Tuesday 14th of January 2025


Only once has a defeated President gone on to win re-election four years after his first term. Grover Cleveland, who won in 1884 and again in 1892 is generally ranked by historians in the middle rung of American Presidents. Beside Donald Trump he is a paragon of Presidential dignity.

We in Australia are used to a ceaseless election cycle, but that Trump announced his candidature two weeks after the mid-term elections is a record. The rest of Joe Biden’s first term will be overshadowed by the spectre of the 2024 elections, and Congress will act increasingly in light of this.


By Dennis Altman


After the failure of the Republicans to capture control of the Senate and their very narrow victory in the House, Trump’s grip on the party looks far more tarnished than it did last month. As one person remarked, the red wave looked more like a pink splash. Democrats are quietly celebrating; Republicans are fighting each other; and Joe Biden is increasingly resolute about running again in 2024.

Significantly none of the candidates who backed the wilder fantasies of Trump were elected, but even with a very small majority in the House of Representatives—the final results are not yet available—they will be able to block most of Biden’s initiatives. In the Senate the run-off election in Georgia will determine whether the Democrats need depend upon the casting vote of Vice President Kamala Harris.

If I believed in prayer I would be praying for the resignation of the two most conservative longstanding Justices of the Supreme Court—Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito—while Biden has the numbers to replace them. Given the Senate seats that will fall vacant in 2024 it is highly likely that the Democrats will lose their Senate majority in two years time.

Some right-wing Republicans have vowed to impeach President Biden—though for what is unclear—but given their fragile majority this seems unlikely. But do not underestimate their ability to make life difficult for the Biden Administration.

The most significant results in the mid-term elections came in Arizona, Pennsylvania and Florida, all of which boded badly for Trump. In the first two of these states Democrats won races for both the Senate and state Governor against some of the craziest Republicans around, who were Trump favourites. Arizona and Pennsylvania are among the states that voted for Trump in 2016 and Biden in 2020 [the others are Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin].

In Florida the huge victory for Governor Ron DeSantis propelled him into the favoured candidate to beat Trump for the Republican nomination. Impossible to tell how he would stand up to a national campaign, but his record suggests he is at least as conservative, especially on matters of religion, gender and migration, and probably far more disciplined.

But a lot can happen in two years—at this point before the 2016 elections the hot favourite for the Republican nomination was another Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush. And while the United States is governed by a gerontocracy that reminds one of the old Soviet Politburos, it is possible that Biden or Trump might be forced to withdraw for health reasons.

Other Republicans will seek the nomination; De Santis is likely to be joined by former Vice President Mike Pence, maybe former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the ambitious former Governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley. But Trump’s sheer audacity, and his willingness to jettison anyone he sees as standing in his way, makes him a rogue elephant in any contest.

On the Democratic side it will be difficult to oppose Joe Biden if he decides to run again. When previous Presidents have faced significant challenges from within their own parties they have generally held onto the nomination and lost the election, as was the case for Carter and Bush Sr. One wishes that Biden would study the career of John Howard to understand that true leadership sometimes means yielding to the next generation.

I wouldn’t put money on Trump being re-elected but lots of Americans will, Many of them will be true believers, who cling to the falsehood that Trump won the 2020 election, and was robbed by a combination of socialists, pederasts and the Washington Establishment.

Trump is both a symptom and a cause of the deep disillusionment of millions of Americans from mainstream politics. Theirs is a disillusionment often expressed in anger and attraction to conspiracy theories, but it goes far beyond the right-wing thugs and religious fundamentalists who stormed the Capitol.

It’s a disillusionment that is shared by many Democrats, who need take some responsibility for the general distrust of politics. Bill Clinton’s enthusiastic embrace of neoliberal economics and Barack Obama’s failure to pay sufficient attention to strengthening his party at a local level—odd, given his own background as a community organiser—has led to major divisions among the Democrats, symbolised by the strength of Bernie Sanders in two campaigns for the nomination.

After the mid-terms, my FaceBook feed was full of praise for young voters, who overwhelmingly rejected the Republicans. Victoria Cooper wrote an opinion piece entitled: “Youth optimism emerges as America’s great hope” [The Age November 16]. To find hope in the fact that 30% of eligible voters under 30 bothered to vote is extraordinary: that is a figure that would be laughed at in most much poorer democracies.

