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the brilliance of the jews...
Many brilliant minds of the Enlightenment and thereafter were Jewish. They were so, not in the religious sense, but in analytical curiosity and political adventurism. One could ask why so. The clever Arabs, including their mathematicians, had congealed their sense of invention into a major belief, Islam, that arrested much investigation of reality.
Most of the Muslim world is still caught in this warped view of things, despite some bright minds amongst Muslim Arabs, they are constrained/restrained by a strong unavoidable belief in Allah, imposed by the state through fear of physical punishment or death… The Christians had leaped ahead with some hubris and wars in order to maintain control, but they lacked the extra flair to make things work, beyond a few philosophical neuroses. The Jews came to help.
Most of the clever Jewish people were not caught in the belief of a superior being. Even Einstein was an agnostic on the subject. My view already expressed on this site is that Einstein did not want to offend his sponsors (especially Americans) who believed in god. One has to realise that after his 1915 theory of relativity Einstein did not contribute much to sciences in general, apart from the “Bose-Einstein condensates” an idea which came to him from an Indian scientist, Satyendra Nath Bose. India, strangely for some people, had many clever scientists and mathematicians as well… One could suspect that the complexity of languages helps in the development of complex concepts.
Has the Jewish collective mind split in two? On one side you get the orthodox Jews — sexist and racist gits with a mental age of 4 and praying to a “sacred” wall made of old stone. It’s a tradition for which one wears a funny hat. On the other side, you get the Einstein and the Freud. Vastly superior minds. And there is a bit of “Jewish” blood in most of the Aryan universe, except in the Irish, possibly...
I’m making this up about the Irish, of course.
The Jewish community had also been on the side of good/bad luck thinking it was on the side of god. This blew the size of their self-importance.
If I was god, I would hate them for being psychopathic and conceited — superior to any other clubs of the baboonish humanity and always pushing others to acknowledge their special history, as if the weather depended on this.
I know. I am on sliding slope. Forgive me. Well, not really. I don’t believe in forgiveness, nor sin. But it’s time for all of us to acknowledge the contribution of the Jewish minds to our present Western ideals and techniques of understanding.
The question is, with this brilliance, is there another side to the coin — a nefarious flip-side that uses superiority as a weapon… Sure.
The dynamics are quite more complex due to the precarious existence of Israel — a state upon which some of the former diaspora has settled. As we know, Germany was famous for its anti-semitism going way back to the times of Luther. France was not far behind in this regard but the extermination of a people was abhorrent nonetheless. In America, anti-semitism was hidden, yet powerful. Henry Ford was anti-semitic... Joseph Kennedy, John and Robert’s father, lauded Hitler for getting rid of the Jewish menace in Europe. In Russia, anti-semitism was not so evident, though latent, considering Whatizname Lenin was “half”-jewish...
Lev Davidovich Bronstein (7 November 1879 – 21 August 1940), better known as Leon Trotsky was a Ukrainian-Russian Marxist revolutionary, political theorist and politician. Ideologically a communist, he developed a variant of Marxism which has become known as Trotskyism. Born into a wealthy Ukrainian-Jewish family in Yanovka, Trotsky embraced Marxism after moving to Nikolayev in 1896. In 1898, Tsarist authorities arrested him for revolutionary activities and subsequently exiled him to Siberia. He escaped from Siberia, befriended Lenin but had some disagreements with him, etc….
According to Trotsky, his program could be distinguished from other Marxist theories by five key elements:
• Support for the strategy of permanent revolution, in opposition to the two-stage theory of his opponents. • Criticism of the post-1924 leadership of the Soviet Union, analysis of its features; after 1933 also support for political revolution in the Soviet Union and in what Trotskyists term the degenerated workers' states. • Support for social revolution in the advanced capitalist countries through working-class mass action. • Support for proletarian internationalism. • Use of a transitional programme of demands that bridge between daily struggles of the working class and the maximal ideas of the socialist transformation of society. On the political spectrum of Marxism, Trotskyists are usually considered to be towards the left. In the 1920s they called themselves the Left Opposition, although today's left communism is distinct and usually non-Bolshevik. The terminological disagreement can be confusing because different versions of a left-right political spectrum are used.
