Thursday 16th of January 2025

spying on russia — ריגול אחר רוסיה…….

A row has erupted in Russian-Israeli relations over the functioning of the Jewish Agency in Moscow. The Jerusalem Post first reported on 5 July that Moscow had ordered the Jewish Agency to cease all operations in Russia, in a formal letter from the Russian Justice Ministry “earlier this week.”

The Jewish Agency initially played down the development in a statement which said, “As part of the work of the Jewish Agency’s delegation in Russia, we are occasionally required to make certain adjustments, as required by authorities. Discussions with the authorities are ongoing with the aim of continuing our activities in accordance with the rules. Even now, there is a dialogue.”


By MK Bhadrakumar


An unnamed senior Israeli diplomat told the Jerusalem Post, “Russia is saying the Jewish Agency illegally collected info about Russian citizens… We will bring up the Jewish Agency [with Russian authorities] and address it in an organized way. It will be taken care of at the embassy level. We don’t totally understand the reasoning [of the request to stop Jewish Agency’s activities in Russia].”

The problem runs deep

However, on 11 July, the Russian news agency RIA Novosti disclosed that a four-week long audit of the Sohnut (as the Jewish Agency is known in Russia) by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation had been underway since 30 May, within the purview of the federal law on “Non-Commercial Organizations.”

The Ministry of Justice conveyed to RIA Novosti that on the basis of the results of the audit, “an act was prepared, which has been sent to the address of the location of the organization (Sohnut).”

Since then, to borrow the metaphor from the Old Testament, the cloud “as small as a man’s hand rising from the sea” when Elijah first saw it, has swiftly turned into a storm. On July 21, Russia’s TASS news agency reported that the Basmanny District Court of Moscow received on that day a lawsuit from the Russian Ministry of Justice requesting that the Russian branch of the Jewish Agency for Israel be liquidated. The grounds for the suit were not provided.

The Jewish Agency has a larger-than-life stature and is closely connected to, albeit not funded by, the Israeli government. It is an international organization that fosters links between Jews across the world and Israel and promotes the immigration of Jews to Israel, a process known as “Aliyah.”

Entangled US roots

The Jewish Agency is closely connected with American Jewish organizations. Billionaire Mark Wilf, who was elected as the new chairman of the board of the Jewish Agency for Israel on 10 July, was previously the chair of The Jewish Federations of North America’s board of trustees and closely associated with a variety of educational and philanthropic boards in both the United States and Israel.

Make no mistake, the Kremlin would have weighed the pros and cons carefully before deciding to shut down the Sohnut’s operations in Russia, which launched in 1989 when under heavy US pressure, then Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev agreed to open the doors for the emigration of Jews to Israel as quid pro quo for western economic aid.

There would have been compelling reasons, for sure, for the Kremlin to take such a decision. It appears that the justice ministry in Moscow is in possession of incriminatory documents. The Jewish Agency would have been under the scanner for some time before the decision to crack the whip.

The emigration of Jews is of course a highly sensitive issue for the state of Israel (and the powerful Jewish lobby in America). On Sunday, the Israeli paper Algemeiner underscored that Tel Aviv is very much seized of the matter. Indeed, the country is also heading for a crucial legislative election on 1 November.

Israel reacts

Prime Minister Yair Lapid said after a meeting of ministers on Sunday, “Closing the Jewish Agency offices would be a serious event that would affect relations.”

Lapid added, “The Jewish community in Russia is deeply connected to Israel and its importance increases in any political conversation with the Russian leadership. We will continue to operate through the diplomatic channels, so that the important activities of the Jewish Agency will not be stopped.”

A delegation of Israeli officials is leaving for Moscow this week. Lapid does not have the wherewithal to operate skillfully in the Kremlin, as did his predecessor Benjamin Netanyahu. Lapid’s focus is on the Biden administration, but in such tricky situations, it does not add to Israel’s aura in Moscow that it wields influence in Washington.

Russia is cracking the whip at a very sensitive time. An Israeli prime minister who cannot serve the interests of the Jewish diaspora is not exactly glorifying himself in domestic politics.

