Friday 17th of January 2025

of old people and wrong horrible american cartoons...

We, old people, are not allowed up ladders. At night, when we need to go to the bathroom every two hours, we have to hang on to things… It’s not uncommon that, by morning, old people are found lying on the floor of their nursing home bedroom, after a bad fall on the hard concrete surface at 2:00 AM. The annoying layout of the bedroom is such that the bathroom door is at the end of eternity. In the middle of the night, there is nothing in between to help stand up. Old legs at night are precarious and half asleep.


The handy daily-zimmer-frame has been stored away and there is no soft bed-mat underfoot as this could be infected with bugs and microbes. The floor is spick and span, 99.9 per cent germs free, so very much shiny it's slippery even when not wet. When old people in slippers (if they can fin them under the bed as bending down is impossible) fall during the night they break something. Of course, they fall AWAY from the nurse emergency button, unless one carries one on a name tag, but it’s likely that the gizmo gets broken in the event. 


A 93 year old woman with a broken hip will be sent to surgery to get a new titanium joint that will last her for another 20 years. it could appear to the conspiracy theorist, that there is a correlation between the impossible bedroom layout and the surgery fees. We shan't go there.


So what to do? First, there is the need to see something. Old people have old eyes that don’t see as well as young nurses who seem to see what you do when all is well and don’t see the buzzer flashing when you need them. Even with glasses, your old eyes can go AWOL with dizzies and fuzzies. An automatic ambient light that is not too bright, triggered by getting up, would be necessary to minimise the oldie flicker. Then some kind of support from the bed to the much closer bathroom is important. I use furniture, architraves, walls and the wash-basin as props. Lucky the tiles of the bathroom are non-slip, even when wet. In hospitals and nursing homes, the tiles are so shiny, you know the rest….


So, Young Gus Leonisky did his first cartoons in 1951… How time flies… But he still sees well enough to have a beef.... There was a time when cartooning was about telling the truth with a jest of powerful satire against the authorities that did not want anyone to know the truth. Now the profession has gone apeshit with easy glib porkies. The CIA disinformation section is in raptures. "Zelenskyyy-y is an angel, a world-leader fantastico — Putin is the devil incarnate". This is WHAT THE CIA WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE, you fucking morons! And of all people who should be fighting the Empire, it’s you, the cartoonists! You should be at the forefront of reality and blast Biden, Blinken, and all the grandstanding bleedin’ US personnel, plus see the Zelenskyyy-y mongrel as the devious dangerous man he is…. Zelensky is the moron who threatened to start WW3!!!! But you, of all people, have been demonising Putin because you’ve been told to by the bandwagon — and as you do not understand history — you just draw crap. Of course. CARTOONISTS SHOULD NEVER BE ON THE BANDWAGON. You should expose the Empire's shenanigans!


30 years of prodding the bear since the fall of the Berlin wall; eight years of shelling of Russians in the Donbass region does not count nor does NATO's “not moving one inch east” lies, which are fair game in the mind of you, idiots with a brush, pen or pencil in a devious hand. You, the young turks are a disgrace to the Voltairian profession and make a mockery of the French Revolution. When the final whistle on this sad adventure is blown, I hope that Russia can stand proud of what it has achieved while NATO tastes the blood coming out its arse. I mentioned the French Revolution rather than the US one because the major difference is paramount: The French poor were fighting the rich royal elite, while the US revolution happened because the rich did not want to pay taxes… Olalah… So I suppose, I've got it wrong. You, the American cartoonists are little petty bourgeois who profit from the wars of the Empire...


Your cartoonical vitriol is 100 per cent pure deceit. 


So I have decided to savagely mischief your moronic drawings when I find time… There are 160 of them in the Political Cartoons on World Leaders section of the USNews website. All are torrid. Sure, your freedom of lousy expression is paramount, and the freedom to be dumb, by parroting the CIA smelly disinformation that swamps the Biden administration, is sacred. But you are doing the future a major disservice. Haven’t you guys learned anything from the war on Saddam’s fake WMDs. Nupe?…. The whole thing was pure US administration deception, but you, the mongrel pencillers of the empire, still believe in the exceptional right of the USA to piss on the planet wherever it wants. In anyone's bed. So good old Uncle Gus says it’s time for America to take a piss in that too far away bathroom and have a fall, breaking its neck and get a head replacement… Beware of these slippery stairs, Old Joe...



I am not as old as Noam Chomsky, so I still climb ladders when no-one is looking… And, as one isn’t allowed to set a fire in one’s backyard anymore, I virtually burn these HORRIBLE cartoon inspired by and designed for the CIA, by skilled idiots in nappies…


One of my possibly silly hope is that the Europeans — dumbed down since WW2 with marshmallow Marshall plans, by having their food mutate into industrial hamburgers and their drinks changed into sugary cola that induce diabetes — awaken from this US induced soft-terrorising torpor. But, seeing the type of leaders the EU has like that woman von something… there’s is little possibility that the EU, too full of “petit bourgeois” ( all eager to make "un sous", quits the poisoned American teat.  


A NEW FRENCH/GERMANIC REVOLUTION against the Empire COULD DO for starters…. Russia can show you the way… Quit that nazi organisation NATO… Remember the Brexited UK and the neo-fascist US have been and are YOUR REAL ENEMIES…


Where are the philosophers of time past, such as Sartre, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche and de Beauvoir? Has the torture of Julian not taught you ANYTHING?


Oh bugger, may as well talk to a barrel full of dead fish…. or drink a beer while virtually sitting on a public bench (see at top)...



FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


BAD cartoons follow...


My apologies to Cathy Wilcox... She's one of the best cartoonist in AUSTRALIA. it is my humble view that on this important issue she goofed by accepting the official US (CIA driven) version of events. She is the first "cab of the rank" with MISCHIEF BY GUS LEONISKY, then we will move on to the sad case of the American cartoonists.

for starters….


The "satellite" photographs of "putin's war crimes" are extremely dubious. The "mass graves" for example don't exist and so forth. Most if not all "war crimes" have been done and/or set up by the Azov battalions... This UKRAINIAN propaganda has been designed for domestic control and prevent dissent... Contrarily to Western disinformation, the Neo-Nazis in Ukraine control the politico-military system.


Political analysts say the invasion and the brutality by Russian troops against civilians have turned off many Moscow sympathizers. Still, many such supporters remain. 

“Russian propaganda took deep roots and many residents of the east who watch Russian TV channels believe absurd claims that it’s Ukrainians who are shelling them and other myths,” Volodymyr Fesenko of the Penta Center think tank told AP. “Naturally, Ukrainian authorities in the southeast are afraid of getting stabbed in the back and are forced to tighten security measures.”

Unlike Viktor, whose Kharkiv apartment was raided, 86-year-old Volodymir Radnenko didn’t seem surprised when Ukrainian security arrived to search his flat Saturday after detaining his son, Ihor. The military said the son was suspected of helping the Russians in shelling of the city — some of which occurred in Radnenko’s neighborhood about 15 minutes before the officers showed up, with the smell of smoke lingering. At least two people were killed and 19 others wounded in the region.

“He is used to thinking that Russia is all there is,” Radnenko told AP after the officers left. “I ask him: ’So who is shelling us? It’s not our (people), it’s your fascists.’ And he only gets angry at that.”




The original:



Please Cathy, get a fix on the situation:




FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yucky american toons, mischiefed...

Below, these awful toons have been modified by Gus to REPRESENT THE TRUTH... 









more mischiefed crappy US cartoons…..