Monday 10th of March 2025

a delicate balance...


War in Ukraine Forces Israel Into a Delicate Balancing Act

Israel is a strong ally of the United States, and its leaders have a good relationship with Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s Jewish president. But Israel also doesn’t want to provoke Russia.


TEL AVIV — On the day Russia invaded Ukraine, Israel’s prime minister, Naftali Bennett, did not mention Russia once. Mr. Bennett said he prayed for peace, called for dialogue and promised support for Ukrainian citizens. But he did not hint at Moscow’s involvement, much less condemn it — and it was left, as preplanned, to Mr. Bennett’s foreign minister, Yair Lapid, to criticize Moscow in a separate statement that day.

The pair’s cautious double act embodied the bind in which the war in Ukraine has placed Israel.

Israel is a key partner of the United States, and many Israelis appreciate longstanding cultural connections with Ukraine, which, for several months in 2019, was the only country other than their own with both a Jewish president — Volodymyr Zelensky — and a Jewish prime minister. But Russia is a critical actor in the Middle East, particularly in Syria, Israel’s northeastern neighbor and enemy, and the Israeli government believes it cannot risk losing Moscow’s favor.

For much of the past decade, the Israeli Air Force has struck Iranian, Syrian and Lebanese military targets in Syria without interference, trying to stem the flow of arms that Iran sends to its proxies in both Syria and Lebanon and to limit a military buildup on its northern border.

Israel also wants to leave itself enough room to act as a go-between in the conflict. After Ukrainian requests, Mr. Bennett has offered at least twice to mediate between Russia and Ukraine, most recently on Sunday — when Mr. Bennett rushed abruptly from a cabinet meeting to speak with President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia for 40 minutes. And Israeli officials, including Mr. Bennett, shuttled between their Russian, Ukrainian and American counterparts on Sunday afternoon, two senior Israeli officials said, a mediation that may have contributed to Ukraine’s decision to meet with Russian officials on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.


Israel, which often asks that its allies support it unconditionally, finds itself in the uncomfortable position of appearing to refuse to publicly criticize Russia, even when other countries with seemingly more at stake have condemned Mr. Putin’s war. 

It is a “delicate situation for Israel,” said Ehud Olmert, a former Israeli prime minister who dealt often with Mr. Putin during his time in office.

“On the one hand, Israel is an ally of the United States and a part of the West, and there can be no doubt about it,” Mr. Olmert said in a phone interview. “On the other hand, the Russians are present in Syria, we have delicate military and security problems in Syria — and that requires a certain freedom for the Israeli military to act in Syria.”


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intact memorial...


Nazi invaders, aided by Ukrainian nationalist collaborators, murdered some 34,000 of Kiev's pre-war Jewish population and 70,000 others at the Babi Yar ravine from September 1941 onwards. They later forced Soviet POWs to unearth and burn the bodies in an attempt to hide their war crimes.


An Israeli journalist has visited the site of a WWII massacre of Kiev's Jews — and debunked government claims Russia bombed the memorial.


Ron Ben Yishai, the Ukraine correspondent for news site Ynet, went to Babi Yar in Kiev on Wednesday to investigate Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelensky's accusation — widely repeated in Western media — for himself.


Ben Yishai reported that "the memorial was not harmed and no bomb, missile or artillery shell hit the site itself".


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deluded naomi...


March 1, 2022

By Naomi Klein

War is reshaping our world. Will we harness that urgency for climate action or succumb to a final, deadly oil and gas boom?

NOSTALGIA FOR EMPIRE is what seems to drive Vladimir Putin — that and a desire to overcome the shame of punishing economic shock therapy imposed on Russia at the end of the Cold War. Nostalgia for American “greatness” is part of what drives the movement Donald Trump still leads — that and a desire to overcome the shame of having to face the villainy of white supremacy that shaped the founding of the United States and mutilates it still. Nostalgia is also what animates the Canadian truckers who occupied Ottawa for the better part of a month, wielding their red-and-white flags like a conquering army, evoking a simpler time when their consciences were undisturbed by thoughts of the bodies of Indigenous children, whose remains are still being discovered on the grounds of those genocidal institutions that once dared to call themselves “schools.”

This is not the warm and cozy nostalgia of fuzzily remembered childhood pleasures; it’s an enraged and annihilating nostalgia that clings to false memories of past glories against all mitigating evidence.


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READ: the origin of history...