Indeed, this development has nothing to do with bigotry against Jews. During Netanyahu’s regime, Putin use to associate himself personally with Jewish events in Israel. Putin was conscious of the influential ethnic Jewish community who migrated to Israel and considered them to be part of the motherland and an asset for Russia.

Conceivably, Russia’s national security interests are involved here. According to the World Jewish Congress, Ukraine is home to between 56,000 and 140,000 Jews. Ukrainian Jews are prevalent throughout Ukrainian society, including high offices of the state, President Volodymyr Zelensky himself being one of them.

As for Russia, the Jewish population is estimated at around 165,000, making them the sixth-largest Jewish community outside of Israel. The Jewish communities in Ukraine and Russia have kinship historically. Possibly, the hostile anti-Russian stance of the Israelis and Ukrainians touched raw nerves in Moscow. The Israeli press has reported about “volunteers” leaving for Ukraine to fight Russian forces.

The US-Israel intelligence nexus

The Israel government pretends to be “neutral” but then, it is a member of US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s “coalition of the willing” fighting Russian forces in Ukraine.

Call it a trapeze or balancing or double-crossing act, but Moscow cannot afford to ignore the ground realities, given the nexus between the US and Israeli intelligence. Succinctly put, the possibility exists that the Jewish Agency operatives in Russia  have had covert liaison with the US intelligence.

From February-March, Moscow began uprooting all vestiges of US intelligence from Russian soil, including Carnegie’s Moscow Centre. It is entirely conceivable that the CIA had a “back-up” plan and “sleeper cells” in Russia handled through associates. The fact remains that the Jewish Agency also has an office in Kiev and Israeli military runs a hospital for treating wounded Ukrainian soldiers. Of course, Ukraine’s spy agency is also very active. All things taken together, the Russian intelligence possibly caught up with the nexus.

The deterioration of Russian-Israeli relations is happening at a time when regional security in West Asia is in transition. On a broader plane, this is also a transformative period in the geopolitics of the region. The fact that Biden was roundly snubbed in Jeddah when he tried to sell the idea of an anti-Russia, anti-China regional alliance speaks for itself.

Therefore, in this spat, Israel will be the loser. As for Russia, one potential irritant in its ties with Iran — Russian-Israeli equations in Syria — is getting removed. This could measurably impact the situation in Syria, which Israel has been bombing, unprovoked, since 2017. Russia has cast its net wide in West Asia and its diplomatic successes are not going to be affected because of this falling out with Israel.

Israel should have acted early enough when Elijah’s small cloud, “as small as a man’s hand” was spotted in May when the Russian inspectors arrived at the doorstep of the Jewish Agency in Moscow. Tel Aviv probably didn’t expect things to snowball.

Clearly, the Israeli reflex was to hush up. That shows nervousness that Russian intelligence has caught up with something highly unsavoury.








the jewish freemasons…….

Jewish Freemasonry: Two Treatises by Éduard Frumont & Nicholae Paulescu
with an Introduction by Alexander Jacob


  • Introduction — Alexander Jacob
  • I. “The Freemasons” (Jewish France, Book VI, Chapter 1) — Édouard Drumont
  • II. “Freemasonry,” from The Hospital, the Qur’an, the Talmud, the Kahal, and Freemasonry, Ch. V – Nicolae Paulescu


Freemasonry and its goals have been the subject of innumerable studies seeking to investigate, or expose, this secretive and powerful organisation. The Jesuit priest Abbé Augustin Barruel’s magisterial work Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire du Jacobinisme(1798), for instance, attempted to uncover the anti-Christian character of Freemasonry by detailing the conspiratorial role played by the Enlightenment philosophes and the Freemasons and the Illuminati in the genesis and conduct of the French Revolution. The aims of the Revolution, according to Barruel, were primarily anti-Christian, anti-monarchical and Anarchical. Barruel did not focus on the Jews in this work though his curiosity was aroused when he received a letter in 1806 from a certain Giovanni-Battista Simonini who claimed to have infiltrated the Piedmont Jewish community and learnt from them about the Jewish origins of both the Freemasons and the Illuminati.[1]

The two extracts presented in this edition shed more light on the Jewish origins and ambitions of the Freemasonic organization. More importantly, both authors place an emphasis on the remarkable contrast between the Jewish character of the Masonic ethos and the social doctrines of the Catholic Church which it seeks to replace as the prime mover of politics in the West. Whereas the Catholic Church has an avowed commitment to Christian charity and social harmony, Freemasonry is marked by a contempt of poverty and a singular desire to establish the supremacy of Israel in the world.

