Monday 13th of January 2025

shitty sweetheart......


The unexpected exit of the former German Chancellor Angela Merkel is only the confirmation of what has always been with the Atlanticists! She only recognized, as ex-Chancellor and official, the hypocritical attitude and the turpitudes of the “Western collective” towards the rest of the world and not only Russia.


The confession of A. Merkel or the pebble in the NATO boot!


Execrable deception, ordered by the United States

Their pride focuses them only on what they think and do themselves and to decide what is valid or forbidden for others following this imperial claim of moral, cultural and military superiority over the non-Western world. When one counts, it is said, selfishly alone one always finds a 'bonus' for oneself. The amoral motto of the imperialists can be summed up as follows: I lie, I cheat, I steal the wealth of others, I provoke to dominate if necessary by armed force, and if things go wrong, I negotiate to save time and accumulate in order to to be able to start again later in other circumstances!

An execrable deception, ordered of course by the United States, which Angela Merkel updates on the Minsk 1 and 2 agreements. Eight years after their signature, without the slightest attempt to enforce them despite recurring requests from Russia, under many more provocations. Putin had to play on patience, rationality and wisdom; somehow " follow the liar to the door of his house (Algerian proverb). Former President Petro Poroshenko said this before Merkel (with more details) in June 2022 to several Western media and no one gave credit to it because the will and the power to enforce them lies with NATO primarily in the USA. As this time, it is Merkel who affirmed it, this proves that the non-application of the “two Minsks” was indisputably part of the strategy of the United States via NATO!

We even allow ourselves the heartbreaking nerve of accusatory inversion by slyly striving to want laying the blame for non-compliance with the agreements on Russia !

A confession out of regret and patriotism?

Angela Merkel, certainly exhausted and out of patriotism, seeing today her Europe and more specifically her country, the powerful Germany (which the current government of Olaf Scholz is powerless to defend) – the engine of the European economy – sinking inexorably into recession and deindustrialization, had to struggle to find a way out in order to put an end to the American pressures imposing a blind, destructive followership, leading to energy and industrial bankruptcy, but ignobly without significant effects on the economy of the United States which is well protected! We quote a program amount $465 billion bailout and energy security package (12% of GDP). She certainly reflected that only the revelation of the deception will have the effect of altering all the American strategy and propaganda against Russia, by the fact that these agreements were signed to trick her in order to buy time to arm the Ukrainian proxy for a war! (Revelation made to the German weekly Time and patience). By this cheating the responsibility of France, Germany and the Security Council (which sponsored these agreements by acting as guarantor), on what is taking place in Ukraine and the destruction of this country, is total! By this action, it thus confirms that the belated Russian military operation is entirely justified on all levels, including morally! Russia, which has respected these agreements, is therefore in its right to intervene militarily in Ukraine.

The other idea is that the terrorist act of the "allies" who destroyed the North Stream 2 which was going to allow the survival of Germany as a power, causing the anger of the Germans, certainly aroused the categorical response of Merkel who understood the real objectives of the USA against her country. Namely to prevent Germany, the engine of Europe and therefore one of the main pillars supporting American power, from setting foot in the more promising and secure Eurasian world than the American model. Germany, today, is obliged to buy its energy in the USA 3 to 4 times more expensive which will make its products more expensive than American products, instead of having it directly from Russia cheaply. By ripple effect, all European products will no longer be competitive. This is not all: obviously at the instigation of its curator the USA, Poland allows itself, in these moments of crisis, to claim from Germany around 1300 billion dollars in reparation for the damage caused by the Second World War. . Berlin replies that he has nothing to pay, considering that he has already paid. They obviously want his crush!

One can understand that Merkel's exit, sensing the inevitable victory of Russia, aims to annihilate any idea of ​​an early "ceasefire" which can only be a ruse and to hinder the dominating and paralyzing American action in order to speed up the end of its hegemony in Europe, which is equivalent to the end of NATO! On the “ceasefire”, Kissinger made a strange proposal lately that goes in the direction of the informal discussions on "negotiations" and the "Christmas truce". A scam like the one revealed by Merkel which also aims to buy time to bail out the Ukrainian forces with new weapons and ammunition. Kissinger bluntly proposes a Russian withdrawal on the lines before February 24 then Donetsk, Lugansk and the Crimea " could be negotiated after a ceasefire ", if impossible then " referendums in these territories could prove to be an alternative ". Why not ? When the senescence of 100 years of age will be recognized as erudition.

Merkel must thus hope either for an awakening of the European peoples, the only ones able to impose a peace in accordance with the legitimate fears and Russian security demands, or to give an acceptable pretext, the least humiliating, to the European leaders to stop the ruin and the debacle by following, united, the only path of mutual security negotiations, which of course excludes (for the moment) the American decision-makers/guardians and their English annex! In any case, his confession remains a painful pebble in the NATO boot!

