Wednesday 15th of January 2025

the blood suckers of the world......

There are only 6 steps needed to rule the world.

  1. Create a private money machine

The best and probably only way to rule the world is to have your own money machine. Then you can buy not only the opposition and the media but also the state itself, i.e. capture the state. This is why the Anglo-American Establishment has for centuries developed the fractional reserve banking system run by the Bank of England and the FED. In this way they can essentially create money out of nothing and thus create a hidden income transfer, i.e. steal from all the people.


BY Marco de Wit


The Anglo-American establishment is already 300 years old and composed of WASP and Jewish elite.

The FED is controlled by elite Jews led by the House of Rothschild and elite WASPs led by the House of Rockefeller.

Note for the public prosecutor: Zionism is an ideology like Communism and Islamism. All Jews are not Zionists and all Zionists are not Jews. All Jews do not support Israel.

The fractional reserve banking system run by the FED is essentially a pyramid scheme.

The fractional reserve banking is so inherently bankrupt that a bank panic can destroy it any time.

By bailing out the bankrupt fractional reserve banking the banks have been encouraged to go even futher. Now the banking system is a multiple pyramid scheme that is close to total collapse.


The banking system creates a business cycle that every ten years or so almost collapses the whole world economy. The FED chairman Ben Bernanke admitted that in 2008 total collapse was very close.



2. Government bailouts

The collapse of the banking system must periodically be stopped by massive government bailouts and lowering the interest rate close to zero.

The banking system is inherently unstable and only massive ever increasing bailouts can save it. The too big to fail doctrine only makes the whole system even more unstable.


3. Reserve currency (Petrodollar and U$Srael)

In order to avoid constant bailouts it is important to artificially prop up the demand for dollars. One method is just to force countries to adopt the dollar as their currency (Panama). A more devious method is to force them to use dollars in foreign trade as a reserve currency. This can be done by forcing them to use dollars when buying oil. The artificially increased demand for petrodollars makes not only a bank panic less likely but also makes it possible to just print dollars and exchange them for commodities. In effect, other countries become economic colonies of America.

The ruling elite is still composed of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers but now Saudis are added as the junior partner. U$Srael is born to protect the money machine. ($=FED, U$=USA, S=Saudis, rael=Israel)

Rockefellers get extra benefit of the deal because now they can create an efficient oil cartel as well. Rothschilds also get extra benefit because the money machine finances their country, Israel and its wars. Saudis benefit not only financially but together with Israel they can Balkanize the Middle East by destroying the militarily strong rival Arab and Shia states.

U$Srael is a match made in heaven. Or rather in Hell.

Both Saudis and Americans benefit greatly financially but the greatest beneficiary is still Israel. Without the money machine Israel would probably not even have been born and certainly it could never have occupied all of Palestine. It is in the absolute national interest of Israel to protect the money machine. This is why the Jewish dominated academia and media plays down the destructive nature of fractional reserve banking and economic imperialism. This is also why Israel is willing to orchestrate ever more outrageous false flags and genocides.

Not all countries want to be economic colonies of U$Srael. They refuse to use petrodollars.

However, Russia and China are not against fractional reserve banking. In fact they love it. They just want to have their own money machine or at least not be totally dependent on the American dollar. Russia and China want to be equal partners in crime. Or at least junior partners. They do not want to be economic colonies of U$Srael.

The conflict is only about the relative power of the members of the ruling elite. Russia and China just try to obtain a better deal from U$Srael and thus threaten the petrodollar by using it less. They also encourage their allies to decrease their use of petrodollars.


4. War machine (Nato, Israel, Islamist terrorist groups)

U$Srael uses its money machine to finance an enormous war machine which is composed of the militaries of America, Nato, Israel and other allies of America. The strongest part of this war machine is naturally the American military. However, Israel is almost as important because it concentrates on dirty wars that are waged by deception. In addition to a strong global military force you also need to control organised crime and terrorist organizations. Only then can you really manipulate and control the world.


Jaa artikkeliVKTwitterFacebook  [TIEDOKSI VALTAKUNNANSYYTTÄJÄLLE: Kaikki israelilaiset eivät ole juutalaisia ja kaikki juutalaiset eivät ole israelilaisia. Israel on valtio niin kuin muutkin valtiot, jota saa kritisoida, vaikka Suomen juutalainen seurakunta toisin väittäisi.]   Historioitsijoilla on oma sisäpiirin vitsinsä: Mistä terroriteosta Mossad ei ole vastuussa?   Kysymys tietysti sisältää muutaman faktan:   Israel on perustettu varastetulle maalle. … Jatka artikkelin Mossad järjestää 90% maailman terrorismista ja eliitin lapsiseksiringeistä?lukemista (FINNISH)


Share ArticleVKTwitterFacebook [NOTE TO THE LAW ATTORNEYS: Not all Israelis are Jews and not all Jews are Israelis. Israel is a state just like other states, which can be criticized, even if the Finnish Jewish congregation claims otherwise.] Historians have their own inside joke: For what terrorist act is the Mossad not responsible? Of course, the question contains a few facts: Israel was founded on stolen land. … Continue reading Mossad organizes 90% of the world's terrorism and elite child sex rings?



