Monday 17th of February 2025

An Important Message to All Australians

Gidday to all Good Australians and Peoples of diverse cultures,

This post is being sent to you as an idea gleaned from the movie Pay It Forward. In that movie, a young man does a good deed and it automatically replicates itself in many forms across society. Good people do good deeds and it is easy to see why such deeds are mostly well received. They are good simply because we are doing something for someone else, rather than something for ourselves. This is the essence of being human and interacting with others. It creates warm fuzzy feelings inside which I am sure no one would say a bad word about.

Play it Forward >>

That said, if you are like me and have become increasingly disillusioned with the state of Australian politics or it seems like we’ve lost our way, then I ask you the following question:“Do the current voting choices on our ballot forms really make any difference to our evolution as an Australian society?”

Many people I know who were once staunch Labour or Liberal supporters have now become disillusioned with the unnecessary party politics that goes on these days. They no longer line up at the voting booths around the country with the same enthusiasm of years gone by. Many good people start out in politics with good intentions and unlike the Pay It Forward principle, these good intentions become strained, squashed and do not replicate forward to others. Why? The nature of the “machine” forces the good person to conform to party politics and ultimately to party propaganda.

All too often the lure of capital wealth and its unequal distribution thereof creates the very real reality of power and control, both seen and unseen in our lives. We see legislation being changed to satisfy those in power and serving of themselves, rather than we as electors who ought to be served in a proper manner conducive to the majority. But a lot of us don’t see because we simply aren’t aware or aren’t equipped with tools to discover as such, or we simply don’t have the time to dig a little deeper. It is physically impossible to keep abreast of all the changes that take place and in the meantime we are still evolving as a society. But towards and into what? And at who’s expense?

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You know what I am talking about. We The People. We elect certain people to represent us in government and for them to serve our needs, but this is increasingly now no longer the case. Something is changing, has changed and is evolving away from the good ideals and policies we once valued in this lucky country of ours. When the One Nation party rose up as an alternative political force in the mid 1990’s, I remember many ordinary folk wanting to vote for them, because they wanted something different. They were touched by an average Australian called Pauline Hanson, an Aussie battler who once worked in a fish and chip shop, who spoke nervously, but rang some truthful chords within a lot of us.

I present to you the simple fact that a large number of Australians at the time wanted to vote for One Nation was because they were sick and tired of the Big Two. We wanted something different and nothing has changed 10 years on. But the Big Two joined forces and ousted One Nation over a technicality of its political formation and fees owed, which now doesn’t hold water. Well done Big Two. Legal wrangle can get anything you want, even if you have both been guilty of greater crimes.

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It has been said that “ALP” could be an acronym for “Another Liberal Party”. There is a lot of truth to this statement. These days we all know that it doesn’t matter which party comes into power. I personally believe, though I was only a young child of 5 years at the time, that the dismissal of Labour Prime Minister Gough Whitlam in 1975 in an unprecedented Australian Constitutional crisis, saw the last real leg of true Aussie political spirit disappear off the Australian stage forever. I am hoping that spirit will return soon, if it ever does. This Spirit can only be constituted and made manifest through the living wills of the Australian people. Young or old, fat or thin, black or white, male or female, it matters not for we are the creed of Us.

Since the mid to late 1970s, it has never been the same. As ordinary citizens, we try hard to put our finger on it, we try hard to understand the muddle that is modern politics and to make sense of what we see on television and in other forms of media. We are forever forgiving the promises of the Big Two at successive elections, only to be disappointed as token promises fall by the wayside - yet again. Life goes on as usual and we forget. In a lot of ways, I don’t blame you, for who are we to stand up and make our voices and wills heard? Yes who are We?

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The simple fact of the matter is that through the years since the mid 1970’s and until now, Australian politics has been shaped and influenced by foreign policies from overseas. During this period many Australian businesses went into receivership or claimed for bankruptcy as competition became unusually stiff. The banks were unusually more unwilling to give us a fair go as they restructured also. Farmers were forced off their land and the middle class continues to erode. This was an economic war foisted upon the Australian public and other western nations, set up and staged for the knockout by the implementation of the United Nations Lima Declaration. From the Historic House Hansard (a Hansard is a written transcript of what is spoken in State or Federal Parliament), 29th May 1986, it was stated that Australia voted in favour of the Lima Declaration at the Second General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Lima, Peru, on 27 March 1975. The Lima Declaration is a set of foreign policies designed to consolidate the economics of western nations, Australia included, and transfer the bulk of economic national power to the transnationals corporations.