An admission that discredits Europe by demonstrating its " bene-yes-ouism »

While frustrating for Russia, this admission legitimizes Russia's arguments about its intervention in Ukraine. The Russian President finds this unexpected "specifying, " it disappoints. Frankly, I did not expect to hear it from the former Federal Chancellor. I have always considered that the German authorities were sincere with us. »

Merkel's revelations have made react the former Austrian vice-chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache who does not seem happy with this revelation (he is not the only one) judging that " the frankness with which Mrs Merkel talks about it is frightening. In this way we destroy any basis of trust ". It is true that this undermines the credibility of the West, but he must know that the Atlanticists cannot be credible and trusted when they achieve selfish, unhealthy, death-sowing goals, through the mechanism of US corruption. They never really had "foundations" or "principles" or serious actions; at least when they are confronted with a game of illicit interests or intolerable facts! It is in adversity that the principles and values ​​are attested and not in a situation of peace. Thanks to this self-provoked war at home, all their slyness, hypocrisy and sales pitches, hidden under a futile sophistry, are brought to light!

It will be all the countries of the world that will now look with another more vigilant eye, another more cautious approach to any agreement with the West.

One wonders whether "Brexit" might not be an American-British stratagem aimed at detaching the United Kingdom from a planned Europe of confrontation in order to preserve it from the possible serious consequences of a planned war, for Ukrainian proxy, against Russia. In view of the facts and the evolution of the situation, this is certainly the case. Europe, especially Germany and France, is thus doubly duped!

Germany and France (in the wake of the rest of Europe), thus ridiculed for breach of their word, (despite the ridiculous and useless attempt by E. Macron to save the agreements by proposing a … 3rd Minsk) , are totally discredited and disqualified from carrying out any peace negotiations or mediation, without mentioning the serious, recurring attacks on diplomatic practices (intentional leaks of information to the media by Macron, for example). 

From now on, the Game Master, alone, can pledge his good faith by offering other assurances in a trustworthy manner than those customary. Europe is only a stooge, through its subordinate role, to implement Washington's aims. Even its so-called “mainstream” press (written and visual), indoctrinating, deceitful and racist, is animated by hacks without dignity, responsible for carrying the voice of the “well-meaning” of their American suzerain, obeying him in all circumstances. The EU is indeed in the “teacher-student” relationship because of its strategic, security, military and economic dependence on the United States.

Consequently, the "beni-oui-ouisme" of colonial times appears less humiliating than the "beni-oui-ouisme" of today's Council of Europe on questions of political, economic and cultural sovereignty, as well as than in the case of Ukraine. European leaders are responsible for what happens on their continent. The fault lies entirely with them!

The war "will stop if Putin wants it"? 

While unofficial voices, such as those of Merkel, try to open up ways to arrange a solution, others like that of her compatriot, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, reject any eventual ceasefire at " Russian conditions "who are attacking" the horror of the Ukrainian people According to Sputnik who reports an extract from his interview with the weekly Bild am Sonntag. She believes that " if Putin wants it, then the war will be over tomorrow » by ordering « his troops to withdraw ". It would be brave and honorable if it was the Ukrainian people and soldiers, who are facing death, who said so and decided their own fate and not the German Baerbock from her well-heated office in Berlin! She does not see the cauldron in which the Ukrainian soldiers are. Observation coming from the former senator and ex-colonel of the American army Richard Black during a videoconference. According to him " The ongoing battle for Bakhmout has gradually become a disaster for the Ukrainian army… Ukrainian troops are thrown by the thousands into a cauldron of death and they seem to have no solution. Russia wins in Bakhmout …”. She also does not see what reports her German media Bild who went to Bakhmout " with obsolete artillery and tanks, Ukrainian soldiers are defending the most difficult sector of the country's front … (they) are fighting back to the best of their abilities. They shoot with whatever works. Ammunition is scarce ". Western experts assure that the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces near Bakhmout reach 500 to 800 people per day, that hospitals are overcrowded and that schools are converted into hospitals. But Annalena Baerbock does not care about the serious setbacks suffered by the Ukrainian army and the deaths it suffers, because those who die are not Germans, even less her relatives! She's also not the only one spouting this kind of nonsense.

For President Poutine "scalded cat fears cold water". He knows that there is nothing honest to expect from NATO. He will no longer give any credence to their words. It will undoubtedly continue to maintain the military and economic pressure as long as the maximum security “conditions” are not reached with the recognition of the reality on the ground, that is to say that all the acquired territories are Russian! The opinion of the current Ukrainian authorities (installed by the United States) is not necessary or will only be formal. In the meantime, it will pursue the strategic objective of establishing a fairer multipolar process that respects values, which many other states want, with the help of other powers, in order to put an end to this inhuman imperialism which wants to engulf the world.

