Monday 13th of January 2025

bleed until defeat.......

It is difficult to admit, but the Anglo-Saxons do not hide from it. To paraphrase a famous quote from the first Secretary General of the Alliance, Nato was designed to "keep Russia out, the Americans in and the European Union under trusteeship". There is no other possible interpretation of the continuation of the useless "sanctions" against Moscow and the vain and deadly fighting in Ukraine.


The war in Ukraine to maintain the European Union under tutelage


by Thierry Meyssan


It has been almost a year since the Russian army entered Ukraine to implement Security Council Resolution 2202. NATO, rejecting this reason, considers that Russia invaded Ukraine to annex it. In four oblasts, the referendums on joining the Russian Federation seem to confirm Nato’s interpretation, except that the history of Novorossia confirms Russia’s explanation. The two narratives continue in parallel, without ever overlapping.

For my part, having edited a daily newsletter during the Kosovo war [1], I remember that the Nato narrative at the time was contested by all the Balkan news agencies, without my having the means to know who was right. Two days after the end of the conflict, journalists from the Atlantic Alliance countries were able to go to the scene and see that they had been fooled. The regional news agencies were right. Nato had been lying all along. Later, when I was a member of the Libyan government, NATO, which had a Security Council mandate to protect the population, misused it to overthrow the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, killing 120,000 of the people it was supposed to protect.
These experiences show us that the West lies shamelessly to cover its actions.

Today, NATO assures us that it is not at war since it has not deployed any troops in Ukraine. However, we are witnessing, on the one hand, gigantic arms transfers to Ukraine so that the Ukrainian integral nationalists [2], trained by NATO, resist Moscow and, on the other hand, an economic war, also without precedent, to destroy the Russian economy. Given the scale of this war by Ukrainians, a confrontation between NATO and Russia seems possible at any moment.

A new World War is however highly unlikely, at least in the short term: indeed, the actions already contradict the NATO narrative.

The war goes on and on. Not because the two sides are equal, but because NATO does not want to confront Russia. We saw this three months ago at the G20 summit in Bali. With Russia’s agreement, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky intervened in the debates on video from Kiev. He called for Russia’s exclusion from the G20, as it had been from the G8 after Crimea joined the Russian Federation. To his surprise and that of the Nato members present at the summit, the United States and the United Kingdom did not support him [3]. Washington and London agreed that there was a line that should not be crossed. And for good reason: modern Russian weapons are far superior to those of Nato, whose technology dates from the 1990s. In the event of a confrontation, there is no doubt that Russia would suffer, but that it would crush the West within days.

In the light of this event, we must re-read what is happening before our eyes.
The influx of weapons to Ukraine is a decoy: the majority of the materials sent do not reach the battlefield. We announced that they would be sent to start another war in the Sahel [4], which the President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, has publicly confirmed by attesting that many of the weapons destined for Ukraine were already in the hands of African jihadists [5]. In any case, building up an arsenal of odds and ends, adding weapons of different ages and calibers, is useless. No one has the logistics to supply fighters with multiple munitions. The conclusion is that these weapons are not being given to Ukraine to win.

The New York Times sounded the alarm by explaining that the Western defense industry is unable to produce sufficient weapons and ammunition. Stocks are already depleted and Western armies are being forced to give away the materials needed for their own defense. This was confirmed by the US Secretary of the Navy, Carlos Del Toro, who warned about the current stripping of the US military [6]. He said that if the US military-industrial complex does not manage to produce more weapons than Russia within six months, the US military will not be able to accomplish its mission.


First of all, if US politicians want to start Armageddon, they do not have the means to do it in the next six months and probably will not have them afterwards either.


Let us now study the economic war. Let’s leave aside its camouflage under a chastened vocabulary: "sanctions". I have already dealt with this issue and pointed out that they are not court decisions and are illegal under international law. Let’s look at currencies. The dollar crushed the ruble for two months, then it went back down to the value it had from 2015 to 2020, without Russia having borrowed massively. In other words, the so-called "sanctions" had a negligible effect on Russia. They severely disrupted its trade for the first two months, but are no longer a problem today. Moreover, they did not cost the US anything and did not affect it at all.

We know that, while prohibiting their allies from importing Russian hydrocarbons, the United States is importing them via India and thus replenishing the stocks from which they drew during the first months of the conflict [7].