Édouard Drumont: “The Freemasons”

Of the two authors presented here, Édouard Drumont (1844–1917) was indeed one of the first to insist that the entire Masonic enterprise was Jewish in origin even though he based his conviction on Masonic texts that had been available in France from the late eighteenth century.[2] Drumont was a French journalist who wrote many works on the Jews including La France juive: Essai d’histoire contemporain, 2 volumes (1886), Testament d’un antisémite (1891), Les Juifs et l’affaire Dreyfus (1899), La Tyrannie maçonnique (1899), Les Juifs contre la France (1899) and Le Peuple juif(1900). Drumont also ran a newspaper La libre parole, which was markedly anti-Semitic. In 1899 he founded the ‘Ligue antisémitique de France’ and argued for the exclusion of Jews from society.

The last book of Drumont’s Jewish France contains three chapters devoted to the three Judeocentric groups portrayed to be persecuting Catholic France, the first chapter on the Freemasons, the second on the Protestants and the third on the Jews. Drumont begins his chapter on Freemasonry by pointing out the peculiarly Jewish nature of Freemasonry. Freemasonry is not a variety of Freethought since freethinkers like Lord Byron and Delacroix at least “do not attack our citizenship rights, our human rights, and our rights as Frenchmen. “ Rather, it is an essentially Jewish institution and imbued with a specially Jewish character.

The Jewish origin and constitution of the Masonic organization are evident from the various rituals it employs in its meetings and particularly in the dramatic reenactments of Old Testament scenes depicting the revenge taken by Jews on their oppressors, such as that of Judith on Holofernes. These rituals are all intended to impress on the candidates and members the principal goal of Masonry, which is to reunite the tribes of Israel as a nation after their dispersal at the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, a destruction that must also be avenged. The particular focus of the Masonic revenge is Christianity since the great crime of the Christ in the view of the Jews is his usurpation of the supremacy of Jehovah. The essence of Masonry therefore is, as Drumont puts it, “Sympathy and tenderness for Jerusalem and its representatives; hatred for Christ and Christians: all of Masonry is contained in this.”

The means whereby Masonry seeks to overthrow the Europeans is always a

politics of dissolution: whether it is a matter of financial companies or of secret societies, they are able to give an appearance of order and seriousness to appetites, to collective bad instincts.

The growing influence of Masonry on European politics has resulted in a steady dissolution of traditional European society. Thus Republicanism is, in the nineteenth century, the culmination of the French Revolution with Napoleon and Bismarck contributing to the process of Jewish bourgeois supremacy.

In their enormous and far-sighted political task, the Jewish Masons have been aided through the centuries by ambitious mediocrities from among the European peoples who were the hosts of the Jews during the diaspora. The second part of Drumont’s essay on Freemasonry includes several detailed examples of public figures in French Republican life who have duped the public through various nefarious dealings that have been disguised by the false honors that have been bestowed upon them by the Third Republic.[3] The entire Republican ethos is indeed marked not by a desire to liberate the oppressed French populace but rather by a hatred of society. In fact, one particularly odious characteristic of Freemasonry is its contempt and hatred for the poor, which is in marked contrast to the importance of charity in the Catholic Church. And if the Masons seem occasionally to tolerate the social status quo, it is only because they wish to focus their mind more sharply on their inveterate religious enemy, the Christian Church:

Thus, many in Masonry are pseudo-scholars, pseudo-orators, they hate society with a hatred that is not at all the courageous revolt of Spartacus, the bitter anger of Vindex, but like a venomous envy that smells of the [4] ante-chamber and the office; they do not intend to destroy the social edifice completely because they hope to make a place there through more or less correct procedures, but they attack the Church because it can give them only noble instructions, counsels of respect and devotion that they do not want.