When Naomi Klein is taken by Putin's nostalgia argument, we should give up about trying to make sense. Young Naomi has fallen for the Western narrative... It's sad. Putin, of course regrets the fall of the Soviet "Empire". Why wouldn't you? But his incursion into Ukraine has nothing to do with it. This action is visceral and designed to prevent the oncoming destruction of Russia by NATO (which has been lying about its GREATER GAME intentions: NATO ISN'T A CURE, IT'S A CANCER).








defending the heartland...



picking and choosing...

Australia was swift and vocal in response to the Russian attack on Ukraine, endorsing boycotts of Russia, investigations of alleged Russian war crimes by the International Criminal Court and the right of Ukrainians to defend their land against the illegal Russian aggression and occupation.

Calls to uphold international law in support of Ukrainians against oppression and subjugation are moral and just.

For over 7 decades Palestinians have waited for this sort of support from the international community.

What’s more, Australia is planning to designate the entirety of Hamas as a terrorist organisation, a decision that has nothing to do with the safety of Australians, and everything to do with domestic politics.

And we have precedent on this. In his attempt to help Dave Sharma, the member for Wentworth and a former ambassador to Israel – and apparently a current ambassador for it – to win the Jewish vote during the 2018 byelection, Scott Morrison wanted to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and relocate its embassy there.

Securing a few votes here is feasible for the coalition, coming as it does at the expense of the entire population of Gaza is inconsequential. Australian humanitarian organisations contributing to the daily survival of oppressed Palestinians face an endless nightmare under the choking Israeli blockade. They now have craven Australian domestic politics to contend with.

Gaza is always a priority for relief work, the result of an everlasting occupation, suffocating siege and cyclic bloodshed and destruction. It is routine for aid organisations to work with administrative staff at hospitals, orphanages, education and health institutions in Gaza. Hamas administers government services in the strip, and criminalising interaction with such workers only harms the most vulnerable, reinforces Israel’s unjust policies of collective punishment and is in contempt of the human rights of ordinary Palestinians.

Remarkably, it was Israel, not Hamas, grabbing headlines recently. Australia’s decision mysteriously follows the recent release of Amnesty’s extensive investigation concluding that Israel’s system of oppression and domination of Palestinians amounts to apartheid, which is a crime against humanity.

Australia’s chronic disregard for international law when it comes to Palestinians runs deep, be it in a pattern of voting against accountability for Israel at the United Nations or regurgitating Israel’s narratives of self-defence or condemnation of Hamas, even as Palestinians face ethnic cleansing in Sheikh Jarrah and the Naqab, house demolitions and destruction of their crops in the West Bank and bombardment and siege in the Gaza Strip.

The most recent illustration of Canberra’s moral bankruptcy on this question is the government’s effort to block investigations of international crimes against Israel at the International Criminal Court. Contrasting that to the position on Ukraine couldn’t be more glaring.

Coalition attempts to circumvent established international law as it applies to their Israeli chums is not new. In 2014, then attorney-general George Brandis suggested that the term occupied is “not helpful” when describing occupied East Jerusalem and then foreign minister Julie Bishop argued the word “illegal” should not be used to describe Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

Upholding human rights, respecting international law and supporting humanitarian work are intertwined, and Australia appears to neglect all when it comes to Palestinians.

The government’s meagre and increasingly diminishing aid to Palestinians notwithstanding, the unprovoked, abrupt and heavy-handed decision on Hamas and its reaction to Amnesty’s report show the one-sided approach to in support of Israel and shut down any censure of it, without a speck of consideration for Palestinians.

In 2018, during the “march of return” in Gaza, Amnesty and others condemned Israel’s belligerence, including the killing of 60 unarmed Palestinians in one day. A UN Human Rights Council resolution calling for an international investigation of human rights violations was voted against by only two countries: the United States and Australia.

Later that year, The Australian Foundation for Palestinian Children (Olive Kids) facilitated urgent and necessary prosthetic and orthotic devices for the children, many shot in their lower limbs by Israeli snipers resulting in amputations. The effort was in collaboration with the Artificial Limb and Polio Centre (ALPC), an NGO established in 1976 and the oldest and first centre in Gaza providing such services. ALPC is managed under the Municipality of Gaza since 1999 and is supported by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) since 2007. With all of Gaza under the defacto rule of Hamas, the Australian government listing draws a redline straight though such collaborations, denying thousands of children lifechanging help.

Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised that Australia and Israel with their shared origins in violent settler colonialism, feel compelled to protect each other while overlooking the colonial bondage and exploitation of the indigenous peoples under their control.

Humanitarian work in Palestine is arduous but crucial and human rights work is essential to facilitate it and ultimately end reliance on it. Sincerely helping Palestinians and uplifting their lives begins by dismantling apartheid, which in turn begins by dismantling Zionist colonisation, otherwise racial domination will persist and with it social and economic oppression. Only a process of decolonisation can bring change.

