Friday 17th of January 2025

wiping smiling rocketman's arse clean…….

Sometimes you see something and you guess that there is something else hidden in the potage. Just recently released, a documentary on JPL has hit youtube… 





Why now? Ukraine?…. Fascism? Nazis?


63,479 views • Premiered Feb 1, 2022 • 


Many of the strategies surrounding the Cold War revolved around two things: nuclear weapons and rockets. And in the United States, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, under the supervision of Caltech, was charged with building America’s first tactical nuclear rockets: the Corporal and Sergeant missiles.


At this same time, the United States and the Soviet Union were nearing the ability to launch a satellite into Earth orbit. JPL, working in collaboration with Wernher von Braun’s rocket efforts for the U.S. Army, believed they were fully capable of the feat, if only given the chance. That opportunity vanished in October 1957 when the Soviet Union shocked the world with the launch of Sputnik, the world’s first satellite. The Space Age was underway. The first U.S. response exploded on the launch pad. Only after that embarrassment was JPL and von Braun’s group given the green light. The success of Explorer 1, a satellite built by JPL, provided the world with the first space science discovery.


Explorer 1 traces the story of the role JPL played before the creation of NASA and how the lab was given a vital role as part of this new organization: to explore the cosmos.




My YouTube viewing told me that the doco was posted early April…


As usual, any Russian bashing (“they” want to conquer the world — which is meant to hide the fact that the conquest of Russia and China has been the intent of the Judea-Christian Anglo-Saxon since at least 1905, with Jesus’ support since year dot 00.00) — is high on the list. Everything that the US did, the Russian copied or whatever, including that the US were first in space and let’s not forget it. It’s bullshit of course. The Russians are the only one who can presently provide a bus-shuttle to the “International Space Station” (ISS) floating at 27,500 km/h, 470 kilometres above the earth...


So, the JPL boffins had their failures but used these to show superiority in a reversed psychology of trial and error in “we will succeed no matter what” American know-how push and shove… The major point was to show SUPERIORITY, including raining nukes from space, because we could and we can….


The cake in this space race goes to Roger Launius for wiping Von Braun’s arse clean… 


One should suspect some funny business here from a “scientific”: Roger Launius is a Mormon. Make your little brains work: Sciences and religions don’t mix. This is the 27th or the first theorem from Gus’ panoply of very well-reasoned arguments. But the morons keep trying to marry oil and water...


So it seems no-one called Roger Launius ever heard of Operation Paperclip… The Nazi past of the hundred and twenty Nazi rocketeers and 1300 other scientists was wiped clean by the US authorities. No Nuremberg trail, despite these guys having killed many people…. Launius excuses Von Braun from his past was his being only "interested in building rockets" — like a kid makes paper planes — not in the usage, nor in the way they were made with slave labour…. Sorry Roger, Von Braun was far more intelligent and far more cynical than this….


Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 Nazi German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959. Conducted by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), it was largely carried out by special agents of the U.S. Army's Counterintelligence Corps (CIC). Many of these personnel were former members, and some were former leaders, of the Nazi Party.[1][2]

The primary purpose for Operation Paperclip was U.S. military advantage in the Soviet–American Cold War, and the Space Race. In a comparable operation, the Soviet Union relocated more than 2,200 German specialists—a total of more than 6,000 people including family members—with Operation Osoaviakhim during one night on October 22, 1946.[3]

In February 1945, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) set up T-Force, or Special Sections Subdivision, which grew to over 2,000 personnel by June. T-Force examined 5,000 German targets with a high priority on synthetic rubber and oil catalysts, new designs in armored equipment, V-2 (rocket) weapons, jet and rocket propelled aircraft, naval equipment, field radios, secret writing chemicals, aero medicine research, gliders, and "scientific and industrial personalities”.[4]

