Monday 13th of January 2025

designed or accidental covid caper?...


We have been bombarded with information from scientists with various opinions, from politicians who need to be seen doing something about something — and doubters who don’t trust anyone. All this flurry of facts, figures, statistics came with a certain amount of ferocity and contradictions. Do we pay attention? Do we follow the “governments’ recommendations"? Is there a bit of dictatorship in having to be vaxxed in order to work? What are our responsibilities versus our freedom of choice?


It is VERY difficult to find the truth in which there is not a middle ground. We’re either in danger or the whole thing is overblown. Even now, without any real study of long term effects, we’re about to vaccinate our kids with GMOs. 


Covid-19 — a SARS virus — has had a major impact on the human species for the last two years. About 5 million people have died from this infection, while about 150 million people have been infected with various effects. Some people do not get sick, others suffer for a long time from lasting chronic ailments.


Hang on a minute did I say GMO?  Is mRNA, a specific new type of genetically engineered coding? Apparently mRNAs are little engines that help in the transcription of cellular well being. Apparently, mRNA molecules have been part of the evolution of life since the year dot, 4.5 billion years ago.


With our new lab technologies, we can “create” new types of mRNA that targets a particular and specific transcription such as helping cells to develop anti-bodies to fight Covid-19 and the flu.


Brilliant. But are there side-effects? Is it a bit like learning to play the piano exclusively… The cells may not be very good at bricklaying anymore? 



Is this an accidental event or was this the plan by the vaccine makers?


We know that with certain diseases, such as measles, the immune system forgets previous infections and does not know how to react to new infections of once-acquired diseases. The immune system has lost its memory… Have the vaccine makers discovered the way to turn off the human immune system? We can answer with an emphatic YES, otherwise many organ transplants would not be possible. Most of the organ transplant recipients are on drugs designed to reduce their immunity in order to prevent organ rejection…


A lot here is at stake, including our own heath and that of our children… Are the “health authorities” jumping the gun?





Vaccinations are not new to the 21st century. FOR THE LAST 100 YEARS, there has been an increase in vaccinations, but the concept apparently stated in the 10 century in China. This did not involve needles of such but coming into contact with certain diseases that help keep others at bay.


In the 19th Century, the Cow-Pox inoculation became a fierce ground for battle between the vaxxers and the anti-vaxxers, as seen in the famous Gillray cartoon published in 1802 (


By the end of the 19th century, Louis pasteur had refined the vaccination techniques and ways to eliminate bacteria in ordinary food such as milk. Cow’s milk.


By the mid-1900s, new vaccinations became the way to prevent the spread of some diseases such as diphtheria, small pox, TP, polio and others. There were very few protests — and most of these were individual who refuse to have their children vaccinated. 


In the 1980s, a serious new transmittable disease came along. AIDS. It is an “acquired" immune deficiency syndrome.

There were controversies about the origin of such disease, especially that it appeared soon after the “invention” of immune suppression drugs for transplant patients. The origin seems to have been a zoo-transfer between monkeys and humans. By then, monkeys were used in labs for medical “experiments” but the AIDS virus was claimed to come from the wild, in Africa. One of the tragedy was it affected mostly gay men, because of sexual practices. Morality entered the fray...


In the case of Covid-19, a few strange coincidences popped up…


— In October 2019, there was a full-dress rehearsal for dealing with a pandemic


— There were Military Games in Wuhan, China, November, 2019


— In late 2019, a strange new virus was discovered in a hospital, Wuhan, China


— Wuhan has the only official biolab in China.


— The virus spreads much faster than any others, such as the flu viruses.


— The virus is a SARS type virus.


— The Wuhan biolab and the other biolabs around the world have been studying this PARTICULAR virus


— The virus is common-specific in bats, but so far had not infected humans


— Bats had been handled in the “wet-markets” of Wuhan for a few hundred of years


— In late 2019, this bat virus had become virulent to humans.


— The virus has since been spotted in earlier sewage samples in other countries


— The Big Pharmaceuticals were by now ready to apply a new technology


— The genetic manipulation of some mRNA to specifically become a Covid-19 killer


— Other pharmaceuticals stuck with the old methods of vaccination, including Sputnik V


— The speed of manufacturing vaccines meant there was no time for proper studies of their properties


— Pharmas demanded exemption from governments re side-effects



Were lockdowns, masks and vaccination solutions/subjects of the dress-rehearsal?


Friday, October 18, 2019

8:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

The Pierre hotel

New York, NY


— Event 201 was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. 15 global business, government, and public health leaders were players in the simulation exercise that highlighted unresolved real-world policy and economic issues that could be solved with sufficient political will, financial investment, and attention now and in the future.

The exercise consisted of pre-recorded news broadcasts, live “staff” briefings, and moderated discussions on specific topics. These issues were carefully designed in a compelling narrative that educated the participants and the audience.

The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation jointly propose these recommendations.


1 — Governments, international organizations, and businesses should plan now for how essential corporate capabilities will be utilized during a large-scale pandemic. During a severe pandemic, public sector efforts to control the outbreak are likely to become overwhelmed. But industry assets, if swiftly and appropriately deployed, could help to save lives and reduce economic losses. For instance, companies with operations focused on logistics, social media, or distribution systems will be needed to enable governments’ emergency response, risk communications, and medical countermeasure distribution efforts during a pandemic. This includes working together to ensure that strategic commodities are available and accessible for public health response. Contingency planning for a potential operational partnership between government and business will be complex, with many legal and organizational details to be addressed. Governments should work now to identify the most critical areas of need and reach out to industry players with the goal of finalizing agreements in advance of the next large pandemic. The Global Preparedness Monitoring Board would be well positioned to help monitor and contribute to the efforts that governments, international organizations and businesses should take for pandemic preparedness and response.  