The work of humanitarian and human rights organisations won’t liberate Palestinians. It is up to those in Australia and around the world to heed the call to action and champion the rights of Palestinians today, ending their dehumanisation, debunking the myths that surround their presence in the land, rejecting political attempts at censorship, boycotting oppressors and their PR work and voting apologists for oppression out.

The time is now for the human rights of Palestinians, Ukrainians and Uyghurs to be equally seen through the lens of our humanity not of our colour, race, interest or politics.


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F R E E   J U L I A N   A S S A N G E   N O W . . .


jewish nazis?….




Israel stunned by Ukrainian neo-Nazis


by Thierry Meyssan



The state-organized presence of neo-Nazis within the Ukrainian army is not anecdotal, even if it is not possible to quantify it in a certain way. On the other hand, it is easy to count their victims. In general indifference, they have killed 14,000 Ukrainians in eight years. This situation is one of the causes of the Russian military intervention in Ukraine. Israel is confronted for the first time with what it could never have imagined: the support of its US protector to its historical enemy, Nazism.


This article is a follow-up to : 

 1. "Russia wants to force the US to respect the UN Charter," January 4, 2022. 

 2. "Washington pursues RAND plan in Kazakhstan, then Transnistria," January 11, 2022.
 3. "Washington refuses to hear Russia and China," January 18, 2022. 

 4. "Washington and London, deafened", February 1, 2022.
 5. "Washington and London try to preserve their domination over Europe", February 8, 2022. 

 6. “Two interpretations of the Ukrainian affair”, 16 February 2022.
 7. “Washington sounds the alarm, while its allies withdraw”, 22 February 2022. 

 8. “Russia declares war on the Straussians”, by Thierry Meyssan, Voltaire Network, 5 March 2022.
 9. "A gang of drug addicts and neo-nazis”, 5 March 2022.


Israel faces an unexpected problem in the Ukrainian crisis: is it true, as Moscow claims, that the country is in the hands of a "gang of neo-Nazis" financed by Ukrainian and American Jews? If so, it is a moral duty for Tel Aviv to clarify its position on Jews supporting Nazis, regardless of any position on the Ukrainian crisis.

The question is all the more cruel because the few American Jews who support or instrumentalize Ukrainian Nazi groups are a tiny group of a few hundred people, the Straussians, who are now in power in President Joe Biden’s immediate circle.


In February 2014, the "Revolution of Dignity," also known as "EuroMaidan," was a regime change sponsored by Straussian Victoria Nuland, assistant to Secretaries of State Hilary Clinton and John Kerry. In this context, a group of hooligan supporters of the Kharkiv soccer club, "Sect 82", occupied the premises of the oblast governorate and beat up the employees of the former regime.

Become Minister of Interior, Arsen Avakov, who had been governor of Kharkiv during the former regime and one of the organizers of Euro 2012, authorized the formation of a paramilitary force of 12,000 men, around the hooligans of the "Sect 82" to defend the "revolution". On May 5, 2014, the "Azov Battalion" or "Eastern Corps" was officially formed under the command of Andriy Biletsky.

The latter, known as the "White Führer", is a theoretician of Nazism. He had been the leader of the "Patriots of Ukraine", a neo-Nazi grouping that supported a Greater Ukraine and was violently anti-communist.

Andriy Biletsky and Dmitro Yarosh founded together the "Right Sector" which played the main role on Maidan Square in 2014. This openly anti-Semitic, homophobic structure was financed by the godfather of the Ukrainian mafia, the Jewish billionaire Ihor Kolomoysky. Internationally, the "Right Sector" is violently opposed to the European Union and intends instead to form an alliance of Central European and Baltic states, the Intermarium. This is also the project of the Straussians who, since the 1992 Wolfowitz report, consider the European Union to be a more dangerous rival for the United States than Russia. You remember the intercepted telephone conversation between Ms. Nuland and the US ambassador, in which she exclaimed : "fuck the European Union" (sic).

Dmitro Yarosh is an agent of NATO’s stay-behind networks who organized an anti-Russian congress in Ternopol in 2007 with the Emir Doku Umarov, under the watchful eye of Victoria Nuland, who was the US ambassador to NATO at the time. Yarosh gathered neo-Nazis from all over Europe and Islamists from the Middle East to wage jihad in Chechnya against Russia. Later, he was the leader of "Stepan Bandera’s Trident" (also known as "Tryzub"), a small group glorifying Ukrainian collaboration with the Nazis. According to Stepan Bandera, genuine Ukrainians are of Scandinavian or proto-Germanic origin, unfortunately, they have mixed with Slavs, the Russians, whom they must fight and dominate. At the end of 2013, Yarosh’s men and the youth of another Nazi group were trained in street fighting by Nato instructors in Poland. I was heavily criticized when I revealed this case because I had quoted a satirical newspaper as a note, however the Polish Prosecutor General opened an investigation which, of course, never came to fruition because it would have implicated the Minister of Defense [1].

