Sunday 9th of March 2025

social distancing alla infected but not dying yet…

on the fairwayon the fairway

Dominic Perrottet’s COVID “change in approach” will be sceptically received and many will see this contradiction of earlier advice as a belated attempt to manage a situation that has the appearance of being out of control (“One in 10 may catch first wave, Chant says”, December 30).


It is obvious the Premier and his ministers grossly underestimated the PCR testing demand and ignored the understandable fear in the community. Rather than scaling up testing, Perrottet and Scott Morrison are in cahoots fiddling with the definition of a “close contact” and advising those who are concerned about their health status not to seek a PCR test. Once again, the state and federal governments have been exposed as being too self-satisfied and lacking any foresight or planning for outcomes that may well have been predicted by the health experts. As Perrottet scrambles to cover up his government’s negligence and absence of “Plan B” preparation, his command to “adjust our behaviour” is likely to fall on deaf ears. 

Ross Butler, Rodd Point


As one of the worried well, I apologise unreservedly to Perrottet for my existence. I realise now the government has far more important things to worry about than the health of the people. It’s time for us to get out there and spend, spend, spend before we die from this pesky infection. And so, my fellow citizens: ask not what the NSW Coalition can do for you – ask what you can do for the NSW Coalition (apologies to JFK). 

Graham Lum, North Rocks


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more youth infected…

While the Premier may state that NSW is in a very strong position at this point in time, the same cannot be said for the NSW health system. Already, within a few short weeks of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus hitting our shores, daily new cases in NSW now exceed 12,000, more than seven times the peak number of daily new cases recorded for the Delta outbreak (1603; Sept 11, 2021), and placing us as a state ahead of all but a handful of countries for daily new infections.


While the early data is suggesting that the rate at which Omicron puts people in hospital is lower than Delta’s, its rapid spread is putting enormous pressure on hospitals. The rate of increase of hospitalisations for infected patients in the current outbreak exceeds that seen with the Delta outbreak, even though Omicron is circulating in a substantially more vaccinated population. During the Delta outbreak, it took 34 days for NSW to go from 134 cases admitted to hospital to 761. It has taken just 26 days to go from 139 hospitalisations in early December to Thursday’s 746. Current low ICU percentages tell us little; ICU numbers lag by weeks.





21, 151…

Coronavirus case numbers in NSW have surged more than 70 per cent in a single day with 21,151 new infections as health authorities warn testing capacity is under “enormous pressure”.

Six new deaths were also announced on New Year’s Eve and there are now 832 people in hospital with the virus, including 69 in intensive care, 19 of whom require ventilation.

Chief Health Officer Dr Kerry Chant said it is likely the case numbers are higher than those reported as there is a lot of transmission of the virus in the community.

“If you have the most minimal of symptoms I’m asking you to please stay home, isolate and get a test,” Dr Chant said on Friday.

She suggested that people use rapid antigen tests before socialising but acknowledged that “availability is variable”.

NSW Health warned the state’s testing capacity is under enormous pressure and requested people only seek PCR testing if they are experiencing coronavirus symptoms or have been advised to get one because they are a close contact of a confirmed case.









FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


playing pork-golf…



From Michael Pascoe


I don't know where to start with this story.

The family trust being federally funded to update its motel curtains and pelmets in Barnaby Joyce’s electorate is a tempting lede, but so is the interaction of taxpayers’ coin with property development around the Murray Bridge Golf Course.

The National Radioactive Waste Management Facility Community Benefit Grants for the Quorn and Kimba golf clubs are intriguing – Quorn upgraded “tee blocks from compacted ground to new synthetic, all-weather surface tees”.

Then there is the issue of why the federal government is throwing millions of dollars at golf clubs at all – they are, after all, private businesses, whatever their ownership structure, and part of the big business that is golf.


But in the end, I have to go with the big figure to keep faith with The New Daily reporting analysis of federal grants being rorted for political purposes, rorted on such a scale as to be corrupt.

Over the past four years, the Morrison government has given more than $22.3 million to golf clubs and associated businesses via a score of grant programs, schemes and wheezes.

Magically, only 2.2 per cent of that money has gone to golf clubs or related businesses that are in Labor electorates.

It seems golf isn’t meant to be a game for Labor voters.

I have been collaborating with spreadsheet sleuth Vince O’Grady for 20 months as we have delved into the many billions of dollars of Commonwealth grants, assisted by a couple of IT colleagues.

