Sunday 19th of January 2025

surviving the mueller inquisition...


Gus is a rabid atheist. Gus "has a soft spot for Roger Stone." This is to say that Gus thinks Stone was badly treated by the Mueller inquisition. Stone may have told a few embellished stories, but his main sin was that he worked from Trump. He was charged for an obscure misdemeanour that would not even attract a parking fine and Stone got 40 months of prison for it.

The system did not like Trump, but it could not get at him and despite the noise, the system still cant. The "system" is the gigantic mechanism of the US Empire. Trump was shutting the system down. Trump tried anyway without success, and even if Biden has now exited the US out of Afghanistan, the system has branched into another money making military venture: AUKUS or as some people call it F**KUS...

Roger Stone is a committed Catholic who got rescued from his "darkest hours" by methodist priests or such. We get the spiel from CP...:


Since the 1970s, Stone has established himself as a fixture in American politics. A conservative political consultant, he worked on the presidential campaigns of a slew of Republican politicians, including Presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, Congressman Jack Kemp of New York, who was the vice presidential nominee with Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas in 1996, and Presidents George W. Bush and lastly, Trump.

He’s also one of the most colorful figures in politics, known for his flashy fashion and bold interview style — and the Nixon tattoo on his back. He was even the subject of a 2017 Netflix documentary, “Get Me Roger Stone.”

Though raised in a Catholic home, The New York Times bestselling author acknowledged he fell away from the faith he was raised in for many years, despite maintaining respect for Christianity and its adherents. 

It was the “manufactured nonsense” and “outrageous” claims perpetuated by the corporate media — “the truth never comes out no matter how concisely you prove it,” he said — coupled with the extraordinary commuting of his prison sentence that compelled him to confess his sins, re-affirm his faith, and seek out God’s calling on his life.

“I'm a warrior,” he said. “I was saved; I was spared for a purpose. God spared me for some greater purpose. He has, I believe, some mission for me, perhaps some last mission. So I'm open to God's Word.”

Stone credits the influence of the late evangelist Billy Graham and his son, Franklin Graham, for playing a key role in his faith journey. He recalled attending a Billy Graham crusade in Bridgeport, Connecticut, as a young man and being struck by the evangelist’s “effectiveness as a speaker.”

“He was truly one of the greatest men of that century, the 20th century. He was that powerful moral force; he was that compelling speaker,” Stone said of the famed evangelist.

Later, the elder Graham gifted a signed Bible to Stone, something he still treasures. Many years later, it was Franklin Graham, Stone shared, who “more than any other figure” taught him he could be truly free if he chose to “walk in God’s way.”

“I have huge respect for both father and son,” Stone said. “I don't agree with either one of them about everything, obviously. But fundamentally, the important thing is we believe in the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We believe in the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Stone said he has no illusions about the fact that many — particularly the “liberal elites” — will label his conversion a “fake” and “bid for public sympathy.” But he dismisses such accusations. 

“It doesn't matter to me. [God] knows what's in your heart. There's no fooling God,” he said. 

Though it was Baptist pastors who brought him back to Jesus, Stone said he’ll stay in the Catholic Church despite holding the belief that Pope Francis is a “communist” and disagreeing with the pontiff's political views.

“His left-wing views, I think, are harmful to the Church. That's just my personal view. I'd rather stay and try to reform my own Church than join some other Christian sect,” he said. 

When it comes to how Christians should vote, Stone stressed that “Jesus is neither a Republican nor a Democrat.” He noted that former Presidents John F. Kennedy and Harry Truman, both Democrats, were both “righteous men.” 

Yet, Stone maintains that the “old, anti-communist tradition within the Democratic Party no longer exists,” adding: “Therefore, you have a party now dominated by the ideas of socialism or communism, but at a minimum, authoritarianism. Authoritarianism does not recognize the Lord. Authoritarianism does not allow the free practice of the religion of our choice.”

“Not all Democrats are evil and corrupt, just the vast majority of them,” he added. 

Rather than focusing on Republicans versus Democrats, Stone advised looking at individuals as “insiders versus outsiders.” He said he believes the country is facing an “epic struggle between good and evil, between dark and light, between the godly and the godless.”

Christians, he said, are without a doubt “outsiders.”

“We’re censored, we’re de-platformed, our communications are controlled, our views are ridiculed as archaic fairy tales. Elites scoff at us,” Stone said.