2 — Industry, national governments, and international organizations should work together to enhance internationally held stockpiles of medical countermeasures (MCMs) to enable rapid and equitable distribution during a severe pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) currently has an influenza vaccine virtual stockpile, with contracts in place with pharmaceutical companies that have agreed to supply vaccines should WHO request them. As one possible approach, this virtual stockpile model could be expanded to augment WHO’s ability to distribute vaccines and therapeutics to countries in the greatest need during a severe pandemic. This should also include any available experimental vaccine stockpiles for any WHO R&D Blueprint pathogens to deploy in a clinical trial during outbreaks in collaboration with CEPI, GAVI, and WHO. Other approaches could involve regional stockpiles or bi- or multinational agreements. During a catastrophic outbreak, countries may be reluctant to part with scarce medical resources. A robust international stockpile could therefore help to ensure that low and middle resource settings receive needed supplies regardless of whether they produce such supplies domestically. Countries with national supplies or domestic manufacturing capabilities should commit to donating some supply/product to this virtual stockpile. Countries should support this effort through the provision of additional funding.


3 — Countries, international organizations, and global transportation companies should work together to maintain travel and trade during severe pandemics. Travel and trade are essential to the global economy as well as to national and even local economies, and they should be maintained even in the face of a pandemic. Improved decision-making, coordination, and communications between the public and private sectors, relating to risk, travel advisories, import/export restrictions, and border measures will be needed. The fear and uncertainty experienced during past outbreaks, even those limited to a national or regional level, have sometimes led to unjustified border measures, the closure of customer-facing businesses, import bans, and the cancellation of airline flights and international shipping. A particularly fast-moving and lethal pandemic could therefore result in political decisions to slow or stop movement of people and goods, potentially harming economies already vulnerable in the face of an outbreak. Ministries of Health and other government agencies should work together now with international airlines and global shipping companies to develop realistic response scenarios and start a contingency planning process with the goal of mitigating economic damage by maintaining key travel and trade routes during a large-scale pandemic. Supporting continued trade and travel in such an extreme circumstance may require the provision of enhanced disease control measures and personal protective equipment for transportation workers, government subsidies to support critical trade routes, and potentially liability protection in certain cases. International organizations including WHO, the International Air Transport Association, and the International Civil Aviation Organization should be partners in these preparedness and response efforts.


4 — Governments should provide more resources and support for the development and surge manufacturing of vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics that will be needed during a severe pandemic. In the event of a severe pandemic, countries may need population-level supplies of safe and effective medical countermeasures, including vaccines, therapeutics, and diagnostics. Therefore, the ability to rapidly develop, manufacture, distribute, and dispense large quantities of MCMs will be needed to contain and control a global outbreak. Countries with enough resources should greatly increase this capability. In coordination with WHO, CEPI, GAVI, and other relevant multilateral and domestic mechanisms, investments should be made in new technologies and industrial approaches, that will allow concomitant distributed manufacturing. This will require addressing legal and regulatory barriers among other issues.


5 — Global business should recognize the economic burden of pandemics and fight for stronger preparedness. In addition to investing more in preparing their own companies and industries, business leaders and their shareholders should actively engage with governments and advocate for increased resources for pandemic preparedness. Globally, there has been a lack of attention and investment in preparing for high-impact pandemics, and business is largely not involved in existing efforts. To a significant extent this is due to a lack of awareness of the business risks posed by a pandemic. Tools should be built that help large private sector companies visualize business risks posed by infectious disease and pathways to mitigate risk through public-private cooperation to strengthen preparedness. A severe pandemic would greatly interfere with workforce health, business operations, and the movement of goods and services.3 A catastrophic-level outbreak can also have profound and long-lasting effects on entire industries, the economy, and societies in which business operates. While governments and public health authorities serve as the first line of defense against fast-moving outbreaks, their efforts are chronically under-funded and lack sustained support. Global business leaders should play a far more dynamic role as advocates with a stake in stronger pandemic preparedness.


6 — International organizations should prioritize reducing economic impacts of epidemics and pandemics. Much of the economic harm resulting from a pandemic is likely to be due to counterproductive behavior of individuals, companies, and countries. For example, actions that lead to disruption of travel and trade or that change consumer behavior can greatly damage economies. In addition to other response activities, an increase in and reassessment of pandemic financial support will certainly be needed in a severe pandemic as many sectors of society may need financial support during or after a severe pandemic, including healthcare institutions, essential businesses, and national governments Furthermore, the ways in which these existing funds can now be used are limited. The International Health Regulations prioritize both minimizing public health risks and avoiding unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade. But there will also be a need to identify critical nodes of the banking system and global and national economies that are too essential to fail – there are some that are likely to need emergency international financial support as well. The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, regional development banks, national governments, foundations, and others should explore ways to increase the amount and availability of funds in a pandemic and ensure that they can be flexibly used where needed.


7 — Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis- and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response.Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation. This will require developing the ability to flood media with fast, accurate, and consistent information. Public health authorities should work with private employers and trusted community leaders such as faith leaders, to promulgate factual information to employees and citizens. Trusted, influential private-sector employers should create the capacity to readily and reliably augment public messaging, manage rumors and misinformation, and amplify credible information to support emergency public communications. National public health agencies should work in close collaboration with WHO to create the capability to rapidly develop and release consistent health messages. For their part, media companies should commit to ensuring that authoritative messages are prioritized and that false messages are suppressed including though the use of technology.

Accomplishing the above goals will require collaboration among governments, international organizations and global business. If these recommendations are robustly pursued, major progress can be made to diminish the potential impact and consequences of pandemics. We call on leaders in global business, international organizations, and national governments to launch an ambitious effort to work together to build a world better prepared for a severe pandemic.




Note: Gus believes that these RECOMMENDATIONS had been WRITTEN before the conference of Event 201. And to some extend they ARE A BIT VAGUE compared to what we had to endure…


The coincidences are a bit too close for comfort...



