Saturday 18th of January 2025

the children's future...


Articles are written by academic researchers in their respective areas of expertise. They either pitch topics or are specifically commissioned to write on a topic in which they are a subject-matter expert, including for articles about current events. The Conversation's core staff then edits these articles, ensuring a balance between reader accessibility and academic rigour.


The original authors then review the edited version. Topics include politics, society, health, science, and the environment. Authors are required to disclose conflicts of interest. All articles are published under a Creative Commons Attribution/No derivatives license.



Fact checking

The site often publishes fact-checks that are produced by academics from major universities, then blind peer reviewed by another academic who comments on the accuracy of the fact check.

In 2016, the FactCheck unit of The Conversation became the first such team in Australia and one of only two worldwide units accredited by the International Fact-Checking Network, an alliance of fact-checkers hosted at the Poynter Institute in the U.S. The assessment criteria require non-partisanship, fairness, transparency of funding, sources, and methods, and a commitment to open and honest corrections.



THIS DOES NOT MEAN THAT THE INFORMATION ON The Conversation IS CORRECT. Ohlala, who is Gus Leonisky to challenge this super-fact-checked conversation?...


On subjects such as economy and politics, there is no such thing as objectivity, especially in the Western media.


Presently, The Conversation has Putin in its cross-hairs. And one can find many faults about Vladimir and about Russia. The point in all political analysis is to debunk who is lying the most. Presently, my wager is on the US and NATO — and Zelensky-y… plus the lying Western media with a little BIG nudge of Russophobia, possibly cultivated by the boffins at the CIA, for the last 40 years.


Every country on the planet has to deal with corruption, various points of views and lies. Which country (or group of countries) has been the most repressive in the media? Or isn’t a "Democracy", according to The Atlantic? You would not be surprised to know that the USA is heading the top of the list. Europe comes an equal second with the UK. The banning of RT and Sputnik transmission, as well as allowing violent comments on Facebook and other nasty rubbish to support Ukraine, is showing the true colours of the West.


Many serious commentators, including former advisors to various US presidents, have exposed that Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe — and Zelensky-y, trying to drum up stupid support for his defence, is not helping the credibility. His narrative is infantile, dangerous and mistaken in facts. But westerners LOVE him...


On Ukraine, The Conversation published a few articles that are far from satisfactory, because on proper analysis they don’t include a balanced view, nor even a fluffy ounce of truth.


As well , the Conversation always come with a point of view which can be debated — or has to be debated…


For example, this from Michelle Grattan:


The so-called “mean girls” story following the death of Victorian Labor senator Kimberley Kitching, has opened up issues of alleged bad behaviour by very senior figures within the Labor party. 


The allegations are serious, and Anthony Albanese and his colleagues were never going to get away with denying them oxygen by pushing them aside, as they hoped. 


But the fact the claims and denials are being played out even before Kitching’s funeral takes them into an extraordinary realm. 


Although only junior in the parliamentary pecking order, Kitching – who was a close friend and ally of former Labor leader Bill Shorten – made herself a substantial presence in the senate, and a strong voice on issues including China and national security.


Thank you Michelle…


And Whatshername Credlin adds petrol to the fire in her column of Sunday March 20:


A Labor without love… 


The article is pure pffaff in which she attacks Anthony Albanese for being in charge of the “mean girls”…:


Is that what we really want: a potential PM who rails against the Liberal Party’s "problem with women” but ignores his own, and ministers who say that women must “have each other’s back” while ostracising one of their own?


Is Peta talking about ScoMo? Probably … and she should. Peta was the mean girl who imposed on us — and managed — the shocking lying Turdy Abbott for nearly two years. Pleaseeeee!


Yes there was a bit of barney with Kimberley Kitching…. Nothing beyond the heated debate about heat…


Senator Penny Wong allegedly told her late Labor colleague Kimberley Kitching 'if you had children, you might understand' during a heated exchange in parliament about mass climate protests.

Ms Wong made the stinging comment in 2019 after Ms Kitching argued the party should not support students who ditched school that year to attend nationwide protests against climate change policy, The Australian reported.  

'If you had children, you might understand why there is a climate emergency,' the South Australian senator is said to have told Ms Kitching. 


A bit insensitive we know… But this is about the kids' future. Child-bearing is a sensitive subject especially with Peta who reminds us in her column she remains childless despite trying. We wished her good luck on that… Some people would say that we were a bit sarcastic because should she had had a kid or more, she would have gone away and left Tony floundering much earlier… Apparently, she had her whatever stored in the fridge of Tony’s office, or such...




So… Kimberley Kitching had her own views on things and she was attacked by her own party… So what? Yes, some of the attacks were bitchy and insensitive. Politics is a bit like that: Rudd wins then loses to Gillard who loses too Rudd who loses to Abbott who loses to Turnbull who is turfed out and replaced by ScoMo "of soiled nappies marketing"… while Rupert Murdoch pulls all the strings...


