Sunday 12th of January 2025

‘dealers’, ‘bleeders’, and a negotiated peace in ukraine........

The Atlantic Alliance magnifies Ukraine on the occasion of the first anniversary of the Russian military intervention on its territory. Before our very eyes, we see it resorting to the most deceptive propaganda, handling with skill omissions and sometimes lies. Contrary to what she claims, this war was never illegal, even if today it no longer seems necessary and should be stopped. However, the causes of the war remain and the Kremlin anticipates a second round, not to annex Ukraine or Moldova, but to save Transnistria.


The Ukrainian conflict with regard to the responsibility of the rulers


by Thierry Meyssan 

The first anniversary of the East-West military confrontation in Ukraine was an opportunity for the West to convince its people that they were "on the right side of history" and that their victory was "inevitable."

None of this is surprising. It is normal for governments to communicate about their activities. Except that here the information is lies by omission and the comments are propaganda. This is such a reversal of reality that one wonders whether the defeated of the Second World War have not come to power in Kiev today.


All Western interventions claim that we condemn the "illegal, unjustifiable and unprovoked war of Russia" [1]. This is factually wrong.

Let’s leave aside the qualification of "unjustifiable". It refers to an indecent moral position. No war is just. Every war is the acknowledgement, not of a fault, but of a failure. Let us examine the qualifier "unprovoked".

According to Russian diplomacy, the problem began with the 2014 US-Canadian operation and the overthrow of the democratically elected Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovych, in violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and thus the UN Charter. There is no denying that Washington was instrumental in this so-called "revolution of dignity": the then Assistant Secretary of State for Europe and Eurasia, Victoria Nuland, posted herself at the head of the coup plotters.

According to Chinese diplomacy, which has just published two documents on the subject, one should not stop at this operation, but go back to the "Orange Revolution" of 2004, also organized by the United States, to see the first violation of Ukrainian sovereignty and the United Nations Charter. Obviously, if Russia does not mention it, it is because it also played a role in it, which it did not do in 2014.

The Western public is so shocked by the ease with which the United States manipulates mobs and overthrows governments that it is no longer aware of the seriousness of these events. From the overthrow of Mohammad Mossadegh in Iran in 1953 to the overthrow of Serge Sarkissian in Armenia in 2018, it has become accustomed to forced regime changes. Whether the deposed leaders were good or bad should not matter. What is unbearable and inadmissible is that a foreign state organized their overthrow by masking its action behind a few national opponents. These are acts of war, without military intervention.

Facts are stubborn. The war in Ukraine was caused by the violations of Ukrainian sovereignty in 2004 and 2014. These violations were followed by an eight-year civil war.

Nor is war illegal under international law. The UN Charter does not prohibit the use of war. The Security Council even has the possibility of declaring war (articles 39 to 51). This time the particularity is that it opposes permanent members of the Council.

Russia co-signed the Minsk Agreements to end the civil war. However, not having been born yesterday, it understood from the start that the West did not want peace, but war. So she had the Minsk Agreements endorsed by Security Council Resolution 2202, five days after their conclusion, and then forced the Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeyev to withdraw his men from the Ukrainian Donbass. It attached to the resolution a statement by the presidents of France, Ukraine and Russia, as well as the German chancellor, guaranteeing the implementation of these texts. These four signatories committed their countries.

 Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko declared in the following days that there was no question of giving anything up, but rather of punishing the inhabitants of Donbass. 
 Former Chancellor Angela Merkel told Die Zeit [2] that she only wanted to buy time so that NATO could arm the authorities in Kiev. She unknowingly clarified her statement in a discussion with a provocateur she believed to be former President Poroshenko. 
 Former President Francois Hollande confirmed in Kyiv Independent the words of Mrs. Merkel [3]. 
 That left Russia, which implemented a special military operation on February 24, 2022 under its "responsibility to protect". To say that its intervention is illegal is to say, for example, that France’s intervention during the genocide in Rwanda was also illegal and that the massacre should have been allowed to continue.

Emails from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s special adviser Vladislav Surkov, which have just been revealed by the Ukrainian side, only confirm this process. In the years that followed, Russia helped the Ukrainian republics of Donbass prepare intellectually for independence. This interference was illegal. It was in response to the equally illegal interference of the United States, which armed not Ukraine but the Ukrainian "integral nationalists. The war had already begun, but Ukrainians exclusively conducted it. It resulted in 20,000 deaths in 8 years. The West and Russia intervened only indirectly.

It is important to understand that by pretending to negotiate peace, Angela Merkel and François Hollande have committed the worst of crimes. Indeed, according to the Nuremberg Tribunal, "crimes against peace" are even more serious than those "against humanity". They are not the cause of this or that massacre, but of the war itself. This is why the chairman of the Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin, has called for the convening of a new Nuremberg Tribunal to try Angela Merkel and François Hollande [4]. The Western press has not relayed this call, which shows us the gulf between the two perceptions of the conflict.

The order of the International Court of Justice of March 16, 2022 stated, as a precautionary measure, that "the Russian Federation must immediately suspend the military operations which it began on February 24, 2022 on the territory of Ukraine" (ref: A/77/4, paragraphs 189 to 197). Moscow did not comply, considering that the Court had been asked about the requirement of genocide perpetrated by Kiev against its own population and not about the military operation to protect the Ukrainian population.

