Monday 13th of January 2025

Our windbag against war is vain….

We cry for Argentina,

We cry for Ukraine,

But we don’t cry for Russians

Killed by neo-nazi Ukrainians,

Nor accept Russia’s Crimea.


Our windbag against war is vain

And does not feel real pain.



This is not very odd,

It’s in our Western blood

To hate all that is Russian

Far more than what was Prussian —

And now we love neo-nazi Ukrainians,

Under American rules-biased disorders.


Our windbag against war is vain

And does not feel real pain.



In this new cold war of anti-Russian


We betray 

Our humanity

With huge hypocrisy

Ringing from our tall belfry

Of vast Western propaganda and CIA —

Supporting the neo-nazi Ukrainian folly.


Our windbag against war is vain

And does not feel real pain.


As the ultimate desires of the Empire,

Those devious Americans, their plans are: —

Destroy Russia

And China.



                       — Robert Urbanoski






American fascism…….


BY Christopher Black


Actions have causes. That is a fundamental point of philosophy and of an understanding of the way the world is. Russia’s actions in Ukraine have causes, which necessitated those actions. Unbiased observers know what those causes are and why Russia’s special military operation was a necessary consequence. Russia laid the causes out clearly and what its actions in response would be some months ago; yet living in the what is termed the “West,” that is in the nations that make up the NATO alliance, the causes are hidden from the people and Russia’s actions portrayed as gratuitous and “evil.”

This suppression of the facts, the distortions, the intense propaganda employed by the NATO governments and their handmaidens in the mass media to manipulate opinion and emotions also has causes which are not difficult to determine, the roots of which extend deep into the history of colonialism that arose in Europe as a consequence of the expansion of European technological and therefore military power in the 16th century; enabling them to travel long distances in their ships in search of markets and resources to exploit, riches to steal, and slaves to command.

The European egocentric and ignorant view of themselves as the superior beings of the world, which arose out of their ignorance of the world and the dogmatism of the Catholic Church, and the later promotion by the Protestants of the individual as all important, instead of the collective society, which denied the identity of each with all and with nature, created a society that regarded others as outside them, and so were not of them, but instead things to be used and exploited just as they have used and exploited the planet as a whole.

The rapid spread of European destruction, from the conquest of Mexico and the slaughter of millions there to the subjugations and exterminations of peoples all over North and Central and South America, Africa, India, reaching to Asia, Australia and the islands of all the seas, led first by Spain and Portugal, then Britain and France, The Netherlands, and other nations, from 1500 to the 1770’s, led to a cloud of misery descending onto the peoples who were unfortunate enough to have something they wanted.

The British colonial project resulted in the creation of the United States of America, founded by British colonists who regarded the individual as paramount and riches their goal in life; who regarded human life as nothing more than a tool for enrichment or an impediment to be eliminated. This society, as soon as it was created began its wars of conquest and slaughter across the continent and then in the 19th century attempted to take Canada, then Mexico and other regional states under its control.

After most of the world that could be colonised fell under colonial domination with the seizure of more colonies by Britain, Germany, France and Belgium from Africa to Indo-China, the United States turned on its rival imperialist powers, the first being Spain, whose colonies were seized by the USA in the Spanish-American War of 1898 which was begun on a pretext as is usually the case in American wars.

The stresses of the competition between the USA and among the European colonial powers as the 20th century dawned led to the Great War of 1914-18 in which western imperialism reached its heights as the USA emerged as the most powerful of the colonial-imperialist powers while Britain and France were bankrupted, even though Britain took over the German colonies in Africa.

In the 1930’s, with most of the planet now colonised by these powers and with Japan rising as a colonial power in Asia, with Italy trying to regain control over parts of Africa, and all of them having to face the new political reality of socialism with the creation of the Soviet Union which blocked the ability of western capital to exploit Russia and all the lands of Asia, social discontent as a world depression set in.

Markets had become saturated from over-production, production and distribution plummeted, communism became the defender of the working people and oppressed, threatening the rule of capital everywhere. A violent reaction set in. For the industrial-financial capital of the western powers war was the only way out of their dilemma, in their twisted logic, destruction in order to rebuild, mass murder of millions to save a degraded society. Fascism rose out of the discontent as a means to channel that discontent against the progressive forces of the people and in support of capital and any and all violence was acceptable to achieve their aims. Morality is something that comes from within; actions follow character. The combined west, its entire society, revealed in the 1930s and 1940s that it has no morality and never will have. They care for no one but themselves and are capable of anything to advance their will to power.

