Friday 17th of January 2025

pimps of history…...


The unaccountable coterie of neocons and liberal interventionists who orchestrated two decades of military fiascos in the Middle East are now stoking a suicidal war with Russia.


The same cabal of warmongering pundits, foreign policy specialists and government officials, year after year, debacle after debacle, smugly dodge responsibility for the military fiascos they orchestrate. 

They are protean, shifting adroitly with the political winds, moving from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party and then back again, mutating from cold warriors to neocons to liberal interventionists. Pseudo intellectuals, they exude a cloying Ivy League snobbery as they sell perpetual fear, perpetual war and a racist worldview, where the lesser breeds of the earth only understand violence.



By Chris Hedges



They are pimps of war, puppets of the Pentagon, a state within a state, and the defense contractors who lavishly fund their think tanks — Project for the New American Century, American Enterprise Institute, Foreign Policy Initiative, Institute for the Study of War, Atlantic Council and Brookings Institute. 

Like some mutant strain of an antibiotic-resistant bacteria, they cannot be vanquished. It does not matter how wrong they are, how absurd their theories, how many times they lie or denigrate other cultures and societies as uncivilized or how many murderous military interventions go bad. 

They are immovable props, the parasitic mandarins of power that are vomited up in the dying days of any empire, including that of the U.S., leaping from one self-defeating catastrophe to the next.

I spent 20 years as a foreign correspondent reporting on the suffering, misery, and murderous rampages these shills for war engineered and funded. My first encounter with them was in Central America. Elliot Abrams — convicted of providing misleading testimony to Congress on the Iran-Contra Affair and later pardoned by President George H.W. Bush so he could return to government to sell us the Iraq War — and Robert Kagan, director of the State Department’s public diplomacy office for Latin America — were propagandists for the brutal military regimes in El Salvador and Guatemala, as well as the rapists and homicidal thugs that made up the rogue Contra forces fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua, which they illegally funded.

Their job was to discredit our reporting.


“Like some mutant strain of an antibiotic-resistant bacteria, they cannot be vanquished.”

They, and their coterie of fellow war lovers, went on to push for the expansion of NATO in Central and Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall, violating an agreement not to extend NATO beyond the borders of a unified Germany and recklessly antagonizing Russia. 

They were and are cheerleaders for the apartheid state of Israel, justifying its war crimes against Palestinians and myopically conflating Israel’s interests with those of the U.S. They advocated for air strikes in Serbia, calling for the U.S. to “take out” Slobodan Milosevic. 

They were the authors of the policy to invade Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Libya. Robert Kagan and William Kristol, with their typical cluelessness, wrote in April 2002 that “the road that leads to real security and peace” is “the road that runs through Baghdad.”

We saw how that worked out. That road led to the dissolution of Iraq, the destruction of its civilian infrastructure, including the obliteration of 18 of 20 electricity-generating plants and nearly all the water-pumping and sanitation systems during a 43-day period when 90,000 tons of bombs were rained down on the country, the rise of radical jihadist groups throughout the region, and failed states.

The war in Iraq, along with the humiliating defeat in Afghanistan, shredded the illusion of U.S. military and global hegemony. It also inflicted on Iraqis, who had nothing to do with the attacks of 9/11, the widespread killing of civilians, the torture and sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners, and the ascendancy of Iran as the preeminent power in the region.


Push for War & Overthrows 

They continue to call for a war with Iran, with Fred Kagan stating that “there is nothing we can do short of attacking to force Iran to give up its nuclear weapons.” They pushed for the overthrow of President Nicholas Maduro, after trying to do the same to Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela. They have targeted Daniel Ortega, their old nemesis in Nicaragua.

They embrace a purblind nationalism that prohibits them from seeing the world from any perspective other than their own. They know nothing about the machinery of war, its consequences, or its inevitable blowback. They know nothing about the peoples and cultures they target for violent regeneration. They believe in their divine right to impose their “values” on others by force. Fiasco after fiasco. Now they are stoking a war with Russia.

“The nationalist is by definition an ignoramus,” Yugoslav writer Danilo Kiš observed. 