Meanwhile other Jews in the Western world spectrum saw the advantage of capitalism — against communism. When one is superior, one does not want to be dragged down by the plebs. Some of the Jews became neoconservatives, influencing the policies of the West in the promotion (and bleeding thereof) of the bourgeoisie. This has been achieve by minimising the influence of the proletariat, through the destruction of unions and by using “slave” labour outside the capitalist framework (China comes to mind). As well, the Jewish network controlled the media, especially Hollywood and now in other way such as the "upright" Soros network.
All these ideologies ARE transient and are only resistant to the manipulation of democratic decisions at the class-roots, as the dynamics of who owns what and who controls whom ebb and flow like flotsam and jetsam… In the USA, the problem of this possible shift to “socialism” had been dealt with during the McCarthy era and recently by sinking Bernie Sanders (a socialist Jew) of the Democratic Party in favour of Hillary, a “neocon-liberal”.
The present problems of the West stem from all the dynamics in which money/gold became the god bull… This god has turned into a MASSIVE debt from which there is little escape but to fudge the accounting — and allow a few “socialistic” policies to prevent a revolution. This of course is complexed in the USA with the racial and sexist (genderisation/woke) problems… Let’s now study two Jews who influenced social understanding in the 20th century.
Claude Lévi-Strauss (28 November 1908 – 30 October 2009) was a French anthropologist and ethnologist whose work was key in the development of the theories of structuralism in societies and structural anthropology. These underpins the value of the “collective social networks”… Levi-Strauss held the chair of Social Anthropology at the Collège de France between 1959 and 1982, was elected a member of the Académie française in 1973 and was a member of the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences in Paris. He received numerous honours from universities and institutions throughout the world. His work was more academic than political, but it influenced politics of the left in Europe nonetheless.
Meanwhile... C. Bradley Thompson, a professor at Clemson University, claims that most influential neoconservatives refer explicitly to the theoretical ideas in the philosophy of Leo Strauss (1899–1973), although there are several writers who claim that in doing so they may draw upon meaning that Strauss himself did not endorse. Eugene Sheppard notes: "Much scholarship tends to understand Strauss as an inspirational founder of American neoconservatism". Strauss was a refugee from Nazi Germany who taught at the New School for Social Research in New York (1938–1948) and the University of Chicago (1949–1969).
Strauss asserted that "the crisis of the West consists in the West's having become uncertain of its purpose". His solution was a restoration of the vital ideas and faith that in the past had sustained the moral purpose of the West. The Greek classics (classical republican and modern republican), political philosophy and the Judeo-Christian heritage are the essentials of the Great Tradition in Strauss's work. Strauss emphasized the spirit of the Greek classics and Thomas G. West (1991) argues that for Strauss the American Founding Fathers were correct in their understanding of the classics in their principles of justice.
For Strauss, political community is defined by convictions about justice and happiness rather than by sovereignty and force. A classical liberal, he repudiated the philosophy of John Locke as a bridge to 20th-century historicism and nihilism and instead defended liberal democracy as closer to the spirit of the classics than other modern regimes.
For Strauss, the American awareness of ineradicable evil in human nature and hence the need for morality, was a beneficial outgrowth of the pre-modern Western tradition. O'Neill (2009) notes that Strauss wrote little about American topics, but his students wrote a great deal and that Strauss's influence caused his students to reject historicism and positivism as morally relativist positions. They instead promoted a so-called Aristotelian perspective on America that produced a qualified defense of its liberal constitutionalism. Strauss's emphasis on moral clarity led the Straussians to develop an approach to international relations that Catherine and Michael Zuckert (2008) call Straussian Wilsonianism (or Straussian idealism), the defense of liberal democracy in the face of its vulnerability.
One can still see the strong influence of Leo Strauss in the present American politics (see "the age of deceit"), Democratic or Republican, yet they have been corrupted beyond recognition by… GREED. American GREED includes the American desire to control EVERYTHING and EVERYONE on the planet. The US ideology is not “democracy” but GREED. And this is dangerous.