The vast wealth that was taken from the colonial possessions to support the ruling classes and to keep the working population from rebelling against their masters is well documented. The colonial possessions were essential to maintain their wealth and their power. Their loss proved time and again to be a disaster as was the case when Spain lost its colonies, when Britain lost India and its empire collapsed shortly thereafter. France fought ruthless wars to try to maintain its empire even after claiming to fight for liberty of the world’s peoples in the 1940s. But of course, France had its divisions in the SS when the Nazis invaded the USSR in 1941.

The ruling classes of the imperial powers in the 30’s began a campaign to discredit socialism, and made plans to carve up the world among their select group whose members would share in the spoils. The rise of fascism in Italy, then Germany, France, Spain and in the USA and Britain during the 30’s was due to the decision to use any and all methods to secure their control over the world. Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco, were given support in Europe by the industrial and financial capital. Japan was encouraged to attack Russia and China. Fascism was the reaction of the pending collapse of the west to try to save itself in a desperate and futile attempt that continues today.

This is perhaps a long way to get to my point, which is that the hatred, the bigotry, the propaganda now expressed against Russia as it defends itself against NATO aggression, and defends the peoples of the Donbass republics against the fascists placed in power in Ukraine by the NATO coup of 2014, is a continuation of the path of western history that extends back centuries; a path which has led the world to the destruction in a long list of regional wars and two world wars, and which threatens another today.

The road to war is a dead end for the West. It did not solve nor alleviate their situation in either of the world wars. And the defeat of fascist forces mainly by the Red Army in 1945 did not end fascism in the west. It just laid low, was unfashionable for a while, lurked in dark corners in Canada, the United States, Britain, France and Germany, in Australia and Japan and Latin America.

The west pretended for several decades that it was “democratic” but all the while undermined the sovereignty of nations, denied the right to self determination of peoples, did all it could to maintain their former colonial possessions under their yoke, and bamboozled their own citizens to maintain control. But now, with the economic decline of the west, due to many factors, including; the loss of cheap energy sources and impoverishment of their peoples through wars and theft, the rise of new nations as economic powers who cannot and will not be reduced to colonies, the bankruptcy of the United States that took place during the Vietnam War which led it to abandon the gold standard so it could just print money to pay its debts, the result of which we see in the inflationary spiral we now face, the financial-industrial elites of the west are again desperate to save themselves and once again, true to their character, are releasing the forces of fascism and militarism openly.

Many commentators claim the war in Ukraine, which has been going on since at least 2014, is an attempt by the USA and its allies to weaken Russia. But it is really a war by the desperate to stop their collapse, but which will only accelerate it. It has not weakened Russia, just as the pressures on China have not weakened it. It is the west that has been shown to be weak, ineffectual, morally bankrupt, lacking any leadership that has intelligence.

The more that becomes clear, the more desperate they become and so the hatred and hostility expressed becomes more intense. There is no doubt, they want to subjugate Russia for its resources and markets, and thereby control the world. Hitler had those dreams. The west supported him. They are supporting all the little Hitler’s in Ukraine and in their own countries now but the result for them will be the same.

The new wave of fascism cannot overcome the rock of progress and moral integrity, nor the will, of the people of Russia, of China, of Cuba, of Syria, Vietnam, Venezuela, Iran, of India and South Africa, of Egypt and Algeria, of the entire Middle East and Latin America, of Africa whose peoples are tired of colonialism and imperialism who see that the time of the West has come and gone as they rise to face the common challenges of the world. The struggle to defeat the fascists who control the west will be difficult and we face the risk of common destruction. But they will not succeed. They are not bleeding Russia dry in a war of attrition, as they like to claim. It is the USA and its allies that are being bled dry by their own decisions and actions. It is that which can make them dangerous for fascists are always dangerous. They must be stopped. They are our common enemy. Russia will stop them. We must support that struggle. Our own future and well being depends on it.



Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto. He is known for a number of high-profile war crimes cases and recently published his novel Beneath the Clouds. He writes essays on international law, politics and world events, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.









 Christopher Black In


Christopher Black


In September 2018 I wrote an essay about the brutal murder of Alexander Zakharchenko, the leader of the Donetsk Republic, by Kiev agents, backed by NATO, who was killed by a bomb on August 31 of that year, signalling the death of the Minsk Agreements and the inevitability of Russia’s special military operation to free Ukraine from the Nazi-NATO yoke.