By the summer of 2014, the Azov Battalion already included all these neo-Nazi groups, but not only them. They were sent to fight the rebels in Donetsk and Lugansk, which they did with pleasure. Their pay was increased to more than twice that of regular soldiers. The Battalion took the city of Marinka from the self-proclaimed Donestk People’s Republic, where they massacred "separatists."

In September 2014, the interim government tasked the National Guard with absorbing the Azov Battalion and removing some Nazi leaders from the outfit.

In the October 2014 elections, two former Nazi leaders of the Azov Regiment, Andriy Biletsky and Oleh Petrenko were elected to the Rada (National Assembly). While the "white führer" sat alone, Petrenko joined the parliamentary group supporting President Petro Poroshenko. The Azov Battalion then became the Azov Regiment of the National Guard.

In March 2015, the Minister of the Interior (still Arsen Avakov) negotiated with the Pentagon for military training to be given by U.S. Special Forces to the Azov Regiment as part of Operation Fearless Guardian. But immediately Representatives John Conyers, Jr. (Democrat, Michigan) and Ted Yoho (Republican, Florida) denounced this as folly. They argued that arming Islamists in Afghanistan had made possible the formation of al-Qaeda and the spread of terrorism. They convinced their colleagues that the United States could not train neo-Nazis without risking the consequences. The congressmen therefore forbade the Pentagon to pursue and arm the Azov Regiment with rocket launchers (MANPADs) during the vote on the defense budget [2]. However, the Pentagon returned to the charge and succeeded in having the amendment withdrawn. [3], prompting protests from the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

During this period, Senator John McCain (Republican, Arizona), a supporter of Russia’s enemies, after having maintained links with the leaders of al-Qaeda and Daesh in Libya, Lebanon and Syria [4], visited a unit of the Azov Regiment, Dnipro-1. He warmly congratulated these brave Nazis who defy Russia as he had once congratulated these brave jihadists.

It was at this time that the Azov Regiment recruited from abroad. They came from all over the West, including Brazil, Croatia, Spain, the United States, France, Greece, Italy, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Scandinavia, the United Kingdom and Russia. However, the Minsk Agreement, which is guaranteed by Germany and France, formally forbids the Kiev authorities to hire foreign mercenaries. The Azov Regiment also organized youth camps for 15,000 teenagers and associations for civilians, so that the whole Regiment comprised about 10,000 men and at least twice as many "sympathizers. Andriy Biletsky could declare that the Regiment’s historic mission was to unite "the white races of the world in a last crusade for their survival...a crusade against the subhumans led by the Jews.

Two reports by Prince Zeid Raad al-Hussein, in his capacity as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, mention the war crimes committed by the Azov Regiment [5].

In 2017, an official Nato delegation, including officers from the United States and Canada, met officially with the Azov Regiment.

A huge number of media outlets have devoted reports to Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups. All of them, without exception, were horrified by the ideology and violence of the Azov Regiment. As an example, the Huffington Post warned against the complacency of Ukrainian politicians in an article titled: "Note to Ukraine: Stop whitewashing the political record" [6].

In 2018, the FBI again came into conflict with the CIA. This time it was over US neo-Nazis who had trained with the Azov Regiment and returned to perpetrate violence on US soil. The enemy from within, the Rise Above Movement (RAM), was trained by the CIA in Ukraine [7].

After the Christchuch (New Zealand) attacks, which killed 51 people and injured 49 in October 2019, 39 members of the US House of Representatives wrote to the State Department to demand that the Azov Regiment be labeled a "foreign terrorist organization" (FTO) because the terrorist had frequented the Ukrainian organization.

In 2020, billionaire Erik Prince, the founder of the private army Blackwater, signed various contracts with Ukraine. One of these contracts gave him the authority to supervise the Azov Regiment. Prince hoped to eventually take control of the Ukrainian arms industry inherited from the Soviet Union [8].

On July 21, 2021, President Zelensky promulgated a law on "indigenous peoples". It recognizes the enjoyment of human and civil rights and fundamental freedoms only for Ukrainians of Scandinavian or Germanic origin, but not for those of Slavic origin. This is the first racial law passed in Europe in 77 years.