Yes, one should not make remarks about the childless situation of say a Kimberley Kitching. She was in the same boat as Julia Gillard who got far FAR more crap about her own status than Kimberley ever got, from everyone, from THE MEDIA — AND from her own party. 


Politics is not a kindergarten. Ask Greta. Many accused Greta of being a puppet, while she was (is) her own voice. One is allowed to get sensitive about ideas, but intimating that someone death has been due to the bullying of politics is a bit out of place. I had friends who died from heart-attack... Most were under stress and did not manage it well... One needs to know when to ease off...


Meanwhile, Kimberley Kitching had a few wrong/correct? — say different — ideas about certain subjects. 


Kitching was a leader in fight against China’s dictatorship


The late Kimberley Kitching was an intelligent woman who bravely stood up against China’s dictatorship, even if it caused waves in her own party.  In regard to China, Gus would say that China's population has evolved from farmers into high level technicians and engineers, whie the USA is still remaining a population of warriors, always looking for a fight... ——————————— Kimberley Kitching voted consistently against ending immigration detention on Manus Island Kimberley Kitching voted consistently against an inquiry into the Iraq War Kimberley Kitching voted consistently against ending immigration detention on Nauru Kimberley Kitching voted consistently against making sanitary items GST-free Kimberley Kitching voted consistently against more scrutiny of the Australian Defence Force  According to Eric Abetz, Kitching was the 'warm' senator with an 'assassin's smile’





We’re all going to be biased because we believe in something rather than something else. Views on China and global warming — and now about Ukraine — can be very trying. On this site, going against the trendy currents demands courage, stupidity, dedication, research, introspection and/or madness. That we prevail or not in our views is something to be taken with a grain of salt. We present different views, otherwise there is no point to be here. In a political party situation, one has to be able to express views while at the end the choice of the party has to prevail, otherwise may as well pack one’s bags and join the independents. Most pollies stay cocooned in a party because “independence" is full of pitfalls… Even Craig Kelly is attached to Clive Palmer's belly button, who prefers freedom to fuck the planet instead of understanding it.


Kimberley Kitching views may have been fierce and strong but this did not make them correct either. On China, Paul Keating, former PM, has some other strong views which may not fit the candle of the present Labor party. Kitching may have been more acid than Dutton on China and possibly a light-weight on global warming, who knows…


Intimating Kimberley Kitching's heart attack was due to the bitching and pressure of having different ideas than her colleagues — or having to fight in order to remain high on the Labor ticket —  is beyond the pale. Stress can induce heart attacks, sure. But managing stress has to be part of politics, otherwise just become a dunny inspector. 


ScoMo is adept at not appearing too stressed, though he can be flustered at times… Generally, he just lies — and waffles on and on and on, until we’re all dead.


Time for someone else to become PM… but definitely not Craig Kelly….


Condolences to Kimberley Kitching’s family and friends.




FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



How the United States lost the faith of its citizens—and what it can do to win them back

By Yascha Mounk


Read more:






CONservative mean-girls...

Dumped NSW Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells has taken aim at bullying within her own party, drawing parallels between herself and the late senator Kimberley Kitching.

A tearful Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells seized on reports Senator Kitching was ostracised by “mean girls” within her own party to criticise Liberal women.

“Much has been written about the treatment Kimberley had received by what has been described as the mean girls. Like Kimberley, I too had experienced the Liberal party sisterhood,” the Liberal senator told the Senate during a condolence motion.

“I shared my own experiences with Kimberley, so I understood how Kimberley felt having been treated the way she was.”

Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells shared her frustration with internal party machinations after she was relegated to an unwinnable spot on the NSW Senate ticket at the weekend, ahead of the federal election.

Her outspoken nature had put her at odds with senior members of her own party, she said.

“We both had factional enemies who desperately wanted to see us defeated and they worked very hard at it. We were both outspoken and not constrained by prevalent groupthink within our political parties.

“Like Kimberley, my comments on China drew the ire of Coalition leaders and ministers. When I first raised my prescient warnings in 2016 during my time as a minister, they were ignored.”

Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells said female Liberals wouldn’t speak out of turn for fear of being demoted.

“Sadly, I note my female Coalition colleagues would privately whinge and complain, but there had been no fortitude or appetite to stand up publicly and say what needed to be said,” she told the Senate.

“I expect they were concerned about being summoned for a fireside chat with the threat of demotion for breaching groupthink.”

Not one female MP reached out to her following her comments about integrity and demanding a higher standard of conduct on the ABC Four Corners program in late 2020, she said.

“After I made those comments, not one Coalition female supported me. Not one had the gumption to say, well done for speaking out.

“Instead, the Coalition women’s Whatsapp group was more concerned with trivial, 10th order issues.”









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