Nicolae Paulescu: Freemasonry

The Jewish nature of Freemasonry and its hatred of Christianity are reinforced in the work of Nicolae Paulescu (1869–1931). His chapter on Masonry in his work Philosophic Physiology: The Hospital, the Koran, the Talmud, the Kahal and Freemasonry pivots on the same contrast between the Christian concept of charity — exemplified in Paulescu’s own medical profession by ‘the hospital’ included in the title — and the sheer avarice for material possession and political domination of the Jews who conduct the Masonic organizations.

Paulescu was a Romanian physiologist and professor of medicine, as well as a political activist. In 1897 Paulescu graduated with a Doctor of Medicine degree from a medical school in Paris. He was appointed assistant surgeon at the Notre-Dame du Perpetuel-Secours Hospital but in 1900 he returned to Romania, where he remained until his death as Head of the Physiology Department of the University of Bucharest Medical School, as well as Professor of Clinical Medicine at the St Vincent de Paul Hospital in Bucharest. He is well-known for his work in extracting insulin for the treatment of diabetes and petitioned the Nobel Prize committee to object to the award given to two Canadian scientists. From Wikipedia:

Professor Ian Murray was particularly active in working to correct “the historical wrong” against Paulescu. Murray was a professor of physiology at the Anderson College of Medicine in Glasgow, Scotland, the head of the department of Metabolic Diseases at a leading Glasgow hospital, vice-president of the British Association of Diabetes, and a founding member of the International Diabetes Federation. In an article for a 1971 issue of the Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Murray wrote:

“Insufficient recognition has been given to Paulesco, the distinguished Roumanian scientist, who at the time when the Toronto team were commencing their research had already succeeded in extracting the antidiabetic hormone of the pancreas and proving its efficacy in reducing the hyperglycaemia in diabetic dogs.“

“In a recent private communication Professor Tiselius, head of the Nobel Institute [and a recipient of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1948], has expressed his personal opinion that Paulesco was equally worthy of the award in 1923.“

Paulescu was also involved in Romanian political movements and influenced Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, the leader of the Iron Guard. In 1922, he partnered with Codreanu’s anti-Semitic friend, Prof. A.C. Cuza, to create a political group called the National Christian Union. In 1925, Paulescu joined Cuza’s later organization, the National Christian Defense League as well.

Nicolae Paulescu’s sociological writings include Philosophical Physiology: Instincts Social — Passions and Conflicts — Moral Remedies (1910), which advocated the regeneration of the population through Christian education. Paulescu’s most famous book was the second volume of “philosophical physiology” which was entitled Philosophical Physiology: Hospital, Quran, Talmud, Cahal, Franc-Masonry (1913). He later wrote more works on the Jewish Problem, including Philosophical Physiology: The Synagogue and the Church to the Pacification of Mankind, 2 vols, 1923; The Judeo-Masonic Plot against the Romanian People, 1924; The Degeneration of the Jewish Race, 1928, Jewish Debauchery, 1928; and Interpretation of Revelation, the future fate of the Jews, 1941.

In The Hospital, the Koran, the Talmud, the Kahal and Freemasonry, Paulescu first explains the duties of doctors and relates hospitals to the notion of Christian charity: “Hospitals are an inspiration of Christian charity.” He then considers the two other religions that claim to cure the illnesses of mankind, Islam and Judaism, both of which he considers as opposed to Christian morality. Islam and Judaism are both characterised by a cruel desire for possessions and dominion but the Muslim Arabs are superior to the Jews in that they possess a real valor whereas the Jews “manifest themselves only through cowardice.”