Put that figure alongside the growth of private militia and racist groups, and one sees a country in which democracy and the rule of law is at best fragile. Joe Biden campaigned on a promise to work across party lines, but two years in office have shown this is almost impossible. There used to be considerable ideological overlap between American political parties, a remnant of which is found in the career of Joe Manchin, the wily Democratic Senator from West Virginia whose state Trump carried by almost 40%. In the end party discipline is now approaching that of Australia, with so-called moderate Republicans—Senators Romney, Collins and Murkowski—only occasionally breaking rank.

Even where one might expect agreement, as in foreign policy, there are signs of cleavages developing, especially as Biden emphasises the centrality of climate change, anathema to many Republicans. Republican hawks fluctuate between belligerence and isolationism, neither of which endear then to the current Administration.

But even if Trump fails to win the nomination, or wins that and then loses the election itself, he remains a toxic element in the body politic, able to attract millions of Americans to his brand of xenophobic hatreds. Nor is Australia necessarily immune; Crikey has recently chronicled Gina Reinhart’s involvement with the Trump camp and Reinhart is a confidante of Peter Dutton. [She is apparently a member of the Trumpettes, which I assume is a group of slightly older marching girls].

For six years we have been mesmerised by Trump; no other politician has attracted so much attention. Most Australians watch him with a mixture of disbelief and horror, although I’m sure there are some would-be Trumpettes out there in One Nation land. It would be folly to assume he cannot return as President in 2024, and one hopes that DFAT are preparing contingency plans if this were to happen.





PICTURE AT TOP: Even Rupert pissed on Trump....



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love lost.....

The New York Post relegated former President Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign announcement to its back pages, mockingly describing him as an “avid golfer” and a “Florida retiree.” The Post has harshly criticized Trump since last week’s midterm elections, and appears to consider Florida Governor Ron DeSantis the future of the GOP.

“Florida Man Makes Announcement,”read a banner beneath the Post’s front page on Wednesday, after Trump announced his candidacy the night before. Inside, on the paper’s 26th page, the insults continued.

“Avid golfer Donald J. Trump kicked things off at Mar-a-Lago, his resort and classified-documents library,” the story read.











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trump vs murdoch.......

The bashing of Donald Trump by Rupert Murdoch's US newspapers looks like a familiar pattern of the Australian-born media baron turning on political leaders who are no longer useful to him.

"Kill Whitlam."

This was the confidential instruction for a political hit job issued by Rupert Murdoch in the mid-1970s to his editors, according to an American diplomat's telegram sent to the US Department of State. 

The target was Australia's Prime Minister Gough Whitlam.

The Labour leader had been a guest at the Murdoch sheep farm outside Canberra, drawing admiring coverage in his left-leaning broadsheet The Australian. 

But after winning election in 1972, Whitlam stopped speaking to Murdoch, as Michael Wolff recounts in his absorbing biography The Man Who Owns the News. 


From that point the relationship only grew worse. Among other things, the Whitlam government dragged its feet on granting licences for Murdoch's venture into bauxite mining, before devaluing the Australian dollar, costing the media magnate in his foreign exchange dealings.

In response, The Australian began assailing the prime minister's administration with suggestions of financial and sexual scandal.

Murdoch himself penned articles savaging Whitlam, writes Wolff, and stared down a revolt from newsroom staff outraged by the paper's dramatic shift to the right.

Ten months after that "Kill Whitlam" directive, the prime minister was dismissed by the governor general of Australia amid a budget crisis.

Since Murdoch inherited Adelaide's The News 70 years ago, conjuring from these unlikely beginnings a multi-billion dollar global business empire, 18 Australian prime ministers have come and gone. 

Through his media megaphone, Murdoch is said to have helped overthrow a few of them, including more recently Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd.


Thirteen British prime ministers and 10 American presidents, meanwhile, have taken office since Murdoch's raucous style of journalism began shaping voter opinion in the UK and US.

But the Sun King, as he has been dubbed, reigns on.


Former Fox News executive and chief Murdoch lobbyist Preston Padden watched his boss at close quarters as he exercised the art of political power. 

"The Rupert Murdoch I knew was gentlemanly, courtly," says Padden, who scheduled the media baron's meetings on Capitol Hill as he built up his television holdings in the mid-1990s. "I never heard him raise his voice.

"He also gives generously. I mean, when [Senate Republican minority leader] Mitch McConnell calls Rupert and says, 'I need a million dollars for this Pac [political action committee] or that Pac', mostly Rupert complies.


"Particularly the Republicans were always eager to see him. Because he's a rock star, right? I mean, the world figure."











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