I am sure no one would argue that there exists multi-lateral links between western politics and corporate entities, which make them “seem” untouchable and out of reach. The two go hand in hand as people hide behind the entity that is a corporation. There is rarely any personal accountability these days and our wills and concerns to various members of Parliament go largely unheard. Here in Australia, the UN Lima Declaration took the form of the Marshall and Campbell Plans in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Both the Liberal and Labour parties were conducive to its adoption, implementation and our ongoing evolution towards a uniform global economic order. When the Labour Party, under Prime Minister Bob Hawke took over from the Liberal Party in 1980, there was not a significant amount difference between the policies of the two parties. Why? Because they both answer to the same power. For more information about the Lima Declaration go to and conduct a search for Document number – 971439 in All Collections.

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It is a well known fact that the United Nations as an institution is a failure as its own good policies are not upheld in today’s climate. The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, for example, is largely a front to appease good people. It is rarely adhered too. It is not my duty to point my finger at the prominent western UN member nations who pull the strings and are consistently not held accountable for their actions when such universal conventions are blatantly contravened. The only thing that makes sense in all of this is that throughout history, empires are only strong when there is access to energy resources to sustain such an empire, be it Roman, Greek, British or American and they will go through any length to sustain it. Empires rise and fall at the behest of other people and there becomes a fine line between the actions of a military force and of governments who direct them. Consistently many western governments are governments, whose members occupy positions of power in many large corporations. From the People’s perspective this should represent a conflict of interests.

The signed Lima Declaration at the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation Conference, Lima, Peru in 1975 and its influence on political-economic events of Australia and other nations, has a very real possibility of being forgotten today and in the years ahead as we grow conditioned to this new climate of corporatism. Our children certainly might not be able to tell the difference as they were born into it. But the older generation can. Christmases aren’t the same anymore, for it has often been said that we have become too commercialized. Gifts are taken for granted and consumerism has fostered the promotion of an environment which has led to the breakdown of healthy family interaction and growth. The heart has taken a backseat. How many of us remember the family sitting around the piano singing carols together and taking precedence over the modern madness of thin Christmas wrapping being ripped off within the first few seconds of receiving a gift? Christmas and birthday cards are rarely opened first these days, for the real truths that lay within them are squashed by the motives of the self. A well meaning verse inside, often ignored or not appreciated as it once was, is becoming a rare commodity these days. Has our government also become prey to this phenomenon? Perhaps the good hearts are on the backbenches and beyond. If we were to keep walking past those benches, we would arrive at the front door of Parliament House and upon their opening we would be looking out onto the streets of the citizen. That is where the sunshine is.

Play it Forward >>

You know what I am getting at. Something predatorial has infiltrated our society and its principle is not inline with the good principles as those found in the Pay It Forward principle. If you were ever wondering why such changes occurred which lead to Australians farmers being sold out, businesses going bankrupt and the subsequent sell off of our rights and souls, now you know the bigger picture. You now have a pointer worthy of more personal investigation and scrutiny. Our Prime Minister Paul Keating once said in the mid 80’s – “this was the recession we had to have”. Smiles. They knew something we didn’t. Such sincere honesty is refreshingly rare these days. I guess by virtue of his position, even Paul Keating had to bow to foreign policies which dictated economic change via inflation and relocation of Australian businesses and assets offshore.

Inflation itself is a purposeful tool of economic change to suit a specific group of people. Even John Howard has mentioned the phrase – “a new economic order” because he knows that the multi-lateral Declaration is in effect. In the waves that permutate through society from the actions of a few, most of us, some 99% of Australians are only empowered to sit on the crest of each wave, unable to do anything else, much less steer in the direction they want to go. I say make yourself a board of fact-wood and let it be guided by the rudder of truth and therefore steer your course steady and true.