For its part, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted several resolutions, the latest of which is A/ES-11/L.7, of February 23, 2023. The text "Reiterates its demand that the Russian Federation immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all its military forces from Ukrainian territory within the internationally recognized borders of the country, and calls for a cessation of hostilities.

Neither of these texts declares the Russian intervention "illegal. They order or demand that the Russian army withdraw. 141 of 193 states consider that Russia should stop its intervention. Some of them think it is illegal, but most of them think it is "no longer necessary" and is causing unnecessary suffering. This is not the same thing at all.

States have a different point of view than jurists. International law can only sanction what exists. States must protect their citizens from the conflicts that are brewing, before it is too late to respond. That is why the Kremlin did not comply with the UN General Assembly. It did not withdraw from the battlefield. Indeed, it has watched for eight years as NATO has armed Ukraine and prepared for this war. It knows that the Pentagon is preparing a second round in Transnistria [5] and must protect its population from this second operation. Just as it chose the date of its intervention in Ukraine on the basis of information indicating an imminent attack by Kiev on the Donbass, which was only confirmed later [6], so ot is deciding today to liberate the whole of Novorossia, including Odessa. This is legally unacceptable as long as the proof of the Western shenanigans is not provided, but it is already necessary from the point of view of its responsibility.

Clearly, these two ways of thinking have not escaped the notice of observers. Judging that Russian intervention is no longer necessary must be distinguished from supporting the West. That is why only 39 out of 191 states participate in Western sanctions and send weapons to Ukraine.


The second message from Western leaders is that Ukraine is a "democracy". Apart from the fact that this word has no meaning at a time when the middle classes are disappearing and income disparities have become greater than at any other time in human history, moving away from the egalitarian ideal, Ukraine is anything but a "democracy.

Its constitution is the only racist one in the world. It states in Article 16 that "Preserving the genetic heritage of the Ukrainian people is the responsibility of the state", a passage written by Slava Stetsko, the widow of the Ukrainian Nazi prime minister.

This is the subject that makes people angry. At least since 1994, "full nationalists" (not to be confused with "nationalists"), i.e., people who claim to follow the ideology of Dmytro Dontsov and the work of Stepan Bandera, have held high positions in the Ukrainian state [7]. In fact, this ideology has become more radical over time. It did not have the same meaning during the First World War as during the Second. Nevertheless, Dmytro Dontsov was, from 1942 on, one of the designers of the "final solution of the Jewish and Gypsy questions". He was the administrator of the organ of the Third Reich in charge of murdering millions of people because of their ethnic origin, the Reinhard Heydrich Institute in Prague. Stepan Bandera was the military leader of the Ukrainian Nazis. He commanded numerous pogroms and massacres. Contrary to what his successors claim, he was never interned in a concentration camp, but under house arrest in the suburbs of Berlin, at the headquarters of the concentration camp administration. He ended the war leading the Ukrainian troops under the direct orders of the Führer Adolf Hitler.

One year after the beginning of the Russian military intervention, full nationalist and Nazi symbols are visible everywhere in Ukraine. Forward journalist Lev Golinkin, who has started an inventory of all monuments to criminals involved in Nazi crimes all over the world, has compiled an amazing list of such monuments in Ukraine [8]. According to him, almost all of them are after the 2014 coup. Therefore, it must be admitted that the coup authorities do claim to be "integral nationalism", not simply "nationalism". And for those who doubt that the Jewish President Zelensky celebrates the Nazis, two weeks ago he awarded the "Edelweiss title of honor" to the 10th separate mountain assault brigade in reference to the Nazi 1st mountain division that "liberated" (sic) Kiev, Stalino, the Dnieper crossings and Kharkov [9].

Few Western personalities have agreed with the words of President Vladimir Putin and his Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on this subject [10]. However, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and his Defense Minister, General Benny Gantz, have repeatedly stated that Ukraine must comply with Moscow’s injunctions at least on this point: Kiev must destroy all Nazi symbols it displays. It is because Kiev refuses to do so that Israel does not deliver weapons to it: no Israeli weapons will be handed over to the successors of the mass murderers of Jews. This position may of course change with the coalition government of Benjamin Netanyahu, himself an heir to Vladimir Jabotinsky’s "revisionist Zionists" who formed an alliance with the "integral nationalists" against the Soviets.


The current policy of the government of Volodymyr Zelensky is incomprehensible. On the one hand, the democratic institutions are functioning, on the other hand, not only are the integral nationalists [NAZIS] being celebrated everywhere, but the opposition political parties and the Orthodox Church under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate have been banned; millions of books have been destroyed because they were written or printed in Russia; 6 million Ukrainians have been declared "collaborators of the Russian invader" and the personalities who support them are being assassinated.


Thierry Meyssan



Roger Lagassé









killing ourselves......

By Douglas Newton


After a catastrophic year of war, there is talk of a negotiated peace in Ukraine. But those suggesting that it should be explored are often instantly slapped down. Familiar rhetoric is deployed. A negotiated peace is supposedly impossible – or dishonourable.

