Monday 10th of March 2025

a trip through the mud of history…..

1) The Americans are a bunch of nice people. 2) Americans are addicted to the theatre of “news”. 


I watched the Cassini probe videos and the final transmission which won an Emmy. Magic stuff. Pity about the rehearsal of the theatrics… I agree one has to acknowledge one’s achievements and applaud. I remember when I was in the US, every-time our plane landed, the passengers applauded the pilot for doing his job. I guess we don’t applaud enough. This year’s Oscars were about to tank… The bunch of movies on offer were half-rehash of Hollywood’s backlist. Here comes Will Smith....


So the theatre of presenting the last pass of Cassini before crashing into Saturn had to be rehearsed to make sure that nothing would go wrong. Even the interviewees were dummies or impostors. Fair enough, but this spoiled the concept of fly by your pants, even if the Cassini project took about 20 years from beginning to end. Many feat of scientific and technological values were achieved by the mission. So no hitch was going to spoil the grand final. Between you and me, doing such a rehearsal would not have avoided a hitch if the law of Murphy is applied: "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.”


So, the Cassini mission did great feats for our knowledge. Including cataloguing 82 moons around Saturn, many we knew before. 


Yes the Americans do great things and are a bunch of self-applauding people. Nothing wrong with this. It is their theatre in which they play their roles as best as they can — even if they argue a bit amongst themselves from time to time. BUT.


Pity about their management.


The US management has been rotten since the beginning. This bring us directly to the situation in Ukraine…


Beforehand we will do a detour via the life and misdemeanours of a certain Bin Laden. He was assassinated by Obama. Obama did not pull the trigger but he gave the orders. One does not know what circumstances the whole charade was played under, in Pakistan, on the second of May 2011. How time flies. One should assume that the US troops that caught Bin Laden could have BROUGHT HIM TO “JUSTICE”…. They did not have to kill him. One can assume that “having been supported by the USA for many years” and having become a turncoat (as many of the US fares do) Bin Laden was a man who KNEW TOO MUCH


Bringing Bin Laden to justice would have exposed many of the US sins and those of their favoured ally — the worst non-democratic country on the planet — the Saudis who are slowly becoming embroiled in the 9/11 saga. The US Administrations have ruled Americans and the world, by DECEIT, FORCE AND MANIPULATIONS of perceptions. This should not be news to the pundit, but the “masses” out there are made to believe “stuff”.


Now, should you be Poland and NATO decides to attach Russia from missiles based in your country, YOU, the POLISH people have no say in the matter. You will be made to believe that it is in the best interest of your country and the West, but soon you might not be able to ask why did we get nuked into oblivion?


NATO is a FASCIST organism. It is designed as such. You have no choice in the matter. This is why I have fights with people who claim that Ukrainians have the right to choose their future. Yes they do but once they join NATO, they do not control their future. CLEAR?


So, I am told by friends that they are up to the latest news: "PUTIN is a killer, Zelensky is an angel"… They read The New York Times, The Guardian, The Times and many other “news” outlets that are under strict editorial guidelines. No one is allowed to challenge this directive: "PUTIN is a killer, Zelensky is an angel":… This manipulation of views comes directly and indirectly from the CIA  — and the US many branches of “intelligence” — which on this site we have exposed as agencies of disinformation and misinformation. 




Trump was an “amateur” fascist compare to say Joe BIDEN. Joe wrote the PATRIOT ACT. 


Joe is a Catholic... (A super-FASCIST ORGANISATION)



RELIGIONS (except very few, say the Quakers) ARE FASCISTS ORGANISATIONS… Go and study if you don’t believe me… See Scientology for example… Fascist? Sure.


Meanwhile the cosy relationship between religion and politics has very much promoted fascism:



… Please see the study of the relationship between British fascism and religion in both the interwar and postwar periods. 