That essay has been eliminated from Google and we can understand why, as on August 20, 2022, another Kiev bomb killed Darya Dugina, the daughter of Alexander Dugin, the Russian intellectual, in the Moscow region, after she accompanied her father to an event where he gave a lecture. So far as we know from reports, he survived the attack by choosing, at the last minute, to leave in another vehicle while his daughter drove home in the car in which they had arrived.

The Russian FSB has identified the murderess as Natalya Vovk, a member of the Kiev National Guard and, I understand, of the Nazi Azov Battalion, whose main elements were destroyed by Russian forces in Mariupol when they liberated the city. She was able to enter Russia using false identification and fake Donetsk licence plates, accompanied by her daughter to provide a cover, who both fled immediately after their murder of Dugina, to Estonia which they entered with Ukrainian licence plates; no doubt arranged with Estonia in advance, for which they will pay a price. The evidence against her and therefore Kiev and NATO involvement seems irrefutable.

This murder reveals several things; firstly it confirms the NAZI orientation and immorality of the Kiev regime, secondly it confirms that Kiev and NATO are so desperate with the on-going defeats of the Kiev military forces, that they have chosen the path of cowardice and the murder of anyone who speaks out against them, about which we should not be surprised since they have been murdering people in Ukraine since the NATO arranged coup in Ukraine in 2014, and on a mass scale. Finally, it confirms, yet once again, the hypocrisy of the combined West, who pretended to be angels of justice and vengeance when they alleged Russia attempted to murder the Skripals in the UK for instance, or Navalny in Russia, when it is clear Navalny was not poisoned at all and when it is also clear the British claims about the Skripals are equally fake. Yet they used those claims as a pretext to conduct economic war on Russia and to generate a tsunami of anti-Russian hate propaganda in all the western media with all sorts of crocodile tears and fake posturing about morality and the law.

And where are the Skripals anway? Are they dead or alive? It is likely they are dead, murdered by a UK and US death squad, as happened to Dr. Richard Kelly, in 2003, when he testified to a UK Parliamentary Committee about his role in a news report that the US and UK had made false claims of chemical weapons held by Iraq. He was murdered shortly afterwards and the British government claimed it was a “suicide.” Few believe it.

The Skripals would have an interesting tale to tell if, as many of us suspect, the British claims of a Russian attempt on their lives using a rare poison, were fabricated, and the whole drama staged as a pretext to intensify the economic and political war on Russia. No one has seen or heard from them for several years now. The Russian government has continually insisted on meeting them as has the family, but the Skripals have been disappeared. As journalist, John Helmer details in his series of reports on the issue, they have not even made an appearance at the on-going inquiry into that incident being conducted in Britain and the British government will not let anyone see or talk with them. So, it is likely they are held incommunicado or, worse, like Dr. Kelly, have been murdered as well.

Yet, what is the response in the West to the murder, by an agent of the West, of a Russian citizen, in Russia? No western government has yet denounced the crime, indicating their support and complicity in the murder and the reports in the western media are, more or less, justifying the murder by claiming, as if this can justify murder, that Alexander Dugin is some important advisor to President Putin. Whether he is or is not, I am not in a place to say, and it is irrelevant in any case. But that is their line, making the media also complicity in this murder. This is their morality; it is ok to murder friends of President Putin, even alleged friends. It is ok to murder Russians. And, of course, we have heard the calls in western capitals for the head of President Putin himself.

But what is the purpose of this murder? It appears to me, that the attempted assassination of Alexander Dugin and the murder of his daughter, who may have been the target according to the FSB, had two purpose; to send a message to the Russian government, and President Putin in particular and the message is clear, and to spoil Russia’s national flag day on August 22nd. We remember that both Alexander Dugin and his daughter were “sanctioned” by the West for their thoughts and statements. That was the first step towards the fate planned for them. These are the true “values” of the West; the suppression of speech and thought to the point of murder is condoned and advocated openly. Russia intends to raise the issue at the Security Council of the United Nations.

Europe is moving towards a form of pogrom against Russians, banning them from living there or even visiting. Faced with the defeat of the Kiev-NATO regime by Russian and Donbass Republic forces in Ukraine, the USA and its NATO gang of thugs have become desperate, so desperate that they are willing to throw their people into poverty and misery with the consequences of their economic warfare on Russia. 