“Nationalism is the line of least resistance, the easy way. The nationalist is untroubled, he knows or thinks he knows what his values are, his, that’s to say national, that’s to say the values of the nation he belongs to, ethical and political; he is not interested in others, they are no concern of his, hell — it’s other people (other nations, another tribe). They don’t even need investigating. The nationalist sees other people in his own images — as nationalists.”

The Biden administration is filled with these ignoramuses, including Joe Biden. Victoria Nuland, the wife of Robert Kagan, serves as Biden’s undersecretary of state for political affairs. Antony Blinken is secretary of state. Jake Sullivan is national security adviser.


They come from this cabal of moral and intellectual trolls that includes Kimberly Kagan, the wife of Fred Kagan, who founded The Institute for the Study of War, William Kristol, Max Boot, John Podhoretz, Gary Schmitt, Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, David Frum and others. Many were once staunch Republicans or, like Nuland, served in Republican and Democratic administrations. Nuland was the principal deputy foreign policy adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney.

They are united by the demand for larger and larger defense budgets and an ever-expanding military. Julian Benda called these courtiers to power “the self-made barbarians of the intelligentsia.”

They once railed against liberal weakness and appeasement. But they swiftly migrated to the Democratic Party rather than support Donald Trump, who showed no desire to start a conflict with Russia and who called the invasion of Iraq a “big, fat mistake.” Besides, as they correctly pointed out, Hillary Clinton was a fellow neocon. And liberals wonder why nearly half the electorate, who revile these arrogant unelected power brokers, as they should, voted for Trump.


These ideologues did not see the corpses of their victims. I did. Including children. Every dead body I stood over in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Gaza, Iraq, Sudan, Yemen or Kosovo, month after month, year after year, exposed their moral bankruptcy, their intellectual dishonesty and their sick bloodlust.  

They did not serve in the military. Their children do not serve in the military. But they eagerly ship young American men and women off to fight and die for their self-delusional dreams of empire and American hegemony. Or, as in Ukraine, they provide hundreds of millions of dollars in weaponry and logistical support to sustain long and bloody proxy wars.

Historical time stopped for them with the end of World War II. The overthrow of democratically elected governments by the U.S. during the Cold War in Indonesia, Guatemala, the Congo, Iran and Chile (where the C.I.A. oversaw the assassination of the commander-in-chief of the army, General René Schneider, and President Salvador Allende); the Bay of Pigs; the atrocities and war crimes that defined the wars in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos; even the disasters they manufactured in the Middle East, have disappeared into the black hole of their collective historical amnesia.


“Julian Benda called these courtiers to power ‘the self-made barbarians of the intelligentsia.’ ” 

American global domination, they claim, is benign, a force for good, “benevolent hegemony.” The world, Charles Krauthammer insisted, welcomes “our power.” All enemies, from Saddam Hussein to Vladimir Putin, are the new Hitler. All U.S. interventions are a fight for freedom that make the world a safer place. All refusals to bomb and occupy another country are a 1938 Munich moment, a pathetic retreat from confronting evil by the new Neville Chamberlain. We do have enemies abroad. But our most dangerous enemy is within.

The warmongers build a campaign against a country such as Iraq or Russia and then wait for a crisis — they call it the next Pearl Harbor — to justify the unjustifiable.

In 1998, William Kristol and Robert Kagan, along with a dozen other prominent neoconservatives, wrote an open letter to President Bill Clinton denouncing his policy of containment of Iraq as a failure and demanding that he go to war to overthrow Saddam Hussein. To continue the “course of weakness and drift,” they warned, was to “put our interests and our future at risk.”


Huge majorities in Congress, Republican and Democrat, rushed to pass the Iraq Liberation Act. Few Democrats or Republicans dared be seen as soft on national security. The act stated that the United States government would work to “remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein” and authorized $99 million towards that goal, some of it being used to fund Ahmed Chalabi’s Iraqi National Congress that would become instrumental in disseminating the fabrications and lies used to justify the Iraq war during the administration of George W. Bush.

The attacks of 9/11 gave the war party its opening, first with Afghanistan, then Iraq. Krauthammer, who knew nothing about the Muslim world, wrote that:

“the way to tame the Arab street is not with appeasement and sweet sensitivity but with raw power and victory…The elementary truth that seems to elude the experts again and again…is that power is its own reward. Victory changes everything, psychologically above all. The psychology in the [Middle East] is now one of fear and deep respect for American power. Now is the time to use it.” 