For instance, the Australian retired Major General Mick Ryan told Saturday Extra (RN 17 December 2022):


‘The thing about war is there’s many enduring elements, and this war will end when the loser decides they don’t want to fight any more. As terrible as it sounds, I do not see any short term prospects for any kind of ceasefire or negotiations or agreement about bringing this war to an end.’


Supposedly, we must fatalistically accept more war as the only way out. There are only winners and losers. Force will decide everything.

Some even depict the rejection of peace as an act of solidarity with those suffering in Ukraine. It isn’t. In fact, whatever praise we may lavish on the Ukrainian defenders, and whatever outrage we may pour upon the Russian aggressors, to reject all prospect of a negotiated settlement is callous – and extraordinarily dangerous.

We have been this way many times before. Consider the disastrous Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in the 1980s. According to Selig Harrison, friend of the UN mediator Diego Cordovez, the key diplomat who sought a negotiated Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan, the US gave Cordovez little help. There were tensions in the US administration between ‘bleeders’ and ‘dealers’. The ‘bleeders’ were keen to leave the Soviet forces floundering in Afghanistan, while the ‘dealers’ wanted to end the prolonged disaster before an ineradicable extremism took hold in Afghan society. The ‘bleeders’ dominated in Washington.

Similarly, during the First World War, ‘bleeders’ faced ‘dealers’ – although they had different names then. The Western ‘bleeders’ believed time was on their side and they urged an ever-escalating war until a victorious ‘knock-out blow’ was delivered. The ‘dealers’ urged a negotiated peace, before irreparable damage was inflicted upon Europe and the world. The ‘dealers’, supported by mounting peace activism across the globe, urged that only a ‘peace without victory’ – in Woodrow Wilson’s phrase – would last. Again, the ‘bleeders’ dominated, the war was prolonged, and decades of turmoil followed.

A dozen promising opportunities for negotiation were deliberately side-stepped. (See the latest studies by Philip Zelikow and Daniel Larsen.)

In First World War Australia, the conservative and imperial-loyalist newspaper press stuck murderously to the British imperial line. The press overwhelmingly supported the demand for a ‘knock-out blow’ and heaped scorn on the very idea of a negotiated peace. Our newspaper chains, owned mostly by reactionary press barons, relied almost completely upon the news cables that came to Australia, via the ‘all-red’ British imperial route. Those cables were rigorously censored at both ends. In addition, there was ‘patriotic’ self-censorship here in Australia, to buttress the ‘knock-out blow’ consensus.

Looking back now, and thinking of Ukraine, there is a painfully familiar ring in the arguments deployed by the ‘knock-out blowers’. Victory is indispensable. There is no alternative. All negotiation is an illusion. Only war offers deliverance. We must ‘see it through’. ‘War weariness’ is a terrible danger, to be countered with new weapons and lashings of propaganda. War must be waged – at any cost.

Let us review the mesmerising rhetoric that washed through our newspapers during the orgy of industrialised killing, 1914-1918. Are there not parallels to today?

First, the enemy was depicted as uniquely and monstrously evil. Immediate causes blotted out all consideration of long-term causes. The enemy started the war – all sides insisted. They waged it in inhuman, atrocious ways. Therefore, no fit partner for peace negotiations could be found on the other side. Rather, the enemy had to be bludgeoned into defeat. There was no alternative.

Second, the aim of the war was supposedly a ‘lasting peace’. Therefore, no ‘premature peace’, no ‘patched-up peace’, no ‘compromise settlement’, could possibly be contemplated. The fighting could not end until ‘guarantees’ were achieved. Peace terms had to be ‘dictated’ to the loser, in the enemy’s capital, after an unconditional surrender. There was no short-cut to peace.

Third, to avert the supposed peril of a negotiated diplomatic settlement, war aims were constantly scaled up. Impossible goals were set. ‘Prussian militarism’ had to be crushed; the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires partitioned. The Kaiser had to be toppled, and surrendered for international trial. All occupied territory had to be evacuated, and reparations accepted, before any peace talks could begin.

Fourth, those diplomats, citizen activists, or neutral states urging a compromise settlement were smeared as ‘defeatists’ and ‘peace-at-any-pricers’, ‘apologists’ for the enemy, ‘playing the enemy’s game’, showing weakness that would only ‘embolden’ the enemy – and perhaps, it was hinted, they were in the pay of the enemy.

Fifth, it was always ‘too soon’ to negotiate, because the forces of good were not yet within reach of victory, and not all weapons and manpower had yet been thrown into the cauldron. And, simultaneously, it was always ‘too late’ to negotiate, because victory would very soon be within reach, undoubtedly, in just one more summer of fighting. In the same way, the enemy was too powerful, just now, to be negotiated with – and yet the enemy was too weak, in the long run, for us to doubt that victory would eventually be won. So, the war must go on.

Sixth, any negotiations were depicted as bound to fail, in any case, because the gap between the two sides was too great. No point in trying. Any proposed armistice was just a trick, a ‘peace trap’, part of a ‘peace offensive’, designed to give the enemy a ‘breathing space’, to divide and conquer the forces of good. An ‘inconclusive peace’ would mean that war was bound to be resumed, in just a few months. Better to persist with it now. Stand firm.