Crushing Russia is more important to the globalist elites pushing this war than the lives and welfare of their own people. They can no longer make rational decisions. They are mired in the logic of war and are determined to pursue war against Russia, literally at all costs. The costs will be great, since Russia is clear in its objectives, sure of its place in history, confident in its ability to overcome any enemy, economically and militarily and is proving it on the ground in Ukraine, as it proved it before in Syria. 

Clausewitz said that “war is a pulsation of violence, variable in strength and therefore, variable in the speed with which it explodes and discharges it energy’ and that, “If we keep in mind that war springs from some political purpose, it is natural that the prime cause of its existence will remain the supreme consideration in conducting it.”

The prime cause of the war in Ukraine, the war against Russia is the decline of the combined West, economically, spiritually, culturally, a decline that is accelerating for all to see. The West I once knew, or thought I knew is dead, the west of the Enlightenment, of Reason, of Morality, a decline others have spoken about since the late 19th century, as observers of society and philosophers told us over and over what was happening to the lives of ordinary people which became dominated by the immorality of elites who care nothing for them, who control the state, and see their citizens only as a means to make money for themselves. 

We see in the war in Ukraine the expression of the Anglo-American-German political purpose: the desire to force Russia to submit to their will. They failed in World War I, which bankrupted Britain and most of Europe, and led the to the rise of fascism. The attempt failed again in World War II with catastrophic consequences for the world. Their third attempt to destroy Russia will also fail with similar consequences if they persist. 

The Russian state that rose from dark days of the 1990’s has gathered its strength and resolve once again and refuses to submit to any one’s diktats. With China, and its many other allies, all of whom have been the victims of western colonialism and brutality from the 19th century through to the present, Russia offers the world a return to international law and integrity, to the sovereignty of nations, respect for their cultures, for their own forms of democracy, an alternative to control by western global capital. 

The western colonial order is finally is being smashed and smashed it must be if we want the murders and chaos to stop. For the assassin’s bomb not only killed Darya Dugina, it also heralded the death of the West.



Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto. He is known for a number of high-profile war crimes cases and recently published his novel Beneath the Clouds. He writes essays on international law, politics and world events, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.





FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW........................

the fascistry of NATO......



Ending NATO and Correcting Stalin’s Mistake



By Batiushka for the Saker blog

‘To Hell with Washington’

Colonel Douglas Macgregor


Introduction: The Atlantic and Europe

Judging by its name, NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation was only ever about the USA and the UK, an agreement between Americans and the half-American Churchill. After all, what relevance does the ‘North Atlantic’ have to Baltic Germany or Mediterranean Italy, let alone to Aegean Greece and Black Sea Turkey? Even Spain and Portugal look towards the Caribbean and the South Atlantic, not to the North Atlantic. NATO is clearly an organisation that descended directly from the Atlantic Charter, made up by Roosevelt and Churchill in a bay off Newfoundland in 1941 (not even in the Atlantic), and then imposed on all the others.


The End of NATO

So, whatever was the North Atlantic doing in the foothills of the Himalayas, in Afghanistan? Apart from the fact that that was its greatest defeat (so far), just what was it doing there? And what is the North Atlantic, or at least parts of it, doing in the South China Sea? Surely there is a clue in the name – China? It belongs to China. Whatever are the US Navy and others doing there?

Surely, even the geographically-challenged Liz Truss, who wanted the whole world to be ruled by NATO, must have been thinking that it was time to rename NATO? Perhaps the Nazi American Tyranny Organisation? Like that you could keep the same initials. As the Saker has pointed out, the first NATO Secretary-General, the Indian-born colonial, General Hastings (1) Ismay, bluntly admitted that the purpose of NATO was ‘to keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down’ (2).

And as the Saker has explained: ‘Keep the Germans down’ means crush all Europeans who might be rivals to the Anglosphere’s control of Western Europe, and now control all of Europe, apart from the free Russian Lands. ‘Keep the Americans in’ means crush all European liberation movements, De Gaulle’s or any others. ‘Keep the Soviet Union out’ means destroy Russia, so that it does not liberate Europe from the tyranny of the Anglosphere. The latter is symbolised by the US and British flags that have been omnipresent, even on fashion items, T-shirts and jeans, ever since the 1960s. That is why true Europeans refuse to wear such items.

In reality, it is obvious that NATO should have been packed away on 1 July 1991, the day the Warsaw Pact was packed away. If it had been packed away in 1991, the NATO rout would have been avoided thirty years later in Afghanistan. Indeed, the fact that it was not packed away then is a tragedy which has cost millions of lives, especially all over the tragic Middle East, and today all over the tragic Ukraine.