Paulescu begins his study of Judaism with the principal legal text of the Jews, the Talmud, which uses usury, fraud and perjury to rob and enslave the Gentiles. The development of the Jewish political ambition is accomplished through the “Kahal,” the Jewish governing body typical of Jewish communities well into the twentieth century. The Kahal conceives of the Jewish nation as one based on “the Talmudic dogma of the chosen people, a doctrine according to which the Jews must not merge with other nations, because God has promised them to possess the whole earth and to rule the world.” He demonstrates the financial and social depredations wrought by Jewish immigration into European lands and discusses Freemasonry too within the context of the resolute war that the Jews have been conducting against Christianity through the ages by means of the various religious heresies and political revolutions that they have fostered in Europe.

Paulescu’s section on Freemasonry, which constitutes the final chapter of his book, relies considerably on Drumont’s work but it is rather more comprehensive than it. Paulescu here reveals the hatred that informs all of the Jewish involvement in European intellectual and political history. The source of this hatred is evident most clearly in the Talmud but its enduring effects are manifest in the various Jewish-sponsored heretical movements that have sought to distort Christianity and Catholicism through the ages, beginning with the Ebionites in the first century A.D. and passing through Protestantism to Freemasonry. The purported goal of the Freemasons to rebuild the Temple of Solomon is, according to Paulescu, only a watchword that indicates the ambition of Israel to dominate the world. Regarding the organization of Freemasonry, Paulescu points out that, in spite of its proclaimed philanthropy, the secretive nature of the whole is a clear indication of its suspect character: “And to think that no one wonders why this society is hidden, when it has purposes as sublime as the search for the truth.”

More carefully than Drumont, Paulescu — relying on the work of Paul Copin-Albancell’s Le drame maçonnique: le pouvoir occulte contre la France (“The Masonic Drama: The Occult Power against France” ( 1908) — details the hierarchy within the Masonic organization where the lower degrees of Masons are mostly blindfolded followers of an uppermost elite that is constituted of Jews alone. And the bizarre rituals that mark a Mason’s progress through the organization are all marked by sentiments of hatred and revenge for those responsible for the destruction of the Temple. Among the various targets of the Masons’ hatred, the chief are undoubtedly the Christians. Quoting Copin-Albancelli Paulescu, Paulescu points out that Masons are instructed to the effect that “Freemasonry has one enemy – Christianity, and Catholicism in particular — that you need to hate and fight.”[5]

Further, Masonry constantly spawns various sub-groups that carry out its agenda, as Copin-Albancelli had noted:

Examples of such tentacles are the Freethinking (Libre-Pensée) Leagues, those of human and civil rights, those of education, houses of schools, studying clubs, library societies, of conferences, of Popular Universities … even of unions.[6]

During the times of the French Revolution, the Masons were aided particularly by the Masonic sub-group that called itself the “Jacobins.” Of the political effects that resulted from these several organizations, the French Revolution aimed simultaneously at emancipating the Jews and at persecuting the Christians. Among the Catholics, the chief targets of the Masons are the Jesuits, whom they fear above all Christian orders. The monasteries of the Jesuits were attacked in Portugal, Spain, France and Austria and the campaign against Jesuitry continued with constant vilifications of Jesuits among the public so that the common people gradually came to believe that the term Jesuit could be used as a synonym for scoundrel.

According to Paulescu, The Jewish support of the revolutionaries was intended to bolster the third estate of the bourgeoisie, which at first supported Napoleon in spite of his imperialistic ambitions. When the Masons found that Napoleon’s tyranny was becoming dangerous to their plans, they worked to bring him down. All through this period they benefited from their gradual emancipation in several European states. But their ultimate aim of total revolution was not manifest until the Revolution of 1848, which sought to impose bourgeois capitalist Liberalism as a major political movement that would lead to the institution of a socialist republic. The latter goal was achieved after the Paris Commune of 1871 when the Third Republic was established, and French society was henceforth marked by the separation of Church and State.

