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awaiting the final polish of la brosse à reluire...
President Emmanuel Macron of the French Republic and President Joe Biden of the United States of America spoke on September 22, at the request of the latter, in order to discuss the implications of the announcement on September 15. The two leaders agreed that the situation would have benefited from open consultations among allies on matters of strategic interest to France and our European partners. President Biden conveyed his ongoing commitment in that regard. The two leaders have decided to open a process of in-depth consultations, aimed at creating the conditions for ensuring confidence and proposing concrete measures toward common objectives. They will meet in Europe at the end of October in order to reach shared understandings and maintain momentum in this process. President Emmanuel Macron has decided that the French Ambassador will return to Washington next week. He will then start intensive work with senior US officials. President Biden reaffirms the strategic importance of French and European engagement in the Indo-Pacific region, including in the framework of the European Union’s recently published strategy for the Indo-Pacific. The United States also recognizes the importance of a stronger and more capable European defense, that contributes positively to transatlantic and global security and is complementary to NATO. In the framework of their joint fight against terrorism, the United States commits to reinforcing its support to counter-terrorism operations in the Sahel conducted by European states.
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jihad in the sahel...
For Sébastien Boussois, a researcher specializing in the Middle East, the failure of the French military operation in the Sahel is obvious, insofar as jihadism is far from having been eradicated in the region.
The US withdrawal from Afghanistan, after 20 years of securing and attempting to build a viable state, has unfortunately brought nothing new to light. Since 1945, the world's policeman has not been able to win a war abroad, in distant lands, nor to impose his political model. Much the same is true for other Western powers like France. Its presence in the Sahel, in the three border area, as part of Operation Barkhane unfortunately seems doomed from the start. The Ministry of Defense specifies the initial objectives of the French presence in the region as follows: "France's Sahelian strategy aims for partner states to acquire the capacity to ensure their security independently. It is based on a comprehensive approach (political, security and development) whose military component is supported by Operation Barkhane, led by the French armies. "
Jihadism in the Sahel is more present than ever, even if it was partly contained Of course, but the death of a new French soldier yesterday, after that barely three weeks ago of Maxime Blaxo, who had greatly moved the This opinion puts the legitimacy and meaning of these operations on the spot back to the forefront, while since 2013, 57 soldiers have been killed in the Sahel. Marshal des Logis, Adrien Quélin, died at the age of 29 “by accident” we are told on the French military base in Timbuktu. Can we still speak of an accident when Operation Barkhane is increasingly contested in France and Paris is torn between leaving and staying? In both cases, alas, the failure is obvious because jihadism in the Sahel is more present than ever, even if it has been partly contained, but more invigorated than ever, pushed by states that are bankrupt or too weak to resist. their inexorable push. In his book A Lost War, France in the Sahel (1), Marc-Antoine Pérouse de Montclos perfectly sums up the origins of the operation: "January 2013: the French army intervenes in Mali. This is his biggest foreign military operation since the Algerian war. François Hollande had however announced that France would not intervene. The original aim was only to support a possible United Nations peace operation to restore order. But after the capture by the jihadists of Timbuktu, Gao, Kidal, we must act otherwise, they say, [after the French departure], Bamako could fall.
All "Sahelistan" would be in the hands of madmen of God ". Left to its own devices, France then found itself in its traditional geopolitical backyard in Africa to try to contain the jihadist hydra in vain. And it is now clear that the day Paris flees, as Washington did from Kabul, Bamako will fall like the string of strategic towns in the area. This is inevitable as Islamist determination is self-sustaining precisely with a Western presence and resistance to the regional order that these jihadists intend to impose in the long term.
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alternative french energy visions...
French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has vowed to end all subsidies for renewable energy and tear down all France’s wind turbines, if she is elected the country’s next President. The far-right National Front, recently renamed the National Rally, or Rassemblement National, is better known outside of France for its anti-immigration stance, and is led […]
The post France far right candidate Marine Le Pen vows to tear down country’s wind turbines appeared first on RenewEconomy.
At a meeting in Reims, Jean-Luc Mélenchon shared his nuclear projects. The presidential candidate explains wanting to close “all nuclear reactors” if he were to win the 2022 presidential election. Jean-Luc Mélenchon does he want to walk on the dishes of Europe ecology - The Greens ( EELV)?
In any case, the presidential candidate says he is ready to close “all French nuclear reactors” if he is elected. On October 17, Jean-Luc Mélenchon was in Reims to deliver the closing speech of the Popular Union Convention in front of 2,000 people. Objective, "to bring together all those who could have been embarrassed to give the impression of rallying the rebellious movement, but who will be able to find their place here”.
In a speech that lasted a little less than two hours, he spoke in particular about the future of the French nuclear industry. “The President proposes to put nuclear power stations everywhere in the form of mini reactors. They represent a serious threat to our security with climate change. When we are elected, we will close all the power plants. ”# / lC7O5jzI7a— Jean-Luc Mélenchon (@JLMelenchon) October 17, 2021
The president of the group La France insoumise explained that he wanted to close“ all the nuclear reactors of this country, because they put us in danger, because we are not independent because uranium does not exist in France, because the price is higher than what you are told, because the waste management is never counted in the cost price ”.
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And with these capers, Macron will get re-elected...