How much is this greed ideology controlled by the Jewry, we don’t really know… but we can have a fair idea. We still live in the days of the trumpet of Jericho...
The Battle of Jericho is an incident from the Book of Joshua, being the first battle fought by the Israelites in the course of the conquest of Canaan. According to Joshua 6:1–27, the walls of Jericho fell after the Israelites marched around the city walls once a day for six days and seven times on the seventh day then blew their trumpets. Excavations at Tell es-Sultan, the biblical Jericho, have failed to substantiate this story, which has its origins in the nationalist propaganda of much later kings of Judah and their claims to the territory of the Kingdom of Israel. The lack of archaeological evidence and the composition, history and theological purposes of the Book of Joshua have led archaeologists like William G. Dever to characterise the story of the fall of Jericho as "invented out of whole cloth”.
Yes we know... but the trumpets worked for the Germans:
The Ju 87 otherwise called Stuka, was a German dive bomber and ground attack aircraft made by the German company Junkers. The earliest designs for the plane date back to the early 1930s with the first official model taking flight in 1935. It was quite a modern design for their time and served well during blitzkrieg attacks by Nazi Germany in the beginning stages of the war. Once the Bf 109s and Fw 190s came on the scene however, Stukas started to show their age and were slowly phased out.
One of the most notable feature of the the Stuka was the Jericho trumpet which was usually installed over the front of the main gear. The idea of the horrifying sound they produced was to weaken enemy morale while approaching targets. Also, once a Stuka squadron got into formation while diving, their combined sound added a tremendous amount of intimidation to the enemy. Not only were the troops or civilians on the ground already anticipating bombs to drop, in addition this sound served as a brain piercing indication that you were going to be in a lot of trouble in a couple seconds.
And the Trumpets are now being trumpeted around Russia and China...
We know…
Gus Leonisky
Historian of bullshit and other dumps…
SEE ALSO: whoops...
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crumbling crumbles...
BY Valery Kulikov
In recent days, the Western media has published several highly symbolic articles on the future of the US.
First of all, it is perhaps worth noting a report by The Hill on how, hours before President Joe Biden’s visit to Pittsburgh, a bridge collapsed in that city. The event clearly foreshadows not so much the dire state of the US’s 45,000 bridges, as proclaimed by the discouraged leader of “the world’s most successful nation,” but rather the critical state of the entire country. And as regards this “state,” Joe Biden himself has pointed out that it is absolutely clear that the economy is still struggling. More than ten million Americans have become unemployed, and four million have been out of work for six months or more. Thirty-six million citizens are on the brink.
However, the German weekly Der Spiegel was more outspoken about the disaster already engulfing the US, stating that America is a country of the poor. Currently, one in six Americans is facing hunger. Even before the pandemic, some 35 million US citizens did not have enough food to eat. According to Feeding America, the COVID pandemic has already raised that number to 50.5 million, of which 17 million are children. Almost a quarter of household owners admit to having concerns about their own food security – twice as many as at the end of 2018. Life is particularly difficult for families with children. Signs of impoverishment are evident everywhere, even in affluent megacities like New York or Los Angeles. The lines for free hot meals are so long that the last people standing run the risk of not getting their lunch – the day’s supplies simply run out. Food banks point out that the expected $2 billion in aid from the US government is not enough to solve the “impending crisis.”
As further evidence of a “falling America,” The Guardian reports that even the luxury residential skyscraper Millennium Tower in San Francisco “is continuing to sink and tilt to the side by about 3in (7.5 cm) a year”, drawing comparisons to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. A correspondent of the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten who visited the US wrote that the world is witnessing the collapse of the United States.
Last December, the consumer price index, which serves as the main tool for calculating inflation in the US, rose 7% compared to the same month in 2020, the highest level since June 1982, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. As Sarah House, director and senior economist at Wells Fargo, commented to The Wall Street Journal: “There is still tremendous momentum when it comes to inflation right now. While inflation is likely to peak in the next few months, the overall pace is going to remain a challenge for consumers, businesses and policy.” High inflation has already been felt by consumers themselves, who have begun to cut back their spending.
