Monday 13th of January 2025

stalingrad — 80 years ago......

A call from veterans and communist resistance fighters: THE ANTI-NAZI COMMITMENT OF STALINGRAD FIGHTERS IS MORE CURRENT THAN EVER! 80th ANNIVERSARY OF THE VICTORY OF STALINGRAD, RALLY on the initiative of the P.R.C.F., February 4, 2023, Paris, Place de la Bataille de Stalingrad.

When, extending the anti-fascist commitment of the International Brigades of Spain set up by the PCF at the call of the Comintern, the Communist militants of France, hunted down both by Vichy and by the Occupation, engaged in urban guerrilla warfare, gave impetus to the patriotic strike of the Miners of the North and the Battle of the Rail, set up with others the National Front for the Independence and Freedom of France or co-organized Maquis of partisans harassing the Occupier, these men and women from the bulk of the working class and the peasantry conscientiously fulfilled their patriotic duty; however, they felt their backs to the wall, as it is true that at the start of the war, the Third Reich and its “invincible” Wehrmacht seemed irresistible.

And all the more so since on all sides national treason was running in the face of the Nazi invader and since, in France itself, the capitalist oligarchy which, before the war, ignobly declared "preferring Hitler to the Popular Front" was leading against the PCF forbade this merciless war that it had been so reluctant to wage against the Nazis.

However, on the announcement of the immense victory at Stalingrad, a real strategic turning point in the war which definitively returned the military initiative to the anti-fascist camp, hope changed sides: we, FTPF and FTP-MOI Resistance fighters, had from then on the certainty that Hitler, Mussolini and all their criminal vassals would be put down, that the red flag bearing the workers' and peasants' emblem would sooner or later fly over Berlin and that, in this way, we could finally open up for our people and for all the other peoples of Europe and the world the new era of social and democratic renaissance heralded for France by the CNR program entitled Les Jours blesses.

This is how, after the terrible sacrifices made by the FTPF and the FTP-MOI organized by the clandestine PCF under the authority of Jacques Duclos, Benoît Frachon and Charles Tillon, they were set up in 1945-47, a period when the communists Maurice Thorez, Ambroise Croizat, Marcel Paul, Laurent Casanova, François Billoux and Charles Tillon sat in government and when Jacques Duclos chaired the National Assembly, Social Security, pay-as-you-go pensions, generalization collective agreements, the statutes of the miner and the civil servant, the nationalization of EDF, Renault, SNECMA, the Banks and the Coal mines, without forgetting the works councils and the first form of the SMIG: in short, everything that the Successive Maastrichtian governments in France under various labels have been methodically destroying for fifty years in the name of a Euro-Atlanticist "construction" led by Berlin, supervised by Washington and supported by the active collaboration of a “French” oligarchy without honour.

Sign the appeal: Celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Stalingrad victory, a watershed moment in World War II








SEE ALSO: beware bushit bearing gifts .....



le bad monde......




Not only does the French reference daily [LE MONDE] leave us no respite, but it does not know nuances. Just black and white. It is sometimes one, sometimes the other. Today, it bleaches Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera, a national hero for much of the Ukrainian population.


No sooner have we gone away from the anti-Chinese propaganda in which Le Monde is engaged than it serves us on a plate of new examples of the little credit we should give it. In two consecutive articles, we are painted a portrait full of complacency of the Nazi collaborator and genocidal Stepan Bandera, idol of the neo-fascist groups who have taken control of Ukraine.


The journalists there do their utmost to minimize the thesis of a Ukraine infested by neo-Nazism and anti-Russian hatred and thus invalidate one of the motives that pushed Russia to intervene militarily in Ukraine.


A brief reminder about the Ukrainian national "hero" to these conjuring artists is useful.


* * *


Between 1941 and 1944, Ukraine was one of the main theaters of the Holocaust. Nearly a quarter of the Jews exterminated by the Nazi regime were in Ukraine, notably in what is called the Holocaust by bullets. One and a half million people, many of them women and children, were shot and thrown into mass graves which they had often been forced to dig themselves. However, the Nazis could not have massacred so many without the help of zealous Ukrainian collaborators, first and foremost Stepan Bandera.