At the suggestion of Victoria Nuland, on November 2, 2021, President Volodymyr Zelensky appointed Dmitro Yarosh as an advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, with the task of preparing the attack on the Donbass and Crimea. It is important to keep in mind that Yarosh is a Nazi, while Victoria Nuland and Volodymyr Zelensky are Ukrainian Jews (originally for Ms. Nuland who is now American).

In eight years, from regime change to the Russian military operation not included, neo-Nazis in Ukraine have killed at least 14,000 Ukrainians.



President Zelensky replied to his Russian counterpart who denounced a "bunch of neo-Nazis" in power in Kiev that it was impossible because he was Jewish. As this was not enough, on the sixth day of the conflict, he accused Russia of having bombed the Babi Yar memorial where 33,000 Jews were massacred by the Nazis. Not only was he not supporting the Nazis, but the Russians were erasing their crimes.

Without waiting, the Yad Vashem Memorial, the Israeli institution that preserves the memory of the Nazi "final solution of the Jewish question", issued an angry statement. It seemed outrageous to the Israelis that Russia would compare the Ukrainian far right with the Nazis of the Shoah and even more so that it would bomb a place of memory.

Then Israeli journalists went to the crime scene to find that it had never been bombed. The Ukrainian president had lied. Then the Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Preskov, invited the Yad Vashem Memorial to send a delegation to Ukraine to see for themselves, under the protection of the Russian army, what President Putin was talking about.

A great silence followed. What if the Kremlin, like the Simon Wiesenthal Center, was telling the truth? What if the Straussian Jews in the United States, the Ukrainian Jewish leader Ihor Kolomoysky and his employee the Jewish president Volodymyr Zelensky were working with real Nazis?

Immediately, the Israeli Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, went to Moscow and received Chancellor Scholtz in Tel Aviv, then phoned the Ukrainian president, whose bad faith was evident to all. Presented as yet another attempt at peace, this trip was in fact intended only to find out whether or not the United States was relying on real Nazis. Confused by his findings, Bennett called President Putin, whom he had left the day before. He was also phoning various heads of Nato member states.

It would be desirable for Naftali Bennett to make public what he has verified, but it is unlikely. He would have to open a forgotten file, that of the relations between certain Zionists and the Nazis. Why, then, did David Ben Gurion insist that Ze’ev Jabotinsky, the founder of revisionist Zionism, was a fascist and possibly a Nazi? Who were the Jews who, before Adolf Hitler came to power, warmly welcomed an official delegation of the Nazi party, the NSDAP, to Palestine while it was practicing pogroms in Germany? Who negotiated the 1933 transfer agreement (the so-called "Haavara Agreement") and maintained an office in Berlin until 1939? How did half-Jew Vollrath von Maltzan become the purveyor of Zyklon B gas to the death camps? So many questions that historians usually leave unanswered. And today, is it true, as many witnesses claim, that Professor Leo Strauss taught his Jewish students that they had to build their own dictatorship, using the same methods as the Nazis, to protect themselves from a new Shoah?

Clearly, Naftali Bennett did not buy into the Ukraine/NATO narrative. He said that the Russian president was not theorizing a plot, was not irrational and did not suffer from mental illness. On the contrary, when asked about the support of the Jewish state, President Zelenski replied: "I have spoken to the Prime Minister of Israel. And I tell you frankly, and this may sound a bit insulting, but I think I have to say it: our relations are not bad, not bad at all. But relationships are tested at times like these, at the most difficult times, when help and support is needed. And I don’t think he [Bennett] is wrapped up in our flag.

Israel should withdraw from the Ukrainian conflict. If it suddenly changes his mind about something else and gets into a fight with Washington, you’ll know why.


Thierry Meyssan



Roger Lagassé








F R E E   J U L I A N   A S S A N G E   N O W . . .

tel aviv it is...




Earlier, the Guardian reported that the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs had deleted text from its website that described West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, as well as language regarding a two-state solution.

Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong announced Tuesday that the Albanese government would officially reverse a past decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, a move that was made during the Morrison administration.

Wong told reporters at a morning conference that former Aussie Prime Minister Scott Morrison made a "cynical play" that "put Australia out of step with the international community," underscoring that Jerusalem is a "final status issue" that should be negotiated between Palestinian and Israeli officials.

"Australia is committed to a two-state solution in which Israel and a future Palestinian state coexist, in peace and security, within internationally recognized borders," reads a release issued by Wong's office. "We will not support an approach that undermines this prospect."


"I regret that Mr. Morrison's decision to play politics resulted in Australia's shifting position, and the distress these shifts have caused to many people in the Australian community who care deeply about this issue."






F R E E   J U L I A N   A S S A N G E   N O W . . .