“We are now on the outside,” he emphasized. “I urge people to study very carefully, on an individual basis and vote your Christian values. Vote your constitutional values. The Constitution in our form of government is rooted in our belief in Jesus Christ. It's on our money. they'd like to take it off, but so far, they have not been able to do so.”

Though he finds comfort in his faith, Stone’s troubles aren’t over. He continues to face lawsuits while his wife of three decades, Nydia, is battling stage four cancer. He’s launched a “Family Support Fund” that allows his supporters to donate to him and his wife to cover their “rent, food, medical expenses, insurance, gasoline, and the most basic of living expenses.”

“I can't imagine being on this planet without my wife. She was my rock; she was the one who, in the darkest days of my ordeal, said, ‘Keep faith in the Lord, the Lord will deliver you. The Lord will surely not abandon you. And she was right,” he said.

When it comes to those who have tried to destroy his life and wellbeing, Stone said he prays “they get enlightened about the falsity of what they're saying about me.”

Still, he takes “great comfort” in Hebrews 10:30, which reads: “For we know Him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”

“All of those who have tried to bury me and my wife, all of those who have tried to destroy us for political motives, not because we did something wrong, but for ideological and political motives, the Lord will take care of them in due time. Justice will come to them. It's no longer something I have to worry about,” Stone said.

“They have a far more powerful and all-knowing problem. Jesus Christ our Lord.”


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Gus Leonisky is a rabid atheist. 


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dirty tricks...

A federal grand jury on Thursday handed up an indictment requested by special counsel John Durham — and it’s fresh proof that the entire Russiagate “scandal” was manufactured by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Durham, the federal prosecutor tasked with investigating the origins of the investigation, is targeting lawyer Michael Sussmann for lying about his client when he met with an agent to share dubious suspicions of a link between the Trump Organization and Kremlin-connected Alfa Bank.

The FBI later disproved the claim during the endless Russiagate investigation, as special counsel Robert Mueller’s team found itself unable to verify anything from the much-hyped allegations after two years of work.

Sussmann’s in trouble because he told the agent he had no client in the matter, then later in a 2017 deposition told Congress he did it on behalf of an unnamed client and cybersecurity expert. Sussmann wasn’t on that account — but his firm, Perkins Coie, reportedly billed his hours working on Alfa Bank to the Clinton campaign.

Again, the entire Russiagate scare was launched by the Clintonites, who not only paid Perkins Coie to hire the Beltway smear-specialists of Fusion GPS to draw up and promote the Steele allegations but also gossiped about the supposed Trump-Russia conspiracy, prompting allies in and out of government to pass their own hysterical tips in to the bureau.

Fellow travelers in the Obama administration, such as CIA chief John Brennan, also helped fan the flames. Indeed, Team Obama basically turned the gossip (which is all Steele or anyone ever offered) into a solid-seeming case.

But it was all a setup.

Can you imagine the outrage if Republicans had weaponized the FBI and the intel community for political purposes — all on the basis of a lie? It would have launched endless New York Times and Washington Post coverage.

But political party shouldn’t matter — this was an outrageous, crooked dirty tricks campaign. And most of the people involved are getting away with it.


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The House committee investigating the January 6, 2021, insurrection at the US Capitol has issued subpoenas for former Donald Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone and Alex Jones, owner of the right-wing website InfoWars.



The committee announced on Monday it was seeking information from five more people in connection with the storming of the national legislature by Trump's supporters during his final days as president.


“The Select Committee is seeking information about the rallies and subsequent march to the Capitol that escalated into a violent mob attacking the Capitol and threatening our democracy," Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), chair of the committee, said in a Monday news release.


"We need to know who organized, planned, paid for, and received funds related to those events, as well as what communications organizers had with officials in the White House and Congress. We believe the witnesses we subpoenaed today have relevant information and we expect them to cooperate fully with our effort to get answers for the American people about the violence of January 6th," he added.


According to the release, Stone was slated to speak at the "Stop the Steal" rally outside the White House hosted by Trump that immediately preceded the attack on the Capitol, and "promoted his attendance at the rallies and solicited support to pay for security" through a website. It also says that a member of the Oath Keeper militia who reportedly served as part of Stone's security entourage in Washington, DC, has already been indicted, and adds that "Mr. Stone has made remarks that he was planning to 'lead a march to the Capitol' from the Ellipse rally."


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The Democrats are vengeful idiots... Drop it...





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