Now we have the Omicron variant of Covid-19, yet we know little about this possible infection.



The Vaccines:


There has been some concerns about the vaccines. Yet as “ma" Leonisky always said, "it is better to attend to prickly roses than push daisies…” Clever woman..

 Here are some of these concerns, and you don’t need to believe any of these:



Covid-19: 40% of patients with weakened immune system mount lower response to vaccines


BMJ 2021; 374 doi: (Published 24 August 2021)

Cite this as: BMJ 2021;374:n2098


Four in 10 people who are clinically vulnerable generate lower levels of antibodies than healthy recipients after two shots of vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, a study has found.1

The Octave (Observational Cohort Trial T cells Antibodies and Vaccine Efficacy in SARS-CoV-2) trial is one of the largest in the world to have looked at the response to covid-19 vaccination in patients who are immunocompromised. It compared 600 patients, who had a weakened immune system because of their disease process or treatment, with the antibody response of healthy people from the Pitch (Protective Immunity from T Cells in Healthcare workers) study.

The trial included patients with solid organ and haematological cancers, end stage kidney and liver disease, organ transplants, and immune mediated inflammatory disease such as inflammatory bowel disease, vasculitis, or rheumatoid arthritis—patients who were not included in original vaccine trial data.

The findings, published as a preprint on the Lancet site,1 showed that 89% of immunocompromised patients seroconverted within four weeks of the second vaccine dose, as compared with 100% of healthy participants in the Pitch trial.

Overall, 60% of immunocompromised patients had an antibody response equivalent to that of healthy vaccine recipients, but 11% of those with a weakened immune system failed to generate any antibodies.

Failure to seroconvert was particularly high in certain groups: 72.4% of patients with ANCA associated vasculitis and 98% of patients with inflammatory arthritis were in this category. Notably, all of the patients with ANCA associated vasculitis had received rituximab, a targeted B cell depletion therapy, and the researchers suspect a possible link between low seroconversion and rituximab because of the importance of B cells in the immune response to covid-19.

Immunological analysis

The findings have been shared with the UK’s Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, which is poised to decide on provision of booster vaccines in early September. Some countries that are already administering booster doses have prioritised people with chronic diseases or who are taking immunosuppressive therapies.2

Iain McInnes, chief investigator of Octave, clarified that this was an immunological analysis, looking at antibody and cellular (T cell) response, not a clinical effectiveness trial examining responses to specific vaccines or mixed doses.

While there was concern about the lack of seroconversion in some people, the researchers noted that these patients had a cellular (T cell) response, the body’s “back-up” system. This suggests that the vaccine is immunologically active in all patients but that the type and quality of that response varies.

The trial, funded by the Medical Research Council, is a multicentre, UK-wide trial, led by the University of Glasgow and coordinated by the University of Birmingham’s Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit.






If someone wished to kill a significant portion of the world’s population over the next few years, the systems being put in place right now would enable it.” Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President



“And this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard is coming; and now is already in the world.”  1 John 4:2–3



Question– Does the Covid-19 vaccine damage the immune system?

Answer– It does. It impairs the body’s ability to fight infection, viruses and disease.

Question– If that’s true, then why haven’t more people died after getting vaccinated?

Answer– I’m not sure what you mean? The vaccine has killed more people than any vaccine in history. “So far, in the United States, the death toll is three times higher than the total of all vaccines in the last 35 years.” That’s simply astonishing. We’ve also seen a steady rise in all-cause mortality and excess deaths in the countries that launched mass vaccination campaigns earlier in the year. Sometimes the increase is as much as 20 percent over the five-year average. That is a massive spike in fatalities, and it’s largely attributable to the vaccine. So, what do you mean when you say, “Why haven’t more people died”? Did you expect to see people clutching their hearts and dropping dead after getting jabbed? That’s a very naive understanding of how the injection works. (See: “COVID Deaths Before and After Vaccination Programs”, You Tube; 2 minutes)

Question– All I’m saying is that the percentage of people that have died is quite small compared to the tens of millions that have been vaccinated.

Answer– And all I’m saying is that if the vaccine is lab-generated pathogen– and I think it is– then it certainly was not designed to kill people on the spot. It was engineered to produce a delayed reaction that gradually but relentlessly erodes the health of the vaccinee. In other words, the full impact of the blood clots, bleeding, autoimmune issues and other vaccine-generated injuries will only be fully felt at a later date via increasing incidents of heart attacks, strokes, vascular illness and even cancer. (Check out the “latest trend of cardiac attendances by Scottish Ambulance Service – this is *excess* above the 2018/19 norm. Huge spike in summer, 500 ambulance calls per week above normal, mainly age 15-64. Was settling, then spike up again since late October.” Scottish Unity – Edinburgh Group)

Answer– The chart above shows why cardiac issues have garnered a lot of attention lately, but the damage to the immune system is even more concerning.

Question– Can you explain what you mean without getting too technical?

Answer– I can do better than that. I can give you a short clip from an article that covers the latest research. Check it out:

“A Swedish lab study (titled “SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro“, NIH) released in mid-October found that the spike protein… enters the nucleus of cells and significantly interferes with DNA damage-repair functions compromising a person’s adaptive immunity and perhaps encouraging the formation of cancer cells….

“Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair,” they wrote. “Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.”(“Spike protein in COVID virus and shots weakens immune system, may be linked with cancer: Swedish study“, Lifesite News)

What the researchers found is that the spike protein blocks production of the enzymes that are needed to repair broken DNA which, in turn, prevents the “proliferation” of B and T cells that are needed to fight infection.

Question– Can you explain that in plain English?

Answer– Sure. It means the vaccine short-circuits your immune system which clears the way for infection, disease and an early death. Maybe, you think you can have a long and happy life with a dysfunctional immune system, but I think you’re wrong. The immune system is the shield that protects you from all-manner of potentially-lethal viruses, bacteria and infections. It is not just the first-line of defense, it’s the only line of defense. Absent the full protection of B and T cells to fight-off foreign intruders, the prospects for survival are minuscule at best.