Without the willing help of many non-Germans, the Nazis could not have succeeded in annihilating millions of Jews during World War II. In western Ukraine, the political aims of the Nazis coincided with those of local nationalist organizations to produce an alliance that resulted in the slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent civilians. (B.F. Sabrin, in Alliance for murder: the Nazi-Ukrainian Nationalist partnership in genocide)

In 1929, Bandera became a member of the Orhanizatsiya ukrayins'kykh natsionalistiv (OUN). This Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists was founded the same year by Yevhen Konovalets and Andryi Melnyk, two veterans of the First World War. Following infighting and the assassination of Konovalets by the Russian NKVD, Bandera took control of part of the organization which then split into two factions: OUN-B (“B” for Banderivtsi) and the OUN-M (“M” for Melnykivtsi).


The two maintained relations very early on with the Nazi regime which, not without manipulative ulterior motives, financed them through the Abwehr and made training camps available to them. In 1941, the OUN Congress declared the Jews enemies of Ukraine and "main supporters of Russia". Even before the arrival and occupation of the German army, the two OUNs and the Nachtigall battalion made up of Ukrainians from the OUN integrated into the Wehrmacht carried out mass murders and pogroms against the Jewish and Polish populations. They will continue thereafter by actively assisting the Einsatzgruppen in the extermination of the Jews of Ukraine.


Despite the tensions between Bandera and the Hitler regime, born of the contradiction between his independence and the de facto Nazi occupation, he called from his cell the UPA, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, founded while he was imprisoned in Germany, to fight alongside the Germans against Soviet Russia, which he hates above all else.


This cognitive dissonance in Bandera sums up the current Ukrainian dichotomy. Bandera was both a collaborator with the Nazis, the invasion of Poland having made them his natural allies, and because their genocidal projects suited his own anti-Semitism, and in the fight for the independence of Ukraine, as much vis-à-vis the hated Poland as the execrated USSR, and finally against the current of Hitler's objectives of which he was only a pawn.


These divisions would be brought to light sixty years later when the OUN and UPA fighters were elevated to heroes of Ukraine by President Viktor Yushchenko. He had come to power in 2005 at the end of the Orange Revolution, this “Maidan” before its time, which contested the results of the presidential elections in favor of Viktor Yanukovych, his pro-Russian opponent. Western Ukraine, where most of the members of the OUN came from, considers these rehabilitations to be just and sees these men as heroes of independence, while Eastern Ukraine, of culture and Russian language, is rightly indignant at the sanctification of war criminals and mass murderers.


Euromaidan 2014 will see the latent neo-Nazism in Ukraine come out of the closet. The Third Reich nostalgic groups and Bandera worshipers take up arms, shoot their opponents in kyiv, assassinate pro-Russian demonstrators in Odessa and call for the murder of Russians with the blessing of Washington which once again seems to be pulling the strings. They are called Pravy Sektor and Svoboda for the best known, they display the red and black flag of the OUN-B and portraits of Bandera. And until today, they have erected across the country dozens, perhaps hundreds of monuments, stelae, statues to the glory of genocidaires.


* * *


The title of an article published in the Décoders du Monde section on January 8 makes Stepan Bandera a myth and announces revelations about the reality of his collaboration with the Nazis.


The sequel is not long in coming: this collaboration, however attested to by historians and by facts, becomes, with the help of a strict conditional, a narrative of "Kremlin supporters", that is to say you, me, most of the readers of Le Grand Soir and other alternative media, in short of all those who question the Atlanticist version hammered everywhere and all the time.


In the article, Bandera actually goes from sad reality to myth, to legend. Erased his sympathies and those of his fanatics for the Third Reich, erased crimes against humanity, swept away active complicity in genocide. Bandera is now only the one who “struggled by all means to free Ukraine from the successive yokes of Poland and the Soviet Union". Retaining only Bandera's fight for Ukrainian independence is in the same vein as Madeleine Albright's "it was worth it" when she was asked to put in the balance the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children who died as a result of the US-led war and the gains the US made from it. That's all we want: stupid, lying, dishonest but certainly not journalism.

The author also criticizes Moscow for setting up Bandera as a foil... A method which she herself uses a few lines later, thinking, I suppose, that the mention of François Asselineau, also a "friend of the Kremlin", will suffice. to convince the brainless reader of I also suppose that this is why she feels obliged to specify that Asselineau is a sovereigntist, as if it were a shameful disease ... Personally, I'm not a fan of the gentleman, but he's still a former senior civil servant and his analyzes are on a different level than those of a freelancer who previously worked on an "information" site whose name alone is a spit in the face of readership and journalism (1).