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I am a simple man, one who was never really interested in politics until recently. I am still learning. I am concerned about the changes I have noticed in the last few decades in Australia. I often wonder how many people try to grasp the bigger picture and find themselves uncomfortable with what they see unfolding before their eyes in today’s political climate. Some may even flatly deny it, even though they instinctively know. September 9-11 and the intangible phenomena of the fear of terrorism has become a stark reality. I have my own views on this and this email is not the place to voice as such, though needless to say that under new Terrorism laws I could be considered to be a bad guy for simply expressing a view that is contrary to the official story.

The fact of the matter is that the voice and rights of the People is being written out by subtle changes to our legislation. I am sure you have your own views on these matters, but we are all speaking the same language. Why? Because we are good people with good intentions and we choose to do good rather than hurt our fellow man. The time has come for change. Some would say maybe its 2012 and that a universal awakening is nigh. Sighs. I’m still a little sceptic of the Mayan and all that stuff that some people get into, but fair enough, something does need to change. Each heart needs to be searched and questioned as to what we value in our lives and what we leave behind for our children.

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As I sit and write this on June 2nd 2007 and listen to the nightly news on television, our Prime Minister John Howard is even saying the same thing, but no doubt it is said in the context of party politics and the upcoming Federal election and not for the Australian people. I often wonder whenever the word “democracy” is used by the politicians what scope it is they are referring to – to all Australians or as in the numerous tax promises – to just to a few? I offer to you as a fellow Australian, a proposition at the next election to do something different. What we have done before hasn’t changed anything. Perhaps the time has come to change our approach and create change itself. Perhaps the time has come to consider and cast an INFORMAL VOTE.

An informal vote is a legal procedure which signifies that none of the candidates on the ballot paper before you is worthy of your vote. This would mean crossing out ALL of the current candidates in the ballot paper or leaving it blank. If a majority of people were to cast an informal vote, this would force our Electoral Commission and related bodies to bring to past a new selection of candidates, until such a time that a group of candidates is acting on behalf of the People proper.

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Another crisis is desperately needed to reconstitute our Spirit. But this time rather than reacting to political forces at home and abroad, we will be simply restoring to ourselves the very power as Electors which is rightfully and constitutionally ours. By way of this process we can judge whether our voting system is effective or not. If this were to take place, it is my hope that someone or some persons, somewhere within the six states of Australia, would create a People’s party and enact the wills of the People. We are sovereign subjects under our Creator. This premise of Universal Law is the basis for all modern laws. And it doesn’t matter about your religious views, even if you are an atheist. We art all human. The I Am principle tolerates all views. People convert to your view by your example in life and not by ramming it down someone’s throat. Enough said. Your and Our will be done. So how do we do this? Simple. It becomes a factor of the majority. The greater the number of people willing to exercise their Sovereign Rights, the greater chance we have of ensuring that our elected Government is acting and serving on our behalf.

Play it Forward >>

Unlike the emails that your receive in your email inbox (more periodically these days!) which are perhaps designed to track IP addresses for marketing purposes e.g. send this to 10 people and good luck will happen to you with the next 10 minutes (I never oblige to these type of requests – We, you and I create our own luck/destiny so to speak), I ask that We use the forwarding function of your email program or for those of you who are suspicious about the integrity of this email – simply cut and paste this whole Play It Forward Letter into a new email message (this breaks the “chain” and that’s ok) and send it to everyone in your address book. You may need to clean the Letter up from time to time before forwarding as it may get bulky after multiple resends. The use of blind carbon copy or BCC, where possible, is preferable to help protect other people’s privacy. A new copy of the Letter in case you need it can be found here

In this way you will be helping the idea of casting an informal vote and enacting the will of the People forward. Visit your website, pop in and say hello in the Forums and sign the online diary if you agree with the tenets of this letter. This is a fair dinkum website. Bookmark it, participate in online/real life discussions and offer your expertise at any level. A number of issues are being put forward, including informal voting and the need for the People to be heard. Is this reflective of how many Australians are becoming increasingly disillusioned with politics? I know there are people out there who are more intelligent than I in these matters, but rain, hail or shine, this is the story of the awakening and empowerment of the People of Australia. In this way, we can have a fair go at it and see what happens. Sorry for the somewhat lengthy post, but I felt I had to put things into perspective. Now it’s your turn to …

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I am. You are. We are One. Nation.