The real aims of all Masonic republics were to destroy monarchies, abolish Christianity from the education of the public, and to convert the people into a proletariat that could easily be made to serve the ambitions of Judah. Based on Bernard Lazare’s work L’Antisémitisme, son histoire et ses causes (Anti-Semitism: Its History and Its Causes) (1894), the religious subversion of the Masons is related by Paulescu also to the Kulturkampf that Bismarck conducted against the Roman Catholic Church between 1872 and 1878 and to the Jules Ferry laws of 1882 that mandated secular education in France.

At the same time, Paulescu claims that “Jewish Socialism” works towards the dispossession of private property by a state that is essentially Jewish in its composition and interests. These false socialist movements were crystallized in the doctrines of the Jew Karl Marx. And they were bolstered in their subversive agenda by the Anarchists, who constituted the more murderous and iconoclastic elements of the several revolutions that sprang up in Europe from 1848 onwards.

Paulescu then goes on to examine the subversive socialist role of Masonry in various European countries such as their support of the Templars in Romania and the Young Turks in Turkey. In France, they focused on the destruction of Christianity in the nation by eliminating it from public education and the military establishment. This anti-clericalism was especially strong in the regime of the Jew Léon Gambetta, President of the Council of Ministers[7] between 1881 and 1882, who declared “Le cléricalisme, voilà l’ennem” (Clericalism is the enemy). Thus the attacks on the clergy were regularized and Christian education was replaced by a secular education which was made free and compulsory in the nation. This in turn fostered atheistic doctrines, such as those of Darwin, and a general contempt for the Christian Church. Even the Latin language was deposed as a language of learning since it had been the language of the Church.

By positing a world constituted of matter and energy alone the Masonic-Marxist revolutions succeeded in repudiating the notions of the soul and of God on which Christian civilization had been based. As Drumont had already pointed out, whereas Christianity stresses love and charity, Masonry has a distinctive contempt for, and hatred of, poverty. Thus, Paulescu is arguing that by steadily obliterating the Christian doctrines of compassion and charity and enlarging the worldly possessions and power of the Jews, Masonry has finally accomplished in post-Revolutionary Europe what the Talmud has striven to achieve from the very first centuries of the Christian era.




GusNote: This isn't new as the ORIGINAL works are more than 100 years old with a new introduction. The works make allegations that may be true or not, but much of it has been confirmed by the behaviour of the Israeli governments and their lobbying of Washington and European governments. These governments are all caught with their own divisions exploited by the Jews, who push the "victim syndrome" to the hilt, when they commit half the crimes — often on our behalf.






FFREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

the underhand of YHWH…..


BY Gordon Duff


Few understand much about the Ukraine War. The Neocon staged coup in 2014 and the subsequent war, Ukrainian gangsters and NATO against the civilian population of the two regions that refused to accept the NATO takeover, was systematically eradicated from all reporting.

Israel has used this same method, broad control of the press while comfortably engaging in decades of war crimes is quite familiar.

In fact, it was Israel that put the Neocons in power in Washington. It was Israel that directed the 2014 coup and Israel behind the scenes in Syria, dictating US policy, the secret US/Israel/Saudi Arabia partnership with ISIS and al-Qaeda (both banned in Russia).


A Touch of History

Those few that risk naming names and point fingers at those really guilty see a historical pattern. Ukraine is, in actuality, made up largely of the ancient Jewish kingdom of Khazaria. In fact, the vast majority of Jews in Israel and around the world have no Semitic genes but are rather of the Indo-Turkish Khazarian peoples.

That kingdom was established in the 8th Century, and it is Khazarians, fleeing the Mongols and Huns, which made up the entirety of the Jewish population of Europe.

There was absolutely no immigration from Judea and Samaria to Europe, certainly not to Germany, Poland or Hungary, not before 1500 and not afterward as well.

There are no “Ashkanazi.” That’s just another fairy tale.

That said, a valid explanation of what we are seeing and fighting over today is the Zionist expression of Upper and Lower Khazaria, meaning Ukraine and Israel.

But rather than looking at these are a “restoration” of a Turkish people who chose the Jewish religion, something far darker is at hand.

What we have is “ground zero” for centuries old organized crime, all powerful, its hands in every cookie jar, its tentacles reaching every capitol.