Seventh, sacrificial nationalist fantasies were peddled. The poor people actually suffering so horrifically at the heart of the war were perpetually toasted as heroes – in capitals far away from the fighting. There was endless praise of the gallantry of the resistance, often pumped out by rich elderly men who would not themselves suffer even a stubbed toe in the quest for the victory they insisted upon – leave alone tax rises to fund the on-going war. Heaven forbid.

Eighth, the war was supposedly waged for the noblest of goals – democracy. It was fought for the sake of the whole world. Thus, the ‘knock-out blowers’ of the Great War, many of whom in subsequent decades would go on to support imperial aggrandisement, and to turn a blind eye to both Fascism and Nazism, proclaimed their faith in democracy. But in fact, many – then as now – would not have crossed the road for democracy.

Ninth, the opinion-makers plumbed the depths of hypocrisy. They churned out countless columns ignoring their own nations’ histories of aggression, interventions, and called for more and more war – in pursuit of peace through strength. Military experts indulged their schoolboyish enthusiasm for the contests of weaponry. With comparable hypocrisy, the established churches – on every side – depicted the war as a holy contest between heaven’s avenging angels and fiends from the depths of hell. The men of God, Christmas after Christmas, blessed the parades, and buried the riddled corpses in the name of Jesus.

Tenth, those calling for a long war deployed the oldest and most blood-stained card of all: ‘not in vain’. They warned that to talk peace before victory was won would dishonour the dead. Supposedly, only victory could vindicate them. Supposedly, the dead and their grieving survivors shunned the very idea of the diplomats ending the war with a ‘premature peace’.

Those peddling this drivel during the First World War helped prolong the catastrophe. Do we not hear echoes of this today?

During that war, Lord Lansdowne, one of the few Conservative British statesmen who shifted from the camp of ‘bleeders’ to the camp of ‘dealers’, argued passionately that ‘the responsibility of those who needlessly prolong such a war is not less than that of those who needlessly provoke it.’

Turning to our own day, we need to realise that the ‘hawks’ are often vultures and the ‘doves’ are often owls.

We need to realise that the self-styled ‘realists’, who seem to believe that victory can redeem all costs, might not be as realistic as the supposed ‘idealists’, who prefer to negotiate before the ruinous costs engulf us all.

We must remember the potential cataclysm that hangs over us all, beyond anything that could have been imagined by the generation that endured the Great War: the utterly monstrous peril of a horrific nuclear escalation.

We need to remember the wisdom distilled in the old adages: it is absurd to ‘burn down one’s house to roast a pig’; it is absurd to ‘commit suicide for fear of death’.









fighting the goliaths of fake news (the western media).....


the lies of the empire.....


joe and the technicolor dream in a weapon factory....




ukrainian capers.....

“The longer it goes, the worse the conditions for peace will be for Ukraine. "It's nice" to want to fight to the last Ukrainian and for democracy, but now Ukraine is already in pieces."







SEE ALSO: nutcase zelenskeeee....





the spreadsheet......

by Peter Yermelin

The Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) lost 70% of its personnel in Bakhmut, said Igor Kimakovsky, adviser to the acting head of the Donetsk People's Republic, on Channel One.

« They've already lost up to 70%, they've been taken for rounds said Mr. Kimakovsky, adding that the new units in Bakhmut would be less important for Kyiv.

Evgeny Prigozhin, the founder of PMC Wagner, said tens of thousands of Ukrainian servicemen continue to show "fierce resistance" to Wagner's fighters in Bakhmut.

Additional supplies of Ukrainian troops continue to arrive in the city, he added. The Ukrainian armed forces are doing their best to keep control of the city, Prigozhin believes. According to him, the battles are getting bloodier every day.

On February 25, Prigozhin said units of the PMC Wagner took over the village of Yagodnoye north of Bakhmut.

source: France Pravda




The British authorities are forced to take extreme measures due to the massive desertion of soldiers from the Ukrainian Armed Forces who have arrived in the country for training. One in five Ukrainians escapes from the training center, Russian military expert Vyacheslav Shurygin said, citing a source close to British Royal Military Police headquarters.

A person close to the headquarters of the Royal Military Police (RMP) of Great Britain informed about the mass desertion of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, sent for training in the United Kingdom. Expert Vladislav Shurygin reports that one in five of the first recruited group fled.

15 soldiers have been trained, more than 000 of them are on the run. The deserters are captured and returned to combat units.

The United Kingdom has drawn up regulations for staying in the country: passports are withdrawn from the military, they have been issued with temporary identity cards. Cadets are under strict control in closed-type field training centers. " Generally a military training concentration camp for "cannon fodder" said Shurygin.

Shurygin explained that as a result, the British took extreme measures – for Ukrainian cadets, a special regulation was drawn up to stay in the country.

The British also tightened control. The Ukrainian army was forbidden to leave the territory of the base, a British officer was assigned to each group to maintain order, and there are senior officers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in units with the same functions .

