourth great war of the dollar – the war in China – which will take place and of which we still do not know what precise form it will take.












by Reporter

The American authorities have developed a new way of equipping the Ukrainian army. Leaflets have appeared in US cities urging the homeless to join the International Legion in Defense of Ukraine.














A, B, C......


Michael John Parenti is an American political scientist, academic historian and cultural critic who writes on scholarly and popular subjects. He has taught at universities as well as run for political office. Parenti is well known for his Marxist writings and lectures. Michael Parenti was raised by an Italian-American working-class family in the East Harlem neighborhood of New York City. After graduating from high school, Parenti worked for several years. Upon returning to school, he received a BA from the City College of New York, an MA from Brown University and a PhD in political science from Yale University. Parenti is the father of Christian Parenti, an academic, author and journalist.








religious hypocrisy.....


The Hypocrisy of the Christian Church




We are not here to debate the moral squalor that defines the life of the hedge fund billionaire and chair of the seminary’s trustee board, Michael Fisch. We are not here to denounce him for the personal fortune, reportedly worth at least $10 billion, a fortune he built preying on the poorest among us, those families that went into debt to pay his prison telecommunications company’s exorbitant fees which charge up to $15 for 15-minute calls, fees that see families across the U.S. pay $1.4 billion each year to speak to incarcerated loved ones.  We are not here to decry the pain he and his corporation ViaPath, formerly Global Tel Link, caused to hundreds of thousands of children, desperate to speak to an incarcerated mother or father, to tell them about school, or that they miss them, that they need to hear their voice to know everything will be okay, that they are loved. We are not here to contrast the lives of these children, bewildered at the cruelty of this world, living in dilapidated apartments in inner city projects, with the feudal opulence of Michael Fisch’s life, his three mansions worth $100 million lined up on the same ritzy street in East Hampton, his art collection worth over $500 million, his Fifth Avenue apartment worth $21 million and his four-story Upper East Side townhouse. So many luxury dwellings that sit empty much of the time, no doubt, while over half a million Americans are homeless. Greed is not rational. It devours because it can. It knows only one word — more.

No, we are here today to call out the Pharisees that run this seminary, the ones who speak about loving the poor, the oppressed and the marginalized, in the abstract, but who really love the rich, including the rich who make their fortunes by exploiting the families of the students I teach in the Rutgers college degree program in New Jersey prisons, students, many of whom should have never been imprisoned, who are victims of our system of neo-slavery. We are here today to call out the liberal church, so quick to wrap itself in the cloak of virtue and so quick to sell virtue out when it conflicts with monetary interests and requires self-sacrifice.

Is it any mystery that the liberal church is dying? Is it any mystery that its seminaries and divinity schools are contracting and closing? The church bleeds itself to death sustaining moribund institutions and paying the salaries of church bureaucrats and seminary presidents who speak in the empty and vague gibberish that Lee Walton, the President of Princeton Theological Seminary, uttered when presented with the fact that Michael Fisch, and all he stands for, is antithetical to the Christian gospel. This false piety, and the smug arrogance that comes with it, is killing the church, turning it into a museum piece. 


Is Black Lives Matter a commodity, a piece of branding, or does it mean we will stand with those Black and Brown and Asian and white bodies in our prison gulags and internal colonies? This seminary may have removed the name of Samuel Miller, a slaveholder who used the gospel to perpetrate and defend a crime of Nazi-like proportions, from the seminary chapel, albeit only when students protested, but it embraces a billionaire who makes his fortune fleecing incarcerated men and women who work 40 hour weeks in prison and are paid, when they are paid, little more than a dollar a day. Prisons are modern day plantations, and not surprisingly, a multi-billion dollar a year business for oligarchs such as Michael Fisch. 

The wealthy industrialists in the 1930s and 1940s poured money and resources into the church, including seminaries such as Princeton Theological, to crush the Social Gospel, led by Christian radicals and socialists. They funded a brand of Christianity — which today is dominant — that conflates faith with free enterprise and American exceptionalism. The church has gone down the rabbit hole of a narcissistic how-is-it-with-me form of spirituality. The rich are rich, this creed goes, not because they are greedy or privileged, not because they use their power to exploit others, but because they are brilliant and gifted leaders, worthy of being lionized, like Bill Gates or Jamie Dimon, as oracles. This belief is not only delusional, but Christian heresy. The word heresy comes from the Greek verb hireo, which means to grasp or to seize – to seize for yourself at someone else’s expense. You don’t need to spend three years at Harvard Divinity School as I did, to figure out Jesus did not come to make us rich. 

The liberal church committed suicide when it severed itself from this radicalism. Radical Christians led the abolitionist movement, were active in the Anti-Imperialist League, defended workers during  bloody labor warsfought for women’s suffrage, formulated the Social Gospel — which included campaigns for prison reform and educational programs for the incarcerated — and were engines in the civil rights and anti-war movements. The socialist presidential candidate  Eugene V. Debs spent far more time quoting the Bible than Karl Marx. His successor, Norman Thomas, was a Presbyterian minister.

These radicals were not embraced by the institutional church, which served as a bulwark of the establishment, but they kept the church vital and prophetic. They made it relevant. Radicals were and are its hope.

James Baldwin, who grew up in the church and was briefly a preacher, said he abandoned the pulpit to preach the Gospel. The Gospel, he knew, was not heard most Sundays in Christian houses of worship. And today with ministers wary of offending their aging and dwindling flocks — who are counted on to pay the clergy salary and bills — this is even truer than when Baldwin was alive.

This is not to say that the church does not exist. This is not to say that I reject the church. On the contrary. The church today is not located inside the stone buildings that surround us or the cavernous, and largely empty houses of worship, but here, with you. It is located with those who work in prisons, schools and shelters, those who organize fast food workers, who serve the undocumented, who form night basketball leagues in poor communities, as my divinity school classmate Michael Granzen did in Elizabeth, and who are arrested at anti-fracking and anti-war protests. 

Billionaires like Michael Fisch will never fund this church, the real church. But we do not need his money. To truly stand with the oppressed is to accept being treated like the oppressed. It is to understand that the fight for justice demands confrontation. We do not always find happiness, but we discover in this resistance a strange kind of joy and fulfillment, a life of meaning and worth, one that mocks the tawdry opulence and spiritual void of billionaires like Michael Fisch, those who spend their lives building pathetic little monuments to themselves. We must remain rooted in this radicalism, this commitment to the crucified of the earth. We must always demand, even at the cost of our own comfort and safety, justice. We may not always triumph over evil, but our faith means evil will never triumph over us.


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SEE ALSO: easter rotten egg....