On the other hand, we are observing an upheaval in the European economy, which is forced to borrow massively to support the Kiev regime. We have no statistics on the extent of these loans, nor do we know who the creditors are. It is clear, however, that European governments are appealing to Washington under the Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022. Everything the Europeans give to Ukraine has a cost, but it will not be accounted for until after the war. Only then will the bill be established. And it will be exorbitant. Until then, everything is fine.

The sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2pipelines on September 26, 2022, was not claimed afterwards, but beforehand by US President Joe Biden on February 7, 2022, at the White House, in the presence of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. It is true that he only committed himself to destroying Nord Stream 2 in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, but this was only because the journalist who interviewed him had framed the subject without daring to imagine that he could also do so for Nord Stream 1. By this declaration and even more so by this sabotage, Washington has shown the contempt in which it holds its German ally. Nothing has changed since the first Secretary General of NATO, Lord Ismay, declared that the real aim of the Alliance was "to keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down" [8]. The Soviet Union disappeared and Germany took the lead in the European Union. If he were still alive, Lord Ismay would probably say that the objective of NATO is to keep Russia out, the Americans in, and the European Union under control.

Germany, for whom the sabotage of these pipelines is the most serious blow since the end of the Second World War, took it without flinching. At the same time, it swallowed the Biden plan to rescue the US economy at the expense of the German car industry. To all this, it reacted by moving closer to China and avoiding anger with Poland, the new US asset in Europe. It is now proposing to rebuild its industry by developing munitions factories for the Alliance.

As a result, Germany’s acceptance of US suzerainty has been shared by the European Union, which Berlin controls [9].

Second remark: the Germans and the members of the European Union as a whole have taken note of a decline in their standard of living. They are, together with the Ukrainians, the only victims of the current war, and they have come to terms with it.

In 1992, when the Russian Federation had just been born on the ruins of the Soviet Union, Dick Cheney, then Secretary of Defense, commissioned the Straussian [10] Paul Wolfowitz to write a report which has only come to us largely redacted. Excerpts from the original report published by the New York Times and the Washington Post show that Washington no longer considered Russia a threat, but the European Union a potential rival [11]. It stated: "While the United States supports the project of European integration, we must be careful to prevent the emergence of a purely European security system that would undermine NATO, especially its integrated military command structure. In other words, Washington approves of a European defence subordinate to NATO, but is ready to destroy the European Union if it imagines itself becoming a political power capable of standing up to it.

The current U.S. strategy, which does not weaken Russia but the European Union under the pretext of fighting Russia, is the second concrete application of the Wolfowitz doctrine. Its first application, in 2003, consisted in punishing Jacques Chirac’s France and Gerhard Schröder’s Germany for having opposed NATO’s destruction of Iraq [12].

This is exactly what the Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, said at a press conference after the Allies’ meeting in Ramstein on January 20. While he had demanded that each participant donate weapons to Kiev, he acknowledged that "This year, it would be very, very difficult to militarily eject the Russian forces from every inch of Russian-occupied Ukraine. In other words, the Allies must bleed, but there is no hope of winning anything in 2023 over Russia.

Third remark: This war is not being waged against Moscow, but to weaken the European Union.


Thierry Meyssan



Roger Lagassé






SEE ALSO:  NAZI hero....




MAKE A DEAL.......


BY Salman Rafi Sheikh


Some powerful people – especially, the Neo-conservatives (Neocons) – in the US are getting desperate to defeat Russia in Ukraine. They think the US and NATO are not doing enough, leading Russia to win in Ukraine. Their basic premise is that the US must do much more than it has been doing i.e., providing weapons worth billions, to Ukraine, because the basic aim of the Russian president is to establish a “Russian Empire.” The US must do everything in its power to prevent, or, as Condoleezza Rice (former US Secretary of state and Robert M. Gates former Defence Secretary) recently wrote in The Washington Post, Russia will become too powerful, which is an “unacceptable” position for the US. They argue that “the only way to avoid such a scenario is for the United States and its allies to urgently provide Ukraine with a dramatic increase in military supplies and capability — sufficient to deter a renewed Russian offensive and to enable Ukraine to push back Russian forces in the east and south.”

In short, US support for Ukraine – which is just a little short of an all-out war of NATO on Russia – is indispensable for the West to win and maintain a global order that serves the Neocons’ interests i.e., global domination with hegemony. They see the conflict not as an outcome of the US politics of NATO expansion, but as an “unprovoked aggression” and “attack” on the “international order” by Russia.