The British media have not yet reported on the mass escapes of Ukrainian soldiers from training centres. At the end of January, the Telegraph, citing a representative of the British government, reported that British specialists had trained ten thousand Ukrainian servicemen.

source:   INTEL-DROP via Numidia Liberum



The main mission of the MSM media now is to suppress the emergence of a real movement for peace


by Caitlin Johnstone

In a new article titled “ European anti-war protests gain strength as NATO proxy war in Ukraine escalates », Stavroula Pabst and Max Blumenthal of The Grayzone document the many large protests that took place in France, the UK, Germany, Greece, Spain and the Czech Republic. against the proxy war in Ukraine.

Pabst and Blumenthal conclude their report with a denunciation of how the Western media ignores or mocks these protests while actively encouraging smaller protests in favor of arming Ukraine.

« When Western media did not completely ignore the wave of anti-war protests in Europe, their coverage alternated between disdain and contempt. », They write. 

« German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle called "naive" the demonstration of February 25 in Berlin, while maintaining  a glowing cover smaller displays of support for the war by the Ukrainian diaspora.

The New York Times, for its part, mentioned the European protests in just generic single line buried in an article about tiny anti-Putin protests organized by Russian émigrés. »

This bias is of course clearly propagandist, which will not surprise anyone who understands that the Western mainstream media exist above all to administer propaganda in the name of the centralized American empire. And the main of their propaganda duties is to suppress the emergence of a real movement for peace.




by Karine Bechet-Golovko

Fanaticism devours societies like leprosy, destroys men in their essence. This is exactly what we are seeing with this conflict in Ukraine. The training of young Ukrainians from childhood and their enlistment in military camps run by the extremist groups Azov, Right Sector or Aidar produced its effects: these dehumanized adults did the dirty work like automatons, while, from then on, teenagers arrived on the front line. This is what our European countries are funding in Ukraine – in the name of democracy. THE Hitler Youth arrived !

In addition to mercenaries, foreigners, neo-Nazi executive battalions, the panel of fighters alongside the Atlantic-Ukrainian army has just expanded. This time to adolescents conditioned to neo-Nazism, who make their appearance, in the purest tradition of the Hitlerjugend of Nazi Germany. Always further in the horror, the filiation is clearly affirmed.

A group of about XNUMX teenagers was noticed in the vicinity of Artemovsk. They were assigned to the Aidar punitive battalion, to help on the front line. 

« Many of them were noticed earlier in the youth movement of the nationalists and were trained in the youth camps, specializing in extremist and terrorist activities Marochko said.

As the news agency recalls Ria Fan :  

« It should be noted that a base was discovered on the territory of the liberated LPR. Foreign instructors and the Ukrainian army taught teenagers the basics of sabotage activities as part of the "military-patriotic game ". "

These activities were widely developed after the Maidan of 2014, which made it possible to recondition and control minds, as well as to destroy a society, maintained in a state of stupor. An interesting report on these youth camps was produced by the American channel NBC. He is very clear on the subject: SEE VIDEO.

These training camps are attached to several neo-Nazi groups, mainly in Aidar, Azov and the Right Sector. And a whole generation has passed through their hands. Only in the Azov camp around Kiev, 400 to 500 children are reconditioned each summer, and during weekends and other school holidays for the most motivated. 

La training is very simple, it is oriented towards the murder of Russians and "separatists", through training in the handling of weapons and combat techniques, without forgetting the conditioning of minds through the repetition of simple and violent slogans.

« What is our motto? We are the children of Ukraine! That Moscow is in ruins, who cares! We will conquer the whole world! Death, death to the Muscovites! »

Or :

« Defeat the Muscovite! Defeat the Muscovite! Stack the bodies! » 

These camps, present in almost all of Ukraine, are obviously free and take care of children in general from the age of 7 years.

« All education and training of young Nazis in Ukraine began with the camp organized with the support of SBU leader Nalivaichenko, “Trident Stepan Bandera”. These camps were most actively developed in seven regions of Ukraine: Kyiv, Kharkov, Chernigov, Cherkassy, ​​Zaporozhye, Dnepropetrovsk and Transcarpathia. The main Azov camp for children and adolescents is located on the outskirts of kyiv. But there are branches of these camps of the same name in Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Chernigov, Cherkassy and Zaporozhye. In Odessa there is a "Chota" camp, in which the Right Sector reigns supreme. For children from 4 years old, the "Carpathian Legion" was opened in the Ivano-Frankovsk region. And there are camps "Slobozhanina", "Sechevik", "Junkor of Zaporozhye" and other regions, "Falcons", children's camps of the Svoboda party, etc. It is a whole branched network that covers adolescents and young people: boys and girls. 

It's a whole network that has been set up and is now producing the cannon fodder that NATO needs in Ukraine. A fanatical mass, incapable of reasoning, ready for any sacrifice, having already led to the destruction of Ukraine. 

And this is what the Globalist Axis arms, finances, supports. It is these Nazi techniques of conditioning society that our countries condone. It is this neo-Nazi ideology, thus normalized, which eats away at Ukrainian society. 

And we seriously think that this leprosy will stop at the borders of Europe, at the doors of our homes, at the edge of our sleeping minds?

Karine Bechet-Golovko

source: Russia Politics




The sinking of the French political class 

by Charles Sannat

The deputies with a very small "d" are not even "boots" anymore, they are simple boozers, vulgar pillars of a bar and I would not have any words harsh enough to speak of them and of shame or contempt that they inspire me.

