Saturday 18th of January 2025

of godot filosofers…..


What do I think? Does God make sense? To me, honestly, nothing makes sense! God? No God? Both hit circularities, regresses, dead-ends. Arguments? I love them all, but in the end, they all falter. Theistic arguments, atheistic arguments — none are dispositive. I’ve (half) joked that if I had to chose, I’d have to say that I find the atheistic arguments more palatable to swallow but the theistic conclusion more satisfying to digest.


That doesn’t make sense, of course. And I guess that is my point. It’s not scientifically becoming to admit belief without reason. But to me, honesty trumps image. Throughout this multiyear adventure of producing and hosting Closer To Truth, perhaps I’ve progressed. I now see a richer, more textured picture of what a Supreme Being, if such a being exists, might be like. Many people seem certain of their beliefs. I wish I were certain. I may continue lurching and lapsing in my beliefs, but I will never cease wondering, striving, searching. As for me, for now, passionate uncertainty is closer to truth.



Robert Lawrence Kuhn is an agnostic, a fence-sitter. He’s trying to please himself by not offending anyone but he only offends everyone on this pub crawl and he offends the truth — the relative truth in a universe where there is NO ABSOLUTE truth. Or is he completely lost in the pilosophical caca?


There are many stupid holes in the religious "gaps" of circular beliefs… 



Robert Lawrence Kuhn: A Model for How to Dialogue with a Christian Philosopher is an October 20, 2015 post (extract above) by JUSTIN TAYLOR, a believer, that has a major flaw according to Gus and his retired clowns: God believers cannot be philosophers


Why? you may ask...


The answer is simple: once you believe in god, you’ve framed the debate into a blind circular spot — a corner in which there is NO PHOLOSOPHICAL points to be seen. Religions are complete BLIND black holes of knowledge. 


So here on this site, Gus and his old mates who play the pokies with losing vigour in front of a decent pub chiraz on Friday nights, maintain the vigil on behalf of the rabid atheists. 


It will take another zillion years before the idea of god is eradicated from the brain of the deluded monkeys on this planet, as one must be deluded to believe in god — a being that created a stupid glorious universe, in which a battle between good and evil is being fought on a tiny speck of moral dirt in a 13.8 billion year old universe, where the glorious shiny gases tell us to go and take a bath about the light-years reality of our miserable self-agrandised misunderstandings…


Fence-sitters are annoying. They only help the prolongation of the painful silly useless discussion with no end in sight, by being uncommitted. Robert Lawrence Kuhn should be better informed than by this unattractive celery. 


May be we're wrong… but we’ve been there before. The religious views are crap.


We, the older hippies of bygone years before hippies, now unable to remember our own names, cannot come to terms with the way religions have screwed up the human species, worse than if we were chimpanzees. Morality and expectation of a last judgement when we die make people act stupid — away from better stylistic understanding of natural evolution and of human relationships which need avoidance of hypocrisy. 


God-the-hypocrite had nothing to do with this lucky planet. 


Our existence only happened by chance, by incremental change and by particles energised at discrete favourable (temperature) levels that for a little space-time quantumised continuum are holding entropy at bay… 


I know, religious people prefer being fallen angels.


This combination of lucky matter/energy circumstances has the statistical possibility to happen more than billions of times in this universe. Has Christ been in need to die a billion times on a cross to save the other galactic sinners, by being denounced by the Jews? 


This is a ridiculous proposition. We know and can measure the existence of this amazing space of fields and particles in which their multi-relationships can create consciousness. Gus third theorem is that "we can see (some of) the universe, but the universe cannot see us." And this is it.


My guess is that either Robert Lawrence Kuhn is confused, or non-committal in order to attract religious dudes to his TV programs and make some cash. This is a bit harsh. My apologies. But Kuhn's position only gives ammunitions to the god-botherers who are idiots awaiting death to be resurrected a better soul with the ideal cloned body they thought they should have had. Bullshit.


Overall, Robert Lawrence Kuhn is not worth much money. I have met and befriended richer people and multi-billionaires (no names here) with a less evasive position of doubt on the nature of consciousness. These are fierce atheists with the creative gift of compassion and human powers beyond morality — which seems to be one of Kuhn modus operandi.


So we cannot be so rude as not to recognise the goodness of Robert Lawrence Kuhn. Here, although Gus and his loony mates have no idea, we have deduced that Robert Lawrence Kuhn has a jewish ancestry-component that subconsciously attracts him to deep rooted traditions, via his early theist youth education. 