Whether Building Better Regions, Stronger Communities or Community Development Grants, I’ve been struck by how often golf clubs have been blessed with Commonwealth money, some of them doozies.

Hard to go past the picturesque Crescent Head Country Club on the water in the Nationals’ NSW mid-north coast seat of Cowper copping $1.31 million for adding a mini-golf course with recycled water irrigation.

Or the poker machine-subsidised Corowa Golf Club being gifted nearly $1 million for “a new, state-of-the-art, computer-controlled irrigation system”.

That was a factor in helping the club record a million-dollar profit last year.

Mr O’Grady and associates subsequently ran “golf” through the various grants and schemes, scoring 175 payouts over the past four years.

Labor seats have 38 of those for a total of $498,447 – an average of only $13,117.

The Coalition seats’ 132 grants total $21,758,570 – averaging $164,837.

No doubt Coalition seats having 247 per cent more grants than Labor seats and those Coalition grants being 1157 per cent larger on average is purely coincidental.

But then again, probably not.

For example, the Berwick Montuna Golf Club in the has been gifted $429,000, of which $390,000 was “via a pre-federal election promise”.

“Mr Savage paid particular tribute to federal La Trobe MP Jason Wood for his part in securing federal government funding for the project,” enthuses the club president on a website dedicated to golf clubs obtaining government money.

“Jason has been very supportive from the outset. He visited the course on several occasions and grasped very quickly that we are an important community facility in a rapidly expanding area that has an obvious need for more and better recreational spaces. We are very grateful to him and the Pitch In campaign.”

As Scott Morrison says when presented with overwhelming Coalition grant corruption, he must be a good local member.

And it could be argued the Coalition had a finger in more than the 132 grants the spreadsheets allocated them.

Three grants in Bob Katter’s Kennedy and two in the lost Downer ancestral seat of Mayo – well, they certainly weren’t Labor seats.

On the other hand, the $22,096 for the Jenkins Family Trust, trading as the West Tamworth Golf Links Motel, to “replace our existing lightweight curtains with heavyweight, blockout curtains and add pelmets to all 21 of our guestrooms” isn’t really a golf thing, but part of a $10.2 million “Hotel Energy Uplift Program”.

“The program provides grants to support small and medium hotels to reduce their energy use, improve energy productivity and deliver carbon abatement.”

Yes, folks, the Australian government in action, fighting climate change with pelmets.

The New Terry Hotel and Golf resort (now that BreakFree Wirrina Cove “Best 3 Star Luxury Accommodation on the Fleurieu Peninsula”) in Mayo pocketed $27,500 under the same scheme to improve its air-conditioning. So that’s two grants that might be fairly sliced into the rough.

On the other hand, the Building Better Regions Fund gift of $373,000 to the “perfectly manicured” Murray Bridge club looks particularly rich.

“The project will upgrade the Murray Bridge Golf Course from a par-68 to a par-71 championship course, together with an upgrade of the clubhouse facilities.”

Never mind that the upgrade will effectively have the course running through a $50 million property development, the developer donating some of the land and the necessary earthworks for the three extra holes.

Such is the scale of the club and enterprise, it’s a mystery to me why federal taxpayers are contributing. Maybe count that one twice.

Which touches on the broader question of what the federal government is doing down in the sand trap handing out cash to clubs, regardless of the clubs’ wealth or need. It’s tacky and ripe for being compromised – just ask Daryl Maguire.

The overall club industry is a massively powerful political force, as Andrew Wilkie discovered when he tried to limit poker machine gambling.

I once suggested John Howard and Peter Costello colluded to blow the doors off the Treasury safe to enable rich people to stuff their superannuation funds with many millions of dollars because they wanted to be popular in the golf club when they retired.

Clearly, that is now unnecessary. Under Scott Morrison, the cash goes direct to the club – if it has the right local member.

(There was a $13,750 grant in November 2018 to upgrade the Burnie Golf Club’s function area and kitchen when the seat of Braddon was held by Labor. Braddon turned Liberal in the election six months later – so you could claim Labor seats received 2.3 per cent. Braddon has done exceptionally well in all manner of federal grants.)

Disclosure: Michael Pascoe is not a golfer






NSW has recorded 34,994 new COVID-19 cases and six deaths as Premier Dominic Perrottet suggests elective surgery may be suspended to ease pressure on the healthcare system.

More than 31 per cent of the 111,231 people tested in the latest reporting period have returned positive results for the virus, down from 32 per cent on Wednesday.


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