In order to underscore that point, check out this video of British Funeral Director, John O’ Looney, who has provided regular updates on what he is seeing on the ground 10 months following the vaccination rollout. It’s a disturbing account of the catastrophe that is now unfolding before our eyes:

(30 second mark) “So what we’re seeing is an unnaturally large number of deaths due to heart attack, stroke, aneurism; and these are all the result of thrombosis … Embolisms in the lungs the legs, various places that are causing these deaths that are well documented by the local coroners and well-documented across the country. And no one seems to be concerned about the alarming rise of (blood clots) I’ve seen more in this year than in the last 14 years….

That’s one kind of death we’re seeing, the other kind is the people that are getting sick now as their immune systems finally give up. So, they’ve had the jabs maybe 6 or 8 months ago, and it’s been eating away at their immune system, and now they’re struggling to fight off things like the common cold. So, we’re in winter and there are colds and flus around and these people can’t fight them off. The government are very quick to label it “Omicron”…but they are sick with the common cold. Their immune systems are decimated. It’s much like a cancer patient, who goes through chemotherapy and it decimates their immune system. And they have to be very careful because the common cold or flu can kill them. And this is what we’re seeing now…

We’re nearly 12 months since the first jabs began, so their immune systems are falling apart; that is the reality and that’s what I’m seeing... and they can’t cope with a cold anymore. … When I went to the meeting in Westminster in September, the scientist predicted that this is what would happen and, lo-and-behold, that’s what happening. The people are getting sick and dying….. It’s frightening.” (“Omicron is ‘vaccine injury’; it’s nothing more than that.” John Looney, Rumble)

Is he right? Is the uptick in fatalities NOT another wave of Covid but the knock-on effects of a cytotoxic injection that targets the immune system leaving millions of people defenceless against routine infections and disease?

It sounds feasible and it certainly fits with the depopulation agenda which requires a hybrid biologic that doesn’t kill its target outright but basically dismantles the critical defense systems that make human survival possible. By disguising a “killer protein”

as a harmless antigen, our pandemic managers have been able to access the bloodstreams of millions of people allowing them to insert a ticking time-bomb that ravages crucial T and B-cell populations leaving victims vulnerable to whatever bug happens to be circulating in the population. As Looney notes, scientists warned of this very outcome when mass vaccination was first proposed. Naturally, opposing views were ignored and censored. Here’s more from a pre-print research paper on the medRxiv server. It helps to explain the vaccine’s impact on the immune system:

“Researchers in The Netherlands and Germany have warned that Pfizer-BioNTech’s … (COVID-19) vaccine induces complex reprogramming of innate immune responses that should be considered in the development and use of mRNA-based vaccines…. Following vaccination, innate immune cells had a reduced response to toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), TLR7 and TLR8 – all ligands that play an important role in the immune response to viral infection….

“Multiple studies have shown that long-term innate immune responses can be either increased (trained immunity) or down-regulated (innate immune tolerance) after certain vaccines or infections.”…

These results collectively demonstrate that the effects of the BNT162b2 vaccine go beyond the adaptive immune system.. The BNT162b2 vaccine induces reprogramming of innate immune responses as well, and this needs to be taken into account.”…(“Research suggests Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reprograms innate immune responses”, New-Medical net)

How many people would have gotten vaccinated if they’d known it would reprogram their immune system?

Probably, no one, which is why our public health officials never broach the topic. Anything that veers even slightly from the “vaccines are good for you” narrative is omitted from mainstream coverage and erased on social media. But aren’t people entitled to know what’s going on, what is being injected into their bodies, and what impact it will have on their lives and health? Isn’t that what is meant by “informed consent” or is that another casualty of the rush to inoculate all 7 people on planet earth? Here’s a clip from a short interview with pathologist, Dr. Ryan Cole:

“When we give these shots, we can see the types of white blood cells in the body… and you have a broad array of immune cells that work together to fight off viruses and keep cancers in check. We’re already seeing the signals in the laboratory of decreases in critically important T-cells you need… in your innate immune system. These are the Marines in your body; fighting off viruses fighting cancer…. But what we’re seeing in the laboratory after people get these shots, we’re seeing a very concerning locked-in, low profile of these important killer T-cells that you want in your body. (CD8 cells) And what they do, is keep all other viruses in check.

What am I seeing in the laboratory? I’m seeing an uptick of Herpes family viruses, I’m seeing Shingles, I’m seeing Mono, I’m seeing a huge uptick in human papilloma virus… We are literally weakening the immune systems of these individuals.

Most concerning of all, is there’s a pattern of these types of immune cells in the body that keep cancer in check. Since, January 1, (in the laboratory) I’ve seen a 20X increase of endometrial cancer over what I see on an annual basis.” (“Pathologist Ryan N Cole of the Mayo Clinic on What We Are Seeing In Lab Results”, Rumble; 2 minutes)

“Herpes, Shingles, Mono, and even cancer!” What the heck is going on? This can’t be true, can it?

Yes, it is true; immunosuppression leads to all kinds of terrible health outcomes. Some readers might recall how Canadian vaccinologist Dr Byram Bridle made similar claims in an interview just a few weeks ago. Here’s what he said:

“What I’ve seen way too much of is people who had cancers that were in remission, or that were being well controlled; their cancers have gone completely out of control after getting this vaccine. And we know the vaccine causes a drop in T-cell numbers, and those T-cells are part of our immune system and they are part of the critical weapons our immune system has to fight off cancer cells; so there’s a potential mechanism there. All I can say, is I’ve had way too many people contact me with these reports for me to feel comfortable. I would say that is my newest major safety concern, and it’s also the one that’s going to be the most under-reported in the adverse data base, because if someone has had cancer before the vaccine, there’s no way public health officials will ever link it to the vaccine.” (“Dr Byram Bridle speaks”, Bitchute, :55 second-mark)

Once again, how many people would have decided to get vaccinated if they knew that it could trigger a flare-up of dormant viruses or cancers in remission? Who would take that risk?