These concerns about protecting US hegemony – which unwittingly expose the western myth of their strong position and imminent victory in Ukraine – are now echoing in the White House as well. In a January 6 press briefing, Deputy Assistant Defence Secretary Laura K. Copper said that,

“From an overall strategic perspective, it is hard to emphasise enough the devastating consequences if Putin were to be successful in achieving his objective of taking over Ukraine. This would rewrite international boundaries in a way that we have not seen since World War II.”

The core purpose behind pushing NATO’s expansion was to strengthen this alliance in the face of a resurgent Russia. Now that Russia has resurged against the combined forces of the West (US/Europe), the conflict in Ukraine has become an existential crisis not only for the Biden administration but for all those Neocons who, almost a year ago, thought this conflict will end only in one way: a devastating defeat for Russia.

But this is not happening, even as the said ‘deep state’ Neocons wrote in their own words in the article that despite the US support, “the country’s economy is in a shambles, millions of its people have fled, its infrastructure is being destroyed, and much of its mineral wealth, industrial capacity and considerable agricultural land are under Russian control.”

Everything that is in shambles in Ukraine reflects the state of Neocons’ own state of affairs: their world order is collapsing under their own weight, as they push to revive it via the same militant means they have been using across the world for the past many decades to keep it intact.

Their situation is exacerbating, as not all countries in the alliance share Washington’s, or the Neocons’, interests and perspectives. Germany is one fine example. France is another. To add to this list and to make matters worse for the West, even Ukrainian officials now believe that they are fighting a conflict not for their own sake but for NATO.

In a “bombshell” interview with a Ukrainian TV show, Ukraine’s defence chief said that Ukraine, because it is receiving heavy funding from NATO, is already a de facto member of NATO. Secondly, he said that the ‘war’ that they are fighting is also NATO’s mission i.e,. tied directly to the politics of expanding NATO and ensuring Western hegemony. To quote him,

“At the NATO Summit in Madrid” [in June 2022], “it was clearly delineated that over the coming decade, the main threat to the alliance would be the Russian Federation. Today Ukraine is eliminating this threat. We are carrying out NATO’s mission today. They aren’t shedding their blood. We’re shedding ours. That’s why they’re required to supply us with weapons.”

What is that mission? According to Atlantic Council, a think-tank closely tied to NATO itself, the mission is to defeat Russia. “Defeat in Ukraine would relegate Russia from the ranks of the world’s military superpowers and leave Moscow facing years of rebuilding before it could once again menace the wider region. Crucially, by supporting Ukraine, the West is able to dramatically reduce Russia’s military potential without committing any of its own troops or sustaining casualties.”

But, as mentioned above, mere enthusiasm for defeating Russia has not been enough so far. Hence, the despair in Washington to ‘do more’ for Ukraine. The idea that these Neocons and ‘Atlanticists’ are peddling is that NATO’s defeat in Ukraine will have devastating consequences. First, it will upend the post-Second World War global order. Secondly, NATO’s defeat in Ukraine could also lead Russia to attack other NATO members as well.

These unnerved predictions project a doomsday, or World War III, scenario in which the West will no longer be able to manipulate the world. In this scenario, if Russia can single-handedly defeat the combined forces of NATO, the balance of power will dramatically change once China militarily joins the ‘Eastern bloc.’ This is not a distant possibility only; it is very much real, as the “no limits” friendship between Moscow and Beijing indicates. This alliance is only serving to dismantle the global order that the Neocons and the Atlanticists have been trying to shield for the past many decades from any challengers.

Salman Rafi Sheikh, research-analyst of International Relations and Pakistan’s foreign and domestic affairs, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook.











holocaust day.....

Speaking on the eve of the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, Putin said that Moscow seeks to guarantee that such a tragedy never happens again.

Moscow wants to ensure that the crimes perpetrated by Nazi Germany are never forgotten, Russian President Vladimir Putin said ahead of the Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Putin pointed out that the majority of Jews murdered by the Nazis were Soviet citizens, and that Russia strives to make certain that such a tragedy is never repeated.


“We are adamantly opposed to condemning such crimes to oblivion,” he said.


The Russian president also said that he is aware of Israel’s stance on the role of the Soviet Red Army in the victory over the Nazis, and that Russia greatly appreciates it.


The International Holocaust Remembrance Day, also known as the International Day in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, is observed annually to commemorate the memory of the victims of the Holocaust – a mass murder of Jews and other minorities by the Nazis prior to and during World War II.

The observance is held on January 27, the anniversary of the 1945 Soviet liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp, where the Nazis murdered over a million people, including Jews, gypsies and Soviet prisoners of war.









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world war three is started by a stupid german woman........