They are the “representatives” of the people.

They are elected (and paid) to pass the laws that govern our lives, sometimes for our good, more often by ruining it for us.

They do it casually.

They do it without restraint.

They booze, drink, get drunk and vomit in the dustbins of the Palais Bourbon, offering us a distressing and pathetic spectacle of what has become of French political filth.

Poor guys who drink bad wine like those people Jacques Brel was talking about.

This is what they make me think of...

He who is like a melon
He who has a big nose
He who no longer knows his name, Monsieur, so much that he drinks
Or so much that he drank
Who does nothing with his ten fingers
But he who can't take it anymore
Who is completely cooked
And who takes himself for the king
…Who gets drunk every night
With bad wine
But that we find in the morning
In the church, which slumbers
Raid as a sailie
Blank as a chain of Pâques
And then who stammers
And who has a wandering eye...

You have Brel's song for MPs at the bottom of this article.

This is what it says South West quoting the JDD concerning our picolos from the Bourbon Palace (source here). 

« The latest heated debates around the pension reform in the National Assembly may have also been intoxicated... According to "Le Journal du Dimanche", the question of over-alcoholization within the Bourbon Palace has returned to the office National Assembly, during a meeting on 8 February bringing together the president, the vice-presidents, the quaestors, the secretaries and the presidents of the parliamentary groups. A total ban on alcohol consumption at the Hemicycle bar after 21:30 p.m. was even mentioned by RN deputy Sébastien Chenu, indicates the weekly. ».

We're not even ruled by fools, dummies, or morons anymore.

No, we can now say that the alcoholics have taken power and that they no doubt think that the National Assembly is called the Palais Bourbon in homage to Whisky.

Our deputies are not smart, they are now alcoholics.

It is already too late, but all is not lost.

Prepare yourselves !

source: Insolentiae




by Alexis Poulin

In this excerpt, Alexis Poulin denounces the child crime networks that he believes exist behind the scenes of the state and show business, in France and abroad.


by Pierre Duval 

A senior Pentagon official warns Ukraine, and demands that it pay for the weapons delivered. The tensions, coming from both Democrats and Republicans, are pushing the United States to ask Ukraine to pay for the weapons delivered to it. American taxpayers are asking questions about this financial and military aid from their country and are beginning to demand accountability from the administration of Joe Biden.
The tensions surfaced on Tuesday as Representative Andrew Clyde, a Republican elected for Georgia who happens to be an outspoken critic of Ukraine funding, questioned a senior Defense Department official over allegations of weapons lost and diverted and on fraud, report le New York Times. 

Undersecretary of Defense for Security Affairs Celeste Wallander was hearing before the House Appropriations Committee. It was, moreover, at that moment that she declared that the U.S. Army does not currently have tanks – Abrams – that could be transferred or redeployed to Ukraine ».
U.S. pledges to send tanks, continued push by some congressional officials to greenlight advanced systems to ship to Ukraine threatened to drain war funds at an even faster rate, finds the American daily because " lawmakers have already approved about $45 billion in military aid [for Ukraine], anticipating it to last until the end of September ". The high price of the dispute prompted Congress to issue a battery of oversight requirements to obtain information on how the money was spent. Some of these details were provided to lawmakers, but few reached the public.
Democrats and Republicans alike voiced concerns on Tuesday, pleading with Pentagon leaders to be upfront with them about how much more lawmakers might expect to approve for Ukraine. . American voters are demanding explanations for these expenses.
Speaking during the House Appropriations Committee, Rep. Michael Garcia (R-California) said it would be important for the United States to initiate foreign military sales to Ukraine, rather than supply arms to Kiev for free, saying it would have consequences with American taxpayers. 

Because of these requests, the Pentagon through the voice of Celeste Wallander has announced than " even if the Ukrainians bought weapons themselves, they did not make significant purchases from American companies ", but asserted that " this is a very good point "And" that we also need to get them through – to begin with – their own defense spending planning, as well as whatever else we will do to support them ". She, for example, told Congress that Ukraine should eventually step in to cover the cost of some of the weapons it receives from its Western donors.
The delivery of arms from the United States is governed by the Lend-Lease Act that President Joe Biden signed into law last May. Some analysts believe this will drive Kyiv into huge debts regardless of the outcome of the Ukrainian conflict. However, under the US Lend-Lease Act, all combat losses of weapons and military equipment provided under Lend-Lease are forfeited – the recipient state pay nothing for these destroyed weapons. Obligations to pay for arms deliveries will arise only if Ukraine decides to keep undestroyed arms for itself. 

source: Observatory Continental




At the end of January, the publication of the annual forecast report of the International Monetary Fund for 2023 included information that surprised in many respects: the institution now forecasts that the Russian economy, instead of continuing to contract, will begin to grow by 0,3 percent in 2023. To get an idea, this is a level of growth higher than that of Germany or even the United Kingdom

These are also figures that illustrate the extent to which the collapse of the Russian economy has not taken place, despite catastrophic forecasts issued by the OECD or the World Bank.