But they don’t know they’re taking a risk, do they, because they haven’t been told the truth. And the reason they haven’t been told the truth is because they are a target in a war of extermination that is being waged on them. Sometimes it’s very hard for people to admit to what they know to be the truth, but the truth is plain to see. Our pandemic managers and their foot-soldiers in the media, public health and government want to do us harm, want to inject us with a mysterious substance that will wreak havoc on our immune systems and shorten our lives. This isn’t just a struggle for personal freedom or bodily autonomy, it’s a battle for survival. We are defending our right to live. Here’s more from Viral Immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose:

“There are studies coming out now, and there are ample signs in the adverse events data, that these products (Covid vaccines) are not only immuno-modulating the immune system and causing hyper inflammation; there are signs now that they are very negatively effecting CD8 T-cell populations. For those who don’t know, this is extremely bad news. It’s only on a few people so far, but the data does not look good so far. These T-cells are the so-called “killer cells”. Their job…is to kill virally infected cells that are showing foreign markers on their surface. So, if these populations are depleted, then that is very bad news, because we don’t have a population of cells in the acquired immune system to remove virally-infected cells.

There are clear signs that are starting to emerge, that there is an “immunity deficiency syndrome” coming about as a result of these products (vaccines) As a result of hyper-stimulation…T-cells being (diminished), and the ever-presence of repeated injections of a cytotoxic protein… I would never, ever recommend that someone who is immuno-compromised to ever go near these things, because I can almost guarantee you, that your condition is going to get worse. Another thing we’re seeing in VAERS is cancers coming out of remission and a lot of doctors are reporting this on the ground. And–by the way– this has never happened before, not on this scale; not even close… So, there’s something going on here that warrants further investigation, and it doesn’t look good.” (“Viral Immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose explains the concerning information emerging about the compromised immunity of the vaccinated“, Odysee)

Can you see the pattern yet? Can you see how they’re all saying the same thing? Why is that, do you think?

It’s because it’s the truth, the pure, unvarnished truth.

The point we’re trying to make cannot be overstated: The vaccine is a man-made, lab-generated bioweapon that disables the body’s critical defense system which increases one’s susceptibility to disease by many orders of magnitude. With each additional injection, one is less capable of mounting a sufficient response to routine infections, flus or viruses. That’s going to lead to a tsunami of sickness that will likely overwhelm our public health system and plunge the country deeper into crisis. Is that the plan? Is that what our globalist overlords have in store for us?

We’ll see. Now check out this last clip from video by vaccinologist, Geert Vanden Bossche:

“The first thing I would like to highlight is that Covid-19 is not a disease of healthy people. People who are in good health have a healthy innate immune system that can deal with a number of respiratory viruses without any problem. These people are not only protected against the disease but can even–in many cases– prevent infection. These are people who can contribute to sterilizing immunity and to herd immunity which is very, very important. So, listen: Never, ever allow anyone or anything to interfere or suppress your innate immune system. You can do a bad job yourself by leading an unhealthy life, that is going to suppress your innate immunity, but even worse, is vaccine-induced antibodies that do suppress your innate immunity. And these vaccinal antibodies cannot substitute for it because they lose their efficacy against the virus, and become less and less effective. In contrast to the innate antibodies, they cannot prevent infection, they cannot sterilize the virus. Therefore, they do contribute to herd immunity….

If we suppress these innate antibodies in children, it could lead to autoimmune diseases. This is an absolute “No go” We cannot vaccinate our children with these vaccines. The suppression of innate immunity is already a problem among vaccinees, and they are, indeed, going to have a difficult time controlling a number of diseases, not just Covid-19, but other diseases too …and it will require a very dramatic change in the strategies to help the vaccinees–and my heart goes out to them–because they will need extensive treatment in many cases...

… Boosting them–which means giving them a third dose– is absolutely insane, because what it will do, is increase the immune pressure of the vaccinal antibodies, on their innate immunity. So boosting is absolute nonsense; it is dangerous and should not be done….

So, what does the science tell us? It tells us that it’s innate immunity that will protect us, not the vaccine.” (“Geert Vanden Bossche on Vaccines and the suppression of innate immunity”, Rumble)

So, we now know that– along with the blood clots, the bleeding, the heart attacks, the strokes, the vascular and neurological diseases– the vaccine is also designed to eviscerate the system that protects us from illness and death, the immune system. How steeped in denial one must be not to see the evil that is now among us.

Also see: Dr. Nathan Thompson– The Covid Vaccine induces Autoimmunity, Odysee’s-Immune-System-After-the-2nd-Jab:d

And this:  Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS): ‘We should anticipate seeing this immune erosion more widely'” Americas Frontline Doctors





Scientists have known for years that measles can alter the immune system – but the latest evidence suggests it's less of a mild tweaking, and more of a total reset.


It was late at night on 15 November 2019, on the Samoan island of Upolu – a tiny jade-green splodge in the Pacific Ocean, somewhere between Hawaii and New Zealand. Government officials were rushing to attend a meeting in the sleepy harbourside capital to discuss an urgent public health issue. By the end of the evening they had declared a state of emergency, with immediate effect. 

Three months earlier, a member of the public had developed a characteristic red-brown blotchy rash after arriving on a flight from New Zealand, where there was an ongoing measles epidemic. They were swiftly diagnosed as a "suspected" case, but no further action was taken.

