Wednesday 19th of February 2025

The Sailor's Second Chance

Many a valiant sailor’s gone
to Davy Jones’ crew
given all in saving life,
bade the world adieu
Hear the tale of how I fell
forever far from land
only to return again
by Davy Jones’ hand
Our ship was a Destroyer
her job to guard and lead
refugees of wartime storm
that never could spill blood
Sailing in a midnight sea
beneath a sky of black
waves smashed Davy Jones’ rage
In blows upon our deck.
The Captain says unto me
I have to ask of you
to risk your life that you might save
this ship and all its crew
An armoured mine has broken free
to strike a mortal blow
and make us Davy Jones’ gang
as we sink below
As I crawled across the deck
to make the mine secure
a wave that hit me like a wall
was too much to endure
In the ocean I was tossed
No one heard my cry
Drowning in a rolling wave
I kissed my soul goodbye
I heard the voice of Davy Jones
whisper in my in my ear
“You’ll live long and make old bones
From me you’ll never fear
You who gave away your life
others for to save
deserve to live upon the land
not die in a watery grave”
The odds must be almighty small
I more or less suspect
that one wave sweeps you out to sea
And another brings you back
Like a ragdoll, thrown aboard
grasping for a chain
knowing I was still alive
because I felt the pain
Now I am a hundred years
all of it good life
helping others as I could
causing no one grief
Davy Jones is far away
from where I plan to die
The moral of my story
Is “Never Wonder Why"
-based on a true story