After identifying a fascist tradition in Britain by drawing on the theories of ‘new consensus’ scholars, it highlights how various fascists organisations and ideologues have developed religious dimensions to their politics. From the British Fascists who presented themselves as defenders of Christianity, to the Imperial Fascist League which used religion to legitimise its anti-Semitism, to Oswald Mosey who developed his own political religion, interwar fascists are revealed as figures who used a spiritual politics as a marker of national identity. Postwar fascists such as John Tyndall and Colin Jordan are shown to be more critical of religion. Meanwhile, the British National Party has developed a new politics around faith and Christian identity, which is also now steeped in Islamopobia. Therefore, the article concludes that the relationship between British fascism and religion has a complex history and is highly relevant contemporary trends in British fascism.


British fascism is still alive and in government now, despite the clowning of the BoJo…. So:




Jesus: 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age.


This is a fascist manifesto if I see one.


So the conquest of the Heartland is on, sputtering somewhat with a little Putin placing Ukrainian road blocks, but the “Grand” plan is going according to the original plan nonetheless. Old Dithering Joe let the cat out of the bag, possibly under instruction from the boffins hiding behind his teleprompter: there is going to be a New World Order and the USA are going to lead… just to rattle the possums...


Bugger this. Go away. The era of the multipolar human word has begun (it was so until the US decided to take over the planet) despite all the US crap.


Just to refresh your memory on the US/UK/Australia WMD crap that we have fought since 2005 on this site and Gus has fought since 2001 — though Gus has exposed the US malfeasance since 1964 (Gus has been cartooning since 1951 about army and police fascism)… I know, it’s a lonely side-view, a place where the voices of reasons are ALL THERE — but having to swim trough the thick US propaganda rubbish is hard work.


The CIA and the other US intel agencies write the plots, the NEWS-babies — the NYT, the WaPo, the entire US mass media — write various words to this same script. The flavour is the same....... 


In 2002/3 the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) had the temerity to have a contrary interview:


It took another 14 years after the deed to show that the WMDs was a hoax. We explained this clearly in (more than 20,000 reads)…..





BELOW IS AN ANALYSIS BY MEDIA WATCH (since then MW has fallen to the US hubris, possibly by sheer brainwashing or by fear of getting ABC budget cuts):


And now to the wider world and a story of media manipulation that has taken 14 years to emerge. 

Back in 2002, Britain's then Prime Minister Tony Blair told Australia's 60 Minutes that Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq was acquiring weapons of mass destruction and the dictator had to be stopped. 

TONY BLAIR: If these weapons fall into their hands and we know that they have both the capability and the intention of using them, then I think we've got to act on it, because if we don't act, we may find out too late the potential for destruction.

— Channel Nine, 60 Minutes, 3 March, 2002

One year after Blair's warning - Australia joined the US and UK in invading Iraq.

And according to Sir John Chilcot, whose long-awaited report was published this month-it was essentially based on lies: 

The first being that there was no alternative to military action: 

SIR JOHN CHILCOT: We have concluded that the UK chose to join the invasion of Iraq before the peaceful options for disarmament had been exhausted. Military action at that time was not a last resort. 

— ABC News 24, 6 July, 2016

The second untruth being that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction-chemical, biological and even nuclear-which he was likely to use. 

SIR JOHN CHILCOT: We have also concluded that the judgements about the severity of the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction - WMD - were presented with a certainty that was not justified.

— ABC News 24, 6 July, 2016

In reaching those conclusions, about a war that triggered chaos and led to hundreds of thousands of deaths, Chilcot's inquiry examined 150 thousand documents. 

And one of them reveals how the Blair government set out to manipulate the media to gain support for war. 

On 11 March 2002-a year before the invasion- a letter headed Iraq Media Strategy was sent by the head of news at the UK Foreign Office to Tony Blair's media adviser at No 10, Alastair Campbell, among others.

And it began: 

The process of preparing media and public opinion for possible action on Iraq is under way. 

— Iraq Media Strategy, 11 March, 2002

Referring to media interest generated by Blair's 60 Minutes interview and a piece by Foreign Secretary Jack Straw in The Times, the letter proposed: 

We should exploit this interest by feeding newspapers and broadcasters with information on WMD, diversion of imports for military use, and human rights abuse: all of it presented as evidence from the government's forthcoming dossier. 

— Iraq Media Strategy, 11 March, 2002

And who was to receive this drip feed of secret intelligence to convince the public of the need for action? 