This American-Israeli war machine then defends the ruling elite and its money machine trying to destroy all those countries who refuse to use the reserve currency, i.e. petrodollar. This is the main reason why both Russia and China is demonized in the western media.

Russia and China must be encircled, their governments must be toppled and their empires broken into pieces. However, the Rockefellers are not keen on war unlike Israel that is furious that Russia and China dare support its enemies in the Middle East.

If Russia, China and their allies cannot be attacked directly then U$Srael tries to topple their governments by supporting all opposition groups including organized crime and terrorist groups. Israel and Saudi Arabia even go so far that they together create and supply radical Islamist groups like ISIS.

Especially Gaddafi had to be destroyed and raped because he actually planned to create a gold currency.

Also Syria had to go. However, the Rothschild led Israel Lobby is not all-powerful. The Rockefellers did not want to destroy Syria because it is not a big oil producer and because they do not want Israel to become too powerful. Thus Syria was saved.

In America only Ron Paul and Tulsi Gabbard dare to oppose the war mongering of the bankers and Zionists.


5. Currency and political unions (US dollar, EU euro)

Propping up the banking system with brute force is risky. People might actually wake up. A more efficient way to prop up the dollar is to make sure other currencies do not compete with it. This is why the mighty German Mark was liquidated by merging most European currencies into one weak currency, the Euro.

However, there is always the danger that the euro currency union will break up. Therefore it had to be turned into an political union, the European Union. This also makes it easier to organize massive bailouts for the banks.

However, there is always the danger that the EU will break up when countries start seceding just like Britain did. This is why it is important to create anti-nationalist and globalist ideas not only with cultural Marxism and the police state but also by importing hordes of immigrants.


6. World bank (BIS, World state)

Creating currency blocks is not enough because there is still competition between them. Currency competition must be eradicated by merging all important currencies into a world currency managed by a world central bank dominated by U$Srael. A global police state crushes all opposition and allows people to use only one digital currency.  Only then can bank panics finally be eliminated and the ruling elite can sleep peacefully.

The Final solution

The fractional reserve banking is not only exploiting the people it is also the motor of centralism and globalism. Fractional reserve banking is so unstable that it must either collapse or be protected by ever increasing centralization and ultimately global hegemony.

The only way to save humanity is to end fractional reserve banking. Hopefully Switzerland is showing us the way. Couple of years ago there was a referendum. Naturally the bankers won but perhaps some day another referendum will finally crush them. A free Switzerland could then create a positive domino effect and save the world.




flogging you with debt.......

By Vijay Prashad
Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research


Chaos reigns in the United Kingdom, where the prime minister’s residence in London – 10 Downing Street – has seen the entry of Rishi Sunak, one of the richest men in the country.

Liz Truss was in office for a mere 45 days, convulsed as her government was by a cycle of workers’ strikes and the mediocrity of her policies. In her mini budget, which doomed her government, Truss opted for a full-scale neoliberal assault on the British public with both tax cuts and unacknowledged cuts to social benefits.

The policies startled the international financial class, whose political role emerged clearly as wealthy bondholders indicated their loss of faith in the U.K. by junking government bonds, thereby increasing the cost of government borrowing and raising the mortgage payments for homeowners.

It was this wealthy bondholder class that acted as the real opposition to the Truss government. Even the International Monetary Fund weighed in with a strong statement, saying “the nature of the U.K. measures will likely increase inequality.”

What is stunning here is the I.M.F.’s worry about increased inequality. Over the I.M.F.’s 78-year history, since it was founded in 1944, the fund has rarely paid attention to the phenomenon of increased inequality. In fact, in large part due to its policies, most of the countries of the Global South are stuck in an “austerity trap,” which was shaped by the following processes:

  • Old colonial histories of plunder meant that the new nations of the post-World War II era had to borrow money from their former colonial rulers.
  • Borrowing this money to build key infrastructure that was not built during colonial times meant that the loans were sunk into long-term projects that did not pay for themselves.
  • Most of these countries were forced to borrow more money to settle the interest payment on the loans, which resulted in the Third World Debt Crisis of the 1980s.
  • The I.M.F. used Structural Adjustment Programmes to enforce austerity within these countries as a condition of being able to borrow to pay off the loans. Austerity impoverished billions of people, whose labour continued to be drawn into cycles of accumulation and was used — often very productively — to enrich the few at the expense of the many who poured their sweat into the global commodity chain.
  • A poorer population meant less social wealth in the countries of the Global South, despite increased industrialisation, and this lowered social wealth alongside the plunder of resources meant that there was both less surplus to improve the public’s conditions of life and that these countries’ governments had to pay higher rates to borrow money to pay off their debts. That is why from 1980, the countries of the Global South saw an outflow of public funds to the tune of $4.2 trillion to pay for the interest on their loans. Further compounding this plunder is the fact that an additional $16.3 trillion left the countries of the Global South from 1980 to 2016 through trade misinvoicing and mispricing as well as leakages in the balance of payments and recorded financial transfers.

