Saturday 18th of January 2025

little george never understood reality...


Brown University - which for twenty years has been tracking the human and financial cost of the “war without end” or “war on terror” - has drawn up the following provisional results:

 The general human cost (excluding missing persons) is estimated to be between 897,000 and 929,000 fatal casualties. This figure only reflects human losses in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria and Yemen. At least 120,000 people killed in Libya should be added.

 The financial cost incurred by the United States alone is in the vicinity of $ 8,049,000,000. To these 8 billion dollars, funded by US taxpayers, should be added several hundred billion siphoned off Afghan, Iraqi, Libyan, Syrian and Yemeni taxpayers whose countries have mostly been left as just a pile in ruins.

The “war without end” is purported to eliminate terrorism. However, since it was launched by President George W. Bush (photo), terrorist operations have never been so numerous and vicious. We even witnessed the rise of a terrorist country: the Islamic State (Emirate) of Iraq and Syria. If we accept the official rhetoric, then we must conclude that this carnage has served no purpose.


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Note: it is likely that the personnel in colored uniforms are impersonating Teletubbies... still a George W Bush favorite show.



our hubris lost the war...

Afghanistan war neocons like George W. Bush would like you to know this isn't their fault


Neoconservatives are directly responsible for the failures of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. But to be fair, America’s imperial overreach was brought to you by bipartisan consensus. 

The neoconservatives who launched the war in Afghanistan would very much like you to know the war’s ignominious ending is someone else's fault.

In The Atlantic, Tom Nichols wrote a piece titled, “Afghanistan Is Your Fault,” saying the loss of the war should be blamed on American voters. Former Bush administration speechwriter David Frum said we could have won the war in Afghanistan with this one little trick (namely killing Osama bin Laden in December 2001 instead of May 2011). Eliot A. Cohen — a founder of the infamous neoconservative group Project for the New American Century — said now was a time for “for meticulous soul-searching” that is “without recrimination.”

But very few people in American history are as due for recriminations as the neoconservative cabal in then-President George W. Bush's administration who drove us heedlessly into decadeslong conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. Sober analysts at the time made clear that remaking Iraq and the “graveyard of empires” into Western-friendly, capitalist, liberal democracies was a fool’s errand.


As we evaluate the failures of those efforts today, we must recognize the problem was not in the execution of the wars, or the withdrawals, but in the very idea of committing American lives and wealth to forcibly “rebuilding” nations across the globe to fit neoconservatives' vision of society. Their hubris and greed cost us trillions of dollars and thousands of lives — and did more to diminish American power than our stated adversaries ever could.

While neoconservatives claim to be motivated by a commitment to promoting liberal democracy abroad, their push for war and empire was justified through lies and deception. And that played a huge part in undermining the stability of liberal democracy here at home.



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mission accomplished...





















see also: military malcontents...


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