The outlets for this information should cross the spectrum, so that we encourage support from sympathetic newspapers and carry the argument to those likely to criticise our policy ... we should give some quality information, for example to The Sunday Telegraph ... 

— Iraq Media Strategy, 11 March, 2002

Sure enough, two days later, The UK Telegraph used unnamed British sources to report on the threat from Saddam's secret missiles.

Terror of Saddam's hidden arsenal

British intelligence reports say that work on extending their range has begun and that Iraq can arm them with chemical or biological warheads. 

— Telegraph (UK) 13 March, 2002

Four days later, Rupert Murdoch's Sunday Times also claimed Saddam had WMD, citing a "senior British official" and unnamed American sources:

Saddam's arsenal revealed 

A DEFECTOR from Iraq has given American intelligence details of a secret underground network of laboratories where Saddam Hussein is believed to be building weapons of mass destruction ... He has provided evidence suggesting they are part of a network of bunkers where chemical and biological weapons have been made and where attempts are under way to create a nuclear bomb.

— Sunday Times, 17 March, 2002

None of that turned out to be true.

But the news travelled fast to Australia where the Sunday Times story was republished next day in Murdoch's The Australian.

Iraqi arms threat real, say defectors

— The Australian, 18 March, 2002

And a few days before that, the UK Telegraph story about Saddam's hidden arsenal had also been republished here in the Melbourne Age. 

Western experts watch as Saddam replenishes his armoury of weapons of mass destruction

— The Age, 14 March, 2002

So Australians were also sold as fact ... what turned out to be fiction or a fantasy. 

And many more stories followed along these lines.

Nor was it just 'quality' papers put on the drip. The 'Iraq Media Strategy' reveals that the UK government also intended:

... to give papers like The Sun the chance to popularise our case. 

— Iraq Media Strategy, 11 March, 2002

And Murdoch's top-selling British tabloid was certainly keen to do so, with stories sourced to 'US officials', claiming that Saddam was sheltering terrorists from al-Qa'ida, which had orchestrated the 9/11 attacks. 

Senior al-Qa'ida terrorists are living in Iraq, the US claimed yesterday. 

A handful of Osama bin Laden's top men - capable of leading terror strikes - are hiding in tyrant Saddam Hussein's country, officials said.

— The Sun, 22 August, 2002

That story also got a run in Australia four days later in Adelaide's Advertiser, which observed: 

The claim backs US beliefs that President Hussein is providing a safe haven for Osama bin Laden's terror network.

— The Advertiser, 26 August, 2002

But as we know, that claim was also not true.

With Chilcot's report this month finding: 

... no evidence of any Iraqi involvement with the attacks on the US or active links to Al Qaida. 

— The Report of the Iraq Inquiry, 6 July, 2016

Now it must be said some media outlets were much more sceptical about these unverified claims. 

But numerous studies have found a strong pro-war bias in most of the UK, US and Australian media.

And let's not forget 175 of Rupert Murdoch's 176 worldwide mastheads backed the invasion.

So how much soul searching has the media done over Chilcot's revelations? Answer, not much.

Most papers in Australia have blamed our then Prime Minister John Howard.

Or Britain's Tony Blair. 

Or all the leaders who took us to war.

And The Sun also had no doubt about the culprit.


TONY Blair led a mass deception of the public over the war in Iraq ... 

— The Sun, 7 July, 2016

But one of the biggest weapons of mass deception was the media itself. 

As you can see from the stories we've cited. 

And from this editorial in The Sun headed Truth on Iraq, defending Tony Blair against all who dared question if the claims on WMD were true. 

We are lucky to have a Prime Minister so utterly steadfast on this vital issue. 

When Blair says there is evidence that Saddam Hussein is building weapons of mass destruction, we have no reason to doubt him.

— The Sun, 29 July, 2002

The Chilcot report is a reminder that there's always reason to doubt politicians and unnamed officials when they're providing no real evidence to back up their claims.






NOW ONE HAS TO REALISE THAT THE SAME PROPAGANDA AND MEDIA MANIPULATION (with psychological adaptation) HAS BEEN USED TO DEMONISE PUTIN AND ALLOW NATO TO MOVE EAST contrary to promises made… PRESENTLY THE WESTERN MEDIA IS PUSHING “Please, could someone assassinate PUTIN?” Go F**K yourself, my friend...