Removing Saddam Hussein from power, Kristol crowed, would “transform the political landscape of the Middle East.”

It did, of course, but not in ways that benefited the U.S.



“Historical time stopped for them with the end of World War II.”

They lust for apocalyptic global war. Fred Kagan, the brother of Robert, a military historian, wrote in 1999 that “America must be able to fight Iraq and North Korea, and also be able to fight genocide in the Balkans and elsewhere without compromising its ability to fight two major regional conflicts. And it must be able to contemplate war with China or Russia some considerable (but not infinite) time from now [author’s emphasis].”

They believe violence magically solves all disputes, even the Israeli-Palestinian morass. In a bizarre interview immediately after 9/11, Donald Kagan, the Yale classicist and rightwing ideologue who was the father of Robert and Fred, called, along with his son Fred, for the deployment of U.S. troops in Gaza so we could “take the war to these people.” 

They have long demanded the stationing of NATO troops in Ukraine, with Robert Kagan saying that “we need to not worry that the problem is our encirclement rather than Russian ambitions.”  His wife, Victoria Nuland, was outed in a leaked phone conversation in 2014 with the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, disparaging the EU and plotting to remove the lawfully elected President Viktor Yanukovych and install compliant Ukrainian politicians in power, most of whom did eventually take power. 

They lobbied for U.S. troops to be sent to Syria to assist “moderate” rebels seeking to overthrow Basha al-Assad. Instead, the intervention spawned the Caliphate. The U.S. ended up bombing the very forces they had armed, becoming Assad’s de facto air force.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine, like the attacks of 9/11, is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Putin, like everyone else they target, only understands force. We can, they assure us, militarily bend Russia to our will.


“It is true that acting firmly in 2008 or 2014 would have meant risking conflict,” Robert Kagan wrote in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, lamenting our refusal to militarily confront Russia earlier. He wrote:

“But Washington is risking conflict now; Russia’s ambitions have created an inherently dangerous situation. It is better for the United States to risk confrontation with belligerent powers when they are in the early stages of ambition and expansion, not after they have already consolidated substantial gains. Russia may possess a fearful nuclear arsenal, but the risk of Moscow using it is not higher now than it would have been in 2008 or 2014, if the West had intervened then. And it has always been extraordinarily small: Putin was never going to obtain his objectives by destroying himself and his country, along with much of the rest of the world.”

In short, don’t worry about going to war with Russia, Putin won’t use the bomb.

I do not know if these people are stupid or cynical or both. They are lavishly funded by the war industry. They are never dropped from the networks for their repeated idiocy. They rotate in and out of power, parked in places like The Council on Foreign Relations or The Brookings Institute, before being called back into government. They are as welcome in the Obama or Biden White House as the Bush White House. 

The Cold War, for them, never ended. The world remains binary, us and them, good and evil. They are never held accountable. When one military intervention goes up in flames, they are ready to promote the next. These Dr. Strangeloves, if we don’t stop them, will terminate life as we know it on the planet.


Chris Hedges is a Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who was a foreign correspondent for 15 years for The New York Times, where he served as the Middle East bureau chief and Balkan bureau chief for the paper. He previously worked overseas for The Dallas Morning NewsThe Christian Science Monitor and NPR.  He is the host of show The Chris Hedges Report.


Author’s Note to Readers: There is now no way left for me to continue to write a weekly column for ScheerPost and produce my weekly television show without your help. The walls are closing in, with startling rapidity, on independent journalism, with the elites, including the Democratic Party elites, clamoring for more and more censorship. Bob Scheer, who runs ScheerPost on a shoestring budget, and I will not waiver in our commitment to independent and honest journalism, and we will never put ScheerPost behind a paywall, charge a subscription for it, sell your data or accept advertising. Please, if you can, sign up at so I can continue to post my Monday column on ScheerPost and produce my weekly television show, The Chris Hedges Report.

This column is from Scheerpostfor which Chris Hedges writes a regular columnClick here to sign up for email alerts.

The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.






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overtaken by events...

In Australia, Murdoch attacks Putin in support of Morrison. In the US, Murdoch spreads pro-Putin propaganda to weaken Biden. Murdoch the eternal opportunist, hypocrite and opponent of anything other than far right governments in Australia, the US & UK.