When large numbers of German scientists began to be discovered in late April, Special Sections Subdivision set up the Enemy Personnel Exploitation Section to manage and interrogate them. Enemy Personnel Exploitation Section established a detention center, DUSTBIN, first in Paris and later in Kransberg Castle outside Frankfurt. The US Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) established the first secret recruitment program, called Operation Overcast, on July 20, 1945, initially "to assist in shortening the Japanese warand to aid our postwar military research".[5] The term "Overcast" was the name first given by the German scientists' family members for the housing camp where they were held in Bavaria.[6] In late summer 1945, the JCS established the JIOA, a subcommittee of the Joint Intelligence Community, to directly oversee Operation Overcast and later Operation Paperclip.[7] The JIOA representatives included the army's director of intelligence, the chief of naval intelligence, the assistant chief of Air Staff-2 (air force intelligence), and a representative from the State Department.[8] In November 1945, Operation Overcast was renamed Operation Paperclip by Ordnance Corps officers, who would attach a paperclip to the folders of those rocket experts whom they wished to employ in America.[6]

In a secret directive circulated on September 3, 1946, President Truman officially approved Operation Paperclip and expanded it to include 1,000 German scientists under "temporary, limited military custody".[9][10][11]


So what happened to the scientists? According to Roger Launius, their brains were to be squeezed for their knowledge and then sent back to Germany… Don’t laugh… This guy believes in god...


Von Braun had big brains. “He soon became Americanized”… In Germany, von Braun had been raised as a Lutheran, but he was an atheist. He had no interest in religion, nor god. 


Von Braun and his German scientists became indispensable to the development of American military and space programs designed to beat the shit out of the soviets. 


Apparently, his life changed drastically when, in a little church in El Paso, Texas, von Braun experienced a spiritual transformation that would change him from the inside out. 




"While living at Fort Bliss, a neighbor invited him to church. He went, expecting to find the religious equivalent of a country club. Instead, he found a small white frame building with a vibrant congregation of people who loved the Lord. He realized that he had been morally adrift and that he needed to surrender himself to God. He converted to Christ and, over the coming years, became quite outspoken in his evangelical faith and frequently addressed the complementarity of faith and science.” 


This was his ticket to go and beat the shit out of the USSR… for Godot!


Apparently, Von Braun contrasted the large empty cathedrals of Europe to the large numbers of churches he found in Texas, many meeting in temporary buildings, pastored by “humble preachers driving second-hand buses” (this isn’t Hillsong, is it?) who led “thriving congregations.” 


Von Braun was impressed and noted: “Here is a growing, aggressive church and not a dignified, half-dead institution. Here is spiritual life.” He was cleansing his Nazi past, beautifully... 


Someone published von Braun’s story and his thoughts on faith and science, June 2, 1966, in an issue of the Pentecostal Evangel, as well as in a 15-page booklet, The Farther We Probe into Space, the Greater My Faith (Gospel Publishing House, 1966), of which almost 500,000 copies were published. Von Braun played the game of belief with brilliance… No need for contrition or repentance, nor punishment….


Wonderful… I mean wonderfool. Von Braun was as cynical as his need to survive, to make money and to be famous — AND to BE TRUSTED. At the same time as Von Braun “believed in god”, my grandmother was unicycling around the moon. 


The point here is one cannot be American without professing a “belief in god”. I mean be a run-of-the-mill American, not one of these fancy atheists who spoil the Grand American vision from time to time with humanism and — horror — some socialism in the soup. So, what best to defeat the commies than making rockets with god as a propellant?


Roger Launius is still in rapture while cleaning Von Braun’s arse… He must hate the Ruskies as any self-respecting god-fearing Yankee does...


Mind you, the Russians have stopped supplying rocket engines to NASA — as a contra-sanction on the USA…… The Russian rocket engines are cheaper and are far more efficient than the US’s ones that use complex fuels, including Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene of Godot…


The destruction of Russia is a work in progress... Napoleon, Hitler and now NATO with Zelenskyyyyyy…. It should be over in a week or so, including China as well.



Atheist with fortitude….



rocket, paper, scissor…...