Sunday 9th of March 2025

the price of fish.......

While state dinners are always about excessive consumption, the purchase of 200 Maine lobsters for Biden's state dinner with Macron seemingly became the last straw for American eco-warriors. On the other hand, Maine politicians saw this as a plug for the local lobster industry. 

President Joe Biden's first state dinner featuring his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron was criticized by conservation groups for serving 200 lobsters from Maine. 




The state's lobster industry has sparked controversy over whether its equipment harms endangered species such as North Atlantic right whales. Activists warn that the population of these aquatic mammals is declining: according to the latest estimates, the number of these cetaceans has dwindled to just 340. Entanglement in ropes that are used to catch lobsters is believed to be a major threat to whales. Some retailers, like Whole Foods, even stopped selling lobsters from Maine last month, citing sustainability standards and environmental concerns.

Representatives of the lobster industry, for their part, argue that to date, there is no direct evidence of ropes harming the whale population. 


Gib Brogan, campaign director of Oceana, an ocean conservation advocacy group, said that the announcement that Maine lobster would be on the menu for the state dinner was "a bit of a shock."


On the other hand, the White House's decision to serve 200 lobsters inspired Maine politicians. For instance, Senator Susan Collins insisted that “If Maine lobster is good enough for the White House to serve, it’s good enough for every seafood retailer—including Whole Foods—to sell.”

Maine is a hub for a $4 billion lobster industry which employs over 10,000 fishers. The attempts to regulate it are criticized by Maine politicians concerned with the risks of unemployment in the region.

Congressman Jared Golden has tweeted that since President Biden "prioritized" purchasing 200 lobsters for the state dinner, he should take time to meet with Maine fishers, who are at risk of losing their jobs.






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criminal deficit.......

Ever since proclaiming his election slogan “America first”, Donald Trump has wanted to stop the increasing US debt, which is due to constantly growing trade deficits especially with China and Germany. To achieve this, he was willing to use all the unfair means of an economic war: sanctions, bans, discrimination, criminal proceedings, plundering, controls. The focus of his fight was on the successful, qualitatively leading German automobile industry.
    Also, the sanctions against Russia were likewise aimed at the German economy. With the help of the EU and the German government itself, the cheap Russian energy supply to the German economy was cut, even the pipelines were blown up to force Germany to buy American dirty fracking gas, which is, moreover, three times as expensive. Since then, the German industry’s energy costs in international competition have been eight times as high as those of the USA, and an international crash of our industry is programmed, if only because of energy costs.
    The blowing up of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline at the will of Joe Biden has made the supply of cheap Russian gas impossible not only temporarily but permanently.
    The sanctions against Russia ordered by the USA and enforced by the EU have cut Germany off not only from Russian gas supplies but also from a quarter of all its raw material imports, causing an inflation that will not only be temporary but permanent.
    The EU politburo should actually have protected Germany against US sanctions out of self-interest alone, in order to preserve Germany as a strong payer. But by adopting the American sanctions against Russia, the EU has harmed Germany more than Russia. Russia was able to compensate for the energy boycott by raising prices, and now it has more energy revenues than before. Germany, on the other hand, has lost its cheap energy base forever. The additional energy costs are causing its economy to crash or to emigrate; in any case, they are no longer sustainable in international competition. Thus, the EU has helped to destroy Germany’s economic basis and, as a result, not only loses the main payer of all EU services, but also, due to Germany’s crash, its international creditworthiness.
    In addition, according to its statutes, the European Union does not have its own right of taxation but is depending on the contributions of sovereign member states. It can therefore only incur expenses if these are approved by the Member States.
    According to its statutes, the EU should therefore neither incur debt nor engage in state financing. Angela Merkel has helped to disregard both prohibitions. State financing was called “stabilisation aid” in an ESM fund to prevent state bankruptcies, which would at the same time have led to the bankruptcy of the Eurozone. And the debt ban was transgressed with the approval of unimaginably high debts (750 billion euros) for an unspecified “New Green Deal”.
    This was approved by Merkel, who thereby not only inadmissibly expanded EU competences, but also irretrievably harmed her own country, since Germany has to bear more than 26 % of the liability for the payments to highly indebted countries and for the liabilities incurred. All these Euro-benefits could not have been justified and carried out at all were it not for the basis of Germany’s economic strength.
    Moreover, the EU not only made permanent payments to the bankrupt Ukraine without a legal basis, but also promised its reconstruction, thus burdening the member states with the cost of more than 700 billion euros, without having any cover for these promises and debts.
    All three groups of perpetrators – the US, the EU and the German government itself – have ensured that the crash of Germany, and therefore that of the EU, will not be only short-term and temporary, but permanent.
    And when Germany – and thus the EU – crashes economically, the southern European countries will no longer be able to finance themselves on the market and will therefore not only become over-indebted but also insolvent. The bankruptcy of the first member states will not only tear the EU apart, but will also cause the euro to crash – probably even destroy it. The collapse of the European monetary system will not only force a monetary reform, but also a reform of the overinflated EU.
    The current destruction of German prosperity will thus not only cause Germany to crash in the short term, but will also call into question the very foundations of the EU.
    The “great turnaround” deliberately brought about by the “traffic light coalition” will thus not only change Germany, but also Europe. For this, the year 2023 will be the year of destiny. •