By 2 October, another seven measles cases had materialised. Schools – ideal environments for the virus to spread among its preferred victims – continued as normal, with the small concession that prize-giving ceremonies were banned. Even then, some ignored this. Just over a month later, the outbreak had spiralled to alarming proportions – with 716 people infected, out of a total population of around 197,000

But with the new state of emergency in place, the country radically stepped up its efforts to halt the spread. Schools and businesses closed. Workers abandoned their offices. Residents were advised to stay in their homes. In a sinister echo of the red crosses marked on doors during medieval plague outbreaks, red flags popped up outside the homes of unvaccinated families across the country, draped on bushes, tied to columns and hung from trees. This allowed doctors to go house to house, administering compulsory vaccinations to those who needed them. Otherwise, Samoa became a ghost island – with empty roads and cancelled flights.

Eventually infections slowed, and the state of emergency ended on 28 December 2019. In all, 5,667 people were infected – including 8% of the population under 15 years old. Of those, 81 died, including three children from the same family.

The epidemic was over – but the virus hadn't necessarily taken its last victim. 

Enter "immune amnesia", a mysterious phenomenon that's been with us for millennia, though it was only discovered in 2012. Essentially, when you're infected with measles, your immune system abruptly forgets every pathogen it's ever encountered before – every cold, every bout of flu, every exposure to bacteria or viruses in the environment, every vaccination. The loss is near-total and permanent. Once the measles infection is over, current evidence suggests that your body has to re-learn what's good and what's bad almost from scratch.  






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Now, a question…: Are the mRNA vaccines designed to (or accidentally) induce immune system memory loss in varied ways — which would create the demand FOR MORE VACCINES against other diseases?… It’s a fair question, to which the answer might be known or unknown to researchers and Big Pharma, but the doubt is kept from the view of politicians and of the public at large…


Meanwhile questioning the official narrative (which is wonky and a bit fascist) is necessary. Accidental, deliberate or coincidental Covid-19 infection?… See what happens next… My personal view is that the KIDS SHOULD NOT BE VACCINED, but the old foggies should. 



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mouse bite...

Authorities in Taiwan are conducting an investigation over a laboratory employee testing positive for Covid after being bitten by coronavirus-infected mice. It marked the island’s first reported case in weeks.


The woman, who worked at Academia Sinica, Taiwan’s top research institute, came down with Covid last month. Health authorities confirmed that she had been bitten twice by mice infected with the coronavirus. It is still not known beyond a reasonable doubt that the lab employee was infected through those bites. Yet, the country’s health minister, Chen Shih-chung, is quoted as saying that the “possibility of infection from the workplace is higher because we have zero confirmed infections in the community.”


The woman in question had no recent travel history and, besides, had been inoculated with Moderna’s Covid vaccine, according to reports. On top of that, the lab she worked at is said to maintain a very high bio-safety security level. Close to 100 people who have been in contact with the infected lab employee have been placed in quarantine.

Taiwan, with over 23 million people, has one of the lowest Covid infection rates, thanks to it being completely sea-locked and authorities putting in place strict lockdowns early on during the pandemic. To date, Taiwan has recorded only 16,704 Covid infections and a total of 848 deaths – figures which stand in stark contrast to the grim statistics from most other regions.

Cats and dogs have often been reported to catch the disease from their owners. In a recent case in Belgium, two hippos at the Antwerp Zoo also tested positive. The good news, though, is that animals tend to fare much better than humans, with no or only mild symptoms. There is no evidence that infected pets can pass Covid on to humans.


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Testing stations and hospital wards in Gauteng, South Africa’s most populous province. A company’s Christmas party in Oslo, Norway, that became a superspreading event. Infection patterns in the United Kingdom.

Scientists are scouring patchy evidence from around the world to better understand Omicron, the new SARS-CoV-2 variant, and what it might mean for the next phase of the pandemic. Three weeks after Omicron was discovered, there are still mostly questions, but a few hints have emerged—some worrisome, others more encouraging.

Researchers are focusing on three key questions: Can Omicron evade immunity from vaccines or previous infections? How transmissible is it? And how much severe disease will it cause?

The most solid clues so far pertain to the first question—and they are not reassuring. The genome alone—with more than 30 mutations in the all-important spike protein—suggested the variant might well be the best yet at dodging our immune defenses. And early data from South Africa seem to confirm that worry: A study posted as a preprint last week that analyzed 35,670 reinfections among nearly 2.8 million positive tests carried out through late November suggested an earlier infection with COVID-19 only offers half as much protection against the new variant as it does against Delta. That’s a sign Omicron is able to escape at least some of the immune system’s defenses, and it suggests COVID-19 vaccines may be less effective against the new variant as well. How big a problem that will become depends on whether vaccinations and previous infections still protect against severe disease, says Justin Lessler, an epidemiologist at the University of North Carolina. Chapel Hill.

Whether Omicron is more transmissible than its predecessors—as both Alpha and Delta were—is harder to judge. Omicron cases in South Africa have risen steeply in the past few weeks, but that could be explained in part by chance or the variant’s ability to infect those who are vaccinated or had a previous infection.

But Jeremy Farrar, head of the Wellcome Trust, sees cause for concern. “The evidence that this is more transmissible is getting stronger every day,” he says. In the United Kingdom, the number of positive polymerase chain reaction tests in which the gene encoding the spike protein cannot be detected (a sign of a likely Omicron infection) is increasing rapidly. In Oslo, a company Christmas party at a restaurant became a superspreading event, with at least 120 people testing positive; 19 cases so far have been confirmed as Omicron. (All attendees were vaccinated and had tested negative before the event.) In Denmark, 53 of 150 high school students who attended a party went on to test positive for Omicron.


“None of this alone tells us that this is more transmissible,” says Kristian Andersen, an infectious disease researcher at Scripps Research. Superspreading events, for instance, have been a hallmark of SARS-CoV-2 from the start. “But Omicron is really rare still, so the fact that we see early cases being associated with superspreading events is quite concerning,” Andersen says.