A Tweet By Kein Rudd….



From Byline Times (26 January 2022):


Ordinary Ukrainians are purchasing bullet-proof vests, combat helmets and anything else they can get their hands on, while some parents are teaching their children to handle a pistol, as additional Russian troops assemble on the country’s eastern border for what the United States Government warns to be “imminent” invasion.

Joe Biden’s administration has put 8,500 US troops on “high alert”, with NATO countries sending ships and jets, along with anti-armour javelin missiles and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to help its democratic European ally defend against more than 100,000 Russian soldiers and their accompanying military hardware assets.

While the US and NATO have fallen well short of committing their forces to countering a Russian attack, American and European sympathies lie with the Ukrainian people in their desperate hour of need.

Well, almost – and only if you exclude Fox News, on which primetime opinion host Tucker Carlson has once again questioned why Americans should side with the Ukrainians over the Russian military. He asked his tens of millions of viewers on Monday night: “Why is it disloyal to side with Russia but loyal to side with Ukraine?”

His response? That “they’re both foreign countries that don’t care anything about the United States. Kind of strange. It’s all an absurd performance, but it’s all they’ve got in the end”. He also suggested that US support for Ukraine is established entirely upon “massive lobbying campaigns by Ukrainian politicians and American defence contractors” and not on shared democratic values.

Unsurprisingly, Russian state-controlled television networks beamed Carlson’s monologue into living rooms across the country to show that pro-Kremlin talking points are being corroborated in the US media, while pivoting on the Fox News anchor’s words to attack President Biden, Ukraine and NATO.


Last month, when Carlson told his viewers that “NATO exists primarily to torment Vladimir Putin”, while baselessly accusing President Biden of fomenting a “hot war with Russia”, Russian networks praised the Kremlin for its successful “influence operations” in the US.

On the daily televised talk show The Evening with Vladimir Soloviev, Russian political scientist Sergey Mikheyev said this about Fox News and Tucker Carlson, as reported by the Daily Beast: “This a good illustration of the thesis as to whether we should be influencing public opinion in America. Yes, of course we should – of course! The question is how to do it and which resources to use. Without a doubt, we should be using any existing divisions. Sometimes I hear ‘what’s in it for us?’ and I will cynically tell you: whatever harms them, benefits us.”

Given that Russia is an adversary of the US – as illustrated by its successful effort to undermine American democracy by interfering in the 2016 US Presidential Election on behalf of Donald Trump, along with its ongoing ‘grey zone’ attacks against US democratic allies – Tucker Carlson’s pro-Kremlin rants and raves are tantamount to high treason.

The question then becomes: why would his boss, Rupert Murdoch, a US citizen, who enjoys editorial control at Fox News, allow it?

The answer may lie with Murdoch’s ties to Putin and Kremlin officials, which were forged when the Australian-born media mogul made an “aggressive push” into the Russian media industry by acquiring News Outdoor Russia, an outdoor billboard company in 2000 – a move that has been cloaked in scandal, including allegations of murder and corruption.

“By all accounts, the unexpected break for Murdoch in the Russian ad market came in 2002 after the assassination of Vladimir Kanevsky, then the billboard king of Moscow,” observed Time magazine in 2011. “For Murdoch, the killing of Kanevsky presented a surprise opportunity. The media mogul had acquired News Outdoor less than two years earlier, in November 2000, from a group of Russian businessmen, and had given the reins to Maxim Tkachev, a seasoned operator in Moscow’s business circles”.

Murdoch sold the company in July 2011 – the same month that British police were investigating phone-hacking claims against his tabloid newspaper, the now-defunct News of the World. 

He sold News Outdoor Russia for $270 million – less than a fifth of the value it is estimated to have had three years earlier, according to Time.


But Murdoch’s woes became measurably worse the following year. In 2012, the FBI launched an investigation into the examination of his activities related to his former company holdings in Russia – including possible criminal violations of a US law banning bribery of foreign officials.

“The company’s activities in Russia are being looked at as part of a broader FBI investigation into possible violations by News Corp of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act… as part of their inquiry, the FBI will seek to consult with Russian authorities,” reported Reuters in 2012.