The Lie Machine

Media disinformation regarding the root cause still dominates. Even alleged “pro-Russian” pundits damn Ukraine but fail to touch on those involved behind the scenes.

This “blindness” is pervasive and those who charm and entertain do so without touching on meaningful truth. Those who violate this cardinal rule get the bone saw or worse, if worse exists.

After 150 days of the current conflict in Ukraine, a detailed analysis of the players has made one thing clear, there would be no war, no insane expansion of NATO to the gates of Moscow without a “full court press” by Israel and its powerful lobby in the US.

Thus, when looking at who to blame, the “usual suspects,” big oil, the banks or even the shadowy “military-industrial complex” gets the nod from the tame and controlled.

The truth? The mob and their armies of hedge fund managers trained by Israeli intelligence run the defense giants, they run the tech giants, they run the press and their very special “uncles” control the world’s currencies.

Time and time again, when tracing back not just fabricated atrocities but the full-blown cooperation between Western media and Ukraine’s intelligence services, there is always one result.

The media war on Russia is run from Israel.

Leading the way are traditional lie machines long experienced at defending an apartheid state and damning the victims such as Newsweek, the New York Times, the BBC, the Guardian, the Daily Beast, CNN and the worldwide Mossad run Murdoch/Greenbaum/Maxwell organization.

Behind them, AIPAC uses its immense political muscle, backed by the MEGA billionaires to dominate America’s corrupt political fundraising game, long exposed by Robert David Steele, CIA whistleblower.

They funded the Maidan coup in 2014 and the Trump coup attempt in 2021. The control America’s courts and they do the same in Great Britain and across the EU.

Congress, the Pentagon and the White House are simply “middle management” in their efforts to enforce a chaotic world order of poverty and oppression.

They rule Britain through Freemasonry and a long history of blackmail that was only touched on before the massive coverup of the “News of the World” Murdoch scandal exposed Britain as a Zionist client state.



There is much more to be learned from the “war of lies” than the battlefield. Simply put, in a world where national leaders and nation states themselves are little more than theatrical constructs, the media’s ability to sell false narratives is doomed to fail.

The power of the media is no longer absolute and there is a good reason. For years the “masters of the universe” worked to “dumb down” generation after generation” in America, pushing public focus on issues like transgenderism, birth control or fake terrorism.

Then they spice it up with fund raising events, generally mass shootings that seldom pass the “sniff test.” Gunmen are often police informants or carefully groomed “lone gunmen” who go on their shooting rampages often helped directly by police or aided by police “stand downs.”

To understand a “stand down,” think of 9/11 when that supposed jet airliner was heading toward the Pentagon while it was tracked minute by minute until impact. Do note that well before 9/11, the Pentagon was protected not only by air defense systems, but also by Stinger missiles deployed on the roof (like the White House) and, of course, by the largest air force in the world.

The Ukraine War takes things to new levels, however. One minute, the Zelenskyy forces are driving Russia to the Sea of Japan and then hours later the Russians capture a new city.

No one asks a question and there is no accusation of fakery as there is no one who can report them, no one not cleansed from the airwaves or internet by Google or the US Department of Justice.

In suicidal misjudgment, the Western media began spreading fake atrocity stories from day one, Russia “rape gangs,” and, of course, every bomb or shell hit an orphanage or maternity hospital.

We watched it play out in Ukraine in 2014 when snipers trained at the massive CIA gulag complex in Poland unleashed one of its terror brigades in a theatrical coup against an elected government in Ukraine.

In Poland, the CIA has 11,000 acres, some of it a secret prison with adjacent mass graves, leftovers from the fake “war on terror” as well as “Gladiator Schools” for ultra-nationalist/Nazi extremists who “serve” in every nation in Europe as a NATO “fifth column” against itself.

Yes, this is the world you live in.

NATO began destroying Europe half a century ago with Operation Gladio, a marriage between the Freemason “Mafia” and terror groups like Black September, Bader Meinhof and the Red Brigades.