(Western) Europeans must get used to the idea that everything has an end even more a world based on predation, injustice and lies allowing them a peaceful life, beyond their means, almost free , to the detriment of honest and hard-working peoples!

An innovative, efficient and credible Germany.

The world (particularly Africa) recognizes, however, that Germany is the leading economy in Europe with a high-performance social (reduction in the number of unemployed in particular) and economic (especially industrial) model, as well as its ability to 'innovation. We notes 85% of German exports, the share of jobs in industry and construction represents 28% of its active population. A analysis comments as follows: As the exchange of international services develops almost at the same rate as trade in goods, Germany is seeking to expand this part of its trade balance. The country achieves this with an increase of 110,5% in ten years ". Despite the effects of the health crisis and the decline over 5 consecutive years, Germany recorded, in 2021, an honorable surplus in the trade balance of more than 181 billion euros with a coverage rate of 115% (the USA, France and the United Kingdom being strongly in deficit) and this, of course, thanks to a supply of cheap Russian gas. We therefore understand Washington's determination to make Germany less competitive by making it depend on its much more expensive energy. In fact, the German economy was targeted during Trump's time when he said in Brussels (in 2017) before the leaders of the European institutions that the trade policy of Germany is "very bad". According to Der Spiegel, he reportedly said: Look at the millions of cars they sell in the United States. Horrible. We will stop this ". Comments nuanced by Jean-Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission. Angela Merkel, who seems to have understood the American "merry-go-round" in Europe and particularly in Germany, had made a statement of importance at a CSU meeting in Bavaria after spending two days at the G7 summit in Italy: " the days when we could rely on each other are almost over. I just experienced it in the last few days. This is why I can only say that Europeans must take their destiny into their own hands, of course in friendship with the United States and Great Britain and as good neighbors even with countries like Russia. But we have to know that we have to fight for our future ourselves... ". More than five years later, in 2022, none of this is achieved, things have gotten worse in Europe; Germany is in great economic difficulty and even more dependent on the United States.

However, Germany has to its credit more credibility, in the eyes of Africans, than France, for its seriousness in its international relations on the one hand and especially by comparing their colonial past on the other. France survives thanks to its neocolonialism on 14 African countries (which use the CFA Franc) unlike Germany. Remember that France is the country that has colonized the most African countries (21 countries).

German officials find themselves at a crossroads in a Kafkaesque situation or as an Algerian saying goes “ very hot on one side and hot on the other ". Either they continue in their stubbornness to remain vassals of the blind forces of the USA with all the existential risks, or they clearly display their independence and erect bold strategies to prevent and face possible aggressive responses, while quickly forging other alliances more solid and credible.    

Germans must always remember the crisis in the 30s which had disastrous economic, social and political repercussions. Withdrawal of capital, especially American, which has caused bankruptcies, the collapse of exports and industrial production; causing very high unemployment affecting 33% of the active population. This led to the rise of Nazism.





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by RT France

Interviewed for the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin”, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs took stock of the year 2022 concerning international relations and set the course for Russia for the years to come.

During an interview broadcast this December 25 in the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin”, on the public channel Rossiya 1, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei Lavrov, returned to the year 2022 and took stock of the Russian foreign policy conducted by his ministry.

Referring mainly to the launch, last February, and the progress of the military operation in Ukraine and its consequences on the international scene, the head of the Russian diplomacy highlighted, according to him, a context which made it possible to lead to a " situation clarified […] in a clear and irreversible way about the dynamics of international relations.

Lavrov accuses the West of wanting to 'prevent Russia from participating in international affairs' and sets the course for the years to come

According to Sergei Lavrov, the main conclusion of the year 2022 is the highlighting of the designs »And« projects that various international actors have " as well as " those who are able to negotiate and those […] who now », are no longer worthy of « partner ».

« This is the result of a consistent and long-standing Western policy aimed at making Ukraine "anti-Russian", all with one main objective, which is to prevent Russia from participating in international affairs as a independent, powerful and increasingly influential ", he added.

Still according to him, in 2022, there was “ a revelation for the vast majority of the world ", pushing Russia to now base its " foreign policy only on partnerships that have proven to be made up of people who can negotiate, who keep their word and who do not seek to obtain results in their favor at the expense of the interests of others ».

Furthermore, Sergei Lavrov also underlined a " historical process which tends to materialize and which will be a long historical period of transition towards true multipolarity noting that the West will strongly resist to this redefinition of the world order.

« The balance of interests is our credo. Our foreign policy is based on this principle. Only this approach has prospects in international life He concluded.

source: Sputnik Africa