Tuesday 15th of October 2024

justice for all....

Syria grants amnesty for terrorist crimes…

Damascus, Apr 30 (Prensa Latina) Syrian President Bashar al-Assad promulgated a Legislative Decree granting pardon to perpetrators of terrorist crimes committed before April 30th, 2022.


The amnesty does not cover those violations of the law that led to the death of a human being, as stipulated in the Anti-Terrorist Law No. 19 of 2012 and the Penal Code issued by Legislative Decree No. 148 of 1949 and its amendments, as detailed by the Telegram channel of the Syrian Presidency, nor does it affect the personal right, since the injured party may file a lawsuit before the competent civil court.




Leniency isn’t a new thing. Being magnanimous, altruistic or vicious has long been the privilege of those in power.


Meanwhile, the rule of lenity, also called the rule of strict construction, is a principle of criminal statutory interpretation that requires a court to apply any unclear or ambiguous law in the manner that is most favourable to the defendant.


Thus, a federal pardon in the United States is the action of the President that completely sets aside the punishment for a federal crime to one of his “friend”. The authority to take such action is granted to the president by the U.S. Constitution. A pardon is one form of the clemency power of the president, the others being commutation of sentence, remission of fine or restitution, and reprieve. A person may decide not to accept a pardon, in which case it does not take effect…. According to a Supreme Court majority opinion in Burdick v. United States a pardon "carries an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it.”


So. here we are in the American bowels of crimes versus punishment, in which a million interpretations can  interfere — making the punishment a very difficult decision for any judge in a system, in which circumstances — political and otherwise — lead to a so-called criminal behaviour which first has to be defined as such. 


For example, it should be obvious to any journalist THAT ASSANGE NEVER COMMITTED A CRIME, even in relation to a 1914 espionage law, but the political masters of the system demand a punishment for Assange exposing the truth of their shenanigans — a truth which was exploited by many publications — not so much for being THE TRUTH, but because for them it was a voyeurism exercise into the morons who lead us as they wish, because many of us are part of the moronic tribe and wish to be moronically led. There should be an explosion of anger and a revolution of journalistic power to expose the injustice towards Assange. There is not.


All we get from most of the media is the bland rehash history of the case according to the biased courts — not THE OUTRAGE WE ALL SHOULD FEEL and feel.


In this case, the media is lenient towards the perpetrators — THE GOVERNMENTS (US, UK, Australia) — because…. the media are getting favours from engrossing themselves to the crookery of officialdom — favours that stink of the dungs of Empire on which feed the media barons, Soros and Murdoch.


So, to the relief of many, there has been a resolved kerfuffle in San Francisco… Judge Chesa Boudin — a Democrat — has been booted out of his San Francisco District Attorney job on 7th June 2022, in a second attempt “recall election”…


BOUDIN was VERY lenient on crime. Crime in San Francisco tripled under his DA leadership. This “leadership” was racially and WOKE inspired by Soros apparently. Soros also supports most lenient judges in other jurisdictions.


So far, possibly on racial social mix, only San Francisco has recalled its “progressive” Soros-backed DA. Many other places have one: St. Louis (Kim Gardner), Illinois (Kim Foxx), Philadelphia (Larry Krasner), Portland/Multnomah County (Mike Schmidt), and Los Angeles (George Gascón). 


But none of these jurisdictions has an Asian population nearly as large as San Francisco’s: 36 percent. Also, San Francisco is only 5.6 percent black and 15.2 percent Hispanic. Every other place with a Soros-backed District Attorney has more blacks, more Hispanics, or more of both.

Asians may not be reliably conservative, but it looks like they can be a valuable ally, in fighting the worst of woke judge leniency — considering that many crimes in San Francisco were against Asians.


So what is this all about? Is crime so bad in the US? Hum… The US could be defined as the centre of criminal activity in the world. Worse but more discreet than Mexico? A friend who came back from San Francisco earlier this year, commented that the US and Americans were MAD. Completely loony. It’s dangerous CRIMINAL FREEDOM… Freedom in the USA is criminal…


And this is not just on the “woke progressive” side, but the ultra-neocons are in the crime business as well. The US laws are so convoluted that they act against true criminals like barbed wire stops the wind. The only thing caught in there are the dregs, the debris, the old chips-wrappers that have no effect on the price of fish, any more as to where the rich and famous poop. Is this why the Johnny Depp versus his former wife was so captivating for the loonies? Haven’t they got something better to do than camp outside the courtroom for five days to get a seat in the gallery?…


It’s also like young Whatizname, barely 17, who goes on the street with a gun and shoots a couple of unarmed neo-nazis, in self defence… The Justice applauds … Now, in Ukraine, our mate Putin is trying to get rid of the nazis and we deplore…. There a strong sense of hypocrisy in our choice of fascists…


An interesting foray needs to be made into the British Union of Fascists (BUF). Long forgotten and defunct by 1940, this political venture was basically against the (still-operating) Lord-controlled political system of the United Kingdom. So instead of being right-wing, these were more or less on the socialist spectrum, like in Germany and Italy despite the nastiness of their leaders. Many participants in the BUF were WOMEN.


They were drawn to the BUF for a variety of reasons. Many felt the movement's energy reminded them of the suffragettes, while others felt the BUF's economic policies would offer them true equality – unlike its continental counterparts, the movement insisted it would not require women to return to domesticity and that the corporatist state would ensure adequate representation for housewives, while it would also guarantee equal wages for women and remove the marriage bar that restricted the employment of married women. 


The BUF also offered support for new mothers (due to concerns of falling birth rates), while also offering effective birth control, as Oswald Mosley, the BUF leader, believed it was not in the national interest to have a populace ignorant of modern scientific knowledge. Some cynics would say that these policies were motivated more out of making the best use of women's skills than any kind of feminism… The BUF was still a draw for many suffragettes.