These CIA constructs were soon to be joined by others of the same ilk, ISIS (terrorist organization, banned in Russia) and, of course the old standby, “al Qaeda” (also banned in Russia).

Africa got Boko Harum (banned in Russia), al-Shabaab and others.


Killing America

Perhaps the biggest victim, one generally ignored, is the United States.

The battle against the US began with 9/11, after years of planning, gaining control of any and all organizations that might impede the operation, Pentagon, White House and, of course, the Department of Justice.

Later those responsible would create the Department of Homeland Security as a mechanism for controlling it all, an empire built on fake intelligence, fake news and Snowden’s “surveillance state.”

A vital aspect of the “shell game” being played deeply parallels the effort made in Ukraine.

The same Americans and Israeli Americans that nazified Ukraine began the same process in the US under the guise of Christian Nationalism and “conservatism.”

In order to keep the money flooding in, the fake “freedom” movement moved further and further into Naziism, pushing a racists agenda but always pleasing big oil, big pharma, Wall Street, the war lobby, big polluters and the corporate greed gang.

Though painfully obvious, no pundit will report this, no whistles are blown and any voice that speaks up is shouted down by the totally controlled “liberal press” which really isn’t “liberal” at all.

Making things even worse, the world never sees what Americans think or believe as the biggest lies of all are those that misrepresent Americans as woefully ignorant and angry and fully in support of the false narrative, they are fed.

This is far from the case, particularly involving Russia and Ukraine. Efforts to put Zelenskyy in military garb are comic at best.

Still the Israel lobby and its press assets keep a continual flow of anti-Putin stories going and, using their stranglehold on Wikipedia (banned in Russia), Google’s search engines, Twitter and Facebook, any attempts worldwide to learn the truth leads to a spiraling descent into black propaganda.

In the US, the recent hearings over the January 6 coup attempt have revealed that the United States Secret Service was fully complicit in the try to overthrow the government.

An organization that had, for its existence, covered up personal failings of American leaders began, after 9/11, in taking part in trafficking children to the Bush (43) White House (direct sources) and, under Trump, being invited in as full partners in a much-broadened version of that effort.



Then there is this other mysterious issue, Trump’s extremely strange and divergent, even purposefully self-defeating COVID effort that led to one million American deaths.

While claiming COVID would simply go away, Trump poured endless millions in vaccine development and billions more into failed treatments and other ramshackle schemes.

Billions were stolen, much by Trump family members but more by the MEGA billionaires who created companies just to absorb untraceable COVID cash.

Nothing new here, we must remember how Dick Cheney’s Halliburton Corporation, an oil company, was feeding American military in Iraq at prices exceeding New York’s finest Michelin rated eateries.

Then we also remember how they supplied drinking water, unfiltered, pumped straight out of the sewage fed Euphrates River. No one was ever allowed to investigate; no lawsuits were allowed for Typhoid and Diphtheria outbreaks among American “war fighters.”

With COVID new games were tried out with MEGA billionaires pouring cash into anti-lockdown efforts, support by endless Israeli financed pundits telling Americans that vaccinations and masks actually cause disease.

These same pundits, for cash of course, disputed ties between cigarettes and cancer, fracking and poisoned drinking water and the dangers of poorly run nuclear power plants.

Is there something “Israeli” about loving pollution?

Then again, when did Israel fall in love with Naziism? Israeli oligarchs funded Azov and Aidar (banned in Russia) and Israel trained their fighters.

Then again, Israel has never had a bad experience with al Qaeda or ISIS (both banned in Russia) as well.



The issue is one of facing reality.

It doesn’t matter what Americans believe or think as the electoral process disappeared long before Donald Trump came on the scene. Rare candidates that were allowed to enter office with some shred of decency were quickly murdered or, as with Jimmie Carter, destroyed by a federal reserve shut down of the money supply and an Iranian hostage issue orchestrated by the CIA and George H.W. Bush and his “October Surprise.”




Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.









"The Age of Deceit" and follow on


clear as sunrise/sunset….


the USA wind-up the stakes, forcing the russians to go further west and more ukrainians will die…..

 (see cartoon)


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