We all know (we all should) that to get rid of the god-idea, we’ve been brainwashed with since childhood, one needs to go through serious upheavals in our stack of philosophical attitudes and accept the responsibility of who we are, without harming ourselves or others. 


To achieve this metamorphosis we don’t need SCIENCE* as a prop, but we can rely on, and improve upon, the strong ancient philosophical mastery going back to the Greek and Roman thinkers who did not have the crutch of the godots to be high intellectual humans who related to nature. 


Christianity and Islam and the Jewish beliefs have spoiled the human thinking power, to give themselves the right to conquer other cultures. And this is unforgivably uncouth. Religions are commercial enterprises which justify selling sacred beads that are less sacred than dog turds. 


At this level, modern philosophers such as Derida and others Houellebecq have given up on the stylistic beauties of human evolution "to replace them with garbage", says Gideon, my old mate who just scored the jackpot at the Queen of Denial slot machine. No coincidence here.


So Old Gus and his bent arthritic companions wish Robert Lawrence Kuhn the gift of atheistic awakenings. On second thoughts, Robert Lawrence Kuhn could be playing a game with the Western godot-filosofers, while being a totally committed atheist when dealing with the Chinese…  Here is a review:



Kuhn (born 1944) is an international business strategist, investment banker, and public intellectual who has worked in a variety of fields. The author or editor of over 25 books, he is a long-time adviser to China’s leaders and the Chinese government, as well as a consultant to multinational corporations on China strategies and transactions. 


He is a columnist for China Daily and South China Morning Post and he appears regularly on the BBC, China Central Television and other major media, on issues like as economic policy, science and technology, media and culture, Sino-American ties, and international communications. cosmology, consciousness, and the "philosophy of religion”. 


Is Kuhn trying to confuse the Chinese about their own Confucius-based atheism?


Having a go at an entertaining Rod Dreher and other god-botherers for fun is a must for any self-respecting atheists. This has to be done to expose the ludicrousness of beliefs and of religious rituals, dogmas, lunatic bicycles and divergence from reality. So should we feel a bit embarrassed at tackling Robert Lawrence Kuhn’s agnostic position? Considering that we’ve also exposed Einstein's agnosticism ambivalence on this site, as...


Then the penny drops… See the next comment below…





in shanghai...

Welcome to the third gathering Asia
and the Jewish World: A Global Leadership Conversation.


Reading recently about Shanghai’s rich Jewish history, the magazine article first startled, and then haunted. Writing in The Atlantic (21/11/13) James Griffith noted: “When the Second World War broke out in 1939, more European Jews had taken refuge in Shanghai than in any other city in the world.” That startled. But here’s what haunted: “Aside from the Dominican Republic, Shanghai was the only place that remained open to these refugees, and 20,000 or so ... found their way to the city in the late 1930s”. Just 20,000. Who knows how many more could have, should have, been saved?

There are, of course, many contemporary reasons why a conversation on “Israel, Asia, and the Jewish Future” in the 21st century should meet in Shanghai, having first come together in Hong Kong (2014) and Singapore (2015). But one reason, certainly, is that the city is so richly linked to the Jewish past.

More broadly, however, in speaking to the world with its 24 million population – equal to all of Australia’s – Shanghai dominates the story which China presents about its own future. And increasingly that story matters to Israel, whose economic, political and diplomatic ties to China have grown dramatically in the past five years. But as we’ll hear at this gathering, Israel’s pivot to Asia extends well beyond China, to include India, Japan and South East Asia. What the Jewish State’s historic shift to the East means, and how it will impact the Jewish Diaspora, is not yet fully grasped, let alone understood.

Which is why, in our own small way, we’ve come together again with our partners— Australian Jewish Funders and the Jewish Funders Network - to try to make some sense of it all, as viewed through “the prism of Jewish philanthropy”, another way of saying through “the prism of a global people.”

Once again I’m grateful to Tracie Olcha, the AJF’s CEO and point person, and again this gatherings driving force. Indefatigably creative and innovative, Tracie “makes it happen”. And my thanks, too, to the JFN’s President Andres Spokoiny for championing the idea from the beginning, his ongoing involvement, and for encouraging us to persist. Somehow we’ve made it three in a row. I guess that makes it “a tradition.”

Sam Lipski

CEO, The Pratt Foundation