After a year of war in Ukraine and a year of economic war against Russia in retaliation for its belligerent actions, how is it possible that the IMF itself changed its forecasts so quickly and drastically?

source: Free & Rich




by Alain Foka

At a time when the street and some African authorities denounce the presence of foreign forces on their soil, can we reasonably envisage the end of Western military bases in Africa?

What kind of military cooperation should be established between North and South? Are the African armies ready to face the terrorist hordes that bloody their country?

source: Alain Foka




by Dominique Muselet

according to the Internet user the phrase, "les jeux sont faits" is recent (early XXth century) and it would have its origins in games of chance and in particular in the game of roulette where the croupier indicates that "the bets are made" when it is no longer possible to bet. It can be compared to the famous “Alea jacta est” ".

I had first thought of putting in title the prestigious "Alea jacta est" (the die is cast), uttered by Caesar crossing the Rubicon with a determined step, but it was not possible because here, in our country, in the West, there is no determined Caesar, in command, there are only psychopaths at the helm, dominated by sad passions such as hatred, greed, careerism, hubris.

The formula "the wine is drawn (on neds to drink it)" I liked that too. After all, France is known to be a land of winemaking tradition which offers a wide variety of prestigious wines, each more drinkable than the other, but that was not possible because here, in France, there is no no more tradition, no variety, no prestige, and there will soon be nothing left to drink or eat since the Americans will have monopolized all our lands and our productions as they have monopolized those of the Ukraine, which which causes the second part of the expression "you have to drink it" preferably with a good cheese, sounds like a provocation.

All these expressions express the idea that things have taken an irreversible turn, but, in addition, "les jeux sont faits", "the die is cast" which evoke games of chance and money, clearly deny human will any part in the course of events. In the Western polarized vision, there is nothing between the submission of men to their destiny and the triumphant freedom of the superman who creates" his own reality as Bush says. "Manichaeism would even be the new liberal ideology. The war in Ukraine would be a kind of battle between the light and the forces of darkness" according to Alistair Crooke. This is probably why we supermen, forgiveness superwomen, who have been fed the milk of American exceptionalism, have only one ambition: to reduce the others, all the others, to slavery.

The Ancients were more nuanced. In the ancient tragedy, "men are playthings of the gods, but they are also heroes in the way they succumb to the Fate assigned to them..." and "I would say even more" – it is surely the tasty sketch Tintin at Rungis by Naïm on Macron's breathtaking performance at Rungis, a prelude to his breathtaking performance at the Agricultural Show which reminded me of this famous twitch of Dupond and Dupont — it is insofar as they remain faithful to themselves — themselves, to their idea of ​​the good, the beautiful, the just and the truth that they can, despite their determinisms, become heroes. I have already talked about Greek heroes in other articles. But it is rising now also at home, while the powerful Westerners are tightening the screws on populations who hate them.

NATO war against Russia and China was inevitable

The difference between the destiny of the Ancients, the Karma of the Buddhists and our determinism is only a difference in approach to existence, spiritual for some, philosophical or materialistic for others, but in any case, the conclusion is the same: the universe and everything in it is governed by laws that are beyond us to such an extent that it is impossible for us to understand and control them. It is therefore equally impossible to predict with certainty the outcome of our actions.

What to do then? Well, do the will of God believers would say, do our best others would say, then let go and trust in providence, in God, in life for the outcome to be honorable. Doing the best, in fact, does not guarantee the result at all, because we do not know ourselves any more than we know the universe and, the less we know ourselves, the more we are slaves to our passions-drives-habits-determinisms -prejudices-emotions-etc. And even if we have achieved, through self-knowledge, a certain control of ourselves which allows us to keep a clear mind and not to be carried away by the ambient madness, there are logics, sequences of cause and effect, which cannot be escaped.

For example a banker has a banker logic as noted Bruno Bertez :

L. Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs said : "I'm just a banker doing God's Work”. He meant that he was fulfilling the logic of the money system. It is true that money is our new god…

We are often surprised that people change by changing condition. People do not understand that Olivier Dussopt, who was born into a working-class family, now wants to impose two more years of work on his former working-class comrades. It is however quite normal, by passing in the camp of Macron, he adopted the logic of the camp of Macron. He passes from the camp of the oppressed to the camp of the oppressors. Everyone understands that he cannot keep the same logic.

Individuals have different internal logics according to their belonging to a class, a religion, a people, an era, and cannot escape it, with rare exceptions. Patrick Raymond cite Chris Hedges : "We now live in a country where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morality, and our banks destroy economy" and Raymond notes that Chris Hedges "simply repeats older words, those of Ivan Illich".

It's true that Ivan Illich was quite a visionary. He would not have been surprised, if he had been still alive, by the mad project to eradicate a virus, which has led countries (except a good part of Africans) to the liberticidal and murderous madness and which has completely discredited the scientific and medical world, he who had written, 25 years ago:

"In developed countries, the obsession with perfect health has become a predominant pathogenic factor."

In all fields there are visionaries of the same caliber but I would not call them heroes because, while they certainly faced criticism, they did not have to choose between honor and social death as opponents of Covidism and Ukraine have had to and still must. 

Systems, civilizations, peoples, states also have an internal logic, aspirations, needs from which they cannot escape.


