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cormann's road to damascus and other weird things...... Morrison also loses his pin-up girl to what sounds unmistakably like corruption on taped calls, allegedly between the ex-premier and her former paramour. Worse, it’s an ill-timed reminder of the government’s promise of a federal ICAC, impotent, unworkable and now three years’ old. The PM doesn’t want any type of ICAC at all, least of all one with teeth, Rachel Withers notes because most of his government’s ministers would be hauled in to answer to it. Like a squid squirting ink, the Coalition quickly exudes a noxious miasma of lies to discredit the state integrity body and to cloud our view of its own transgressions. It’s “a witch-hunt”, “the Crucible” and “a kangaroo court”. Sleazy peas in a pod, Barnaby Joyce and Maguire chorus, “it’s the Spanish Inquisition” before disturbing the torpor of breakfast TV’s Sunrise, with the bombshell that MPs are “terrified to do their job” a brave, yet sadly gratuitous, attempt to normalize the endemic corruption that infects every level of our politics. Above all, Gladys’ appearance at the ICAC hearing taints the Liberal brand, just when the PM and his minders least want the slightest whiff of corruption. His Crosby-Textor minders are already knee-deep in industrial strength turd polish over The Plan, a campaign pamphlet in search of a climate policy. “The Plan”, a transparent attempt to pollute as usual, whilst hustling gas and coal, attracts hoots of derision from the Old Dart to New York. But it is meant to set up another miracle election win based on Clive Palmer’s money. The campaign’s already begun. Expect heaps of steaming ordure about the Morrison government’s heroic victory over Covid, its net-zero agreement with the Nats and more lies about Labor’s yen to legislate our freedoms away. Raise our taxes. As for carbon emissions – behold- not one but a herd of unicorns – New Technologies, as yet unborn, will gallop to our rescue, avoiding any need for a nasty, carbon tax – whatever Mathias Cormann reckons, now he’s gone all green outside and soft and pink inside, a Watermelon, Leftie Secretary-General of the OECD. After Gladys, Cormann is a second unexploded bomb in the path of the Morrison campaign for re-election. Cormann makes out its always been his view. “I have had a consistent view that in order to be generally effective and publicly supported over the long run you need a globally coordinated approach,” The Cormannator bullshits to Sky News in Rome. Who would have thought? Cormann was once part of Tony Abbott’s “axe the tax” sabotage of Labor’s price on carbon emissions. Since Abbott’s brief but disastrous reign, electricity bills continue to increase while carbon emissions climb. The worst thing is that he and Peta Credlin now admit the whole anti-carbon price campaign was based on the lie that it was a tax. In 2011, Cormann called a carbon tax an expensive hoax. but that was then – this is now. Now he claims, “A consistently applied price on carbon globally could be the most efficient.”
In the NSW ICAC hearing, meanwhile, things take a turn for the worse. Daryl is also a big picture man. Wagga’s population may be a mere 65,000. But, boy, can he talk it up. “Wagga is the centre of the universe, I’ve always said it,” Walter Mitty Maguire tells Berejiklian. “Wagga is going to be the best electorate in the world … keep listening to me and it will be the blazing star of the southern universe. … That’s why we need a stadium, that’s why we need a conservatorium, all the things that Sydney has got.” Is his plan fair to other regional MPs? “Fuck them,” he says, “Wagga’s where it’s going to happen.” Revealing the rotten underbelly; the sheer venality of both Liberal and National politics, above all, WaggaGate, live, steamy, seamy and online, exposes Glad’s extraordinary power to oil the wheels of NSW state bureaucracy. Or strip its gears completely. In two hours in 2018, a then Premier could get her puppet Dominic Perrottet, a treasurer who “just does what I ask him to do” to find $170 million to meet Maguire, her stud-muffin’s needs. She even brags about her capacity to corrupt due process.
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plan "doing-nothing"...
SCOTT MORRISON: Australians don’t have to be punished to achieve net-zero. That’s not our plan, that’s not the Australian way. And our plan, which is the Australian way, our plan to get to net-zero by 2050 gets that balance right. And that’s why I think it’s the right plan for Australia.
- Sunrise, Seven Network, 27 October, 2021
Hello, I’m Paul Barry, welcome to Media Watch.
And to the “Australian way” of cutting greenhouse emissions, with the PM offering a plan to get to net-zero, but with no mandate, no new laws, no new taxes and no change to the way we live:
SCOTT MORRISON: Our plan is a fair plan. It's a practical plan. It's a responsible plan …
This is a good plan …
This is a whole of economy plan …
… it’s an energy, trade and economic plan.
… the same plan …
… a careful plan …
… get the plan right.