Today, if one analyses the woke, it appears that the freedom afforded to gays, lesbian and the rest of sexed-displaced humans, go against feminism and women in general, in a not so a discreet way. Is the woke a new form of fascism? Nothing against LGBTi, but we need to be aware of the disproportionate militancy of the organism in which everyone else seems to be perceived as deviant for being hetero. This movement has not been well-received in Europe. France, where even objects are feminine or masculine by traditions, one would not go to eliminate femininity — itself representing France through Marianne.


One has to say that the human gene pool is weak and uncertain. Much about this subject can be found on this website… and our foray into genetics isn’t going with nature.


In the footsteps of yet another mass murder in the USA, considering that a much larger of the huge prison population is “black”, considering that white do as much crime proportionally, the US justice system is slanted at the whim of a constipated sheriff, at the mercy of a lenient judge, under the impression that everything done inside and outside the USA is a blessing on the planet and at the service of a debonaire president (who at best is a devious nutty president). 


So we accuse Putin of being anti-gay etc… He is not. He is against the militancy which overpowers the social fabric and pollutes the mind of toddlers.


Some nasty people propose that this woke thing is coming from some sad Jews who, having lost a “bit of themselves” after birth, when the rabbi cuts their foreskin off, are taking revenge on the rest of the world… I would not go there. This dissertation is about JUSTICE and we know how fond of justice, the Jews are.


So back to the justice system in the USA…

In November 2020, Boudin lobbied New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to commute the 75-year-to-life prison sentence of his father David Gilbert, the last member of Weather Underground still incarcerated for their involvement in the 1981 Brink's robbery and three related murders. His mother Kathy Boudin had spent 22 years in prison for her role in the 1981 Brink's robbery and the murders before she was released in 2003. The effort to release his father was led by CUNY School of Law professor Steve Zeidman (a jew, like Boudin?) and supported by 45 faith leaders including Ela Gandhi, Bernice King, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. They cited Gilbert's clean prison record and increased COVID-19 risk in prison as arguments for his clemency. Relatives of the murder victims contested the appeal, questioning why Gilbert deserved attention when inmates with lesser convictions did not. On August 24, his final night as governor of New York, Cuomo commuted Gilbert's sentence, making him eligible to apply for parole. He was granted parole on October 26, 2021 and released on November 4, 2021.


It pays to be a “progressive” judge in San Francisco — now on his arse FOR HAVING BEEN UNJUST. He can kiss his daddy now…


Nothing against “PROGRESSIVISM” and equality, but one need to see the tentacles of any political or religious beast with an -ism in it… and in which contrary favours can be given.


Meanwhile, Assad’s leniency is remarkable. Let's hope the UK and the US be more than linient and apply justice for all and free Assange forthwith.



Justicerer of the kitchen kind.




polish the turd, please......

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US President Joe Biden in a private meeting with the media pushed reporters to cover his administration more favorably, Politico reported, citing multiple sources familiar with the off-the-record discussion.

Biden during his session with the media criticized the quality and tone of their coverage of the administration, the report said late on Wednesday. Biden pushed journalists to focus more on areas in which he believes the administration has seen success, such as the job market.

According to the outlet, the president and his family are growing increasingly frustrated that he is not getting the kind of generally more positive coverage that they believe he deserves, and that too much attention is focused on staff turnover and low approval ratings rather than a robust jobs market and America's relatively strong economic recovery.

Biden and his team are experimenting with new strategies to change the dominant storylines, in addition to privately pressing reporters. Attempts to recast the narrative around concerns such as inflation are among them. In recent days, his staff published opinion pieces under the president's byline in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, aiming to communicate his foreign policy vision and roadmap to decrease consumer costs.

More to those efforts, the White House has recently used celebrity endorsements to improve the administration's image. Visits by Korean pop group sensation BTS and Oscar-winning actor Matthew McConaughey have resulted in significant increases in media coverage.

Biden is even reportedly set to make his second visit to a late-night show since taking office, and his first in-person, next Wednesday on "Jimmy Kimmel Live!"

The White House has previously dismissed criticism of Biden’s press accessibility, arguing that Biden often engages spontaneously with reporters to take questions and composes opinion pieces to outline his agenda, the report added.










FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW ####################

mexican waving……..

In light of the threatening extradition of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, to the United States, on espionage charges, Mexico’s President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador has reiterated today his offer to grant asylum to the cyber-activist and called for no conspiratorial action to be taken against him. At the Press-Conference this morning at the National Palace, the President was asked about the Assange’s case after the British judiciary made it possible for his extradition in April last year.
  “We are for his release because he is a politically persecuted person. It is a shame that a person who makes public valuable information, in which corruption cases, governmental crimes and everything which the elite secretly does, suddenly comes to light due to their investigations and the person who publishes this information, is punished because he allegedly violated confidential affairs,” emphasised the President. Above all, he stressed, the core of the complaint should be to show – based on the information revealed by Assange – what he called “extremely serious interference” in government affairs and of all kinds (by the United States).
  “The journalist is convicted, he should be given his freedom, and – if he wishes – he, his family, his lawyers and friends could be given asylum in our country. That is our position and if there is a cooperation, it depends on them. I hope that all the elements will be taken into consideration and that they will not act conspiratorially in any way, rather that justice prevails” said López Obrador.
  He recalled that he himself and his movement “were harassed during the electoral fraud (of 2006) and in these reports (from WikiLeaks) all the information shows up, but it is not only in our case and we don’t know if in the world they don’t continue to do it.”  •

Source: https://www.jornada.com.mx/notas/2022/05/26/politica/reitera-lopez-obrador-ofrecimiento-de-asilo-a-assange/

(Translation Current Concerns)








FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW•••••••••••••••••