Sunday 9th of March 2025

the comic crowd at the theatre tonight — by thomas brown…….

THE Play-House is an Inchanted

Island, where nothing appears

in Reality what it is, nor what it

should be. 'Tis frequented by Persons

of all Degrees and Qualities

whatsoever, that have a great deal of

Idle Time lying upon their Hands,

and can't tell how to employ it worser.


Here Lords come to Laugh, and

to be Laugh'd at for being there, and

seeing their Qualities ridicul'd by every

Triobolary Poet. Knights come

hither to learn the Amorous Smirk,

the Ala mode Grin, the Antick Bow,

the Newest-Fashion'd Cringe, and how

to adjust his Phiz, to make himself as

Ridiculous by Art, as he is by Nature.


Hither come the Country Gentlemen

to shew their Shapes, and trouble

the Pit with their Impertinence

about Hawking, Hunting, and their

Handsome Wives, and their House-wifery.

There sits a Beau like a Fool in a

Frame, that dares not stir his Head,

nor move his Body, for fear of incommoding

his Wig, ruffling his Cravat,

or putting his Eyes, or Mouth

out of the Order his Maitre de Dance

had set it in, whilst a Bully Beau comes

Drunk into the Pit, Screaming out,


Dam me, Jack, 'tis a Confounded Play,

let's to a Whore and spend our time better.

Here the Ladies come to shew their

Cloaths, which are often the only

things to be admir'd in or about 'em.

Some of them having Scab'd, or Pimpled

Faces, wear a Thousand Patches

to hide them, and those that have

none, scandalize their Faces by a Foolish

imitation. Here they shew their

Courage by being unconcerned at a

Husband being Poison'd, a Hero being

Kill'd, or a Passionate Lover being

Jilted: And discover their Modesties

by standing Buff at a Baudy Song, or

a Naked Obscene Figure. By the

Signs that both Sexes hang out, you

may know their Qualities or Occupations,

and not mistake in making

your Addresses.


Men of Figure and Consideration,

are known by seldom being there,

and Men of Wisdom and Business, by

being always absent. A Beau is

known by the Decent Management of

his Sword-Knot, and Snust-Box. A

Poet by his Empty Pockets: A Citizen

by his Horns and Gold Hatband:

A Whore by a Vizor-Mask: And a

Fool by Talking to her. A Play-House

Wit is distinguish'd by wanting

Understanding; and a Iudge of Wit

by Nodding and Sleeping, till the falling

of the Curtain, and Crowding to

get out awake him.


I have told you already, that the

Play-House was the Land of Enchantment,

the Country of Metamorphosis,

and performed it with the greatest

speed imaginable. Here in the Twinkling

of an Eye, you shall see Men

transform'd into Demi-Gods: And

Goddesses made as true Flesh and

Blood, as our Common Women. Here

Fools by Slight of Hand, are converted

into Wits. Honest Women into

Errant Whores, and which is most miraculous,

Cowards into Valiant Hero's,

and Rank Coquets and Iilts into as

Chaste and Vertuous Mistresses, as a

Man would desire to put his Knife



Let us now speak a Word or so, of

the Natives of this Country, and the

Stock of Wit and Manners by which

they Maintain themselves, and Ridicule

the whole World besides. The

People are all somewhat Whimsical,

and Giddy-Brain'd: When they Speak,

they Sing, when they Walk, they

Dance, and very often do both when

they have no mind to it.


The Stage has now so great a share of

Atheism, Impudence, and Prophaneness,

that it looks like an Assembly of

Demons, directing the Way Hellward;

and the more Blasphemous the Poets

are, the more are they admired, even

from Huffing Dryden, to Sing-Song

Durfey, who always Stutters at Sence,

and speaks plain when he Swears G—Dam

me. What are all their New Plays

but Damn'd Insipid Dull Farces, confounded

Toothless Satyr, or Plaguy

Rhiming Plays, with Scurvy Heroes,

worse than the Knight of the Sun, or

Amadis de Gaul. They are the errantest

Plagiaries in Nature, and like

our Common News-Writers, Steal from

one another.


When any Humour Takes in London,

they Ride it to Death before they

leave it. The Primitive Christians

were not Persecuted with half that

Variety, as the poor Unthinking

Beaux are tormented with upon the



Character they supply with a Smutty

Song, Humour with a Dance, and Argument

with Lightning and Thunder,

which has often reprieved many a

Scurvy Play from Damning.

A Huge great Muff, and a Gaudy

Ribbon hanging at a Bully's Back∣side,

is an Excellent Jest; and New

Invented Curses, as Stap my Vitals,

Damn my Diaphragma, Slit my Wind-Pipe;

Rig up a New Beau, tho' in

the Main 'tis but the same everlast∣ing

Coxcomb; and there's as much

difference between their Rhimes, and

Solid Verse, as between the Royal

Psalmist, and Hopkins and Sternhold,

with their Collars of Ay's and Eeke's

about them.


'Tis a hard Matter to find such

things as Reason, Sense, or Modesty,

among them; for the Mens Heads

are so full of Musick, that you can

have nothing from them but empty

Sounds; and the Women are so Light,

they may easily be blown up or down

like a Feather.


Serious and Comical: In Prose and ..., Volume 3

By Thomas Brown


To the Right Honourable





the devil is here to pay….


Vecna is the main villain in the new season of Netflix's horror hit 'Stranger Things', portrayed by Jamie Campbell Bower. One of the most interesting and terrifying things about his character is that no VFX was used to bring the scary villain to life.

Actress Millie Bobby Brown burst into tears when she saw Jamie Campbell Bower's Vecna suited up on set - that's how disturbing his suit was.

In an interview with Variety, Bower said that Brown, who plays Eleven in the series, looked appalled by his look, as his character was created largely with the help of practical effects.


“They brought her up into a position where she’s bound. I walked up to her [as Vecna] and she burst into tears. She wouldn’t look at me and she was visibly just disgusted by the whole thing," he said. "After she cried and I made it obvious that she knew it was me, one of the things she said was that, ‘I knew it was you when I could smell cigarettes,’ because I’m a smoker."


In another interview with the outlet, Bower said that he would be "just fervently going through it and building it and it was a lot", with Brown telling him that he was "a freak".


“She was terrified, like, literally terrified, and when she saw Vecna, she burst into tears and she said, ‘That’s not my friend. I don’t know who this person is anymore. Where’s he gone?'” Bower recalled.


The actor portrays a horrifying creature birthed by the Upside Down - a sinister underworld in the fictional town of Hawkins. Vecna is a large zombie-like monster with vines sprouting from his spine and horrendous veins riddling through his disfigured body. Naturally, the actor's final look on set was more than unsettling, given that ‘Stranger Things’ directors the Duffer brothers decided that Vecna will be created with practical effects.

In order to make the villain look as real and scary as possible, Bower had to spend hours with make-up artists as they adjusted 25 pieces of latex and silicone rubber material to his body via a medical adhesive. The only thing in Vecna that was created with the help of CGI was the vine extensions coming out of his body.

In total, the actor's transformation took seven and a half hours, plus 10-12 hours of filming a day.

'Stranger Things' has become a cult phenomenon, with season four wrapping up on 1 July after already breaking the Nielsen streaming record to score 7.2 billion minutes watched in one week.






The industry of entertainment is sadly amusing for the way it captures audiences and make them pay...... Note the poster in the image at top, as well as the spewing fellow and the lady "smelling salts".... With the new cabled play houses, you can do all this and more in the comfort of your own abode.


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