Interestingly, the answer to the aggression and bullying of NATO (the American elite always bullies), the Warsaw Pact was named after the Capital of Poland. Ironically – and there is nothing so ironic as history – today it is in the Warsaws of the ‘New Europe’, far from the North Atlantic, that you will find the most fanatical latecomer-devotees of NATO. What is the significance of NATO?


The American Republic of Poland

The name ‘Poland’ is cognate with the English word ‘plain’, so ‘Poland’ literally means ‘fields’. In other words, there is no geographical barrier between the German Lands and the Russian Lands, which begin with today’s Belarus and the Ukraine. In other words, there is no geographical barrier between Berlin and Moscow. There is only a purely artificial political barrier. The two peoples, Poles and Russians, are genetic brothers and sisters. Theirs, like the confrontation between the genetic brothers, the Croats and Serbs, is a purely manmade one.

It is part of the Poles’ gigantic inferiority complex (imagine living among a lot of fields between Germany and Russia) to imagine that Russia is interested in conquering Poland. Russia is really not interested in Poland. So, I hear you say, why did Imperial Russia participate in the three late 18th century Prussian and Austrian partitions of Poland? Why did Molotov and Ribbentrop partition it? Why did Stalin occupy it?

The answer is always the same. When you have been invaded by Western Europe as often as Russia has, you need to create a buffer-zone to protect yourself. As geography does not change, the Tsars and the Bolsheviks were forced by the same Western aggression and jealousy into doing the same thing – protecting themselves and that meant Eastern or all of Poland. In this, Tsar Nicholas II was a lot more successful than the Bolsheviks. Thus, in World War I, the Germans and Austrians never got into Russia at all, getting stuck mainly in eastern Poland and Lithuania and causing fewer than 670,000 Russian victims in two and a half years of war. It was a different story in World War II, with the Germans reaching the Volga and forty times more victims, 27 million of them.

This is an explanation, not a justification. Some of my best friends are Polish: though they belong to the small minority of Poles who know all the above and know that Poland today is merely an American vassal. I think they probably also know that if ever a Pole were to win the Nobel Peace Prize, it would be for one who had led Poland into making peace with Russia, rather than making war. That would be a Pole who pulled the plug on the Americans, chased them out of Poland and declared independence. And he would do the same with the US-run EU, the United States of Europe. Now that is the sort of Polish patriotism (utterly different from Polish nationalism), of which I approve, as it is concerned with asserting Polish national identity, not destroying it.

Sadly, there are those in today’s Polish political elite and military who dream of wiping Russia off the map, like medieval Catholic crusaders. They are just as delusional as those crusaders were. The Poles do not realise that the Americans (and the British) will drop them (and the Ukrainians) like hot bricks, when it comes to crunch. Just as they did in 1945, even though the British claimed that they had gone to war in 1939 only for the sake of defending Poland. That too had been a lie. When will the Poles ever learn who their real friends are? As the Saker has said: ‘The US/NATO do not have the manpower or firepower needed to take on Russia in a conventional combined arms war. Any use of nuclear weapons will result in immediate retaliation’. Today at least 1 in 33 people in Poland are Ukrainian ‘refugees’. A lot of Poles are fed up with that invasion. It is putting a great strain on the country.


The Future

At this very moment NATO is being demilitarised in the Ukraine. Ironically, the Ukraine is officially a Non-NATO country and one that contains some of the most Polish-hating people in the world. The Ukrainians who live on the Polish border (Galicians) even invented a new religion so that they would not be Catholics like the Poles (or Orthodox like the Russians). It is called ‘Greek Catholicism’. A weirder and more artificial mixture than that you will not find. As the Russians say: ‘Neither fish, nor meat’. So what happens when NATO collapses? Let us go back into the history of the last century, so much of which involved Poland, from Nazi-devastated Warsaw to Soviet-liberated Auschwitz, from Wroclaw (Breslau) to Gdansk (Danzig).

By the start of 1917, World War I had lasted for two and a half years and Russia was only a few months away from total victory and liberating Vienna, Berlin and Istanbul. However, the British-organised February Revolution (the then British ambassador, Sir George Buchanan, was the Victoria Nuland of a century later) put paid to it. And the utterly incompetent but Anglophile aristocrats the British had chosen to run Russia opened the floodgates to the October Revolution. Without British meddling, there would have been no Poland which between 1919 and 1920 occupied most of Belarus and Western Ukraine and stayed there until 1939. And if Russian troops had entered Vienna, Berlin and Istanbul, there would have been no Austrian corporal who in 1939 created the second part of World War I. And so no US invasion of Western Europe in 1944. And so no Soviet troops entering Vienna and Berlin in 1945 with violence. And so no war for the liberation of the Ukraine today.