Early signs that Omicron causes less severe symptoms than previous variants offer some reassurance. Doctors in South Africa are reportedly seeing a larger proportion of mild COVID-19 cases in the hospital than at the start of earlier waves. The number of hospital patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 has been rising rapidly, but that includes “incidental” cases—patients seeking care for other reasons who test positive for the virus as well. Data through 6 December indicate the number who needed oxygen support was lower than in previous waves, suggesting fewer patients are suffering the serious lung damage from COVID-19 that has put so many in the hospital during the pandemic.

But it’s too early to tell whether Omicron is really more benign. Many early cases in South Africa have been linked to a university outbreak and occurred in young people, who are less susceptible to severe disease. Previous infections could also be providing some protection, as could the steadily climbing vaccination rate in South Africa. Or it might simply be too early to see many serious cases, which can take weeks to develop and always make up a small proportion of the total number. “I haven’t seen anything yet that tells me whether this is as severe or less severe, or more severe,” Farrar says. “At the moment, my working assumption is that the clinical syndrome of illness is the same as previous variants.”

If that assumption holds, but the virus spreads more rapidly than Delta, more people would get severely sick in a short time period, which could mean a huge extra burden on health care systems that are already stretched thin—especially in places with low vaccine uptake and low levels of infection-induced immunity.

Even if Omicron causes milder disease, rapid spread could still quickly overwhelm hospitals in many places. “A small percentage of a large number is still a large number,” says genomicist Mads Albertsen of Aalborg University, who serves on a panel advising the Danish government on SARS-CoV-2 variants. And it’s not just about deaths and hospitalizations, says Mary Bushman, an epidemiologist at Harvard. “Part of what we need to think about is whether it’s causing Long Covid,” Bushman says.

More data from countries with different vaccination patterns will soon give a better picture of the threat Omicron poses. Scientists are particularly interested to see whether people who have had a booster shot are better protected.

In the meantime countries are scrambling to slow the variant’s spread, with few signs of success. Bans against travelers from southern Africa are quickly losing their justification now that the virus seems entrenched in dozens of countries. Denmark, which has identified 183 Omicron cases so far, is trying to contain spread by broadening quarantine rules—asking not just people infected with the new variant and their close contacts to isolate, but also the close contacts of close contacts. But the rapid spread already makes that strategy impractical, Albertsen says.

That means it’s down to the standard defenses such as wearing masks, social distancing, vaccination, testing, and isolation for those who test positive. “It’s doing the basics well that matters, whatever the variant is called,” Farrar says. Maria Van Kerkhove, an epidemiologist at the World Health Organization, says countries should pay extra attention to getting all of their vulnerable people fully vaccinated, including the elderly and those with conditions that can worsen COVID-19. “These are the people that governments should be targeting right now,” she says.

Van Kerkhove is exasperated that with Omicron on their doorstep, many countries in the Northern Hemisphere haven’t done enough to control big winter outbreaks of Delta. “We’re not even out of the middle of this pandemic yet,” she says, “and we’re moving in the wrong direction.


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still in the dark...

Health Minister Greg Hunt has reassured Australians that the AstraZeneca vaccine still has strong results against serious illness and death from the Omicron COVID variant, despite a British study warning it has “no protective effect” against the virulent new strain.

It comes as the federal government prepares to reopen international borders to foreign workers and students on Wednesday, following a two-week pause on the plan as the Omicron variant emerged.

“The advice continues to be that all of our vaccines provide strong, clear protection against serious illness, hospitalisation and loss of life. That is a very important point,” Mr Hunt said on Monday.


“The evidence on transmissibility, that’s under consideration.


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Personally, I would not get an mRNA booster... (read from top). The AstraZeneca vaccine should still be made available BUT...


If you read in between the lines and the cracks in the floor, Big Pharma does not make much profits on AstraZeneca vaccine... This is why they are pushing the mRNA "vaccines". I place "vaccines" between quote marks in regard to mRNA because IT ISN'T A VACCINE, but an AM (artificially modified) transform of a transcription engine that has existed since the beginning of life. The modification of this mRNA engine tells your cells how to fight Covid-19 but there is a possibility (unknown/known) that this could affect the whole immune system in its fight against other diseases, including benign viruses that could thus become virulent...

This is what I explain in simple terms in the article at top: Your cells become pianists extraordinaire, but forget to do bricklaying... Think about it...




Australia will set up its own mRNA vaccine manufacturing facility to help the country prepare for future pandemics.

The facility will be built in Victoria as part of a partnership between the federal and state governments as well as vaccine manufacturer Moderna.

It’s expected the facility could produce as many as 100 million vaccines each year from 2024.


Prime Minister Scott Morrison, who will announce the mRNA vaccine facility on Tuesday, said it would help the country be prepared should there be another pandemic.

“This investment will continue to secure Australia’s future economic prosperity while protecting lives by providing access to world-leading mRNA vaccines made on Australian soil,” Mr Morrison said.

“The new mRNA manufacturing facility in Victoria will produce respiratory vaccines for potential future pandemics and seasonal health issues such as the common flu.”

While Australia has been able to manufacture its own COVID-19 vaccines during the pandemic, such as AstraZeneca, it has not been able to make the newer mRNA vaccines.

The country’s amount of mRNA vaccines – such as Moderna and Pfizer – has been reliant on supplies from overseas during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The mRNA facility will be able to make COVID-19 vaccines as well as other vaccines that use the technology once they have been approved by the country’s medical regulator.

Finance Minister Simon Birmingham said the new facility would also play a leading role in medical research.

“This investment will mean world-leading clinical trials, a strong local workforce and creating opportunities through supply chain activities,” he said.


The federal government is also set to invest $25 million in the next financial year to help researchers conduct clinical trials of mRNA vaccines.

It comes as Victorian scientists created Australia’s first mRNA vaccine last month.

Researchers at Monash University developed the vaccine during a five-month period, and are now conducting clinical trials.


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vax ad infinitum...