On January 6, another article published in Le presents Bandera to us as an "antihero" whose "renewed popularity" would be, oh surprise, a reaction to Russian propaganda... Which is to pass off the causes for effects, and vice versa. Thus, according to this correspondent of Le Monde in kyiv, the glorification of Bandera would follow the Russian invasion. This is factually and historically an outright lie. As said above, the popularity of Bandera in Ukraine has never ceased. It was held back by the reality of the crimes committed during the Second World War, probably smothered by Ukraine's membership of the USSR in which such inclinations were, to say the least. , frowned upon. Many Ukrainian collaborators and war criminals also escaped justice by illegally immigrating to the United States [AND CANADA], like a certainly significant number of Nazi officers and officials, where they were able to rebuild their lives or even immortalize their actions. gone through the construction of monuments, like those that proliferate today in Ukraine.

It is a chance that, alas, the thousands of corpses of Jews, Poles and Communists that litter the Ukrainian underground have not had. Although for the latter, the crime is generally less serious and to use in another sauce the famous aphorism that General Sheridan addressed to an Indian chief: a good Communist is a dead Communist. More seriously, as stated and demonstrated above, it was Euromaidan that triggered the widespread coming out of the cult of Bandera and a multitude of other Ukrainian collaborators and genocidaires, not the Russian incursion.


As for applying the concept of antihero to this controversial figure in Ukrainian history, it is problematic because it looks like, to say the least, a facelift of banderism.


What is an antihero?


He is a hero we love to hate, a character with a dark past and a chaotic psychology, a criminal himself or acting on the frontiers of the law. He's not always the villain of the story. Cinema and literature are full of them: Mandrin, the Count of Monte-Cristo, Jesse James, Bonnie and Clyde, Chaplin's dictator or more recently Todd Phillips' Joker. Bandera is not an antihero. He is a war criminal who promoted, organized and supervised the extermination of the Jews of Ukraine, the massacre of Poles and Communists.


* * *


This "ABSOLUTION" campaign is not unique to the World. Many other European media and press titles are doing it. The goal being clearly, as I said at the beginning, to discredit the thesis of a Ukraine plagued by neo-Nazism, "a land of the Not-Z" (2) as a comment on Moon Of Alabama website. It is not unrelated to the criminalization of Communism by the European authorities, thus putting it on a par with Nazism and the recent resolution of the European Parliament to make the Holodomor, this famine having taken place in Ukraine between 1932 and 1933, a genocidal project by Stalin, even though historiography diverges on the subject. So,..., we must first absolve Ukrainian hatred for the big Russian neighbour. When politics gets involved in history, it's never good and it's here an attempt to rewrite history, to forcefully impose a version of it on people's minds, going against the current of the task assigned to historians.


It is therefore de facto a work of propaganda to which the World resorts in order to justify a Western agenda that has become totally incomprehensible.


Le Monde, craftsman of the "Decodex", this body for verifying facts, distributing certificates of good media conduct, validating and authenticating information, lies, embroiders, mystifies, systematically misleads its readers when it is a question of guiding them through the ruts of the Atlanticist and Europeanist narrative.

The newspaper which prides itself on having approximately 500,000 subscribers (a straw!) has a total of nearly 21 million monthly readers, among whom one imagines a huge majority of non-subscribers who therefore do not have access to the entirety of a article. Moreover, it is not absurd to assume that in an environment accustomed to brevity and constant channel surfing, a significant part of the readership of Le Monde and other paid press titles rarely goes beyond reading the headlines.

The technique is therefore simple and threadbare, as we have seen on other subjects: misleading and ambiguous titles and subtitles, texts punctuated with unverifiable examples, liberties taken with the facts , oversimplifications of History and sweeping analyzes that few readers will contradict by going to corroborate them themselves with other sources. Le Monde and the dominant Western press, which we call mainstream, thus participate in the fast-foodization of information that a priced access, perhaps opening up to barely more nuances, reserves for an economic elite and puts them, ethically and judicially, safe from accusations of misinforming their readership.


The result turns out to be atrocious for the truth.


If the "Decodex" is law, the law does not apply to it or its creators.













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