The Austrian intrigues which helped lead to World War I played into the hands of the French and the British and destroyed the Saint Petersburg-Berlin axis. This was tragic because Berlin is the real centre of Western and Central Europe and everything else falls into place behind it, including Paris. (All Germans have to do to ensure their de facto leadership is to flatter the vanity of the French elite and tell them how important they are, that is enough). For harmony between Berlin and Saint Petersburg means harmony all over Western, Central and the northern part of Eastern Europe. Leaving aside Western Europe, there are also whole parts of Eastern and Central Europe which Russia is not interested in, because those Eastern and Central European cultures are alien to the Russian mentality and closer to German history and culture. These include, obviously, ex-Protestant Eastern Germany, as well as ex-Catholic Poland (including a slither of what is for the moment the far western Ukraine), Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and northern Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as atheist Czechia.

Once you remove those countries from the equation, you come to those parts of Eastern Europe which Russia is interested in and feels closer to. These are: Belarus, the (Russian) Ukraine, the Baltics, Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, southern Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania, Greece, Cyprus. You will be able to see why they belong to the Russian cultural world if you have a look at Samuel Huntingdon’s map of ‘The Eastern Boundary of Western Civilization’ (sic) (3). As the ethnocentric Professor says: ‘Europe ends where Western Christianity ends’. Here Russia will not need to build a wall, put up barbed wire and cement tank traps. It has friends on the other side of the border.

This was Stalin’s mistake – to create a Russian buffer zone which included countries whose majority culture was alien to the Russian, as listed above, instead of only those countries towards the south and east, as listed above. As an atheist Stalin had no more time or understanding for religious and cultural distinctions than modern Americans. A pity. South-eastern Europe, the above list of countries, will once more enter into the Russian sphere of influence, but those to the north and west belong elsewhere, the German and so Western European sphere.


Conclusion: After NATO

As NATO continues its collapse, which began in Kabul in August 2021, it will be clear that the US cannot hold on to Europe, just as it cannot hold on to Asia. The NATO wars will soon be over [HOPEFULLY SAYS GUS]. NATO is being demilitarised and denazified now. In fact, it is being abolished now. Once the Berlin-Moscow axis has been re-established, the rest of Europe will follow, not into a Russian sphere of influence, but into an area which will want to form good relations with Russia, even the ex-American Republics of Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and American Britain. This is because behind Moscow, lies Beijing and indeed the whole of Eurasia. And all of Europe needs both Beijing and Moscow, Beijing for manufactured goods, Moscow for energy. Europe is to return to its roots, turning its back on transatlantic irrelevance and meddling. That is soon to be its past. As the good Colonel said: ‘To hell with Washington’.

24 November 2022





REPUBLISHED 24 December 2022:







by In

Britain is once again proving itself to be an unwavering warmongering power in the Ukrainian conflict, which wants nothing to do with a negotiated solution. It is mostly the Ukrainians who are paying the price.

New British Prime Minister Sunak has now warned against negotiating too quickly for a ceasefire. The head of government said that “ any unilateral request for a ceasefire from Russia is completely insignificant in the current context". Russia would use such a situation to reform itself, Sunak said Monday during a meeting with the heads of state and government of the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) in Riga. Until Russia withdraws, there cannot and should not be real negotiations. During the summit, Sunak also called for further arms deliveries to kyiv.

In recent months, the British government in particular had already positioned itself as a solid obstacle to any peace or negotiation solution. Swiss intelligence officer, NATO adviser and author of several books, Jacques Baud, recalled in October in a detailed interview with the independent American media portal that Ukraine had been actively prevented by the West from finding a negotiated solution at least three times since the war began in February, in two cases by the British government. In March, then British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a special trip to Kyiv to pressure Ukrainian President Zelensky and prevent a peace deal.

In another attempt, Turkish President Erdogan wanted to mediate. After traveling to Kyiv “unexpectedly,” Johnson made it clear at a press conference in Kyiv: “ No negotiations with the Russians. We have to fight. There is no room for negotiations with the Russians ».

source: In via Euro-Synergies



avoiding war....