The ugly detritus of this process of the Global South’s routine impoverishment is documented in detail in our dossier no. 57, “The Geopolitics of Inequality: Discussing Pathways Towards a More Just World” (October 2022). The dossier, produced by our office in Buenos Aires based on a detailed analysis of the available data sets, shows that whereas inequality is a global phenomenon, the deeper cuts in livelihood are experienced in the countries of the Global South.

This “geopolitics of inequality” persists, even though industrial production has moved from the Global North to the Global South. Industrialisation in the context of the global division of labour and the global ownership of intellectual property rights means that while countries in the Global South house industrial production, they do not receive the gains from this production.

“A paradigmatic case is that of the region of North Africa and the Middle East, which represents 185% of the manufacturing output of the North but only accounts for 15% of the per capita income of rich countries,” the dossier notes. Furthermore, the “Global South produces 26% more manufactured goods than the North but accounts for 80% less income per capita.”

Industrialisation is taking place in the Global South, but “the centres of global capitalism still control the productive process and the monetary capital that allow the initiation of cycles of productive accumulation.”

These forms of control over the capitalist system (industry and finance) lead to the ceaseless increase of the wealth of billionaires (such as the U.K.’s new prime minister, Rishi Sunak) alongside the pauperisation of the many, most of whom live in poverty no matter how hard or how much they work. During the early years of the pandemic, for instance, “a new billionaire appeared every 26 hours, while the incomes of 99% of the population declined.”

In the interest of building a pathway towards a more just world, our dossier’s analysis of the reproduction of inequality closes with a five-point plan. These points are an invitation to a dialogue.

  1. The partial disconnection of global chains. Here, we call for new trade and development regimes that see greater South-South participation and greater regionalism rather than being bound to global commodity chains that are anchored by the needs of the Global North.
  2. The appropriation of revenue by the state. The state’s concrete intervention through taxation (or nationalisation) in appropriating revenue (such as land rents as well as mining and technological revenues) is key to reducing the ruling class’s income growth.
  3. The taxation of speculative capital. Large volumes of capital flee the countries of the Global South, which cannot be captured unless there are capital controls or taxes on speculative capital.
  4. The nationalisation of strategic goods and services. Key sectors of the economies of the Global South have been privatised and purchased by global finance capital, which expatriate profits and make decisions about these sectors based on their interests and not those of the workers.
  5. The taxation of corporate and individual windfall profits. Firms’ astronomical profits are largely put into speculation rather than production or towards raising the incomes and quality of life of the majority. Imposing a tax on super profits would be a step towards closing this gap.



Almost 50 years ago, the countries of the Global South, organised by the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and the G77, drafted a resolution called the New International Economic Order (NIEO) and won its passage at the U.N. General Assembly on May 1, 1974. 

The NIEO articulated a vision for trade and development that did not rely upon the Global South’s dependency on the Global North, with specific proposals around science and technology transfer, the creation of a new global monetary system, the maintenance of import substitution, cartelisation and other strategies to enhance food sovereignty and earn higher prices for raw material sales, as well as greater South-South cooperation.

Many of the proposals outlined in our dossier and refined for our era are drawn from the NIEO. Algeria’s then president, Houari Boumédiène, pushed the NIEO at the 1973 NAM meeting in Algiers. The year after the resolution passed at the U.N., Boumédiène argued that the world was gripped by the “dialectic of domination and plundering on the one hand, and the dialectic of emancipation and recovery on the other.”

If the NIEO did not pass and if the Global North refused to transfer the “control and use of the fruits of resources belonging to the countries of the Third World,” Boumédiène said that an “uncontrollable conflagration” would result.

However, rather than permit the NIEO to be established, the West drove a policy that created the Third World Debt Crisis, leading to the “austerity trap” on the one hand and the anti-IMF riots on the other. History, since then, has not advanced.

In 1979, Tanzania’s President Julius Nyerere said in the aftermath of the death of the NIEO and the birth of the Third World Debt Crisis that there was a need to create a “Trade Union of the Poor.” Such a political unity did not emerge at that time, nor is there any such “trade union” in our time. Its construction is a necessity.

Vijay Prashad is an Indian historian, editor and journalist. He is a writing fellow and chief correspondent at Globetrotter. He is an editor of LeftWord Books and the director of Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. He is a senior non-resident fellow at Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China. He has written more than 20 books, including The Darker Nations and The Poorer Nations.  His latest books are Struggle Makes Us Human: Learning from Movements for Socialism and, with Noam Chomsky,  The Withdrawal: Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and the Fragility of US Power.

This article is from Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.

The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.