Inflation in the US has reached its highest rate in 40 years. Sharply rising gasoline and food prices are forcing Americans to tighten their belts, ABC News reported.
In this context of total impoverishment, according to the Associated Press, thieves have been left free to raid cargo containers aboard trains approaching downtown Los Angeles for months. Their “prey” are packages from retailers, including Amazon and REI. There are camps for homeless on both sides of the railway tracks. For the thousands of outcasts of the “fairest society on Earth,” banal robbery has become the only source of livelihood.
The Joe Biden administration, having proclaimed ideas of “racial justice,” is now making white people suffer in order to make amends for the sins of the past, Fox News reported. As the channel points out, discrimination has even permeated healthcare: precious COVID-19 drugs are primarily prescribed to members of racial minorities, regardless of whether they have chronic illnesses.
A poll conducted by The Washington Post and the University of Maryland found that about half of US citizens (46%) said they were “a little” or “absolutely” dissatisfied with the state of democracy in the country. Against this background, the share of Americans who accept the use of force against the authorities has risen to a level unprecedented in decades. At the moment, almost one in three Americans believe that violence against the government can sometimes be justified. The share of US residents who hold such a view has risen to a 20-year high, the publication notes.
“The California Dream” has failed the test of the pandemic, with 173,000 people leaving the state in one year, mostly from Los Angeles and San Francisco counties, Le Figaro says. While Democrats in power blame the trend on lower birth rates, declining migrant inflows and rising death rates due to COVID-19, Republicans attribute the population flight to policies in the state that contribute to rising crime and other problems.
The American nation is sicker than ever, writes the American Conservative. Average life expectancy in the United States is falling, while the number of people with pathological anxiety and depression is rising. The publication estimates that “in the US, more people appear to be falling off the horse, but fewer appear capable of picking themselves up.” Alarming levels of antidepressant use among teenagers and adults in these conditions are reflected in official statistics: 10% of Americans take such medication, and the figure is closer to 25% among women aged 40 to 50 years.
NPR and Ipsos conducted a poll showing that, despite deep political and cultural divisions among Americans, they agree on one thing: democracy and America itself are in crisis and could collapse.
“A failed Democratic radical agenda” has brought the US into the most dangerous times since the late 1930s, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham said, according to Insider. He said that “Americans will enter the ballot box this year… [to] register their opposition against … ‘a failed Democratic radical agenda’ that has imperiled the state of the country.”
Nevertheless, “American elites try to deny realities that underscore their misrule, while treating the resulting popular discontent as a devious plot hatched by foreign conspirators,” writes The American Conservative. And this is proved by another Department of State document on alleged “Russian propaganda,” accusing Russia of all kinds of mischief. In reality though, “the Western “anti-disinfo” industry can go hang it: Putin is telling the truth,” the publication stresses.
Instead of correcting their own mistakes, the current US political elite is unleashing numerous propaganda information campaigns. Like “the global threat of Moscow’s aggression against Ukraine.” Although even Kyiv itself officially talks about the pointlessness and blatant fakery of such actions by Washington, which is trying to flood the entire Europe with its weapons that are now uncompetitive with Russia and China.
And, by proclaiming itself as a supposed “defender of human rights,” the United States is increasingly becoming a stronghold of McCarthyism. The era of McCarthyism, directed against left-wing and liberal figures and organizations, is thought to have taken place mainly during the period of political reaction in 1950-54. However, recent events clearly show that this ideology is very much alive in the current US political establishment and certain forces are actively trying to revive it in the US today, seeking to maintain people’s fear of a foreign adversary, portraying him as all-powerful and omnipresent. Today’s McCarthyism preachers try to implant the idea that Russia is behind all the misfortunes, and if anyone dares to challenge this claim, they are automatically labelled as traitors who allegedly “work for Putin personally.”
The recent announcement by the US deputy attorney general that a new “domestic terrorism” unit would be set up to track citizens opposed to the government’s authority is one reason for this circumstance. As former US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard noted in a Fox News interview, “this is the foundation of authoritarianism… And this is unacceptable in [the American] democracy and must not go unchecked.”
Valery Kulikov, political expert, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
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