Here we have to fight against this unrelenting garbage. Oh and by the way some people still argue that Putin chose “war over diplomacy”. BULLSHIT. Putin made his demands for “the security of Russia” clear since the beginning of his presidency, made some overtures to the “West” and stated his position on Ukraine for the last 8 years. The WEST DID NOT WANT TO EVEN DISCUSS, NOR ACKNOWLEDGE THE PROPOSALS. 




more to come.










the bad guy is NATO/USA…..



RT and other English language [Russian supporting] outlets are totally banned in the West, because the rulers of the West don’t want the people of their countries to understand the logic behind this conflict.

Much of the Western population are such babies, and basically believe that the entire world is like a Marvel Comics movie, that they wouldn’t be able to understand it anyway.

There are people, however, who would not be swayed by the “Russians are just evil and that’s that” narrative if they were allowed to hear the other side.

Even with the censorship, we are seeing normie conservatives begin to slowly back away from this childish narrative.


Kiev openly refused to implement a peace deal with rebels from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics so Russia had no option but to use military force to defend people living there, Russian President Vladimir Putin reiterated on Tuesday.

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky and other senior officials “declared that the Minsk agreements cannot be implemented,” Putin recalled, referring to the roadmap to peace in Ukraine brokered by Russia, Germany and France.

The 2014 agreements detailed how Kiev could reintegrate its breakaway regions by offering them a general amnesty, greater autonomy, and representation in the government. Kiev stalled progress on the deal, claiming that it could only proceed with its part after retaking control of the rebel-held areas.

That was while he was shutting down all opposition media and outlawing the use of the Russian language.


So, it was a bit dishonest, to say the least.

Hostilities in eastern Ukraine between government and rebel forces have continued since 2014, when authorities that came to power in Kiev after an armed coup used the military to quash the uprising in the east.

“They publicly refused to [implement the roadmap]. Well, tolerating this genocide that had been going on for eight years was no longer possible,” Putin explained.

The Russian president added that Ukraine, backed by Western countries, was being “turned into a foothold against Russia.”

“They nourished the sprouts of neo-Nazism on purpose. A clash between Russia and those forces was inevitable, they were selecting the right time for an attack,” Putin said.

Russia pre-empted the expected aggression from Kiev by starting its offensive in late February, the Russian leader claimed. He said Moscow will achieve its goals, including the defense of the breakaway republics, which Russia recognized as independent states days before the attack.

The West attempted to retaliate against Moscow with economic sanctions and attempts to isolate it diplomatically and commercially on the international stage. Putin said Russia was too big a country for anyone to really isolate. “We will work with our partners who really want cooperation,” he said.

Yeah, Jake Sullivan and that black guy think China is Iraq and Russia is Libya.

The sheer hubris and incompetence is staggering. The entire American order has become completely disconnected from reality, as they focus on grooming children to become trannies while also imagining they can rule the entire world with heinous threats of brutal violence.

It is important to note that Russia did not start a war in the Ukraine. There has been a war in the Ukraine since the US State Department ran a coup to overthrow the elected government of the Ukraine in 2014, and then started slaughtering people in the east of the country.




There was a signed agreement to stop this slaughter, but the Ukrainian government just completely ignored it.

This is a liberation of a people who were being murdered on a mass scale. Unlike calling a single event a “genocide” – as US leaders are want to do – this was an 8 year campaign to attempt to obliterate a race of people.


Then, of course, there is the much bigger issue of NATO moving into the Ukraine, and Zelensky literally calling for nuclear weapons to be placed inside the country. The slaughter of the people of the Donbass was brutal and unjust, but the NATO movements were an existential threat to the existence of Russia.

Aside from the childlike Marvel Comics narrative, there is zero possibility of framing Russia as the bad guy in this conflict. The West is the aggressor, and that is obvious to anyone who has spent even just a couple hours looking at the background of the conflict.








the illusion of freedom — as NATO/USA is a fascist outfit…….