But, strangely, the investigation was never reported in the news media again. No further announcements were made by the FBI or anybody speaking on behalf of it – leaving open the probability that Putin and/or Kremlin officials helped kill the investigation on behalf of Murdoch; a likelihood given that a former News Outdoor executive, Sergei Zheleznyak, has long been a part of the Russian President’s inner circle, serving as deputy chairman of the Russian state Duma from 2012 to 2021.

He was added to the US Treasury Department’s sanctions list in 2014 by then President Barack Obama because of his leadership role in the Russian invasion of Crimea. In a 2007 interview, Zheleznyak – then News Outdoor’s managing director – said that the company’s success can be partly attributed to Moscow’s “wide streets”.

Did the FBI’s investigation into Murdoch’s activities in Russia in 2012 end with denials and a refusal to cooperate from Zheleznyak and his boss Vladimir Putin? If so, then it is plausible that Murdoch may feel that he owes the Russian President a favour in return.

What else could possibly explain his willingness to allow Tucker Carlson to parrot Kremlin propaganda at the expense of the United States and its democratic allies?







This was written by CJ Werleman


26 January 2022




Why is the West bashing Putin, while clearly according to many serious analysts, the US and NATO have LIED TO RUSSIA since 1991 about not moving East — and lied to Russia since after WW2?


Has the US and Joe Biden got “clean hands” in this affair?







Joining NATO has been embedded into the Ukrainian constitution


Meanwhile, Little Shit Zelenskyyyyy had refused to recognise the Minks Agreement giving AUTONOMY to the Donbass region. Since he became president around 2,500 people have been killed by HIS troops, whether they are regular army, Azov Battalions or the


Back to Joe Biden

He pressured POROSHENKO, the president of Ukraine,  to sack a senior investigator who was looking at the corrupt affairs of Burisma, a company in which Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, had been parachuted as a director. This is well catalogued on this site (YD). Is Joe Biden a crook? YES, he is but these days his memory is fading and he covers his tracks by making outrageous comments with gaffes on the side.


As well, some of Hunter Biden’s dealings in Ukraine were related to warfare biolabs in Ukraine. The money trail was hidden but documents have emerged indirectly linking Hunter to the research program of warfare pathogens.


Gus guesses that Murdoch did not push early nor as hard as “he” (his minions) could have had in regard to Hunter’s laptop, on which a lot of information about Hunter’s dealing was recorded, including dealings with Chinese businesses.


AT THIS STAGE WHETHER MURDOCH IS RIGHT OR WRONG IS IRRELEVANT TO RUSSIA. Following attacks on the Donbass region (ethnic Russians in Ukraine) by Zelenskyyyyyy’s troops and with a major assault on the region planned for early March (being prepared in late February with 60,000 Ukrainian troops — still about 40,000 troops fighting against the new republics), and following the refusal by the US, NATO and Ukraine to provide “security” (of existence), with the support of the Duma, Putin declared the Donbass republics to be independent countries, being aggressed by Ukraine. The next day he invaded Ukraine with “a military operation” to rid Ukraine of its aggressive military, of its Nazis (the West still has the gall to push the line that “there is no Nazis in Ukraine) and to protect the new republics.


The deal that Russia has presented to Zelenskyyyyy-y-y-yyy is simple:


— The Donbass regions can still be Autonomous in Ukraine


— Ukraine to never join NATO


— Crimea to be Russian as per 1954 and the Crimean votes in 2014.




By Shitty-bum Zelenskyy—yyy under pressure from his handlers in Washington PREFERS HIS PEOPLE TO GET KILLED, BLAME RUSSIA FOR WAR CRIMES COMMITTED BY UKRAINIAN TROOPS because he gets kudos from the Western media, including shitty Byline Times. All the Western media sees is that Russia aggressed Ukraine and do not want to see that Ukraine started the aggression back in 2014.


It would be simple for Idiot Zelenskyiyiyiyiy to make a deal with Russia on the three points as mentioned above. But Zelenskyyyyy-y pushed by the hawks in Washington, those who want to destroy Russia, does not want to deal on Russia’s terms…


So it’s a shame that a website like Byline Times carries on with the bullshit from the Empire… May as well be called Bullshit Times or Empire Times...



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