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By Kit Knightly


Yesterday, in a statement to Parliament on the UK’s planned “vaccine passport”, Health Secretary Sajid Javid admitted the NHS Pass would require three shots for you to be considered “fully vaccinated”.

“Once all adults have had a reasonable chance to get their booster jab, we intend to change this exemption to require a booster dose,”

While many of us predicted this would be the case, it is the first time any British politician has actually said it out loud, and in front of parliament too.

This incredibly cynical “evolving definition” of “fully vaccinated” is not a new phenomenon, and is not isolated to the UK either.

Israel changed their definition of “fully vaccinated” to include the booster months ago. New Zealand’s ministry of health is “considering” doing the same, as is Australia.

The EU isn’t far behind either, with proposals in place to make travel dependent on having a third dose.

The US hasn’t formally adopted a new definition yet, but you’d have to be blind not to see the signs. Just yesterday the LA Times headlined:

Should the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ be changed to include a booster shot?

An article on Kaiser Health News asks the same thing.

Tony Fauci is quoted in the Independent as saying it’s only a matter of time before the definition is updated:

“It’s going to be a matter of when, not if” getting a booster shot will be considered being “fully vaccinated,” Dr Fauci said.

Opinion pieces are already appearing asking is it safe to hangout with the unboosted”? (This headline was so unpopular, the Atlantic changed it only a couple of hours after it was published).

All in all it seems pretty clear that, by the time 2022 rolls around, most of the Western world will require three shots in order to qualify as “fully vaccinated”.

It’s also clear that this won’t stop at three. Already, just last week, Pfizer were claiming they may need to “move up the timeline” for a fourthvaccine dose.

This change is being blamed on Omicron, with articles warning the “new variant” can “hit” the vaccinated. Fortune reports:

Omicron is making scientists redefine what it means to be ‘fully vaccinated’ against COVID

So, the third (and maybe fourth) doses are (allegedly) for Omicron…but that model can extend to perpetuity. In order to go to five, six or seven they’ll only need to “discover” more “new variants”.

It will just keep going and going.

But there is good news in all this, every time the powers-that-shouldn’t-be change the rules in the middle of the game, it’s a chance to knock people out of their media-induced hypnosis.

There are promising signs that millions of already-vaccinated will reject the booster. We can build on that.

So tell your single and double jabbed friends, try to open their eyes to the path they are starting down.

They may consider themselves “fully vaccinated”, but the government doesn’t, and never will.









don't catch any...



The combination of the Delta and Omicron Covid variants, which may result from a person contracting both at the same time, could create a new, more dangerous strain, Moderna’s chief medical officer Paul Burton has warned.


Talking to the House of Commons Technologies and Science Committee members on Tuesday, Burton said that simultaneously contracting the two variants “certainly gives an opportunity for the two viruses to, what we call, recombinate,” which means that they could begin to “share genes and to swap genes over.”

The danger of this happening is particularly high in immunocompromised people, Burton said. When asked if the combination of the two strains could lead to worse Covid-19 symptoms than usual, Burton said that “it certainly could.”


He added that in the current situation, with Omicron spreading so rapidly, and given the high number of the Delta infections, “it is really important to think about it.”

Burton was not the only scientist to offer a warning on the potential Delta-Omicron combination. On Wednesday, Aleksandr Semyonov, head of Russia’s Vector virology research center’s branch in the city of Ekaterinburg, said there exists a possibility of a person catching two strains of a virus at the same time.

This, however, is a “rather rare phenomenon,” Semyonov told RIA Novosti news agency.

“Various virus mutations affect different organs in different ways,” he added.

No major outbreak is known to have resulted from recombination events so far in the pandemic. In one widely reported case, a 90-year-old unvaccinated woman in Belgium died in March after simultaneously catching the Alfa and Beta variants.


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resistance to infection…

 the beginning of the pandemic, researchers at University College London recruited a large cohort of London-based healthcare staff for their COVIDsortium study. All of the volunteers were probably exposed to SARS-CoV-2 during their jobs. Their test results were monitored thoroughly. At the end of the trial, about 20 per cent of the healthcare staff showed signs of a clear-cut COVID infection, whilst 65 per cent had patently not been infected.

But most interesting was the remaining 15 per cent. Members of this third group appeared to have experienced low-level “abortive infections”, not picked up on PCR tests. They didn’t have COVID antibodies in their blood, but they had a much higher T-cell count than average, with particularly high levels of the specific T-cell known to combat COVID. Essentially, their T-cells had nipped the virus in the bud before it ever got the chance to set up camp inside their bodies. It looked as though their immune systems already knew how to fight COVID, even though it was still the early days of the pandemic.


“Those patients didn’t completely resist the infection, but they eliminated it so rapidly that it couldn’t be picked up by the standard test,” says Mala Maini, a professor of viral immunology at University College London, and co-author of the study.

Here was clear evidence that some people may be naturally immune to COVID. Altmann, who was not involved in the study, says the results look “convincing”.

Did a cold give them immunity or their DNA?

But what explains this natural immunity? The most likely theory is that these people’s immune systems had already been exposed to similar viruses, years or decades earlier. SARS-CoV-2 is one of a family of seven human coronaviruses, most of which cause the common cold. All of these viruses look fairly similar. When your T-cells learn how to fight one, they get better at fighting them all, it is thought.


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Read from top.


ON THE HOP of relating the stories around "vaccination", I have made a few mistakes in regard to the origins of the concept. An interesting documentary has been aired on how vaccination has increased human life span from about 38 years to near 80 years in 2022, mostly in Western countries.

I will elaborate on this subject soon.




living longer...


In recent postings, I have been a bit cavalier about my views on the origins of vaccines. I was wrong, mostly influenced by the European narrative about such. History between "Europe" and the "English hegemony" often differ due to rivalries and who conquered what. So in order to redress my mistake here is a documentary that comes from the English/US point of view.


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