- ABC News Channel, 26 October, 2021
It was an impressive barrage by the PM and his energy minister, who hammered the assembled media with the P-word more than 90 times.
And when you repeat a word that often it sticks — especially on the all-important evening news:
MARK FERGUSON: Net-zero by 2050, the Prime Minister unveils his climate plan ...
- Seven News (Sydney), 26 October, 2021
JANICE PETERSEN: The Prime Minister’s pledge, a carbon neutral plan by 2050 that gets the balance right.
- SBS World News, 26 October, 2021
SANDRA SULLY: Tonight, finally the plan to reach net-zero by 2050.
- Ten News First (Sydney), 26 October, 2021
But as Ten’s political editor was soon explaining, the plan was not all it seemed:
SANDRA SULLY: Peter, will this plan guarantee that we’ll actually achieve the net-zero target?
PETER VAN ONSELEN: Will it guarantee it? In a word, no. Maybe give me two words, absolutely not.
- Ten News First (Sydney), 26 October, 2021
In The Conversation, Michelle Grattan said the plan was “built more on politics than detailed policy”.
And on Sky News, Andrew Bolt, who’s never been in the market for a climate plan, compared it to Norman Lindsay’s:
ANDREW BOLT: … The Magic Pudding, starring a pudding called Albert. You could eat all you like of that pudding and, magic, it never got any smaller.
- The Bolt Report, Sky News Australia, 26 October, 2021
Meanwhile back on Sunrise, the PM’s sales pitch was being interrupted with some pesky overseas criticism:
DAVID KOCH: CNN says it’s the weakest climate pledge of any rich country going to Glasgow. The New York Times says this plan is built on hope and little else.
SCOTT MORRISON: Yeah, well I reject all of that.
DAVID KOCH: … even David Attenborough’s having a go at us. Blimey, that’s embarrassing.
SCOTT MORRISON: No it’s not. I’m not embarrassed at one, at all when it comes to doing what’s right by Australia.
- Sunrise, Seven Network, 27 October, 2021
And equally defiant was Tim Wilson, the assistant emissions reduction minister, who went into bat against some hostile questioning on the BBC:
RAZIA IQBAL: … this is political. There isn’t really a commitment to changing your policies on climate action.
TIM WILSON: That’s just false.
RAZIA IQBAL: People who are experts in this field say that these are fanciful assumptions …
TIM WILSON: Well that’s just rubbish.
- BBC World Service, ABC News Radio, 27 October, 2021
And despite the British PM calling ScoMo’s plan “heroic”, Australia was still getting boxed around the ears over the weekend by the UK government’s climate change adviser Lord Deben.
And by former UN climate chief Christiana Figueres:
CHRISTIANA FIGUERES: I struggle to find an adjective that is politically correct … I think what Australia continues to do is so irresponsible.
- AM, ABC News, 1 November, 2021
But with Australia’s plan under attack, and Glasgow’s COP26 at serious risk of failure, the PM at least had some positive press to fall back on.
Because, back home, the newly converted News Corp tabloids reckoned ScoMo’s plan, plan, plan spelt great news for jobs and investment:
Saving climate in the Australian way
- The Daily Telegraph, 1 November, 2021
100,000 jobs will make zero a hero
- Herald Sun, 27 October, 2021
Climate blueprint promises both jobs growth and cap on power prices
- The Courier-Mail, 27 October, 2021
Never mind if it’s still pie in the sky.
News Corp’s front pages are now on side and looking for the positive. And in that sense the government’s plan is already delivering.
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horsing around with hero zero...traitor..
Glasgow: Former Australian finance minister Mathias Cormann is urging world leaders to axe costly taxpayer-funded fossil fuel subsidies, as the Glasgow climate summit’s goal of “consigning coal to history” was undermined by a watered-down deal which key countries refused to sign.
Cormann, who has embarked on a green pivot since his election as secretary-general of the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, said winding back subsidies would be “difficult and sensitive” but crucial to neutralising carbon emissions by 2050.
“Governments should remove distortions that divert investment away from the transition to net zero,” he told the COP26 talks on Thursday local-time.
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When Cormann was in bed with Morrison, with Abbott and with Turnbull, running the Australian finances, he never said boo to the subsidies on fossil fuel... These subsidies were his ticket to stay in government and help Morrison, Abbott and Turnbull stay in power — doing many other unsavoury fiddles with his mate, Joe Hockey... So for many years, Cormann was a traitor the global warming solutions — smoking cigars... Pity. Now, Cormann is a "convert"... Let's hope he's not a CONvert... An opportunist actor for cash, though this would not make a dif...