United States have become accustomed to living, like cicadas, at the expense of other peoples thanks to the dollar, looting and progressive values. The billionaires who have taken power in the West as noted, among others, Mike Whitney, do not want to lose the advantages of the hegemonic position of the United States. To maintain its hegemony, the United States knows only one method: force. It's in their genes. And when the strength doesn't work, they add more strength. To change that would take either centuries or a great shock.


Russia and China like industrious, skilful and far-sighted ants, are now able to oppose an official and definitive niet to the empire of chaos, lies, looting and inverted values. These two countries do not like war, they prefer trade and peace, but the only choice the Empire gives them is to submit or fight. So they will fight. It's made for Russia. It is imminent for China. THE Report on the hegemony of the United States and its dangers is, as explained Pepe Escobar, the Chinese version of the declaration of war:

"This scathing enumeration of all the murderous follies of the hegemon, for decades, constitutes a point of no return for the Chinese diplomacy of mark, hitherto characterized by passivity, ambivalence, real restraint and extreme politeness.  

"It is in fact a moral, philosophical and political proclamation justifying a war of great gravity, which in the Chinese universe means a war ordered by a Superior Power capable of restoring Justice and Harmony in a Altered universe."


We are witnessing an alignment of planets. Russia has finally understood that Russia's pivot to the East, to the rising sun, now irreversible, was the only logical path, and "It was foreseeable that, sooner or later, the heirs of Chinese civilization would have had enough – and would come round to Putin's analysis, for whom hegemony is the primary source of chaos, inequality and war on the planet."

"To put it bluntly, in street language, to hell with this American bullshit of hegemony justified by “manifest destiny”.

“So here we are. You want hybrid warfare? Well, we will make you happy!"


War is inevitable. The West will lose it and Russia and China will build the multipolar world that 85% of the planet is calling for. The West will lose it, but nothing will prevent it from doing so, because it is quite simply in its operating logic. The United States knows nothing else but war and Europe does not count. Remember, that's why John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, shortly after his commencement address at American University in Washington DC on June 10, 1963, which was on:

"The most important subject on earth: world peace. What kind of peace am I talking about? What kind of peace are we looking for? Not a Pax Americana imposed on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the safety of the slave. I am talking about real peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, that which allows men and nations to grow, to hope and to build a better life for their children – not just peace. for Americans, but peace for all men and women – not just peace in our time, but peace forever".

This is also why Jaures was assassinated July 31, 1914. The military-industrial complex and all those with an interest in war do not like pacifists.

 And Europe in there?

In a February 27, 2023 article titled “ “Zeitenwende!”, the militarist turning point of a vanished Europe“, Karine Bechet-Golovko gives us the answer, and she is not cheerful:


"One might think that Europe has passed in one year from one extreme to the other: from the rosy life of the Care Bears, living in a sickly vision of "peace", to the announcement of the transition to war economy and accelerated rearmament. There is no contradiction, this artificial peace was fueled by NATO sedatives and American domination. From now on, the patient is ready, he can go and fight not to defend the national interest of France, which he deserves to be defended, but the higher interest of globalist domination. And that goes through a confrontation in Ukraine.

"The question, which arises in these cases, is always the same: who benefits from the crime? In the United States, in their dimension of Atlanticist center. Ukraine was pushed to make war on the Russian World, in order to draw Europe into this conflict, to weaken it by detaching it from Russia, by breaking the balance of the European Continent and by pushing Russia to confrontation, which she desperately refused to do.

"As we read in the NYT this morning, Europe, which had good, pragmatic relations with Russia, is over. Trade and energy in Europe is over. Peace, the easy and quiet life, it's over. And this is obviously the happiness of globalist power, which has come to an end in Europe, by totally dominating it."


The children of the Ukrainians will all go there, then those of the Poles, and after that it will be ours… All that for the benefit of the United States… Do we have to love them!


In my opinion, the game is over… China is preparing to join Russia in the conflict against the collective West, and the world is going to be cut in two, as irremediably as during the Cold War, but in inverse proportion.

We, in France and in Europe, we are going to spend a bad quarter of an hour under the cane of the American neocons and their Kapo, the EU, who are in the process of locking us into a dictatorship which will harden over the course of American decadence.. We escaped the German Nazis mainly thanks to de Gaulle and Russia, but we will not escape the US/EU/NATO neocons.

It is better, to protect your mental health, to let go and take a step back. Trying hard to moralize/change/correct the Western system is useless. It is no longer controllable. Capitalism is collapsing as Marx predicted under the weight of its contradictions, but humanity will not disappear and it will be better off once freed from this cancer, at least in the first stages of its liberation. We must therefore, in my opinion, take care above all of ourselves and of those around us, as we would in a shipwreck. It's not for nothing that the Titanic is on everyone's mind...

As for international organizations, we will undoubtedly continue, in the West, which is ruled with an iron fist by elites blinded by arrogance, ignorance, cowardice and greed, to call them international, even when the 85% of the rest of the world will have created others (it's already started with the BRICS, etc.)

Western civilization has grown monstrous under Anglo-Saxon rule and no one will regret its passing, not even the Caste who left the ship long before it sank completely.
